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Antonio, Justine Kyle R.

Aquino, Adrean Carl D.
Blaza, Maria Emma Fe T.
Del Rosario, Shaina Reese E.
Escomen, Christine Joy B.
Lacandile, Maria Aliah O.
Laudit, Ely C.
Tadili, Michael Dave M.
Tangtang, Angela C.
Preza, Justine Mhark A.

Senior High School

Basic Education Department
Our Lady of Fatima University-Quezon City

Mortilla, Ma. Paola Theresa D.

May 2023
Our Lady of Fatima University - Quezon City 1
Table of Contents




Review of Related Literature........................................................................................................... 5

Problem Statement........................................................................................................................... 8
Conceptual Framework....................................................................................................................8
Research Paradigm...........................................................................................................................9
Scope and Limitation....................................................................................................................... 9


Research Design.............................................................................................................................10
Research Locale............................................................................................................................. 10
Research Ethics..............................................................................................................................11
Research Sample............................................................................................................................ 11
Research Instrument.......................................................................................................................12
Interview Questionnaire.......................................................................................................13
Voice Recorder...................................................................................................................... 14
Data Analysis................................................................................................................................. 15


Summary........................................................................................................................................ 57
Conclusion..................................................................................................................................... 58
Recommendation........................................................................................................................... 59
Bibliography.................................................................................................................................. 61

Our Lady of Fatima University - Quezon City 2


The main goal of this research on authoritarian parenting is to understand how this
parenting style affects the mental health of students at Our Lady of
Fatima University and in general, along with how these effects may change how children
perceive their surroundings, interact with their peers, and control their emotions. The aim
of every parent is to discipline their children in an effective manner, but the authoritarian
parenting style appears to be more rigid and harsh, which may have negative long-term
impacts on children.

Interviews were conducted through voice recording, requiring respondents to

answer five questions and the method that was used for the data is thematic analysis.
Using the data collected from 36 respondents that are students at Our Lady of Fatima
University and depending on their answers which are based on their own experiences, it
was found out that others feels that having a strict parents truly has a negative effect on
their own life but there are other respondents that thinks having strict parents benefits
them and doesn't hurt them.

The study shows that because of the rules and expectations that the child has to
deal with, there's a great pressure of growing up with authoritarian parents and it can
sometimes make a child act inappropriately. Although it is more challenging to live and
manage in this type of situation, there is nothing a child of authoritarian parents' can do
except on learning to deal with it as she or he must obey them.

Our Lady of Fatima University - Quezon City 3

1.0 Introduction

Parenting is a challenging task, and help can be useful at various stages of a child's
growth. Parents have a huge effect on their children's life. They are the love, support, and
guidance pillars. A child's future success in romantic, peer, and parental relationships will
most likely be influenced by the parenting style employed to nurture the child. The
concept of parenting styles was first presented by Diane Baumrind to explain differences
in how parents strive to regulate and socialize their children. The authoritarian parenting
style is one of these.

Parental authority is the main focus of authoritarian parenting, as the name implies.
Authoritarian parenting is a very strict, expecting, controlling and rigid style of parenting
which is being carried out by the parents with an objective to keep their kids safe and
secure, but they often forget its consequences on the mental health of the child. This
parenting approach places more emphasis on control than connection, with parents
paying more attention to rules enforcement, consequences, and punishment than to the
reasons behind the conduct. The negative effects of this parenting style on children, such
as low self-esteem, social difficulties, and mental health problems, are usually related to

Filipino parents with authoritarian parenting practices usually have rigid rules and
high standards for their children. The most strict parents demonstrate their love for their
kids through open communication and the rules they impose. Their main goal is getting
their children to follow their rules, thus they use harsh punishments to discipline them.
Though they have a strict parenting style this does not mean that they care less about their
child. The pros of this kind of parenting is that their kinds are goal-driven, and often have
better behavior than others. This also minimizes their child's possibility to engage in any
type of risky behavior which makes them safer and cautious when making decisions.

Our Lady of Fatima University - Quezon City 4

2.0 Review of Related Literature

In order to generate a better understanding and develop an in-depth analysis of the

effect of authoritarian parenting style on students’ mental health, past research has been
extensively studied, reviewed and analyzed. The authoritarian parents attempt to
evaluate, shape and control the attitudes as well as behavior of their children in line with
set standards of conduct, known as absolute standards. In the light of this absolute
standard, children are supposed to follow very strict rules defined by their parents. In case
the children fail to comply with such rules they are punished. (Cherry, 2015) points out
that authoritarian parents usually fail to come up with reasoning behind such rules.

This style of parenting is reminiscent of old days and is likely the style of parenting
that living grandparents and great grandparents have. The Authoritarian Parent expects a
child to be respectful of adults, compliant with any and all demands given to them by
adults, and have a strong work ethic at a young age. These parents establish rigid rules
that must be followed, yet rarely explain why these rules are necessary or appropriate.
Typically, these parents use corporal punishment or rage towards a child as their main
form of discipline whenever these rules have not been followed. Parents expect kids to
follow the rules with no discussion or compromising and parents adopt this style because
of their nationality, culture or ethnic backgrounds dictate it, they believe ruling with an
iron fist is the best way to keep kids in line and under control (Trautner, 2017)

Local Studies

The parenting styles in the Philippines differ from those found in other regions of the
world in several ways. And it includes the three main ideas, First the goals of
specialization which stated that the child must be taught to be respectful, obedient to
parents, identify strong w/ his family, to be a good neighbor and kinsman, recognize and
reciprocate favors received and if possible improve his economic state. The second is
the child practices, which state that children are regarded as economic investments by
couples, particularly those living in the countryside. Children are regarded as a blessing

Our Lady of Fatima University - Quezon City 5

or gift from God. Pregnant women are advised to avoid taboo foods because they are said
to alter the features of the unborn kid in the eyes of rural people and make the mother and
the unborn child more seductive to supernatural creatures. Babies can eat at any time.
Toilet training is said to start between 10 and 15 months of age and last until the child is
two years old. During this time, the youngster learns to contact his mother or other
responsible people whenever he has to relieve himself. Finally, according to the
child-rearing methods, Filipino parents tend to be stricter when reinforcing discipline for
older kids. The establishment of rules for behavior and punishment is one of a parent's
main duties. More often than rewards, punishments are employed to discipline kids.
Parental power is the main focus of all efforts to manage children's conduct. Through
caring actions like hugging, embracing, patting on the back, and calling the child by their
favorite names, good conduct is encouraged. (Ochoa et al., 2014)

Although there are many different parenting philosophies in the Philippines, a

research found that the majority of the parenting style used is authoritarian parenting
style (Del Rosario, 2016). Especially in low-income families or we called poor families,
corporal punishment is still employed to discipline their children. But just because it isn’t
as common doesn’t mean that the middle and upper classes don’t engage in it. Even in the
upper classes, there are kids who receive penalties that distance them from their parents.
Although the Filipino parenting style has some advantages, it is most often associated
with parents losing touch with their children’s emotions.

Parenting is essential in Philippine society since family is seen as inside one's

social world. Be that as it may, the social settings in which Filipino families are
introduced have changed quickly in recent years. Child's learning is progressively
advancing toward a more expansive vision of 21st-century learning. As a child's training
progressively happens over a scope of settings, guardians are interestingly situated to
help guarantee that these settings best help their kids' particular adapting needs (Ochoa, et
al., 2017).
Being an OFW parent is a significant challenge for parents in raising their kids
(16-18yrs old), claims (Alampay, 2013). The average monthly income of Filipinos

Our Lady of Fatima University - Quezon City 6

working overseas is 30,000 pesos, but due to bills and taxes, they must be strict when it
comes to providing for their children.

According to (Gao, 2017), parental involvement is social capital and recognizes the
added substance impacts of various sorts of capital (counting social, financial, and social
capital) on college access and decision. However, his study hypothesizes and combines
the exchange among different sorts of capital and the enlargement of enrollment fees.
This investigation tended to this gap. This study proposed an 'associating various capitals'
show and assumed that parental social capital could direct the impacts of social and
financial capital on a section to college.

An article claimed (Lim, 2014) that the Philippines is host to diverse religious
beliefs that take a huge role in how a parent fosters mores and values to the child. Every
single parent wishes to nurture the child in such a way that the child grows into a morally
sound adult, and living life with the same faith and ideals. Christian parents view kids as
divine gifts from God, and their Christian faith enables them to become responsible
parents by bringing them closer to God. They also actively participate in religious
programs and activities to ensure their child grows into a mature individual practicing
Christian beliefs, deciding based on Christian values, and dedicating life to God.

