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Tr a Prats of Si d,s We use lipgperent words in our laity Ppeech.- 7 But these worols ave class’, col acerabing to thee proton *n dhe com ~post bom. —nglish# of cSS- with-wagas Grammar _ ~> Te Parts % Speech aw 9 1- Noun a- Pronoun 3- Adjectives 4- Verbs 5 - Adlverbs 6- Preposilion Pc Confanclion 8 Intesfection 9- Aslicles (A,An, Te) Ls Aslicle is condsiolexol a the 9 post 4 speech: Jn foc “Arlicle” an aolfetive + But in moolerm grammar rt & Colles * Dekerominer” cSS-with-wagas 4Nown. 4 Ly usel i gfning mame bo a penser > place thing ox Polec. —Person ALi -Ploce Lohove - Thing Chal - Idea Beauly Kinds of, Noun iP Ne pe Denote a particulon pesson, Place or thing (Abenocl, Lehore, ihe Hety Guom) i-Common Noun u>Densfe a general er Common person 3 Place or thing (Borg|trl , Coby Book ) iti_Colleckive Noun L»Denotes a group, colledion 97 mublilace Sf wimnilan thing's (Aronig Police , Class) iv- Makertal Noun L>Denstes the mallee o Substance b which things Ong macle (Wale, milk, Cotto y) v- Abslrad Noun LDenotes some guabily, stale, ov achion Quobily — Cleverness 7 Height, Coton, Stale __Pove » foue Ackiow __ Loughtet 4 movement 2-5 ) css-wih-wagas L+A ward thal we use 6” a noun Ali sous thod he has finisheol the work: YT yo Noun Pronoun of Ft iE Personal Pronoun ty» Stancls or a pesson-(I. we» YOU, he) ii-Demonskrolive P; yonoun L> Potrls bo a particular object this, these, thal , those) it'-Relalive Pronoun Ltt relates the ‘clea back to some noun (Which, who, —— fuel a Leon who was) iv-Inlemogative Ri oneal t-zya° worol that imtrocliws a queslion (What » Who, Whom y Whi ich) Fae fre Pronoun ee Rye piooe aati 2 fn a general Akl, Someba Nobody , Evi 10% vi-Ref\ loxive Onn oly + ty ee cy) @ do Refers to the ‘eclion A, aclion “yen Sibfed , (rnyselfsy rhirms » YourseXh ) vit-Dishibusive Pen ens 10 persons or things at a time (eas. ; oe ,» nether) > css-with- wagas z ech b> He quabipjes or Lells rare abouk a moun oY Pronoun “5 This ts a chath — Simple his bw © lable choir: v v quahity noun ls oye i-Fropes Adjective L>Desckibe a thing by Some prope noun. (The English, 2, “The Pahistamt Crly ) it-Adjeckives Quin tity L>Show what Bork, or in what state a thing is (Brave bay» pretty gil hot water, black cat) ii- Adlfeckives of) Quantity mW: v5 Show how “much ) & thing “Apuiot) (Much, Lrttle, some, ang, en » Supkicre tv- Aoljective oH) Nambes whe bh L> Show’ how m things are thee (One, Feast, Two, Seconal , Twe » luentieth,) v- Inkenogative Ad feckives ly Used wrth nouns to ask question a-Whol book is thts? b- Which wo wt ll you G0? c- Whose pew & hes? 4- Adlveth ess~eutth-wagas stam trying the meor' L>A worl usbeol i qualing”4 ™ "4 a verb ~The oll man walks eal verb adlverb Oo i-Adverh of. Manner Ls Give 4 molim how the verb & pexpermesl | ( slowly, quickly » baolly)— te diol hés work Aouly- it- Actverab of Place . L> Give iapormoalion where the verh & t yet (Above 5 aed; exe ? ca en tit — Advex of Time : Ly Give information wher the verb & Performect (4901 begores Soon 5 na selolom) heg ave Coming today. iv-Aduerh of Quantity | Deqree ro Ge enter GET EE anach the verh & Pespermect (Vers Enough) Holgi were an annogeol- v-Aotver umber . tothe. practi LINE pe wack i Pexformeot (One, tustee, o en, alubays)- He always respect vi-Adverb of) AMifivmation ov Negation rete ltl nny Dee ad) ee aol eat in