Asking For Repetition

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- Asking for repetition (ask someone to repeat his or her words because we don’t hear clearly or we

don’t catch what he or she said)

Expressions Responses
- Pardon? - ( Repeat his or her sentences)
- Sorry? - I said,….
- Sorry, what did you say? - Let me repeat my words…
- I’m sorry - Well, I just wanna say that..
- I’m sorry, I didn’t hear you.
- What?
- What was that?
- Can you repeat that?

The example of the dialog:

1. X: The bell is ringing.
Y: What did you say?
X: The bell is ringing. Let’s get in to the class.
Y : Ok.

2. X: What did you say your name was?

Y: It's Cathy Henderson.
X: Did you say Andersen or Henderson?
Y : Henderson, with an H.
X : Is "Cathy" spelled with a C or a K?
Y : It's C.
X : And what was your address again?
Y : 72 West Sunshine Blvd., Suite 501.
B. Showing attention
- Showing attention (when we are in conversation sometimes we feel curious and need more explanation
about what we are talking about)
Expressions Responses
- Tell me more about it! - Well,…
- Tell me more about your house! Is it - (Explain The
near with the post office? Is it near with subject)
the bus stop?
- Tell me more about your favorite food?
Why do you like it?
- Such as?
- What’s occasions?
- What do you mean ‘not any more’?
- Tell me more about it.
- Really?
- Oh, my God! What happens next?
- And then what?
- How interesting!
- What’s next?
The example of dialog:
1. X: Borobudur is not one of the seven wonders anymore.
Y: Really? Tell me more about it
X: Because, Indonesian government does not invest enough to increase the image of Borobudur
Temple nor to draw world’s attentions to Borobudur.
Y : It’s sad. But indonesia is still famous with other tourist resorts such as Bali beach, Komodo island,
Toba lake, etc.
X : Yes, you are right.

2. X: I’m very happy now.

Y: What happened?
X: My mother gives me a present.
Y : What is it?
X : It is Acer Netbook
Y : Your mother is very kind.

C. Grammar that is used in showing attention and asking for repetition

- Imperative verb (Exclamation verb)
E.g.: Tell me more about it!
Tell me what you need!

- Present Tense
e.g.: I still need more study.

- Past tense
e.g.: I loved eating meatball.

- Interrogative sentence
e.g.: Pardon?
Sorry, what did you say?
Can you repeat that?

- Modal auxiliaries and similar expression

can, may,etc...
E.g.: Can you repeat it again?

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