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[APTIS ONLINE] Trần Minh Khôi – 25.

Tell me about a time when you worked really hard to achieve something.
I still remember the time when I took my exams in 2018. That was the year when that I decided to take the university entrance exam again, after
failing once the exam the previous last year. It was also the time when When I worked hard to gain take admission to at Quy Nhon University.
It was the time when Back then I studied for about 12 hours a day to achieve good marks. Of course, it was very difficult for me to sit for this
much time but my goal was is to get a pass and I would never allow myself me to just waste my time. The day on which I received my result
got out I was happy to see my name on the list in the network. I achieved my goal successfully.
How did you feel about the achievement?
The My life's first achievement in my life was is not very big but undoubtedly the sweetest memory I have ever had. I felt like thunder in the
middle of a tornado, so beautiful yet so destructive. When I got the news I was very happy that my hard work has provided me with an
opportunity to choose the best university of my choice. It gave me confidence, which I had never had on myself. That day I found that we could
can do anything we wanted with by doing hard work.
How can people be encouraged to achieve their goals?/ How would you advise someone to achieve something challenging?
The best way to motivate others is to keep yourself motivated. Good, positive attitudes tend to be contagious. Check in with them to see how
they are progressing and if they need to discuss their plan further or refine some of it. The true key is understanding what they hope to achieve,
how they expect to work toward that success, and what typically motivates them most.
Tell me about a time when you were forced to do something.
(refer to the previous question) I still remember my exams in 2018. That was the year that I decided to take the university entrance exam again,
after failing the exam last year. When I worked hard to take admission at Quy Nhon University. It was the time when I studied for about 12
hours a day to achieve good marks. Of course, it was very difficult for me to sit for this much time but my goal is to get a pass and never allow
me to just waste my time. The day on which my result got out I was happy to see my name in the network. I achieved my goal successfully.
How did you feel when it was done?
(refer to the previous question) My life's first achievement is not very big but undoubtedly the sweetest memory I have. I felt like thunder in the
middle of a tornado, so beautiful yet so destructive. When I got the news I was very happy that my hard work has provided me with an
opportunity to choose the best university of my choice. It gave me confidence, which I never had on myself. That day I found that we can do
anything we want by doing hard work.
How can we motivate ourselves to do difficult or unpleasant tasks?
What I think is, if you just finish it right now, you won't have to deal with it later. Hence we should start with doing the things that are hard or
boring, and then do the interesting things at last so that we are in a good mood at the end. Try to draw some citations upon it with what we
know, then do more try to research from books, the internet etc. Doing that will help us get started through the questions.
Tell me about a time when you heard some good news.
Every day we hear tons of news. Good and bad news is a part of our life and that’s a fact that cannot be denied. I am going to talk about a time
when I received some good news. I remember in the summer of 2020, It was the day when I came back home from college, I saw a message
notification on my mobile. It was from Friends Volunteer Day, a program I had previously applied for. The message said I was recruited. This
good news brought hope and joy to me. When hearing this good news, my confidence level increased and I got hope and interest.
How do you feel when waiting for some important news?
Impatience is perhaps the first emotion I feel when awaiting an important news. Waiting for an appointment, a procedure, or a consultation may
give me the feeling of “hurry up and wait.” I may feel tense and my mind may be troubled with how this news may affect me. I may have
trouble sleeping at night, find myself being nervous, or be preoccupied with thinking about the news. 
Do you think people like to celebrate good news? Why? Why not?
It is important to celebrate success. People are motivated by having a goal to aim towards, and they find it useful to mark its achievement even
as they look forwards. Each promotion, each pay-rise, or each task job successfully completed, encourages them towards the next goal.
Celebrating success is therefore an important part of building self-confidence and self-belief. We need to see the progress distance that we have
made travelled and recognise that this, in itself, is an achievement. 
Tell me about a time you received some important information by email or phone.
(refer to the previous question) Every day we hear tons of news. Good and bad news is a part of our life and that’s a fact that cannot be denied.
It was the day when I came back home from college, I saw a message notification on my mobile. It was from Friends Volunteer Day. The
message said I was recruited. This good news brought hope and joy to me. When hearing this good news, my confidence level increased and I
got hope and interest.
How do you feel about using electronic devices for your communication?
All information needed for approaching can be easily stored in electronic devices which can save us time. Email enables you to send messages
without much movement and effort compared to sending mail by post. The rise of networking sites such as Facebook, and Twitter gives rise to
worldwide connections. People are able to share fashion trends, activities, news, and current behaviors only by a click of a mouse or a remote
Do you think that there is too much information available to us these days?
I am totally in favor of the opinion that people these days are overloaded with information. With the current 24/7 news cycle, unlimited access
to advice, academic knowledge, and expert opinion, and unlimited options for where, when, how, and from whom to hear it, information
overload is pretty much unavoidable. We should learn how to search out, consume, and filter it in the best way possible.

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