Foreign Studies

An authoritarian parent believes that adults set the standards for household rules
and regulations and expect their children to abide by the rules Young, et al., (2018). Any
Deviation from the set rules by the child results in punitive consequences, which may
result in anxious and resentful children. Young et al., (2018 ) discovered that
authoritarian parents were more likely to strike their children for bad behavior rather than
using alternative methods of discipline. As a result, children may suffer. When raised in
an authoritarian environment, children become more dissatisfied and withdrawn.
Based on a previous study of (Korch, et al., 2018) in hispanic/americas, these
studies looked at the advantages of religiosity for young adults, at parenting styles and

Our Lady of Fatima University - Quezon City 7

their effect on children, and at religion and its relation to parenting techniques. Religious
involvement increases the mental, emotional, and obviously spiritual well-being of young
adolescents. Children involved in regular church activities showed higher levels of
self-esteem and self-worth, and were more satisfied with life. They were also correlated
with having lower delinquent behaviors like crime rates, drug and alcohol use,
promiscuity, and suicide.

2.1 Problem Statement

The study focuses on the Impact Of Authoritarian Parenting on Selected

Students' Mental Health at Our Lady of Fatima University. The researchers aim to
address the following questions in this study:

1. What factors affect authoritarian parents with their way of discipline to their children?
2. How can a child lessen the negative effects of having an authoritarian parent when it
comes to extracurricular activities and performances at school or elsewhere?
3. What kind of behavior a child of authoritarian parents develops and how does a child
deal with this kind of parenting style?
4. What are the long-term effects of authoritarian parenting on children's mental health?
5. How does authoritarian parenting influence a child's social relationships?

2.2 Conceptual Framework

The study's conceptual framework addresses the impact of an authoritarian
parenting style on the mental health of students at Our Lady of Fatima
University-Quezon City Campus. Religion, demographics, and college major are the
three aspects that the researchers should think about and concentrate on. All three factors
aid researchers in understanding the effect of authoritarian parenting style on the mental
health of OLFU-QC students. The researchers will then interview 30 students on the
campus of Our Lady of Fatima University in Quezon City. The researchers will need to
compile all of the respondents' responses after the interview. The responses gathered will

Our Lady of Fatima University - Quezon City 8

assist the researcher in understanding how an authoritarian parenting style affects the
mental health of OLFU-QC students.

2.3 Research Paradigm

2.4 Scope and Limitation

The purpose of this research is to examine the Impact of Authoritarian Parenting on

Students’ Mental Health at Our Lady of Fatima University in Quezon City. The data will
be collected from 30 randomly selected Senior High School students from Our Lady of
Fatima University - Quezon City, who will serve as the population. This study will not
cover any issues or collect any data that are unrelated to the Impact of Authoritarian
Parenting. The researchers' questionnaires will be the primary source of data. Each
respondent was given the same set of questions to answer. The findings of this study will
only apply to the study's respondents and will not be used as a measure of the Impact of
Authoritarian Parenting on Students’ who do not belong to the study's demographic. We
will learn about the impact of Authoritarian parenting on Students’ Mental Health by
getting information from Our Lady of Fatima University - Quezon City Students.

3.0 Research Method

Our Lady of Fatima University - Quezon City 9

In order to give a knowledgeable reader enough information to replicate the study
and reproduce the results, the researcher writes each subsection in this section concisely
yet comprehensively. This component also makes sure that the study will follow a
scientific procedure and that the tools used in the research are reliable and valid.

3.1 Research Design

Descriptive qualitative research, especially phenomenology, is a method aimed at

understanding and explaining an individual's lived experience. It involves gathering data
through methods like interviews and observations to understand the essence and
structures of these experiences. The researchers overcome preconceived notions and
prejudices and let the participant's perspective act as a guide for exploration and analysis.
The results of this study will allow a deeper understanding of the phenomenon and
contribute to knowledge in this study.

This qualitative research design aims to understand how authoritarian parenting

affects the mental health of students from Our Lady of Fatima University. Through
in-depth interviews with a purposively selected sample of students, the study seeks to
understand their experiences and perceptions of authoritarian parenting practices and
their impact on their mental well-being. Open-ended questions will be used to encourage
participants to share their personal narratives, emotions, and coping strategies related to
their upbringing and mental health.

3.2 Research Locale

The researchers chose to conduct their study at Our Lady Fatima of University, #1
Esperanza Street Hilltop Mansion Subdivision, Lagro, Quezon City, Metro Manila,
Philippines because their objective is to understand the impact of authoritarian parenting
on students' mental health there. It is an institution of higher education in the Philippines
that is well-known for its programs in allied medical sciences and is also one of the

Our Lady of Fatima University - Quezon City 10

universities that provides education at all levels, from undergraduate to postgraduate.
Because the required volunteers should be enrolled at Our Lady of Fatima University,
researchers decided to conduct the study there.

3.3 Research Sample

In this study, the researchers implemented a nonprobability sampling method
known as purposive sampling, which is chosen based on the specific characteristics
required in a population sample for a study purpose. It is also employed because of its
ability to be a strategy that fits the task of measuring sampling study and produces
accurate results (McLean, 2015). Our Lady of Fatima University students have been
asked to participate in a voluntary interview by researchers. The researcher will
personally enlist the responder to complete five open-ended interview questions, which
should take 5 to 10 minutes.

There won't be any in-depth non-related interview questions that will make the
interviewee hesitant or uneasy about participating. This should foster an environment that
permits for them to express themselves freely. The researcher is connected to an
estimated 30 people who fit the requirements for this research project and expects a total
of 35 possible participants. The expected norm in qualitative research is small n research,
often known as small participant research. Such short studies allow the researcher to
produce a rich, detailed account of the participant's experience as well as a greater
comprehension of that experience (Creswell, 2019).

3.4 Research Ethics

The participants in this study will be subjected to screening by the researchers.

Both the participants and the researchers will agree that participation in the study is
entirely optional and that the interview will take place voluntarily.

The researchers will guarantee that the participants' identities will be protected by
anonymity, that they won't disclose any information about their interviews, and that the

Our Lady of Fatima University - Quezon City 11

data will only be used for the intended research. Additionally, Maria (2017)'s three ethical
considerations and how they increase an organization's effectiveness served as a basis for
the proper citation of the authors and sources.

3.5 Research Instrument

In this study, the research instrument that was used by the researchers is an
interview questionnaire designed to collect only facts and information. The interview
method that we used is an unstructured interview where the respondents are asked to
answer five open-ended questions based on how they feel or their own opinion about the
researcher's topic so the data that the researcher’s collected is based and dependent on the
answers that were given by the respondents. The researchers conducted the interview
using a recording device to record the raw responses of the respondents, which were then
transcribed into text form in order to easily obtain the data results.

3.5.1 Tool

For the purpose of identifying if the participants in this study were eligible, the
researchers employed a screening tool as a checklist that qualified based on the list of
requirements provided during an interview. choosing the right criterion is essential
one who responds. In the event that the respondents meet the criteria, it might also serve
as a guide for the researchers provided. To accomplish the established goals, the
researchers employed this as a population parameter demanded of the aforementioned

3.5.2 Interview Questionnaires

In this part of the research, the respondents are asked and interviewed with the help
of interview questionnaires. Interview questionnaires are one of the vital research
instruments in conducting an interview. It is a guide for both the researchers and the
respondents. Its main purpose is for the researchers to have information they would want

Our Lady of Fatima University - Quezon City 12

to have from the respondents. The interview questions are aligned with research
questions which are the Effects of Authoritarian Parenting.

To start the interview, the researchers provided an interview questionnaire as a

guide for their respondents. The interview questionnaire contains 5 open-ended

1. Do you think that your parents' authoritarian parenting style had a significant
impact on how your values, religious beliefs, and social behavior developed? Why or
why not?
- The first question is discussing the view of the respondents to think if their
parent’s parental style affects their faith and beliefs in religion, their social
behavior and values.

2. Did your parents have strict rules and high expectations for you? How did you feel
about these rules and how do you overcome the pressure?
- The second question asks how the respondents feel about getting pressure from
their parent’s expectations for them and the strict parenting style they experience.

3. Is having an authoritarian parent helpful in achieving your goals, or does it cause

mental health problems?
- The third question wants to know the view of respondents to think if having an
authoritarian parent helps them to achieve what they want, goals, ambitions, and
also dream for their future or just getting some pressures, problems, and putting
their mental health in chaos.

4. Do you think your socioeconomic status has anything to do with your parents' or
guardians' parenting style?
- The fourth question wants to see the respondent’s belief in the connection of
socioeconomic status and parenting style of their parents.
5. Who made the decision of your course/strand—your parents or you? If Yes, Why
did they choose it? If not, What do they want you to pursue?
- The fifth question asks the respondents who made the decision for their
course/strand, it also asks what they want and what things they want to pursue.