les OO ; csS-with-wa qos Ls It has no Sparel conneclionm w anges word ‘oy words im the ar & merely an jolt sound to enc Some strong peeking “Harrah! / Joy Ohl Alas l Griek Ho! Amusement Bravol Approval Wow! Suxpaise, Appreciaion Howl uxprlse , Wonder (How + Adljeckive) ihe beautiful she Looksl) wonole& What te, (What + at Noun) (oad jt gee axe) css-wilh-waqas 6-Verb et ane usec for A Png sbomethi: _ Migr f get The ver ts concernech Ah ast. aye Aun vend i we NY There are bv ye 4 a veh. pices Form 2- Semple Present Form-(S,05) &) a 3- Present Paskicipfe m ——(ing) — 4- Fask fen aa Acteol 5- Fast Pasticfple ai —(el) — Ackeol Examples Take , Takes, Tokina , Took , Token Come 5 Comes , Com? ? Came ’ Come Arise , Abthes , Anisteg » Arose , Aran Ask , Asks » Asking » Askecl > Adkeol canckis ess—atth- waqas LA congiunclion & a word useol forming ore werel te another, or ove Sentence to othey- they ae abo cableol connectives oy connectars « AL andl his brother. D9 went there hut he was absent gunclions are 4 to kinds - i Conrolinade Conf mcs) cesses hot are Coorolinalke , ov equal L eachother Mi A N-B OY Ss tor | a p” and pub = He came there anol re net me. it-Subonolinake Conjunckions Lytheg fein % Subsrolenate clause Lo a princt ol Clouse oy cleperclent clause. to inolepenolent chose 4 wll read thal book hb got adlvise me to doso- A clogs bark whenever thoy See cals: ropriale Cor rb Lions 1- Eithey__or cs$—with-wages You. can star etther with me or wrth Janel. 2- Neither — nor Nether he nov his pater came beve- 3- Nok only —but abo He & not a goool keacher but abo a great 4- AUthough - Vek homen- Autho he ts Smoll get & very intellhget 5-No san ne than : 7 ’ $ hacl no sooner yeachead home than te began to vain. Examples (both — ancl) j-He & both intelligent as well as haveluarking He ts both mbebbigent anol hawking: a- Work borat Legh you onigih nat poll Nok horol Lest gow shoulol pe (fest = sheukel) ess— wilh-waqas & Arkichs _ L> The demomstyalive adljeclives “A, Pn the” ae collect ankicles . They ake offen treateol a @ Separate pout A Speech or Ms word: There axe Loo hindls n oxticles i Inoleginike Articles . A andAn ose Collet the iackefy nite arkicler becouse olo vot ee hak ke “He definite vn Bw particular peson ov thingy Thais fynelion & not te olegine, but to generalize A—ZS col £ ’ w ol beannis with a vow consort ” consonant vowel (a emiverscla a book, a. union ) An—'s aseol 2 & worl beginning with a vowel Gr vowel Soenol - (an “99 » Qn hour, am honest , an enemy) Alan wed befeve common nouns that GRE countable. uncountolole nouns (tea, sive, ott ) | Apple > books, a) nT le inite Anlicle css—with. waqas “ the sun) -B ea stegular noun useol Lo represent a chars 4 objects (& ges A pen? animal.) e superlative olegree -B : (the Yo » the most , the best ) A -No article & usec! b ean abstact noun (Aappimes; vstsolom) Tere the name 4 olaws q moriths . bapere name 4 gore » Bogor mame % Acasons ‘ #O css -with ~waqas 9- Repost bo H means placeol before? A preposilion, ‘s @ worol used before! a noun Yer pronoun 'to show tts yelalion with Vanother person ‘or thing -9 place my b on the fable. plhcecl oy bog on a, v before Noun Noun - Man in the ygom- Px, osflion before v v Preposttion Noun Nouri [Prone — He came in alata pews age rt) Funckt, aa lsthe ave five mafor functions I prepositions iReposititns of “Ploc L> They Locote the place S activities He