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“Struggles of a Broken Hearted: A Phenomenological Study on

selected JHS students who went into a long-term relationship”

A Research Paper Presented to

The Senior High School
Bubuyan Integrated School
Calamba City, Laguna 4027

In Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Subject

Practical Research 1

Go, Reynold B.
Nido, Joanalize
Solon, John Benzen
S. Uy, Mark Joshua

Mrs. Cherilyn Fandialan
Chapter 1


This chapter presents an overview of the study; it contains introduction, background

of the study, statement of the problem, theoretical framework, conceptual framework, scope

and delimitation of the study, significance of the study, assumption, as well as the definition

of terms.


Heartbreak is a common experience that almost everyone has gone through, but it is

especially difficult for young adolescents who are experiencing it for the first time. A broken

heart can lead to depression, anxiety, and a host of other emotional and psychological issues

that can have long-lasting effects. Coping mechanisms are essential for dealing with the pain

and healing from a broken heart. However, the coping mechanisms that adolescents employ

may not always be healthy or effective in the long term. This study aims to explore the

coping mechanisms employed by selected Junior High School (JHS) students who went into

long- term relationships and experienced a heartbreak.

Adolescents in long-term relationships may experience more significant emotional

distress when the relationship ends, as they may have invested a significant amount of time

and energy in the relationship. They may also experience more intense feelings of grief, as

the loss of the relationship may represent a significant milestone in their young lives.

Understanding the coping mechanisms employed by these students may provide insight into

the best ways to support and guide them through the healing process.
Phenomenological research is a qualitative research method that explores how

individuals experience and make sense of their world. This study will use a

phenomenological approach to gain an in-depth understanding of the experiences of the

selected Junior High School students who have gone through a long-term relationship and

experienced a heartbreak. This method will allow the researchers to explore the lived

experiences of these students, their perceptions, and their coping mechanisms.

The study will be conducted with a purposive sampling technique to select Junior

High School (JHS) students who have been in a long-term relationship and have gone

through a heartbreak. Data will be collected through in-depth interviews, and observations

and the results will be analyzed using thematic analysis. This study aims to contribute to the

existing body of knowledge on adolescent heartbreak and coping mechanisms, which may be

helpful in developing support and guidance programs for young adolescents going through a

similar experience.

In summary, this study aims to explore the coping mechanisms used by selected

junior high school students who have gone into a long-term relationship and experienced a

heartbreak. The study will use a phenomenological approach to gain an in-depth

understanding of the experiences of these students, and the results may contribute to the

development of support and guidance programs for young adolescents going through a

similar experience.

Background of the Study

Heartbreak is a term used to describe the emotional and psychological pain that

comes with the ending of a romantic relationship or the loss of a loved one. This experience

is often characterized by feelings of sadness, grief, and loneliness, and can have a significant

impact on a person’s mental and physical health (Bergeman & Stanton, 2019). Heartbreak
can have a
negative impact on various aspects of an individual’s life, including their physical health,

mental health, and social functioning (Moors, 2015). Healing from heartbreak is a complex

process that involves a combination of psychological, social, and situational factors (Larson

& Sbarra, 2016).

In the context of Junior High School (JHS) students who have been in long-term

relationships, the struggle to cope with a broken heartbreak may be even more challenging.

Adolescents who were involved in long-term relationships were more likely to experience

negative emotional consequences after a breakup (Fritz & Sprecher, 2020). The study also

highlighted the importance of support from peers and family members during this time.

Social media and technology may also play a role in the coping mechanisms of JHS

students after a breakup. Social media use was positively correlated with depression and

anxiety symptoms among young adults (Carrier, Cheever, & Rosen, 2020). However, social

media can also serve as a platform for individuals to seek support and connect with others

who are going through similar experiences.

Understanding the coping mechanisms of JHS students who have gone through a

long- term relationship breakup is important for educators and counselors. By identifying

effective coping strategies, they can help students navigate through this challenging time and

reduce the negative impact on their mental health. Problem-focused coping strategies such as

seeking social support, seeking professional help, and engaging in physical activity were

effective in reducing the negative psychological outcomes of a breakup (Chan & Yao, 2019).

Therefore, this study aims to explore the coping mechanisms of selected JHS students

who have experienced a long-term relationship breakup. Using a phenomenological

the study will delve into the lived experiences of the participants and identify the strategies they

used to cope with their broken heartbreak. By understanding their experiences, educators and

counselors can provide more targeted and effective support to students who are going through a

similar situation.

Statement of the Problem

The purpose of this study is to explore the struggles of selected Junior High School (JHS)

students who have experienced a long-term romantic relationship that ended in a breakup.

Specifically, the study seeks to understand the coping mechanisms used by these students to deal

with the emotional pain and challenges that arise from a broken heart. This study aims to answer

the following research questions:

1. What are the common experiences and emotions that Junior High School students go

through during a break-up from a long-term relationship?

2. What are the common coping mechanism that JHS student used during heartbreak?

3. Who supports JHS students in coping from heartbreak?

4. What supports do JHS students need to effectively cope with heartbreak?

5. What interventions can be implemented to assist JHS students in coping with


Theoretical Framework

Bowlby’s Attachment Theory (1969) stated that individuals who experience a break- up

from a long-term relationship will suffer from grief and loss, similar to the experience of losing a

loved one through death. Bowlby argued that attachment to a caregiver in childhood serves as a

template for future relationships, and that individuals who are securely attached
will be better equipped to handle future losses. Those who are insecurely attached may

struggle with feelings of abandonment and rejection, which can manifest in relationship

difficulties and emotional turmoil.

