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A.O.4. #1

LE HUY VINH – 1852872

Ho Chi Minh City, February 27th, 2022

1. Find out more information about this project on the internet (or from other
sources) and present the started and completed date of this project and enclose
proof(s) or evidence(s).

Tuscany's capital, Pisa, is home to one of the most iconic towers in the world, which is
located in the heart of the city. The Leaning Tower of Pisa is unusual in that it has been
leaning to one side since the Middle Ages, making it a popular tourist attraction. The
cathedral plaza in Pisa has a baptistery and a church in addition to the Leaning Tower.
It draws millions of tourists from all over the globe every year since it was built to
represent Tuscany's riches. Efforts have been undertaken to preserve the tower and
prevent it from toppling during the last two decades. The tower is located behind the
Pisa Cathedral and is the third-oldest structure in the city's Cathedral Square (Piazza del
Duomo), following the cathedral and the Baptistery of Pisa.

The tower is 55.86 meters (183 feet 3 inches) high on the low side and 56.67 meters
(185 feet 11 inches) high on the high side. The base walls are 2.44 meters wide (8 ft 0
in). It is believed to weigh 14,500 tons (16,000 short tons). The tower has 296 or 294
steps; the seventh floor's north-facing stairway has two less steps.

The Tower of Pisa, with its 207 columns arranged around eight stories, resembles a
large wedding cake that has been tipped alarmingly off its axis by a careless big guest.

The Cathedral of Pisa and the Leaning Tower of Pisa are two of the most famous
landmarks in Italy. The leaning Tower of Pisa was originally intended to be a circular
bell tower with a height of 185 feet. It is made entirely of white marble.

The bell chamber is located on the eighth floor of the tower, which has eight stories

The 15 marble arches that span the bottom storey are a highlight. The tower is
surrounded by 30 arches on each of the next six floors.

The bell chamber proper, which has 16 arches, is on the last storey. The spiral staircase
that leads to the top of the tower has 297 steps and is inside the tower.

At its highest point, the Leaning Tower of Pisa is about 17 feet off the vertical.

The tower is also a little bent because of the efforts of many architects to keep it from
leaning even more or falling down.

The tower began to tilt during construction in the 12th century, owing to the soft
ground's inability to hold the structure's weight, and it deteriorated further by the time
building was completed in the 14th century. By 1990, the inclination had increased to
5.5 degrees. Between 1993 and 2001, the structure was stabilized by remedial work that
lowered the inclination to 3.97 degrees.

Figure 1. Overview of Leaning Tower of Pisa in Italy

Figure 2. Construction stage of the Leaning Tower of Pisa in Italy

2. Find out the geology information of the construction area (or neighboring area)
and give comment on the stratigraphic structure of this area and enclose proof(s)
or evidence(s).

The geological context of this tower adds to the layer's chaotic appearance. The tower
was constructed near the coast, and the high – water table resulted in saturated subsoils.
Sedimentation would occur as a result, and the sediment would be deposited on the soil.
Marine species, particularly those with shells, were a component of the estuary deposits.
As those marine creatures piled from the Arno and Serchio rivers on the tower's north
side, the tower's northern base rose taller and higher. This led to the soil's uneven height.

Figure 3. The soil profile of the Leaning Tower of Pisa

Source: M.B. Jamiolkowski. “The leaning tower of Pisa: End of an Odyssey”., Fig. 3 - Leaning Tower of Pisa
- Soil Profile.

Along with geotechnical considerations, it is necessary to evaluate the initial soil

conditions. As seen in the figure below, the distribution of the soil layer was
significantly elevated in boreholes A, B, C, and D. Borehole E also demonstrates that,
despite river sedimentation, bending and sinking of the various soil strata occur in the
soil under the Tower of Pisa. A lot of boreholes were dug in different parts of the city
of Pisa between 1950 and 1953. They were drilled to a depth of 220 m to make sure that
the data from these boreholes was very similar to the subsoil characteristics of the
Tower of Pisa.

Figure 4. Soil sample collected by boreholes

Source: Lo Presti, Diego & Jamiolkowski, Michele & Pepe, M. (2003). Geotechnical characterization
of the subsoil of Pisa Tower. Characterisation and Engineering Properties of Natural Soils. 2. 909-
946, Figure 2. Typical structures of sedimentation in Horizon A (MPW 1971).