sleppect at the canteen. « The swin in the pool: Potnt Place utth Surface (At) boundlary (fn) (ob) th vi fm a@ Cay nthe wall i ee im @ box Ge the, table At shop fr rn pocket on fhe carpet at fonns house tm dhe kitchen we Re sihion Time ess -whth-waqas oy mb, the time ond duration ‘he ackivilis 4 have not Seen him since Januaay (In) (On) At Months a) tn Januay on Taesc at 5 Oclock tn the mornin on 4" August ad afin fn the aac on Cololrcy a4 ae in old. G gear) loon in the cole in a week @ Wit- Prepos, oktvec lion f° eee Ayeclion . He is of be colle - He cathe “by the room He walkeol out the Yoom * Th all fan cy the ties. iv- Freposilion with particular words on the “4, by chance at the car/tretnfary on ort ‘4, a Pel v- Repositions with verbs (Phaasal Verbs) Lock ot Abiole Belong bo look pr Arrive at Cole i Ly O 5 , esS-with-wagas Senlence The baste unit tan which ex ena a — olole Bugle 4 ° A complete Senhence has “at beast a subject andl a ‘main verb- Ram is wabki v v “4 Subjed Verb Theye axe three types % Sentences 1-Simple Sentence L> a sentence consiski one clause, wrth a strobe spflt Da egltele «the cat fs sleeping fn dhe Sun. Statty Something T in Y abou abject Subject Verb Preolicate 2 Compound Sentence cstt is male Iwo Inclepenclent clauses fotrecl a ‘coorclinate confunclion (ps Nor, but, or, gets so ranol) anal a” Commac) ov by Q Semicoton- 9 havea week in Kome,or LU ge b Ravls for hice v Vv oe trelepenclend elouse indeperdlent fasize wi Co hex Se Emcee csS- with-waqas Usit & a Sentence wif one indlepenolent clause ancl ot feast one dleperolent clause. These chautsen ee fine with suborolinate chose. » You well olegsnsely Aose iy od dov't tng v ae v Pependlat Chawse - Inclepenclend Clause Subordinate Conjunction Conection Rule #4 When two Singulan mouns are connecteol by “and” the vob utll be phaod. o The _cow anol te pig ave fp over he, Rule #2 | two singular nouns express on Pobex the veh shoulel be in singular jon The pst and foremost aly ste Love homelond. \ E, Os - C8S—with =a Feu (Nor) LeWhen two (or) move singular Nouns AL ineol by “or” then the ‘verb and! pronoun well be singular: Eetthern. Jomal or Khalid hos brought his book- v v Verb promeun L>When o plural noun and a stnawar Noun are jotneol Either. the masters or the Sewant soiled Lo olo thery oluty v Prien oun by tor] *wer’ the Pvenean a Netthes, Jamal nox his frets Foxe ame v their = Coutse- 7 verb pemouw Rule #5 bo alma ms “Tisai entececte . Every man must discharge A&E oluly wel. \ + One shoulol Aespecl one’s parents ALL workers must bring Bory etal. .. | css— with-waqas t be singula. when two sir notes feel bg ord? igh ta the Some pon The collector, anh magislsate hos done his? work- Singular — The collect ond the magi feade have Sone ther work- Two seperate Persons. Hele #7 L5“Each other” shoudl be usec when two persons er hings ave ery she two stuclents quarreleof w*th each othe L+ One another” Shoulel be useol when more than two persons ov things one Aeferredl -chilolten Love one another LyMe pronoun must be singular y the collecdive noun ('s vieweol Tax a whole ~The oe" qove ats fiogrnent affee proper de ibya ben v singular, Proncan csS- with wagas Le Who” is useol for pewsons only. 9 its sometinh “seal animals. | + He ‘twho? is Sobortous shal? be vewosdlecl- Rabe #11 4 Le Which” is useol for non-Living things ev abo wit animals. ° . d 7 The book ‘which’ I gave