Our Lady of Fatima University - Quezon City 13

The respondents will be able to give open answers to each question. When the
respondent is answering the question, one or several labels will summarize their answers.
The respondents were interviewed about their lived experience. After the interview is
done, the researchers would be able to collect data that will satisfy the questions
pertaining to . With the collection and categorization of all labels the overall view of that
interview question can be described and is written out. The views of students in Our Lady
Of Fatima University in Quezon City are described as detailed and represent the overall
view of all respondents on our research topic.

3.5.3 Voice Recorder

The researchers conducted an interview using a voice recorder, instead of writing

down every piece of information that the respondents shared throughout the interview.
All the data and information would be gathered using the recorder as a tool. It would be
easier for the researchers to grasp the interviewee's words properly if they used a voice
recorder. In order to improve accuracy, the researchers afterwards entered the captured
media's transcription into a text file.

3.6 Data Collection

The people respondents were chosen by the researchers based on criteria. The
interview took place in the Quezon City Campus of Our Lady of Fatima University. The
students of Our Lady of Fatima University's Quezon City Campus met the requirements
for the study and were chosen as the respondents since they met the criteria. The
researchers will introduce themselves and provide a brief explanation of the interview
process prior to the real interview. The participants will have unlimited time to respond to
the questions, allowing them to freely and appropriately participate in a study interview.
The results will be obtained using the thematic analysis used in this study. The answers to
the research problems will be formed from these implications and recommendations, this
will be used as evidence by the researchers when they employ an analytical technique to
assess the data.

Our Lady of Fatima University - Quezon City 14

3.7 Data Analysis

The method of identifying patterns in qualitative data is called thematic analysis.

The advantage of thematic analysis, according to Braun & Clarke (2006), is that it offers
a way to arrange and summarize the results of a sizable, diverse body of research. It is
possible to make sense of seemingly unconnected material using thematic analysis. It can
be used to evaluate qualitative data and methodically learn about someone, their direct or
indirect interactions with others, a group, a scenario, an organization, or a culture.

The research approach that the researchers used in this study is qualitative research.
In qualitative, the researchers record and state their observations about The Impact of
Authoritarian Parenting on Students’ Mental Health. To verify the answers, the collected
data which were extracted to come up with a general theme were analogized with the
related literature and studies gathered by the researchers.


1. Do you think that your parents' Yes, because it depends on the parenting style
authoritarian parenting style had of the parents, how their child's beliefs will be
a significant impact on how shaped, and how she or he will have
your values, religious beliefs,
interactions and socialization with others.-R1.
and social behavior developed?
“Kenneth” ABM-11
Why or why not?

2. Did your parents have strict Right now, yes and the only thing I can do is
rules and high expectations for endure it and go along with all the rules they
you? How did you feel about enforce on me, even though it's too strict, I'm
these rules and how do you
still trying to understand it and live with it.
overcome the pressure?
-R1. “Kenneth” ABM-11

3. Is having an authoritarian - For me, it can help you achieve your dream
parent helpful in achieving and there are also times when it can cause a
your goals, or does it cause child's mental health problem. It helps you in
mental health problems?
reaching your dream because the rules and
expectations of the parents might help

Our Lady of Fatima University - Quezon City 15

develop the child's discipline. On the other
hand, too high expectations and too strict
rules of parents can cause pressure and “being
mentally unstable" of their child.-R1.
“Kenneth” ABM-11

4. Do you think your I don't think so, the respective parenting style
socioeconomic status has of parents depends on their parents
anything to do with your themselves, and not on the standard of living
parents' or guardians' parenting of a family.-R1. “Kenneth” ABM-11

5. Who made the decision of your I am the one who chose my strand right now.
course/strand—your parents or My parents let me choose a strand that I feel
you? If comfortable learning and also for my
Yes, Why did they choose it? If
future.-R1. “Kenneth” ABM-11
What do they want you to


1. Do you think that your Yes, because whatever your parents taught
parents' authoritarian parenting you, you will carry it until you grow older or
style had a significant impact in other words, how your parents raised
on how your values, religious
you.-R2. “Aliana” STEM
beliefs, and social behavior
developed? Why or why not?

2. Did your parents have strict Yes, sometimes I feel sad because their
rules and high expectations for expectations are too high and I'm afraid I'll
you? How did you feel about disappoint them but parents giving us rules
these rules and how do you
are inevitable, the only thing I can do is
overcome the pressure?
follow them and just think that what they do
is also for me.-R2. “Aliana” STEM

Our Lady of Fatima University - Quezon City 16

3. Is having an authoritarian In my opinion, yes my parents' strictness
parent helpful in achieving helps me a lot because I can focus more on
your goals, or does it cause my studies and I am even more encouraged to
mental health problems?
study so that I don't disappoint them.-R2.
“Aliana” STEM

4. Do you think your Yes it is, because if your parents raised you in
socioeconomic status has a pampered way, it will have a big impact on a
anything to do with your child's life.-R2. “Aliana” STEM
parents' or guardians' parenting

5, Who made the decision of your I am the one who chose my strand because
course/strand—your parents or they didn't have a problem when it comes to
you? If those things and they just support me on what
Yes, Why did they choose it? If
I have decided in my strand.-R2. “Aliana”
What do they want you to


1. Do you think that your Yes, because I believe that my first role
parents' authoritarian models are my parents so whatever
parenting style had a knowledge or actions they teach me, I will do
significant impact on how
it and carry it as I grow older as an
your values, religious beliefs,
individual.-R3. “STEM”
and social behavior
developed? Why or why not?

Our Lady of Fatima University - Quezon City 17

2. Did your parents have strict Yes, my parents have strict rules and
rules and high expectations for sometimes high expectations. I feel pressured
you? How did you feel about about it to the point that I always need an
these rules and how do you
academic validation and push myself harder
overcome the pressure?
just so I could reach their expectations
towards me and I overcome the pressure in
just choosing to look at the brighter side of it
which is thinking that if they don't pressure
me I wouldn't be hard working and
responsible when it comes to my studies.-R3.

3. Is having an authoritarian Yes I could say that it's helpful in achieving

parent helpful in achieving my goals because I had a realization that if
your goals, or does it cause they weren't pressuring me I wouldn't be this
mental health problems?
persuasive, disciplined, and responsible
person when it come on my priorities and the
things that I want to do but at same time yes it
can also cause mental health problems
because the pressure makes me anxious about
a lot things to the point that I'm afraid on
failing and making a mistake and I doubt my
abilities most of the time which leads to low
self confidence.-R3. “STEM”

4. Do you think your No, I don't think my status in life has anything
socioeconomic status has to do with my parents' parenting style because
anything to do with your my parents themselves are the ones who
parents' or guardians' decided on how they will raise me as an
parenting style? individual.-R3. “STEM”

5, Who made the decision of I am the one who made a decision in choosing
your my strand but at first my father wanted me to
course/strand—your parents or take a different strand which HUMSS but I
you? If

Our Lady of Fatima University - Quezon City 18

Yes, Why did they choose it? really fight for I want this time because I
If not, think it's just right that I am the who should
What do they want you to choose because I will be the one who will
study and knew what strand will give me
benefits especially in my future course in
college-R3. “STEM”


1. Do you think that your For me, yes parenting style has a big impact
parents' authoritarian on young people like me in terms of spiritual
parenting style had a beliefs and interaction with others; because
significant impact on how
parents are more dominant or parents are the
your values, religious beliefs,
ones who must be followed and not what the
and social behavior
developed? Why or why not? child wants. It can affect the interactions with
others because the children don't have the
freedom when it comes to doing other
things.-R4. “Crissha” STEM-11

2. Did your parents have strict My parents don't have strict rules and high
rules and high expectations expectations, they always support me as long
for you? How did you feel as I improve my academic performance. The
about these rules and how do
only expectation they have for me is just to do
you overcome the pressure?
my best and improve. I can overcome all the
challenges in my studies because they are my
inspiration. They don't give up in providing so
that I can study so I am motivated to
overcome whatever trials I face or what I feel
for it.-R4. “Crissha” STEM-11

Our Lady of Fatima University - Quezon City 19

3. Is having an authoritarian Having strict parents has a part that helps me
parent helpful in achieving achieve my goals because they tell you what
your goals, or does it cause is right and even if you don't want it,
mental health problems?
somehow you know in yourself that they are
right and the reason why they become strict is
because they just care for your welfare but
sometimes because they are so strict, it also
causes problems in my mental health because
I feel that I am no longer free to do what I
want to do.-R4. “Crissha” STEM-11

4. Do you think your Our standard of living had nothing to do with

socioeconomic status has the parenting style of my parents and how
anything to do with your they raised me and we're raised with enough
parents' or guardians' love and attention from them.-R4. “Crissha”
parenting style? STEM-11

5, Who made the decision of When it comes to the strand, I am the one
your who decided on my chosen strand (stem) and
course/strand—your parents my parents support it. But at first they wanted
or you? If
me to take the strand ABM which has to do
Yes, Why did they choose it?
with business so that my strand will be similar
If not,
What do they want you to with my cousins but in the end I was still the
pursue? one who decided in choosing the strand that I
want, as long as I can survive it they will just
be there to support me.-R4. “Crissha”


1. Do you think that your Yes, Parenting approaches can influence

parents' authoritarian academic achievement, motivation and mental
parenting style had a health. Parenting methods can also have an
significant impact on how

Our Lady of Fatima University - Quezon City 20

your values, religious beliefs, impact on children's mental health and yes,
and social behavior this includes on how the child socializes with
developed? Why or why not? others.-R5. “Sarah” HUMSS-11

2. Did your parents have strict No, whatever I do in my academics, they will
rules and high expectations accept it.-R5. “Sarah” HUMSS-11
for you? How did you feel
about these rules and how do
you overcome the pressure?