Homans’ Social Change Theory (1958) stated that anyone who enter into

relationships with an expectation of receiving benefits and minimizing costs. When a

relationship ends, individuals may feel a sense of loss not only for the emotional

connection they had with their partner, but also for the perceived benefits they received

from the relationship. This may include social status, financial security, and shared

resources. The loss of these benefits can contribute to feelings of despair and


Deci & Ryan’s Self-determination Theory (1985) stated that individuals have

basic psychological needs for autonomy, competence, and relatedness. When a long-

term relationship ends, individuals may feel a loss of relatedness, which can lead to

feelings of loneliness and isolation. Additionally, if the relationship ended because of a

lack of autonomy or competence, individuals may struggle with feelings of shame and


When a long-term relationship ends, individuals undergo a profound sense of grief

and loss similar to bereavement. Attachment experiences in childhood shape future

relationships, with secure attachment facilitating better coping with losses. Insecure

attachment can lead to relationship difficulties and emotional turmoil. The termination of a

relationship also entails the loss of perceived benefits like social status, financial security,

and shared resources, causing despair. Additionally, the end of a relationship may result in a

loss of relatedness, leading to loneliness and isolation. If the relationship lacked autonomy or
competence, individuals may experience shame and inadequacy. This framework highlights

the emotional, social, and psychological dimensions of break-ups.

Conceptual Framework

The purpose of this study is to explore the struggles and coping mechanisms of

selected Junior High School students who have experienced a long-term relationship that

ended in heartbreak.


•A comprehensive
•Phenomenological study understanding of the
struggles and coping
•Data gathering through mechanisms of JHS
interviews, observations, students who experienced
•JHS students who went and/or focus group heartbreak in a long-term
into a long-term discussions relationship.
relationship and
•Analysis and
Experienced heartbreak •Recommendations for
interpretation of data support and interventions
•Identification of coping that can help these
mechanisms used by the students cope with the
emotional challenges they

Figure 1. Paradigm of the Study

Scope and Delimitation

This study aims to explore and understand the struggles experienced by selected

Junior High School students who have been in a long-term romantic relationship. The study

seeks to identify the factors that contribute to their heartbreak and the coping mechanisms

they use to overcome the difficulties. The research will take place during the whole 2nd
semester of the school year 2023-2024 at Bubuyan Integrated School, and the participants

will be students who are currently enrolled in the Junior High School program and have had a

romantic relationship for at least two years and above. The study will use a qualitative

research approach with in- depth interviews as the primary data collection instrument. The

research will be limited to the experiences of the selected students and will not aim to

generalize the findings to other populations or settings.

Significance of the Study

A study on selected JHS students who went into a long-term relationship inlies in its

potential to provide valuable insights into the experiences and struggles of JHS students who

have gone through a long-term relationship and eventually experienced heartbreak.

The study’s findings may give benefit the following:

Learners. The study’s findings may help JHS students understand the possible

consequences of engaging in long-term relationships at an early age. The study may provide

insights into the difficulties and challenges of managing a long-term relationship and the

emotional struggles that come with it.

Teachers. The study’s findings may help teachers provide appropriate guidance and

support to students who are experiencing relationship problems. Teachers can use the study’s

insights to better understand the psychological and emotional struggles that students go

through when they experience heartbreak.

Parents. The study’s findings can help parents become more aware of the struggles

that their children may face in their relationships and can provide them with the tools to
support their children better during difficult times.

Administrators. The study’s findings may help administrators develop programs or

initiatives that can support JHS students who are experiencing relationship problems. The

study’s insights can also inform the development of guidance and counseling programs that

can help students manage their emotional and psychological well-being.

Future Researchers. The study’s findings may serve as a basis for future research on

the experiences of JHS students in long-term relationships. The study can inspire further

research on how JHS students cope with heartbreak and the factors that contribute to the

success or failure of long-term relationships among young individuals.


The study aims to explore the experiences of selected Junior High School (JHS)

students who have been in a long-term romantic relationship and have subsequently

experienced a breakup. The study may investigate the students’ emotional and social

struggles in coping with the aftermath of the relationship’s end. The study’s focus on

phenomenology suggests that it aims to understand the students’ experiences, perceptions,

and interpretations of their struggles rather than to quantify their struggles through numerical

data. Overall, the study appears to be concerned with shedding light on the experiences of

JHS students who have been in a long-term romantic relationship and suffered from a broken

heart, with the ultimate goal of improving support and guidance for them.

Definition of Terms

To avoid any ambiguity and to provide a comprehensive understanding of the terms

used, operational definitions will be provided in this study.

These are the terms that needs to be defined:

Adolescents. Refers to the students in Junior High School (JHS) who are typically

between the ages of 12 to 15 years old.

Coping Mechanism. Any behavioral or psychological response used by the selected

JHS students to deal with the challenges and difficulties they experienced as a result of being

in a long-term romantic relationship that ended in a breakup.

Heartbreak. A term used to describe the emotional and psychological pain that comes

with the ending of a romantic relationship or the loss of a loved one.

JHS. Junior High School. A department in High School in which the participants are

from Grade 7 to Grade 10.

Long-term. It refers to a romantic relationship that lasted for at least two years and

above, from the perspective of the selected Junior High School (JHS) students who

participated in the study.

Love. It pertains to the feelings and emotions associated with romantic relationships.

Phenomenology. An approach used in the study to gain an in-depth understanding of

the experiences of the selected Junior High School students who have gone through a long-

term relationship and experienced a heartbreak.

Relationship. Refers to a romantic or intimate relationship between two individuals

who are committed to each other over an extended period.

Social Media. A platform in which JHS students are able to seek support and connect
with others who are going through similar experiences.

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