you is very good: Rule # 12 plone” ts usec! in rmalive sentence eHe has bought Some ornaments wi) gol. Rule # 13 eae ” i's used im negative sentence. o He has not bought ong ornaments 4 gett Rule # 14 Ly tk one DH the jeclives 's much Smaller, than “the other, the shorter must be pet — feng ex °F Sour a new anol beauibipyl book. 5 csS-with-wagas “+ Prefer and “Preferable” few ce compocatye ano ae D Os b «He prpes cvange fo quae: 2 MLR bs prpenthe fo fea- <> “Erther., nether, cach, everyone” musk be fetowedt a sin a, verb. Nether n the two sons ts hanolsome- ub 2 Sogeld “nos ar always be Ope a Sin noun or singu Yar, in pee is born to bhush unseen. -> the ams ‘too’ suse! in the sense h more than anosigh but not in that % ‘val? or &mach? The problem & Loo olippjeult bo be foluecl- Kale #19 L>Avetol the use D present tense anger ‘an i © He kalks Os p he weke the Greetest Leacher, 4 pe county, Enalish 06 cst anges Rule #20 Ly Since” i's used before a noun ov Phrase denoting some poink time anol is prececleol by “present P ect “tense? « Atitoli has been f “ fr py! playing cuickeh sirace tig Rube 20 fone Ly “For ” refers to a petool i . time not t%oa point S te me» «She has beam suprering prom Kerr por tevelve Lops OG I YP niet go Kubo x 22 ime b> “Frm” ts used to denote a fat Lime wrth other tenses except the Popect tevse- 02 shal take host jm June- AE AD L> DEX” pape ba past s ce ee occa hehers lo a jpints space % o dhe came offer a fow clays. » She wri am tml pe olays- Kile #24 se-vtth-wages L_»“Beside” means ‘by the side . while “Besides” meons in *in adcbilionte”? e He sat boside me: © Besides being nobbeol, he was kiffect- # 25 Ly “Belween” js wsecl with two persons oy things; * Among” is useol wih more than {wo persons av hings. *the lwo thiewes Shaseok the bekveen themselics: a thieves shored the onony among themselues. are tore verb juple) ts sod in br" aD. 7 (oo Loge 2) olay. prouious olay » fast gear a eee o They wisitecl us devo cous ago. «He finishedt his work jcetclay. L> gst wn * verb (Semple Present ) is used in sentence when “ Ev aluoys?? are useol in gg WKY fears ences. oo ahways Aespect my clolets. ( S lite p { ] ¢8S-with-wagas b> There oe ea basic types t conoltéional Sentences- Th emolitimal is used to mak | Stalemed wbeost the keok world, aad - len | Aeies to genuxal kruths, Such as Seletipfe fects % + Conclilion + Result ; ys Stmpfe Simple Present b° rat Thee Examples, - tk rains, Ue grounel gets wel. | Stple Preserit sivple Present | (A qenerall truth) ° yok Pour ofl om water > Pt floats. ® Simple mact__ 8 (Selene Fact 2- Fi 6b ( on litional css- with- -wagas y: t phot ion ak. when we boll apes hue a «ean we believe WE rook or possible: Rafe 'f + Condlition + Staple Fubuxe (Simphe ) Present Talk about possibilities Examples © XT wok ip Los > I w0ll mis the b 6, @ an SS ce « simple present oho (Conncdilion ) (Cassi ib: tds) “4 we wef > we well the exam. sinple present Staple (Conoli Lior ) (Mossi billy ) 5-Second Conditional ess-nith-wagas “OS ts used to expren tm sttaalions in the present or fae aging ‘Rule | % + Condition + Result h + Post staple + Fuluce (wouldl + base form) Examples “Hh I won a million ololloss, I I woulll oy a new cak: past stnphe base form: 6. Shit G biti C sili eae fie agony ‘Rule ap + Pask Pofect + ® eck Conditional G ad ¥ 3rd ) (woul have + ad bi) °H) d had get, ta» gol medal, I woulol have been happy test pees Engliche 0p “eth-ongss Use_o, ae oo the tome D an ackon, a ot condition b changin i im — Present _ Je d 4 - Pask - (hls - Fulute — Lac The Present Tenses L>A tense ec vemsing an action that & cumently going on or habrkually peor 1 Preserd Indl rle Tense ( dep) 2- Present Cont¥inibus Tense ( (9b Jf ) 3- Present Perfect Tense ( Jide) . 