3. Is having an authoritarian Yes, it does cause mental health problems

parent helpful in achieving because you will always be under pressure
your goals, or does it cause and neglect yourself.-R5. “Sarah” HUMSS-11
mental health problems?

4. Do you think your

socioeconomic status has I don't think my parents raised me based on
anything to do with your our lifestyle.-R5. “Sarah” HUMSS-11
parents' or guardians'
parenting style?

5, Who made the decision of I chose my strand and they supported me

your there..-R5. “Sarah” HUMSS-11
course/strand—your parents
or you? If
Yes, Why did they choose it?
If not,
What do they want you to


1. Do you think that your Yes, my parents' authoritarianism had a huge

parents' authoritarian influence on my life. Having authoritative
parenting style had a parents is neither good nor bad. It taught me
significant impact on how to be disciplined and well-mannered in my

Our Lady of Fatima University - Quezon City 21

your values, religious beliefs, behavior, and it taught me to respect others in
and social behavior the religion and beliefs of others. Having
developed? Why or why not? authoritarian parents is giving me anxiety
because I know I will get in trouble if I don't
obey the rules or step out of line.-R6
“Georgia” STEM-11

2. Did your parents have strict

rules and high expectations Yes, having parents who have rules in the
for you? How did you feel house is stressful, and it felt unfair to me
about these rules and how do because I don't have much freedom because I
you overcome the pressure? have to follow those rules. There is one rule
that I couldn't agree on because it is an
unfairly high expectation, and I overcame it
by having a serious conversation with them
about how I felt about that rule and how
mentally draining it is.-R6 “Georgia”

3. Is having an authoritarian
parent helpful in achieving Both in my opinion. Having strict parents
your goals, or does it cause might help you maintain discipline and
mental health problems? responsibility not only in school but also in
life. They motivate us to be better and more
independent. And having authoritarian parents
can be mentally draining since they have
unrealistic expectations that I cannot meet.-R6
“Georgia” STEM-11

4. Do you think your

No, because socioeconomic status is only
socioeconomic status has
based on my family's social and economic
anything to do with your
position and not on their role.-R6 “Georgia”
parents' or guardians' STEM-11
parenting style?

5, Who made the decision of They allowed me to choose my strand since

your they stated I'm the one who will study, not
course/strand—your parents them, and they also said they will support me
or you? If on whichever path I choose in the future, as
Yes, Why did they choose it? long as I prioritize my studies.-R6 “Georgia”
If not, STEM-11

Our Lady of Fatima University - Quezon City 22

What do they want you to


1. Do you think that your

parents' authoritarian Yes. Because there might be a big impact on
parenting style had a your kids interacting with other people or they
significant impact on how might have been stressed out because of their
your values, religious beliefs, parents being strict.-R7 “Chrisanne”
and social behavior STEM-11
developed? Why or why not?

2. Did your parents have strict Yes, they did. They may not be very strict
rules and high expectations with me but I felt controlled sometimes. The
for you? How did you feel rules are okay for me but most of the time, the
about these rules and how do pressure builds up too much that I feel scared
you overcome the pressure? that I may not be able to reach their
expectations. I overcome the pressure by
giving myself the time to breathe and sort
things out properly.-R7 “Chrisanne”

3. Is having an authoritarian I think it depends on the situation. Sometimes

parent helpful in achieving it's helpful, especially when I need guidance
your goals, or does it cause when making a decision. However, sometimes
mental health problems? it also causes mental health problems,
specifically when I feel pressured or stressed
with what they are saying or telling me to
do.-R7 “Chrisanne” STEM-11

4. Do you think your Yes, my parent's socioeconomic status has an

socioeconomic status has influence on their parenting style. They
anything to do with your prioritize creativity and self-expression, and
as parents, they also give my siblings and I
parents' or guardians'
what we need as much as they can.-R7
parenting style?
“Chrisanne” STEM-11

5, Who made the decision of I chose my strand, but my mom also said that
your I should take it. I chose this because I heard

Our Lady of Fatima University - Quezon City 23

course/strand—your parents that STEM would be a very good choice in
or you? If preparation for College, compared to other
Yes, Why did they choose it? strands. I think it's also useful for whatever
If not, course I'll choose in the future.-R7
What do they want you to “Chrisanne” STEM-11


1. Do you think that your

parents' authoritarian Yes. Because there might be a big impact on
parenting style had a your kids interacting with other people or they
significant impact on how might have been stressed out because of their
your values, religious beliefs, parents being strict.-R8. “Christine”
and social behavior STEM-11
developed? Why or why not?

2. Did your parents have strict

rules and high expectations No, They aren't strict nor have high
for you? How did you feel expectations from me.-R8. “Christine”
about these rules and how do STEM-11
you overcome the pressure?

3. Is having an authoritarian
parent helpful in achieving No, because being strict on your kids only
your goals, or does it cause gives them a hard time and can affect their
mental health problems? mental health.-R8. “Christine” STEM-11

4. Do you think your No -R8. “Christine” STEM-11

socioeconomic status has
anything to do with your
parents' or guardians'
parenting style?

5, Who made the decision of I'm the one who chose this strand.-R8.
your “Christine'' STEM-11
course/strand—your parents
or you? If
Yes, Why did they choose it?

Our Lady of Fatima University - Quezon City 24

If not,
What do they want you to


1. Do you think that your

parents' authoritarian Yes it did lay an impact on me, first of all I
parenting style had a was with them my whole life, they were my
significant impact on how first teachers and I basically grew up under
your values, religious beliefs, their influences.-R9. “Renzo” HUMSS-11
and social behavior
developed? Why or why not?

2. Did your parents have strict

rules and high expectations Yes they did have strict rules like going home
for you? How did you feel on time but it is understandable, and yes they
about these rules and how do too have high expectations for me cause I am
you overcome the pressure? an older sibling which makes me
responsible.-R9. “Renzo” HUMSS-11

3. Is having an authoritarian
parent helpful in achieving Yes they played a huge impact on achieving
your goals, or does it cause my careers and dreams, and at the same time
mental health problems? they cause mental problems because of the
expectations you need to reach.-R9. “Renzo”

4. Do you think your

Yes, although we are not rich but we are
socioeconomic status has
fortunate, which helped me to be more
anything to do with your
preserving when it comes to money thanks to
parents' or guardians' them.-R9. “Renzo” HUMSS-11
parenting style?

5, Who made the decision of For this, I made the decision to take up the
your HUMSS strand, my parents just agreed to the
course/strand—your parents mindset of "Wherever you are we support
or you? If you" I pursued humss because I wanna fight

Our Lady of Fatima University - Quezon City 25

Yes, Why did they choose it? for equality and injustices revolving around
If not, the country.-R9. “Renzo” HUMSS-11
What do they want you to


1. Do you think that your Idk, I don't have experience with authoritarian
parents' authoritarian parents-R10. “Hannie” STEM-12
parenting style had a
significant impact on how
your values, religious beliefs,
and social behavior
developed? Why or why not?

2. Did your parents have strict When I was younger, yes, but now they just
rules and high expectations support me in whatever way they can.-R10.
for you? How did you feel “Hannie” STEM-12
about these rules and how do
you overcome the pressure?

3. Is having an authoritarian Idk. I don't have authoritarian parents.-R10.

parent helpful in achieving “Hannie” STEM-12
your goals, or does it cause
mental health problems?

4. Do you think your No -R10. “Hannie” STEM-12

socioeconomic status has
anything to do with your
parents' or guardians'
parenting style?

5, Who made the decision of I did but my parents had a little influence on
your my decision. I chose it because I didn't know
course/strand—your parents what I wanted to do at the time.-R10.
or you? If “Hannie” STEM-12
Yes, Why did they choose it?
If not,

Our Lady of Fatima University - Quezon City 26

What do they want you to


1. Do you think that your

parents' authoritarian Yes, because what Parents teach to a child is
parenting style had a what will be their forever mindset and
significant impact on how beliefs.-R11. “Kurt” STEM-11
your values, religious beliefs,
and social behavior
developed? Why or why not?