Engineers discovered that the soil on the south side of the tower is siltier and more
clayey than on the north side, and the sand layer is thinner. As a result, the capacity of
various soils to hold the weight delivered by the tower varies. According to the subsoil
profile shown below, a thick clayey layer, layer B, existed under the chaotic layer A.
This higher clayey layer was composed of a delicate, fragile clay known as Pancone
clay. Due to the rising sea level, this stratum got saturated and became undrained. A
substantial amount of force was exerted. When the soil is not properly drained, it
develops an abnormally high pore pressure. Due to the clay's limited permeability, this
extra pore pressure was not readily released. This resulted in the non-steady condition
of the Pancone clay. In this non-steady condition, the increased pore pressure in the clay
layer resulted in a reduced factor of safety, resulting in the collapse. This was also a
significant element in the tower's tilt.

Figure 5. The subsoil profile under the Leaning Tower of Pisa


As the tower's construction progressed, a self-perpetuating instability developed,

resulting in the structure's growing tilt. The phrase "leaning instability" refers to a
problem that may occur in tall, thin structures. When a structure approaches a critical
height/width ratio, the overturning moment created by a little increase in height equals
or exceeds the resisting force supplied by the foundation. This increases the structure's
risk of collapse.

Figure 6. The leaning trend of The Leaning Tower of Pisa

Source: M.B. Jamiolkowski. “The leaning tower of Pisa: End of an
Odyssey”., Fig. 10 - Inclination
of Leaning Tower of Pisa.

3. Indicate the phenomenon/signs of deterioration in this project and enclose

proof(s) or evidence(s).

Indeed, since 1173, when only three storeys were constructed, this iconic tower has
begun to tilt. The culprit is considered to be the tower's foundation material's unstable
density. As a result, the tower is angled to the north. To overcome this dilemma, workers
decided early on to "compensate" for the tower's tilt by raising the column and dome on
the third floor slightly on the inclined side. Soon afterwards, the fourth floor of Pisa's
leaning tower was constructed.

The leaning tower of Pisa kept swinging for 100 years after 1173. However, the issue
was not resolved when the tower's foundation crumbled unevenly. Pisa's tower was even
"tilted south" in 1272. Again, the engineers chose to "rewrite the previous one" by
adding the fifth level to compensate for the tower's tilt. After a period of repair, the
tower of Pisa's building site was abandoned in 1278, with only seven storeys completed.

At the turn of the 14th century, the leaning tower of Pisa truly stood between "wonder"
and "scrap." Low wobbled once again, and the tilt reached the red alarm level this time.
Perhaps as a result of the previous 300 years' inefficiency, the architects decided to
reform the leaning tower of Pisa for the final time. Between 1360 and 1370, the project
was finished with the placement of a gigantic bell to the 8th floor of Pisa's leaning tower.

After completion, it appeared as though the leaning tower of Pisa could resume normal
operation. However, until the late 16th century, when Galileo Gallilei accidently
dropped a cannonball from the top of the tower, it was known that the tower was 3
degrees off vertical. In 1911, architects uncovered an astonishing fact that shook the
entire country of Italy: the top of the Pisa tower slanted 1.2 millimeters per year.

In 1935, civil engineers reinforced the Tower of Pisa's foundation. The cement mixture
was poured into a network of holes drilled beneath the foundation. It's unfortunate since
this is the result of an engineer's error, as this mistakenly "chopped down" the leaning

tower of Pisa, hastening its fall. Fortunately, a number of strengthening measures were
put in place in time to prevent the "present wonder of the world" from devolving into a
genuine mound of debris.

In 1989, a structure similar to the Leaning Tower of Pisa was under construction,
although the Leaning Tower of Pavia is relatively unknown. The reason that few people
are aware is because the "tilting tower of Pavia" is now a heap of debris.

This has Italian officials fearful of hundreds of years' worth of accomplishments being
dumped into the river and sea as the public event approaches. To "rescue" the leaning
tower of Pisa, an alliance of eminent engineers from many countries was organized.
Finally, the union agreed to John Burland's suggestion to reduce the soil in the northern
foundation of the tower of Pisa. This situation has persisted for numerous years.

When the effort was completed in 2001, "the Pisa leaning tower rescue alliance" was
able to raise the colossal structure 44 centimeters. This is the outcome that politicians
are extremely satisfied with and confident about implementing. The results were even
more astounding when tracking devices failed to identify a single centimeter of
movement in the leaning tower of Pisa until May 2008.

4. Present the causes that have led to the above-mentioned deterioration. Which
stage or what part/unit caused the deterioration (give your opinion)?

