Family Planning

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FAMILY PLANNING signs of ovulation such as

Natural family Planning Mittelschmerz(midcycle abdominal pain)

 Refraining from sexual relations, most LACTATION AMENORRHEA
effective wat to prevent STI’s  When a woman is breastfeeding, there is a
 Has the highest failure rate natural suppression of both ovulation and
 Couple abstain from coitus on the days of a  Has a failure rate of 1% to 5% if an infant
menstrual cycle when the woman is most is:
likely to concieve such as during ovulation  Under 6 months of age
 Ovulation occur 14 days before the 1st  Being totally breastfed atleast
menses every 4hrs during the day, and
 Document six menstrual cycles every 6 hours during the night.
 Subtract 18 from the shortest cycle  Menses has not returned
she documented and this will predicts  Exclusively breastfeeding
her 1st fertile day
 Subtract 11 from the longest cyles she Hormonal Contraception
documented and this will predicts her Combination Oral Contraceptives
last fertile day  Not effective for the 1st 7 days, so take
Example: Shortest cycle is 25--- 25 - 18= 7 another contraceptive during the 1st 7 days
Longest cycle is 29----- 29 - 11= 18 that they take pills.
 28 pills= 21 active pills + 7 placebo
pills( menstrual flow)
 if your miss two consecutive active pills,
take two pills as soon as you remember
and two pills again the following day.
 If miss 3 or more pills in a row, throw out
the rest of the pack and start a new pack.
 Side effects of Pills
Ovulation  Nausea
Abstinence  Weight gain
Menstrual flow  Headache
BASAL BODY TEMPERATURE  Breast tenderness
 Recommended to combined with calendar  Breakthrough bleeding(spotting
method outside menstrual period)
 Take body temperature each morning after  Mild hypertension
waking up or before taking any activity.  Depression
 BEFORE ovulation, the body temperature  Monilial vaginal infections
FALLS about 0.5 F due to low level of Mini Pills
progesteroen, and high level of estrogen.  Cotaining only Progestins
 AT THE TIME OF OVULATION, the body  Progesterone thickens cervical mucus and
temperature RISES about 1F because of helps prevent sperm entry into uterine
the influence of high level proegesterone. cervix.
Refrains from having coitus for at least 4  Without estrogen, the ovulation may
days. occur, but fertilization and implantation
CERVICAL MUCUS METHOD “Spinkerbiet” will not take place
 BEFORE ovulation, cervical mucus is thick,  Disadvantage: Causing more breakthrough
does not strech when pulled between the bleeding than combination pills
thumb and fingers, and increases Morning Pills
 AT THE OVULATION, cervical mucus is  Emergency postcoital pills, used after
copious, thin, watery, slippery, and unprotected sexual intercourse
stretches at least 1inch before strand  It is take within 72 hrs of unprotected
breaks “spinnbarkeit” coitus to prevent pregnancy(levonogestrel)
SYMPTOTHERMAL METHOD or as late as 120 hrs of unprotected
 Birth control combines the cervical mucus sex(ulipristal acetate”ella)
and body temperatue methods and other Two types of emergency contraceptives:
 High-dose of progestin based pills. It Side effects
inhibits the ovulation and interfering  Heavier than usual menstraul flow
w/fertilization by slowing the transport of  Experience Dysmenorrhea
sperm  Spotting or uterine cramping
 Insertion of coppper IUD. It slow/prevent  Place woman at risk for pelvic
sperm transport inflammatory disease
Transdermal Route Contraindications
 Patches slowly but continiously release a  Woman whose uterus is distorted
combination of estrogen and progesterone  Woman have dysmenorrhea or
 Applied each week for 3 weeks on upper menorrhagia or ectopic pregnancy
arm or torso or abdomen or buttock  Woman with increased risk for contracting
 Patch free= menstrual flow will occur STI’s
Vaginal ring “ NuvaRing”  Woman withVulvar Heart disease
 Silicone ring surrounds the cervix and
release combination of estrogen and Barrier methods
progesterone Diaphragm
 Inserted vaginally and left in place for 3  Circular rubber disk that is placed over
weeks, then remove for 1 week(menstrual cervix
bleeding occurs)  Should be wear 2hrs bebfore coitus and
Implants remain 6hrs after coitus or may be left for
 etonogestrel implant (Nexplanon) as long as 24hrs.
embeded just under the skin on the  WIth use of spermicide, failure rate is 6%
inside of the upper arm where it will to 18%
slowly release progestin over a period of Proper insertion of diaphragm
3 years  Apply spermicide jelly or cream to the rim
 renewed every 3 to 5yrs  Pinched between the finger and thumb
 suppress ovulation, thicken cervical  Folded diaphragm is then inseted into the
mucus, and change the endometrium vagina and pushed backward as far it will
lining, making implantation difficult.
*It should feel the cervix to be certain it is
 Inserted during menses or no later than
completely covered by diaphragm
day 7 of menstrual cyle or 6 weeks after
Cervical cups
birth of baby  Soft rubber, shaped like a thimble with a
 Within 2 yrs= Effective 98%-99% thin brim, and fit snugly over the uterine
 Every year minus 1% cervix
Depo Provera Injection  Can be kept in place up to 48hrs, longer
 Intramascularly injection of 150mg of than 48hrs can develop infection>toxic
medrocyprogesterone acetate every shock syndrome
12weeks or 3months  Failure rateof 23 to 35%
 Effective 100% Contraindications
 Adverse effect: Impair glucose tolerace or  Abnormally short or long cervix
increase risk for osteoporsis  History of toxic shock syndrome
Intrauterine Device “IUD”  Current abnormla pap smear
 Healthcare provider inserted a Small  Allergy to latex or spermicide
plastic device that is inserted in uterus  History of cevrical infection or cancer
through vagina. Male condom
 Prevent Fertilization and implamantation  Latex rubber or synthetic sheath is placed
through: over the erect penis before coitus to trap
 Local inflammatory response sperm
 Local production of prostaglandin  Failure rate of 5% to 15% due to breakage
 Immobalize the sperms as they or spillage
pass through uterus  Protect against STI’s or HIV
 Failure rate of 0.1% Female Condom
Copper T380(ParaGard): T-shaped plastic device  Sheath made of latex or polyurethane,
wound with copper. It last for 10 yrs prelubricated with spermicide
Levonogestrel-releasing IUD(Mirena): It  Failure rate of 5 to 15%
contains progestin which last for 5 years.  Protect against STI’s or HIV
*maleand female condom should not be used
Permanent Contraception”Irreversible”
 Sterilization of women include removal of
uterus(hysterectomy) or ovaries
(oophorectomy) or where fallopian
tube(isthmus) is occluded by cautery,
crushing or clamping or blocking, thereby
preventing passage of both sperm and ova
 Fimbriectomy, or removal of the fimbria at
the distal end of tubes
 Best tiem to perform is after delivery
because uterus is found in the abdominal
 99.5% effective
 Small incision or puncture wound is made
on each side of scortum. Vas deferens at
that point is cut tied, cauterized, blocking
the passage of spermatozoa.
 Spermatozoa in vas deferens remain viable
as long as 6months
 Consume sexual intercourse within 1 week
 Add another birth control until Two
negative sperm reports, requiring 10-20
* Contraindication to Breastfeeding:
 Pills that contain estrogen, because
estrogen shuts down prolactin
*Depo-provera is ok for breastfeeding

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