2. Did your parents have strict

rules and high expectations nothing at all, but if they do i will still feel
for you? How did you feel pressured but i will manage it by doing what
about these rules and how do they want to see in me.-R11. “Kurt” STEM-11
you overcome the pressure?

3. Is having an authoritarian
parent helpful in achieving no because most likely the one who will be
your goals, or does it cause guided might feel discouraged because of the
mental health problems? scary environment that might affect his or her
mental state.-R11. “Kurt” STEM-11

4. Do you think your

yes, because they are the ones who will build
socioeconomic status has
you as you become older.-R11. “Kurt”
anything to do with your
parents' or guardians'
parenting style?

5, Who made the decision of I chose it myself, because my parents want

your me to feel comfortable and just be
course/strand—your parents myself.-R11. “Kurt” STEM-11
or you? If
Yes, Why did they choose it?
If not,
What do they want you to

Our Lady of Fatima University - Quezon City 27


1. Do you think that your I would say yes. My parents instilled

parents' authoritarian principles and ideals in me since they were
parenting style had a my role models when I was a child.-R12,
significant impact on how “Elijah” HUMSS-11
your values, religious beliefs,
and social behavior
developed? Why or why not?

2. Did your parents have strict They were very strict with me, especially
rules and high expectations with my education when I was growing up
for you? How did you feel because they wanted me to succeed in my
about these rules and how do aspirations. I am not upset with them for
you overcome the pressure? being very severe with me; rather, I am
grateful for their guidance because without it,
I would not be the guy I am today.-R12,
“Elijah” HUMSS-11

3. Is having an authoritarian It was beneficial to me because my parents

parent helpful in achieving only had my best interests in mind, for which
your goals, or does it cause I am grateful.-R12, “Elijah” HUMSS-11
mental health problems?

4. Do you think your No -R12, “Elijah” HUMSS-11

socioeconomic status has
anything to do with your
parents' or guardians'
parenting style?

5, Who made the decision of I made the decision about my strand; my

your parents didn't interfere with the strand that I
course/strand—your parents chose.-R12, “Elijah” HUMSS-11
or you? If
Yes, Why did they choose it?
If not,
What do they want you to

Our Lady of Fatima University - Quezon City 28


1. Do you think that your No, because I don't open up to my parents

parents' authoritarian very much. That's why my spiritual beliefs
parenting style had a and dealings with others are not very
significant impact on how developed.-R13. “HUMSS”
your values, religious beliefs,
and social behavior
developed? Why or why not?

2. Did your parents have strict No, since I expect from myself. When my
rules and high expectations grades are high, they expect it to increase, but
for you? How did you feel I really put my own pressure on it. If I didn't
about these rules and how do give it my all, I wouldn't have pressure on
you overcome the pressure? myself.-R13. “HUMSS”

3. Is having an authoritarian Depending on parental restrictions, there are

parent helpful in achieving parents who give you limitations but you are
your goals, or does it cause not pressured when it comes to
mental health problems? academics.-R13. “HUMSS”

4. Do you think your No, my pressure doesn't put pressure on me in

socioeconomic status has school. If I decide to study then they go for
anything to do with your me, they always support me.-R13. “HUMSS”
parents' or guardians'
parenting style?

5, Who made the decision of Me, because in their time there is no K-12
your that's why they don't know the strand choices
course/strand—your parents and so they can decide for the strand they
or you? If want for me. They have a dream for me but
Yes, Why did they choose it? they go for the dream I want.-R13. “HUMSS”
If not,
What do they want you to


Our Lady of Fatima University - Quezon City 29

1. Do you think that your No, because based on my experience, no
parents' authoritarian parent stood up for me and I was the only one
parenting style had a who adapted my behavior or the right way to
significant impact on how deal with other people.-R14 “ABM”
your values, religious beliefs,
and social behavior
developed? Why or why not?

2. Did your parents have strict Nothing, but they tell me to do my best..-R14
rules and high expectations “ABM”
for you? How did you feel
about these rules and how do
you overcome the pressure?

3. Is having an authoritarian I don't know, because I don't have my parents

parent helpful in achieving with me..-R14 “ABM”
your goals, or does it cause
mental health problems?

4. Do you think your There is, but glory to God even though almost
socioeconomic status has no parents raised me, I didn't become a
anything to do with your coward or do bad things to other people, I'm
learning to appreciate myself more and move
parents' or guardians'
on because I can only rely on myself.-R14
parenting style?

5, Who made the decision of Actually I'm just basing on what they want to
your be for me when the day comes because they
course/strand—your parents say that " this kind of job is in demand " so I
or you? If chose it more than my desire to be a
Yes, Why did they choose it? chef.-R14 “ABM”
If not,
What do they want you to


1. Do you think that your Yes, because when they are children, what
parents' authoritarian they see around them they also imitate, for
parenting style had a example the child hears that his father always

Our Lady of Fatima University - Quezon City 30

significant impact on how curses his mother, so when he grows up, he
your values, religious beliefs, has his mindset that such things are normal.
and social behavior It's just my perspective.-R15 “STEM”
developed? Why or why not?

2. Did your parents have strict There is, I'm very angry, you will be kicked
rules and high expectations out of the house if you're not in the honor
for you? How did you feel list.-R15 “STEM”
about these rules and how do
you overcome the pressure?

3. Is having an authoritarian It depends, sometimes because other parents

parent helpful in achieving are so strict, the child loses their personal life
your goals, or does it cause to the point that they just want to rebel.-R15
mental health problems? “STEM”

4. Do you think your None, from lower to upper. It doesn't matter to

socioeconomic status has them.-R15 “STEM”
anything to do with your
parents' or guardians'
parenting style?

5, Who made the decision of Me, they have no interest in me as long as I

your graduate.-R15 “STEM”
course/strand—your parents
or you? If
Yes, Why did they choose it?
If not,
What do they want you to


1. Do you think that your Yes, when the first people we meet are our
parents' authoritarian families, they teach us how to interact with
parenting style had a other people.-R16 “ABM”
significant impact on how
your values, religious beliefs,

Our Lady of Fatima University - Quezon City 31

and social behavior
developed? Why or why not?

2. Did your parents have strict There is, just like " don't stay up late outside",
rules and high expectations for me it's okay for them to be like that
for you? How did you feel because they know better what will be better
about these rules and how do for me.-R16 “ABM”
you overcome the pressure?

3. Is having an authoritarian Yes, because of them, I am not addicted to

parent helpful in achieving bad deeds.-R16 “ABM”
your goals, or does it cause
mental health problems?

4. Do you think your Yes, in hardship or in ease, they are the first
socioeconomic status has one I talk to whether there is a problem or not,
anything to do with your they are the one who give me the strength to
continue in life.-R16 “ABM”
parents' or guardians'
parenting style?

5, Who made the decision of I'm the one who decided what I took, I
your couldn't answer this accurately, because they
course/strand—your parents said that what I wanted to take, they are there
or you? If to support me. But I choose between BSCE or
Yes, Why did they choose it? BSBA.-R16 “ABM”
If not,
What do they want you to


1. Do you think that your Yes, this is where a child's ability to make a
parents' authoritarian decision depends on how they will deal with
parenting style had a it. However, all of this still depends on the
significant impact on how child if the things he/she learned from his/her
your values, religious beliefs, parents will be put and carry it for
and social behavior lifetime.-R17. “ABM”
developed? Why or why not?

Our Lady of Fatima University - Quezon City 32

2. Did your parents have strict Yes, it's stressful but it's fun, because they are
rules and high expectations rooting for me, but still I always take it easy
for you? How did you feel and the goal is to have fun and enjoy my
about these rules and how do youth no matter what happens cause we only
you overcome the pressure? lived once..-R17. “ABM”

3. Is having an authoritarian I'm not a professional to answer this kind of

parent helpful in achieving question but I think it all boils down on how
your goals, or does it cause we handle our own consciousness to realize
mental health problems? our parents' concern and make them realize
too, if they are being too much.
Communication is a must.-R17. “ABM”

4. Do you think your I don't think so.-R17. “ABM”

socioeconomic status has
anything to do with your
parents' or guardians'
parenting style?

5, Who made the decision of They're also shocked by the new curriculum
your that was given by our government so they
course/strand—your parents don't know much about it and yeah I'm the
or you? If one who chose my strand. About the course
Yes, Why did they choose it? that they wanted for me there is no specific
If not, strand or course. My parents just always say
What do they want you to to take any course that has a board or bar
pursue? exam and Excel on it rather than taking
random courses like entrepreneurship.-R17.