4- resent (eafeek Continuous Tense (ZY er Ve Fe Finst rr" + Soe Cor at, orl) Assestive Sertence- ye Le Subject (S) + t" jo h Verb (S65) + Object He olainks milk « 9, We , Thi + Phural ject > No use S,e8 He , She "4; Sodan hbyed => oe Boe Negakive Serdence— Leg ess -with-wagas Subject + Doos|Do+ not + rye 1 Veb + + Object He does not not olsink milks 3,We, They + Plural subject —» Do He, eee Spd —-»> Does Inde rogellive Sevkence. — je Does/Do + Subject + g yr ) Verb + Object Does he mtlk 2 5, owe ne Plubol sed _> “ She ,It + Srgulot ae —> Does Object + islam [axe + Shera f Verb + Subject Che aloes) He plays peteolt + Football is playeot (He — Him) “d ra (Ni olive) ( She — Her) piece is not ployed! by (9 — me) He tem) ls poe pay y him? ( We — us) Int ennogalive 2-Keesenl Continuous Tense “6-0 e048 First r + ing -Yie 7 O%by Assertive Sentence — ayy? AB Subject + ‘slam|axe + perrg ring Object He alainking mith Negative Sentence - ee Subje ect + ism ene t OO yom 2809 +09 + Object He ts not olinking mibR« Inlerrogtive Sentence AF ply Hora Safe» 2pm ning » Oi es _fe obinking milk 2 —Liassive WVotce __ Object te tsfam/oxe. + being e ae ir + Subject He is plaging football. - Football is bei an - Football is not “ber, vg pl hin _ bs fpotbau? Cay eg by hiom? Sctiesend Fetfect Fenn. ess -with ~wagas hoa|have +3 pon 4 Verb (Ure uxt) Asselive Sentence — Al peua: Subject + hew/have t 3 tere 4 Verb + Object she Dw inished hee work+ 9, Westheg + Plaso? fect — have She, He, d+ Singular, Subject — how Negative Sentence — h@pr Subject t has[howe + not +377 irr fy vob + Object she fos not Arisheol hee warke Inlersogalive Sentence — Ar hosfhave + Subject Spm / Verh + Object Hi She enisheol he work? "Passive Votce ! hosfhave + been + parm He has wrillen the betler- «Tre Cette. has been wt4tHen by him. +The letter has not been weiften hin. «Hos the fetter been wxillen bog him? Rosent Jerped Condi ous Tine CiiG- 16 Orb hasfhove rbeen + ( > ) ir with “4 Assective Sentence — a peda Subject + hosfhave + been +t ming) + Objet «Sina poe tine Se ag been walling por you sce moring, Negative Sentence — AB gin Subjects has/have +not -beem+ ti ferme ing) Obfecl+ Snafpoefime she has not been eatery i fet since mnerningy Prleogallive Sentence Lig Subjects has/hove Hax/haue + Subjedebeens Lip cing) vobjects Since Ae +time Hob =the been walling por ou Since oncinlng? , Sine —> ” petal h Line (199%; morning » June ) bo” > pe Peiod Aue (tee GY, ph vee dear . > No poseive votce E P f g css-with- wagas Lyindicale aclios or evenks thot happened in the post *y Fast Inolefinile Tense ( (gleysAhcfss) ii) Post Cordinuous Tense ( We Aly) iti) Past Pofeot Tense ( Misti ) iv) Rot tafe Corlrmuous Tense (wh pier oP ) RR J, ind. e Second i af, tert (24h eb) Asserkive Sentence — fh ile Subject + ia % verb + Object They Rikledl a. Lion. Negabive Sentence — Lp Subject + oli + not + a pone n Verb + Object Hep dil rot lh Lon Inte rrogative Sentence— Lely Did + Subjock + 1 i” * veh + Object oe they kell a Lion? P) ; Vi . csS— with-waqas Sasive_ VOUe __ Object t wos/wene + spe ee + Subject Singulos Object — was Pllasol Object — were Thay playecl prtball * Football was playec by them. « Nas frotbadt plogeot bg them? YR C. ki, Te ess-wilh-waqas was jwere , ad a tng (#44 WL) Asserlive sentence — pide Subject + wasjeere +f om (ing) Object They were P losing cricket « Negative Sentence —— db pin Subject + wasfwere + nol » Pape + Object Theq were not plogig aot Palessogative Sentence — A Jl” Woassews t Subject + bf re ving + Object Neve ; theg . ploying calehel ? Object + warslwere + being - aim 4 Verb + Subject They were playing crichet- Cricket wos being ploeok &4 them. Cricket wos nol being plaged bq them Wo crloket being plougeot by theme? ” ” ess-with-waqas ea had + 3 sar ¥) verb (44.64) Assertive Senkence — a fodee Subject + hal 054 fore of vecb + Object He aol —pinishecl his work: Negative Sentence — hb in Subfect + had + not + 3" fer h verb + Object He pool mt rial hk Salerro ative oe Lally Had + Subject +3 form Verb + Object Haol “id gril hts ae Posive Vodice Object + hack + been + 3” [rm af, verb + Subject He hol firishel his work. * His work hac! been finisheo! by him. * His work hool not been finished! by hivn. « Hadcl his work been pj sees by him? th es 100 hol + been + £4 im (4472. BL) +in Assertive Sentence — gp ha Subjects hool + beens 1 peoncing) + abject + Sea por 2 time He had been watling irae since manning. Negalive Sentence __ hBe ple Subjectrhaolrnot + been +1 oD) *cepect + Strep ie He fact mot been watthg — pyr yon since monies Iutesnogatlive Sentence — SB le Haol+ Subject + been + 14 ppronting + obec + Sacer +time Had he been wailing ve Since voining? css -with- wages English # 09 ess-with-wagas Fokuse Jense_ Ly, Wo hep the action or werd which is Ltkeby to happen in futures 1- Future si mile (GCIs }3) a-Fulue Corilinuous (we fe) 3- Fufure Perfect (ee pares) Q- Future “ye Corttinnuous (se pepe) Future 9. Shai st parm ; Verb (oF. ye8) Assertive Sentence — yg? kB Subject + wt ifsholl + £ I” f Verb + Object Tey wh pleg caichel é 9, We —> Shall He, Da, 96 —> Will Negative Senlence Subject + will hal + not+ tip ) Verb + Object Diy will — nat play cachet. css— with - Lnlerno golive Sentence eres Wit (Shall + Subject + ti fom q Yoh « Object Wil? they Plog Croke? Dp. Voi Objeck + wtilshall tbe 4 3 perm 4 Subject That Stith a Le nat TR Sus A now puit wt be stckcheot Aek A new suk will not be stilchet b4 her. oN a nw suit be stilched by he? Future Con Shab? [Wills bes 1" porm cing ) (Suse a bor) Assertive Sentence — a prk2- Subject t et USael 4 be + £m 4 verb¢ing) +Object The_Somer will be watering the ploris. Negative Sentence — onic Subject + wt lyfShall + not; ber 1 fgwn th Vern) Bject ‘lhe faroer will not b¢ be. watering the phourls. Inlesrogalive Sentence — A, ea Will [Shall rSubject +be + ti ynenting) + Objet Will the jeer be eon te plowls 2 OeC css -with mons No poxsive vorce Dx. coe ait h-neag ae es a oe will [Shall +have 1S hore (40% Zz KK &) 4- Assertive Sentence — typed ® Subject + WL (sol? + have + 3° pore + Object He wil) howe completed! He work: a- Negalive Senkence — Az “e Subject will [Shell +i not + have 3% pore + Object He will nol have. completed fhe wovk« 3- Snbessoogoilive Sentence — Lele WiDl{ Stall «Subject + howe + 3” ee + Olgect Wri, + he + howe + completed! the work? Passive Voice. Object + wiDl/ shall + have + been + ad om 4» Subjeck She will