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Department of Education

Region X
Division of Bukidnon
Busco, Butong, Quezon, Bukidnon
S.Y. 2023-2024

NAME: ____________________________GRADE & SECTION: _________________ SCORE: _______________

I. MULTIPLE CHOICE: Read each item carefully and write your answer on the space provided.
_______1. What does the acronym "MAPEH" stand for?
a. music, arts, physical education, and health
b. movement, arts, performance, and exercise
c. modern, activities, physical endurance, and hygiene
d. music, athletics, personal enhancement, and history
_______2. What is the primary focus of the "Physical Education" component in MAPEH?
a. exploring various musical instruments
b. studying the history of different cultures
c. learning about famous artists and their works
d. developing physical fitness, skills, and sportsmanship
_______3. What is the primary reason for emphasizing the significance of studying the background and history of sports?
a. t to improve personal physical fitness
b. to learn about different sport equipment
c. to understand the rules of modern sports
d. to appreciate the cultural and historical context of sport
_______4. What term refers to factors such as culture, society, and historical events that impact the creation of artwork
and crafts?
a. artistic techniques c. internal emotions
b. external influences d. personal preferences
_______5. Among the choices provided, which one illustrates an instance of an external influence on artwork and crafts?
a. choice of color palette
b. use of specific tools and materials
c. personal creativity and imagination
d. cultural traditions and historical events
_______6. Among the options, what is the central role of internal influences in shaping the design of artwork and crafts?
a. reflecting cultural and historical aspects
b. influencing the color scheme and composition
c. determining the appropriate tool and material
d. guiding an artist's personal emotions and ideas
_______7. Among the options provided, what is the accurate sequence that depicts the stages in the progression?
a. recovery, exposure, transmission,incubation
b. incubation, recovery, transmission, exposure
c. exposure, incubation, transmission, recovery
d. transmission, exposure, incubation, recovery
_______8. What is the specific term used to describe the span between exposure to a pathogen and the emergence ?
a. Infection c. immunity
b. recovery phase d. incubation period
_______9. Which of the following is an example of a communicable disease?
a. asthma c. diabetes
b. tuberculosis d. hypertension
_______10. Among the given options, which one exemplifies a negative short-term impact of cigarette smoking?
a. increased lung capacity c. enhanced oxygen exchange
b. reduced coughing reflex d. irritated airways and coughing
_______11. Among the options provided, what is an enduring consequence of cigarette smoking on the cardiovascular?
a. enhanced oxygen delivery c. improved blood circulation
b. increased risk of heart disease d. temporary increase in heart rate
_______12. What is the lasting impact of cigarette smoking on the skin over an extended period?
a. improved skin elasticity c. reduced risk of wrinkles
b. enhanced collagen production d. premature aging and skin damage
_______13. What is the primary objective of including sports in the MAPEH curriculum?
a. to solely focus on physical fitness
b. to promote competition and rivalry
c. to encourage specialization in a single sport
d. to enhance overall well-being and character development
_______14. How do engaging in team sports contribute to the advancement of an individual's personal development?
a. by solely focusing on physical fitness
b. by promoting competition and rivalry
c. by emphasizing individual achievement above all else
d. by fostering teamwork, communication, and social skill
_______15. What is the significance of comprehending the historical and cultural context of sports in MAPEH?
a. to focus on individual skill development
b. to promote personal health and wellness
c. to emphasize physical fitness and endurance
d. to appreciate the cultural heritage and values associated with sports
_______16. Why is the importance of fair play and sportsmanship emphasized in sports education?
a. to prioritize winning above all else
b. to encourage individual competition
c. to develop skills without considering others
d. to promote ethical behavior, respect, and cooperation in sports
_______17. How does the influence of history affect the process of crafting?
a. by ignoring traditional methods
b. by limiting creativity and innovation
c. by focusing solely on modern techniques
d. by incorporating cultural heritage and evolving techniques
_______18. In the design of a traditional mask, which influence would most likely play a significant role?
a. current fashion trends c. contemporary art movements
b. cultural symbolism and rituals d. historical events of the 20th century
_______19. How do external influences impact the choice of subject matter in artwork?
a. they influence personal emotions
b. they provide materials for crafting
c. they have no impact on subject matter.
d. they guide artists towards universal themes
_______19. Which term refers to the observable changes that indicate the presence of a disease?
a. pathogens c. symptoms
b. incubation d. immunity
_______20. What is the phase in an infection's progression when the body initiate recovery and symptoms diminish?
a. incubation period c. acute stage
b. transmission phase d. recovery phase
_______21. How do signs and symptoms of a communicable disease differ from each other?
a. signs are psychological changes, while symptoms are physical changes.
b. signs are felt by the affected individual, while symptoms are observable by others.
c. signs are the body's response to treatment, while symptoms are the initial manifestations.
d. signs are objective and measurable indications, while symptoms are subjective experiences reported.
_______22. Which part of the body is particularly harmed by smoking and is at an increased risk of developing cancer?
a. liver c. lungs
b. kidneys d. pancreas
_______23. What is a potential long-term effect of smoking on the reproductive system in males?
a. increased fertility c. higher sperm count
b. decreased sperm quality d. deduced risk of erectile dysfunction
_______24. How does smoking impact the sense of taste and smell as time progresses?
a. it has no effect on taste and smell.
b. it enhances both taste and smell sensitivity.