1. Do you think that your I do agree that my values, religious beliefs,

parents' authoritarian and social behavior have been influenced by
parenting style had a the authoritarian parenting style of my
significant impact on how parents. I learned the value of following the
your values, religious beliefs, rules and respecting authority from my strict

Our Lady of Fatima University - Quezon City 33

and social behavior family and expectations.-R18. “Nicole”
developed? Why or why not? STEM 11

2. Did your parents have strict Yes, my parents had very strict rules and high
rules and high expectations expectations of me, especially in terms of my
for you? How did you feel behavior and achievement in school. These
about these rules and how do standards used to overwhelm me when I was a
you overcome the pressure? teenager and I found it difficult to follow
them. As I've grown older. I've learned how to
handle pressure by setting myself goals that
are both realistic and acceptable.-R18.
“Nicole” STEM 11

3. Is having an authoritarian Both positive and negative effects might come

parent helpful in achieving from having authoritarian parents upon your
your goals, or does it cause ability to succeed. On the other hand, having
mental health problems? strict parents might keep you motivated and
focused on your goals. while on the other
side, it may create a feeling of anxiety and
despair by creating a sense of control, fear,
and tension.-R18. “Nicole” STEM 11

4. Do you think your The parenting style of a parent or guardian

socioeconomic status has can, in reality, be affected by socioeconomic
anything to do with your status. A parent's ability to give their kids
greater resources and opportunities depends
parents' or guardians'
on their socioeconomic standing, which might
parenting style?
influence how they raise them. The resources
available to parents of lower socioeconomic
position may be more constrained, and as a
result, they may use different parenting
techniques.-R18. “Nicole” STEM 11

5, Who made the decision of I made the decision of my STRAND. I chose

your it because I want to. My parents wanted me to
course/strand—your parents pursue something that I was passionate about,
or you? If and they were supportive of my
Yes, Why did they choose it? decision,-R18. “Nicole” STEM 11

Our Lady of Fatima University - Quezon City 34

If not,
What do they want you to


1. Do you think that your Actually they didn't affect anything in my

parents' authoritarian belief, even though they were authoritative
parenting style had a parents since I was an only child. they never
significant impact on how pushed me about my beliefs, religion and
your values, religious beliefs, values. -R19. “Mary Angelique” STEM-11
and social behavior
developed? Why or why not?

2. Did your parents have strict Yes they are strict and they have high
rules and high expectations expectations because I am the first born which
for you? How did you feel is very normal in Asian households. -R19.
about these rules and how do “Mary Angelique” STEM-11
you overcome the pressure?

3. Is having an authoritarian For me it causes mental health problems

parent helpful in achieving sometimes. because they're too much to the
your goals, or does it cause point that I can't handle it. -R19. “Mary
mental health problems? Angelique” STEM-11

4. Do you think your It doesn't matter what state you are in life, it's
socioeconomic status has really up to your parents. -R19. “Mary
anything to do with your Angelique” STEM-11
parents' or guardians'
parenting style?

5. Who made the decision of For me, I decided on my own. because they
your course/strand—your are not the ones who will have a hard time
parents or you? If yes, Why studying, it's me so I have the right to choose
did they choose it? If not,

Our Lady of Fatima University - Quezon City 35

What do they want you to what I want. -R19. “Mary Angelique”
pursue? STEM-11


1. Do you think that your Yes, it has a big impact because it is from
parents' authoritarian them that we first learn how to understand and
parenting style had a understand the events in our lives. -R20.
significant impact on how “Leila Angela Sunga” STEM-11
your values, religious beliefs,
and social behavior
developed? Why or why not?

2. Did your parents have There is. Because sometimes I feel it is not
strict rules and high fair/unfair as I am their child and still a
expectations for you? How human who can make mistakes. I get over it
did you feel about these rules by explaining to them whenever it's too much
and how do you overcome or I can't do what they want. -R20. “Leila
the pressure? Angela Sunga” STEM-11

3. Is having an authoritarian It depends. There are indeed events in our

parent helpful in achieving lives that we should follow as a guide, but it is
your goals, or does it cause inevitable to have a negative impact on my
mental health problems? mental health. Especially if it's suffocating
and they control my life too much. -R20.
“Leila Angela Sunga” STEM-11

4. Do you think your Yes, because they have been shaping my

socioeconomic status has personality since I was young. -R20. “Leila
anything to do with your Angela Sunga” STEM-11
parents' or guardians'
parenting style?

Our Lady of Fatima University - Quezon City 36

5. Who made the decision of They chose me. They chose it because it was
your course/strand—your related to the course they wanted me to take.
parents or you? If yes, Why -R20. “Leila Angela Sunga” STEM-11
did they choose it? If not,
What do they want you to


1. Do you think that your Yes, because of how I was treated, I wanted
parents' authoritarian to become different. The strict-fulness of my
parenting style had a parents became a way for me to explore even
significant impact on how more and be out of the box that they want,
your values, religious beliefs, basically being a rebel. -R21. “Optional”
and social behavior STEM-11
developed? Why or why not?

2. Did your parents have I think they have high expectations but not
strict rules and high high expectations with grades. I overcame this
expectations for you? How pressure by not really caring anymore because
did you feel about these rules they can't control my life all the time. -R21.
and how do you overcome “Optional” STEM-11
the pressure?

3. Is having an authoritarian No it does not help it can cause trauma and

parent helpful in achieving mental health problems. I think being stuck in
your goals, or does it cause one box can really make you rethink life.
mental health problems? -R21. “Optional” STEM-11

4. Do you think your YES. Based on my socioeconomic status

socioeconomic status has back then I think they really thought that
anything to do with your everyone is bad out there and they just think

Our Lady of Fatima University - Quezon City 37

parents' or guardians' that their house and the way of their parenting
parenting style? is the safest option. -R21. “Optional”

5. Who made the decision of I chose it in a way. I think I made the

your course/strand—your decision because it was for the best but they
parents or you? If yes, Why forced me to pursue it cause it has more
did they choose it? If not, opportunities -R21. “Optional” STEM-11
What do they want you to


1. Do you think that your Yes, it did have an impact, especially on how
parents' authoritarian my social behavior developed. I was raised by
parenting style had a angry and easy-to-be-disappointed people,
significant impact on how and to my dismay, I became just like them.
your values, religious beliefs, -R22. “Optional” BSN-1
and social behavior
developed? Why or why not?

2. Did your parents have strict Yes, they did have expectations, but most
rules and high expectations were manageable. And I got on just fine by
for you? How did you feel progressing at my own pace. -R22. “Optional”
about these rules and how do BSN-1
you overcome the pressure?

3. Is having an authoritarian Yes, it can be helpful. And yes, it also affects

parent helpful in achieving one’s mental health. It’s like you’re achieving
your goals, or does it cause your goals while being mentally drained.
mental health problems? -R22. “Optional” BSN-1

4. Do you think your Yes, it’s one of the factors. -R22. “Optional”
socioeconomic status has BSN-1

Our Lady of Fatima University - Quezon City 38

anything to do with your
parents' or guardians'
parenting style?

5. Who made the decision of I made the decision, and it’s just fine with
your course/strand—your them, but they would really like it if I opted
parents or you? If yes, Why for a more practical choice. -R22. “Optional”
did they choose it? If not, BSN-1
What do they want you to


1. Do you think that your Yes, because it taught me to always follow

parents' authoritarian rules and authority without questioning them,
parenting style had a which led me to closely adhere to traditions
significant impact on how and conventional beliefs. However, as I grew
your values, religious older and began to form my own identity and
beliefs, and social behavior understanding of the world around me, I
developed? Why or why realized that blindly obeying rules without
not? questioning them was not always
advantageous and that there were times when
it was important to defy authority or question
widely held beliefs in order to develop as a
person. -R23. “Sugar Cuyos” BS Medtech

2. Did your parents have Yes. My parents had rules and high
strict rules and high expectations for me, which sometimes put
expectations for you? How pressure on me. It can be irritating at times to
did you feel about these have such rules and great expectations
rules and how do you imposed on me. I overcame the pressure by
overcome the pressure? ignoring it and focusing on myself and my
happiness. -R23. “Sugar Cuyos” BS Medtech

Our Lady of Fatima University - Quezon City 39

3. Is having an authoritarian Neither. -R23. “Sugar Cuyos” BS Medtech
parent helpful in achieving 1-YB-4
your goals, or does it cause
mental health problems?

4. Do you think your Yes. -R23. “Sugar Cuyos” BS Medtech

socioeconomic status has 1-YB-4
anything to do with your
parents' or guardians'
parenting style?