have submitted! thesés. Thesis will hane been submitted her. Thess will not have been subm' Lleol oy her- Wr thesis have been Submitted by her? Future Rapock Continuous Suter LOK) WiLl|Shalh + hawe + been + 1 farming) Assekive Sentence — pF db® Subject + wilffhalls have + been + 4% paras Obfect + Start ig wi fowe been taking sept fev foo cb} | Negalie Sentence - hh pe Subjed will Shall hove + beens I pr (ng) Ole! Sine bin Teg, weil co fave Geen Unking me he te Sos Inberogalive Sentence Wi bl/Sholl + Sabject + have + been + 1* nting ) + Objet Stoepgr ein Wie theg have been toking sest i two oles? ess- with. waaas No posive voice Enabish zt 10 ¢ss—with-wagas Direct & Inoliveck ' Direct SF eech —> wepeals the actiol wads useol by he speaker - Lndlivect Speech —> gives th substance. RM mes" om mot peeling welt v v Repogling Reporkeak Speech, fe (inveleo commas :) => Omnth inveteol Commas > Normally confunclion ‘Thot? is used! Aa Coecca Commas: —> We 2 the Pronoun We zi ee the tenses n aporkeck How Lo change pronoun? (SON) iS © N Aesteed) (Object) (No change) ard person, Pronoun 4 and i eon pronoun person % changed Pronoun (S & mot chongech change according to ; subject @ aceand © 1-He Says to me,"9 am not peeing well.” subjed 2 peson pronoun He Says to me that he & ay aaa well. 2- She soys to me," You axe not tresteoorlhap Obfect and person Feo, She sogs to me thol 4 am not krust worth 3-4 say to them, “They will cheat ub: 34 person Pronoun 4 Say to them that theg will cheat ws: H css-wtth-wagas > 4 Ou oaling verh is etthen in present or use tense, the Lense %) repordeok speech wll mot be changed: He says to me, “2 am not eeling wel.” He Says to me thot he is not peeing well. >) our Aeporling verb ts in post lense, the lense % isprted! speech wl be changect. —> Univesal truths 5 No change of, dense a ess-with-wages Tense in Reported Speech — 2 into + Present sean aes Past Inclerinile « Peserd Conkmuews = —> Post Cord 'nuows —> Past Peshect . Present Pe lock © Present Peahect Cord. o She Goid to me,“ > am weavi She folol me thal she was weaving a new Swealers Bask «Past Iuolep — Past Corkamuows = ——> os + Post Poxect — No change + Post Parte Conti. —»> No charge. He said to me, “o Lost ~¢ pense He tolol me thol he hol Lost his purse Future 0 Future Indeginile 2 ature Contivusees Shalt [wiel o FuliKe = Perfect 7 ¥ 0 Eutre nes Corlinueus (woulel) —> Past Peaect Cork. a new sweater. Past Phect t Perfect Corkinucus He Sato to me,“9 shall vert you at ni At” He said to me that he woth visth me at might a . 0 css-with-wagqas Now —— then This —— hat These ——— prose Here uct Yestevcloy the previous oo Next day ___ the jetowing olay Come —— Go Age = Beyore Tooley that oloug Tomofxkow ha veaxt clog Anserkive Sentence «D sail to him,"9 do 9 toll him that 9 oltdl ry olullg- 3} sold fo him, “You ane wor aman dD words. 4 Uatol him thot he was not a man food 2? csS-uilth-woga s J She sold fo me,“Why do you weep? She adkeol me w nf 2 if ? » She sail to me, * Do fo" weep”? She adskeol me 4 4 wept (whsthee 4) Imperati ° He solol , “* Come heves He ordeteol to go thor + He said to me, “Please do not aun: He requester! me. not to pun: Exc eHe satol, ~““Alesl My son hos atledl” He exclaimecl wtth sorrow that his son had pet + He satd,“Yhal o prety j~-— it /” He excloimeol with fog took *L was o ved pet plover.

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