One cause for the tower's tilt is the city of Pisa's geography. The city's name dates all
the way back to 600 BC, when it was derived from the Greek phrase for "muddy land."
Thus, the soft terrain, which is primarily composed of mud, sand, and clay, is considered
to be the cause of the Tower of Pisa's tilt.

Additionally, the tower's foundation is composed of a solid clay combination and is

around three meters deep. This foundation is insufficiently robust and deep to bear the
weight of the entire tower. These two forces conspired to create Pisa's leaning tower.

The builders were aware of the tower's tilt, but they were powerless to halt it. They
increased the height of the pillars and dome on the sloped side in order to complete

construction of the fourth level. However, due to Pisa's frequent battle with neighboring
cities, work of the tower was halted for nearly a century.

The work was finished in 1272 under the leadership of Giovanni di Simone. However,
the tower's construction was suspended in 1284 due to the conflict between Pisa and
Genoa. Three additional storeys were added to the tower at that time. This shifts the
tower's center of gravity, causing it to tilt in the opposite direction. The seventh storey,
which houses the bell, began construction in 1319. This is also the tower's top floor,
which was finished in 1372.

5. What solution has this deterioration of the project been overcome/repaired?

The method of final stabilization was decided - soil extraction.

To begin, physical models were constructed. Following it, several models were created.
Finally, several large-scale experiments have been done. These large-scale studies were
essential to establish under excavation's efficiency. The sites and processes of such large
– scale experiments are shown in Figure 9. To excavate, a lengthy excavation drill will
be put in the earth. The critical component in these large-scale studies is the manner in
which the drill was inserted. The drill is a continuous flight auger drill with a hollow
stem that is inserted into a 180 mm diameter casting. According to the mechanism
shown in Figure 10, when a drill is protruded to create a hole, an instrumented probe
may be used to determine the hole's closing. Analyzing the drill's measured findings
revealed a 0.25° rotation under direction control, despite the fact that the soil qualities
were not homogeneous. Multiple excavations were used to carefully repair the voids
created by the drill. These findings established the method's practicality.

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Figure 7. Soil extraction location

Before beginning the final stabilizing operation, it was necessary to attach safety cables
to the tower in order to create a horizontal force. The preparatory under excavation
began with the installation of these protection wires in 1999. The total amount of dirt
taken was 7 m3 by using 12 boreholes and 220 mm casts. The tower was turned
northward by 90 seconds after the preliminary under excavation, lowering the
inclination by 132 seconds. The first excavation yielded favorable results.

Figure 8. Mechanisms of operating the testing drill

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Finally, the whole dirt was extracted. All the lead weights from the tower were
progressively removed. The soil extraction worked as a damper on the overturning
moment created by the lead ingot removal. Finally, 1834 seconds of arc were subtracted
from the total. The whole excavation procedure, as seen in the image below, was
without a doubt successful.

Figure 9. The rotation of tower during excavation process

The Leaning Tower of Pisa was stabilized in the 1990s as part of a large engineering
project to prevent the monument from collapsing. Indeed, by the late 1980s, the Tower
was on the verge of collapsing.

For the length of the works, the Monument was closed to the public (over a decade:
1990 - 2001). The lean was recorded to be 1.4° in 1350 and gradually increased until it
reached an alarming threshold in 1993, surpassing the 5° mark.

The Tower is sagging because the earth beneath its foundation is not solid to support its
weight (read more in this article where foundation details are discussed).

Can the Tower be fixed

The monument began to sag in 1178, just as building began. Over the last 800 years,
the lean has steadily increased, to the point where it became a reason for alarm by the
turn of the previous century.

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The solution to this challenge was to fortify the earth beneath the foundation and to
create space for the Tower to compress part of the dirt and reorient itself toward the
north (the Tower leans to South). They did so as part of a 1990 project. The overall cost
of the project exceeded 30 million euros and it lasted ten years!

6. In your opinion, can the above deterioration be avoided? If it is possible to avoid it,
present the precaution

− The project went through the following phases:

− Installing counterweights on the Tower's base on the North side to shift its
barycenter lower and back to the North, so delaying the Tower's tendency to lean

− Tethering the monument with enormous steel cables (similar to those seen on a
suspended bridge) in order to prevent it from falling during the operations and to "pull
it back" once the soil was prepared for this operation.

− Digging wells under the foundations of the Tower (60 cubic meters of clay were

− Draining water from the wells.

− Reinforcing the foundations with concrete (15-meter concrete pillars were

inserted into the ground.

− Initiating the straightening process, begin by pulling the steel cables.





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