5. Who made the decision of Me. They once encouraged me to take an

your course/strand—your education course. However, my chosen
parents or you? If yes, Why medicine course isn't bad either, so they're
did they choose it? If not, fine with it. -R23. “Sugar Cuyos” BS
What do they want you to Medtech 1-YB-4


1. Do you think that your Yes, because mostly the people who We, our
parents' authoritarian beliefs, behavior etc. are those who are close
parenting style had a to us. -R24. “Optional” ABM-11
significant impact on how
your values, religious
beliefs, and social behavior
developed? Why or why

2. Did your parents have No. -R24. “Optional” ABM-11

strict rules and high
expectations for you? How
did you feel about these
rules and how do you
overcome the pressure?

Our Lady of Fatima University - Quezon City 40

3. Is having an authoritarian Yes it does help in achieving goals but not in
parent helpful in achieving mental health because of the pressure that we
your goals, or does it cause feel. -R24. “Optional” ABM-11
mental health problems?

4. Do you think your No. -R24. “Optional” ABM-11

socioeconomic status has
anything to do with your
parents' or guardians'
parenting style?

5. Who made the decision of I'm the one who chose this strand, my parents
your course/strand—your let me choose for what I wanted, they are just
parents or you? If yes, Why here to support me. -R24. “Optional”
did they choose it? If not, ABM-11
What do they want you to


1. Do you think that your Yes, but their parenting style can depend, it
parents' authoritarian can result in negative and positive outcomes.
parenting style had a -R25. “ABM-11”
significant impact on how
your values, religious
beliefs, and social behavior
developed? Why or why

2. Did your parents have Because of their high expectations, it gives

strict rules and high me stress and pressure in studying because
expectations for you? How they depend on me, so all the burdens are on
did you feel about these me. -R25. “ABM-11”
rules and how do you
overcome the pressure?

3. Is having an authoritarian Their rules can be both positive and negative

parent helpful in achieving for my development in achieving my goal.
And yes it caused mental health problems.

Our Lady of Fatima University - Quezon City 41

your goals, or does it cause -R25. “ABM-11”
mental health problems?

4. Do you think your Maybe. -R25. “ABM-11”

socioeconomic status has
anything to do with your
parents' or guardians'
parenting style?

5. Who made the decision of No, I chose this strand. They want me to
your course/strand—your pursue STEM because my mother wants me
parents or you? If yes, Why to become a doctor or teacher. But I chose
did they choose it? If not, ABM because I want to become a CPA. -R25.
What do they want you to “ABM-11”


1. Do you think that your Even though my parents are not super strict. I
parents' authoritarian believe there is a significant impact with my
parenting style had a development with my values, religious
significant impact on how beliefs, and social behavior because having a
your values, religious parents' who focused on using their iron fist to
beliefs, and social behavior discipline or provide protection caused me to
developed? Why or why act and behave properly to my environment
not? where I belong. -R26. “HUMSS-12”

2. Did your parents have Yes, a very strict one as well as they have a lot
strict rules and high of expectations of me. I feel inferior and
expectations for you? How afraid that I do not meet their standard and
did you feel about these expectations therefore I do my best to reach it.
rules and how do you I overcame the pressure by working hard and
overcome the pressure? perseverance, although it's hard I had no
choice but to do it anyway because it's for my
sake as they say. I always think objectively,
not subjectively to avoid and disregard my
feelings. My parents also have a rule which is
do not go home too late especially when I was

Our Lady of Fatima University - Quezon City 42

the older child. I feel protected because they
only just want me to not roam outside late at
night. Sometimes I feel the pressure when I
really have to stay where I am at, but I do
overcome it by updating my parents from
time to time to avoid being anxious. -R26.

3. Is having an authoritarian In my perspective, having an authoritarian

parent helpful in achieving parents' somehow helps me with achieving
your goals, or does it cause my goals. Because they tend to give a lot of
mental health problems? time to provide my safety and make sure that
I am focused with my path I choose to take.
On the other hand, it also affects my mental
health in which I should be dealing with my
own life and my parents should be there to
support me, not to give rules that are so
unnecessary or contradicting what I want or
need in life. -R26. “HUMSS-12”

4. Do you think your I believe it has nothing to do with my parents

socioeconomic status has or my guardians parenting style, for the
anything to do with your reason that what life thinks of them only
reflects on how they treat me as their child.
parents' or guardians'
You are a family, the socioeconomic status
parenting style?
doesn't matter, and just focus on being an
effective guidance for your child. -R26.

5. Who made the decision of I made the decision for myself to choose
your course/strand—your Humanities and Social Sciences strand

Our Lady of Fatima University - Quezon City 43

parents or you? If yes, Why because I just felt my loudness will fit in here,
did they choose it? If not, and I also discovered that I wanted to pursue
What do they want you to Flight Attendant in the future. My parents
pursue? don't give any suggestions on what I will do
with my future, they only provide moral
support to my suggestions. -R26.


1. Do you think that your Yes, Because they are the reason why or what
parents' authoritarian I am right now. -R27. “Aly” HUMSS-11
parenting style had a
significant impact on how
your values, religious
beliefs, and social behavior
developed? Why or why

2. Did your parents have Yes, Sometimes I feel sad because they
strict rules and high pressure me to the point that i can't sleep
expectations for you? How anymore just because of thinking about my
did you feel about these future and thinking what my family will be in
rules and how do you the future. -R27. “Aly” HUMSS-11
overcome the pressure?

3. Is having an authoritarian Yes, for me it is a big help to have an

parent helpful in achieving authoritarian parent because I always believe
your goals, or does it cause in saying that parents know the best. -R27.
mental health problems? “Aly” HUMSS-11

4. Do you think your For me, No. -R27. “Aly” HUMSS-11

socioeconomic status has
anything to do with your

Our Lady of Fatima University - Quezon City 44

parents' or guardians'
parenting style?

5. Who made the decision of I am the one who chose my strand right now
your course/strand—your not because it's a trend or something but
parents or you? If yes, Why because i want it with all my heart and also
did they choose it? If not, my parents did not choose my strand because
What do they want you to they want me to be happy in the future. -R27.
pursue? “Alwyna Sereguine” HUMSS-11


1. Do you think that your Yes, it does affect me somehow, by possessing

parents' authoritarian poor decision-making and low self-esteem,
parenting style had a poor social skills and academic competence ,
significant impact on how low creativity level, and mental problems
your values, religious such as behavioral issues, fear of failure, and
beliefs, and social behavior emotional suppression. Why? Because
developed? Why or why Children/teens are aggressive, but can also be
not? socially inept, shy and cannot make their own
decisions. -R28. “Cristino” STEM-11

2. Did your parents have I have very strict parents, they are so strict
strict rules and high that I have to hide some personal things from
expectations for you? How them, and yes they do have high expectations
did you feel about these from me since im the eldest son, I cope with
rules and how do you the pressure by doing the things that I love
overcome the pressure? and surrounding myself with positive energy.
-R28. “Cristino” STEM-11

3. Is having an authoritarian To be honest sometimes it does help achieving

parent helpful in achieving your goals but you aren't happy because your
your goals, or does it cause parents pressured you to do the things you
mental health problems? dont really wanna do and at the same time it
causes mental health problems to the point

Our Lady of Fatima University - Quezon City 45

that someone commits suicide. -R28.
“Cristino'' STEM-11

4. Do you think your Yes it does. -R28. “Cristino” STEM-11

socioeconomic status has
anything to do with your
parents' or guardians'
parenting style?

5. Who made the decision of I chose my own course which is

your course/strand—your IT(information technology) and my parents
parents or you? If yes, Why wanted me in the medical field which i don't
did they choose it? If not, really like. -R28. “Cristino” STEM-11
What do they want you to


1. Do you think that your Yes, because it somehow sets the way I think
parents' authoritarian of how I should act and respect everything
parenting style had a around me, including other people's beliefs
significant impact on how and behavior towards me. -R29. “STEM-11”
your values, religious
beliefs, and social behavior
developed? Why or why

2. Did your parents have None. -R29. “STEM-11”

strict rules and high
expectations for you? How
did you feel about these
rules and how do you
overcome the pressure?

3. Is having an authoritarian Even though I don't have authoritarian

parent helpful in achieving parents, I personally think having
authoritarian parents cannot help me achieve

Our Lady of Fatima University - Quezon City 46

your goals, or does it cause my goals because it makes me feel like all I
mental health problems? do isn't appreciated or valid for them. So, it
will just add stress and pressure on me, which
will eventually cause mental health problems.
-R29. “STEM-11”

4. Do you think your I don't think so. -R29. “STEM-11”

socioeconomic status has
anything to do with your
parents' or guardians'
parenting style?