c. it gradually diminishes the ability to taste and smell.
d. it leads to temporary fluctuations in taste and smell.
_______25. What role does sports play in promoting physical health?
a. it has no impact on physical health.
b. it only benefits professional athletes.
c. it is solely focused on artistic expression.
d. it helps improve cardiovascular fitness and muscle strength.
______26. How does the cultural background of a society influence the types of sports practiced?
a. it has no influence on sports choices.
a) culture does not impact sports in any way.
b) sports are solely determined by individual preferences.
c) cultural values, traditions, and geography can shape the choice of sports.
_______27. Which factor distinguishes sports from mere physical activities?
a. physical activities are more strenuous than sports.
b. both terms are synonymous and have no distinction
c. sports involve competition and have established rules.
d. physical activities are always team-based, while sports are individual
_______28. Which factor distinguishes sports from mere physical activities?
a. physical activities are more strenuous than sports
b. both terms are synonymous and have no distinction.
c. sports involve competition and have established rules.
d. physical activities are always team-based, while sports are individual.
_______29. In what way can sports contribute to social development?
a. sports have no impact on social development.
b. social development is unrelated to sports activities
c. they encourage isolation and discourage teamwork
d. sports promote teamwork, leadership, and cooperation.
_______30. Which of the following beliefs about communicable diseases is based on scientific evidence?
a. diseases are caused by evil spirits
b. diseases only affect certain age groups
c. diseases spread through sharing food with an infected person
d. diseases are caused by bacteria, viruses, and other pathogens
_______31. How do scientific explanations differ from superstitious beliefs regarding the spread of diseases?
a. scientific explanations focus on mystical causes, while superstitious beliefs are practical
b. superstitious beliefs are always accurate, while scientific explanations are often speculative
c. scientific explanations are based on evidence and research, while superstitious beliefs are not
d. superstitious beliefs are endorsed by medical professionals, while scientific explanations are not
_______32. How does excessive alcohol consumption within a family impact family dynamics?
a. it often leads to healthier lifestyle choices.
b. it encourages open discussions about addiction.
c. it improves communication and bonding among family members
d. it can strain relationships, cause conflicts, and disrupt family harmony
_______33. Imagine you are tasked with analyzing the consequences of alcohol abuse on a community. What is an
example of a potential economic repercussion that could arise due to alcohol abuse?
a. reduced burden on public resources
b. increased access to healthcare services
c. higher costs for healthcare and social services
d. enhanced community bonding and social activities
_______34. Imagine you are conducting a study on the impacts of alcohol on a community. Among the choices, which
one exemplifies a social consequence of alcohol consumption?
a. strengthened economic growth
b. improved infrastructure and facilities
c. increased access to educational resources
d. disruption of family relationships and social harmony
_______35. Imagine you are a coach designing a sports program. How would you apply your understanding of the
benefits of team sports to create activities that foster leadership, teamwork, and effective communication
among participants, thereby promoting their overall personal development?
a. by excluding participants with diverse skills
b. by focusing solely on individual achievements
c. by emphasizing competition over cooperation
d. by designing collaborative challenges and tasks
_______36. Imagine you are organizing a sports event that celebrates diversity. How would you apply your
understanding of the cultural background of various sports to create an atmosphere where participants and
spectators can deeply appreciate and connect with the traditions, values, and history associated with each sport?
a. by ignoring cultural influences
b. by focusing only on modern aspects
c. by promoting competition without context
d. by incorporating cultural elements and narratives
_______37. Imagine you are advising a crafts person in selecting materials for their project. How would you apply your
knowledge of internal influences to guide them in making choices that align with their artistic vision,
personal preferences, and emotional connections to the craft?
a. by using random materials
b. by solely focusing on practicality
c. by disregarding personal preferences
d. by considering artistic vision and emotional connection
_______38. How would you apply the principle of disease prevention when advising someone who is unwell with
symptoms like fever, cough, and difficulty in breathing, to stay at home and rest, aiming to minimize the
a. by encouraging them to go out and interact with others
b. by suggesting they continue their regular activities
c. by focusing on personal interests despite the symptoms
d. by prioritizing rest and isolation to prevent potential transmission
_______38. Maria is feeling unwell with symptoms of fever, cough, and difficulty breathing. Her friend suggests she
should stay home and rest. What principle of disease prevention is her friend applying?
a. isolation c. quarantine
b. vaccination d. hand washing
_______39. Which of the following practices is an example of primary prevention for communicable diseases?
a. taking antibiotics after getting sick
b. getting a flu shot before flu season
c. covering the mouth while coughing
d. washing hands after using the restroom
_______40. Imagine you are developing a public health campaign to prevent communicable diseases. How would you
apply the concept of primary prevention by choosing a practice that focuses on reducing the risk of initial
exposure and transmission of diseases among the population?
a. promoting early detection and diagnosis
b. providing medical treatment after infection
c. offering supports services for those affected
d. encouraging regular hand washing and hygiene

Prepared by: Checked by: Approved by:


Earth And Life Science Teacher JHS Academic Coordinator

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