5. Who made the decision of It's my personal decision. -R29. “STEM-11”

your course/strand—your
parents or you? If yes, Why
did they choose it? If not,
What do they want you to


1. Do you think that your No, It's hard to say for sure whether my
parents' authoritarian parents' authoritarian parenting had a
parenting style had a significant impact on my values, religious
significant impact on how beliefs, and social behavior. The development
your values, religious of these aspects of my identity is complex and
beliefs, and social behavior influenced by many factors. While my
developed? Why or why upbringing surely played a role, it would be
not? an oversimplification to attribute everything
to it alone.
-R30. “Neo” STEM-11

2. Did your parents have My parents did not have strict rules or high
strict rules and high expectations for me. They supported my
expectations for you? How individual pursuits and encouraged me to
did you feel about these chart my own path in life. I didn't feel
rules and how do you pressured to conform to any specific rules or
overcome the pressure? expectations. When faced with challenges, I

Our Lady of Fatima University - Quezon City 47

relied on my own resilience and hard work to
overcome them. -R30. “Neo” STEM-11

3. Is having an authoritarian Having an authoritarian parent can be both

parent helpful in achieving helpful and harmful. While their strict rules
your goals, or does it cause and high expectations may provide structure
mental health problems? and direction, it can also lead to mental health
issues due to the oppressive nature of this
style. The constant pressure to meet
unrealistic standards can cause anxiety,
depression, and low self-esteem. The cost of
achieving success under these conditions may
be too high to bear. -R30. “Neo” STEM-11

4. Do you think your No. -R30. “Neo” STEM-11

socioeconomic status has
anything to do with your
parents' or guardians'
parenting style?

5. Who made the decision of While my parents did influence me in

your course/strand—your choosing STEM as my strand, I was the one
parents or you? If yes, Why who decided to actually pursue this strand
did they choose it? If not, over my second choice, HUMSS. -R30.
What do they want you to “Neo” STEM-11


1. Do you think that your Yes, they sometimes set standards that I
parents' authoritarian should follow. However, they are not strict
parenting style had a enough to make me uncomfortable with their
significant impact on how standards. -R31. “Optional” STEM-11
your values, religious
beliefs, and social behavior
developed? Why or why

Our Lady of Fatima University - Quezon City 48

2. Did your parents have None. -R31. “Optional” STEM-11
strict rules and high
expectations for you? How
did you feel about these
rules and how do you
overcome the pressure?

3. Is having an authoritarian It depends but in my case, having those kinds

parent helpful in achieving of parents makes me push my limits on the
your goals, or does it cause things I cannot achieve. -R31. “Optional”
mental health problems? STEM-11

4. Do you think your No. -R31. “Optional” STEM-11

socioeconomic status has
anything to do with your
parents' or guardians'
parenting style?

5. Who made the decision of Me, my parents give me the freedom to

your course/strand—your decide on what strand I should take on my
parents or you? If yes, Why SHS life since they said I am the one who will
did they choose it? If not, study and not them. -R31. “Optional”
What do they want you to STEM-11


1. Do you think that your Yes, I grew up in a strict family where they
parents' authoritarian should be the only one followed and not the
parenting style had a other way around. I grew up in the mentality
significant impact on how that we should follow the one that has more
your values, religious experience, after all, they already know how
beliefs, and social behavior things work. With how my family, not just my
developed? Why or why parents, raised me, this is how they became
not? the foundation for my way in life. -R32.
“Lance” STEM-11

2. Did your parents have Yes, they have very strict rules, especially for
strict rules and high the curfew. My grandmother raised me just

Our Lady of Fatima University - Quezon City 49

expectations for you? How like how she raised my mother in the
did you feel about these countryside. Life in the province is not as
rules and how do you easy as in the suburbs, they need to wake up
overcome the pressure? early to go to farm and do more jobs just to
survive everyday. Growing up in this lifestyle,
they have to be more strict regarding time and
schedules. And as for how the expectations
go, also yes. They have high expectations for
me, especially since I'm an only child and I've
been an achiever since I was a kid, every time
they see my grades go down or up, I see
changes especially in my time with gadgets.
But I do not really give a fuck, I just do what I
can, and only I can put pressure towards
myself. -R32. “Lance” STEM-11

3. Is having an It depends, some guardians are very strict

authoritarian parent helpful which puts pressure on the student resulting in
in achieving your goals, or mental health problems, but some parents are
does it cause mental health just chill with it, helping their children which
problems? is good because they know that whatever the
student chooses and wherever he/she goes,
they know that they have someone on their
back. -R32. “Lance” STEM-11

4. Do you think your No. -R32. “Lance” STEM-11

socioeconomic status has
anything to do with your
parents' or guardians'
parenting style?

5. Who made the decision I chose what I want to do, but they give me
of your course/strand—your some tips that can help me choose. -R32.
parents or you? If yes, Why “Lance” STEM-11
did they choose it? If not,
What do they want you to

Our Lady of Fatima University - Quezon City 50


1. Do you think that your No. As time goes by, I have my own
parents' authoritarian realizations and all of them are not influenced
parenting style had a by my parents. -R33. “Jennifer” STEM-11
significant impact on how
your values, religious
beliefs, and social behavior
developed? Why or why

2. Did your parents have They are not very strict but they do have high
strict rules and high expectations from me, especially
expectations for you? How academically. They thought that I was a very
did you feel about these smart child. -R33. “Jennifer” STEM-11
rules and how do you
overcome the pressure?

3. Is having an They affect my mental health, it's so draining.

authoritarian parent helpful -R33. “Jennifer” STEM-11
in achieving your goals, or
does it cause mental health

4. Do you think your Not sure. -R33. “Jennifer” STEM-11

socioeconomic status has
anything to do with your
parents' or guardians'
parenting style?

5. Who made the decision Me. I chose this because of practicality. -R33.
of your “Jennifer” STEM-11
parents or you? If yes, Why
did they choose it? If not,
What do they want you to

Our Lady of Fatima University - Quezon City 51


1. Do you think that your Yes, children don't have the sense of choice,
parents' authoritarian so it's the role of the parents to teach children
parenting style had a what is right and what is wrong and as
significant impact on how children we will follow our parents because
your values, religious that is what they teach us and for us it is the
beliefs, and social behavior correct way to do it. -R34. “Anne” ABM-12
developed? Why or why

2. Did your parents have Most parents have rules and high
strict rules and high expectations for their children's education,
expectations for you? How However my parents and I have a good
did you feel about these relationship when it comes to education, they
rules and how do you don't pressure me about it, so I just do it on
overcome the pressure? my own. -R34. “Anne” ABM-12

3. Is having an My Parents help me alot to reach my

authoritarian parent helpful achievements. Because of the teachings,
in achieving your goals, or advice and reminders, I achieved the things I
does it cause mental health wanted.They are one of my inspirations in all
problems? of my achievements and goals in life. -R34.
“Anne” ABM-12

4. Do you think your Yes, I honestly feel that my socioeconomic

socioeconomic status has level affects how my parents treat me through
anything to do with your their parenting style. because I grew up in a
low-income family. My parents are somewhat
parents' or guardians'
serious because they want me to succeed in
parenting style?
life and not end up like them; they want me to
have a good life, a life where money isn’t a
problem. -R34. “Anne” ABM-12

Our Lady of Fatima University - Quezon City 52

5. Who made the decision Me and my parents chose this strand because
of your I want this strand for me, and they support
course/strand—your parents anything I want because they believe that if I
or you? If yes, Why did choose my strand, I will be more likely to
they choose it? If not, What succeed in life since I like what I do for a
do they want you to pursue? profession. -R34. “Anne” ABM-12


1. Do you think that your Yes, because they're so strict, my experience

parents' authoritarian in life is limited, and I'm also becoming
parenting style had a dependent on them. -R35. “Nisha” STEM-11
significant impact on how
your values, religious
beliefs, and social behavior
developed? Why or why

2. Did your parents have People also experience that their parents have
strict rules and high high expectations for them, like this year's
expectations for you? How grades, since it's obvious that you're studying
did you feel about these hard, but there's a chance you won't be able to
rules and how do you handle the pressure, so that's what I'm doing.
overcome the pressure? It's because I'm good at managing my time
that I still prefer things like studying to be
fun, not something I take too seriously. -R35.
“Nisha” STEM-11

3. Is having an I think it depends on my goals because they

authoritarian parent helpful support my other goals and sometimes
in achieving your goals, or because they're so strict they hamper my goal
does it cause mental health processing, which may affect mental health
problems? because of overthinking. -R35. “Nisha''

Our Lady of Fatima University - Quezon City 53

4. Do you think your I agree it has a big impact on the family,
socioeconomic status has even the parents, but it really depends on
anything to do with your what's taught or what's in the family blood.
-R35. “Nisha” STEM-11
parents' or guardians'
parenting style?

5. Who made the decision They just told me they'd support me no

of your matter what course I take. They want me to
course/strand—your make my own choices because they don't
parents or you? If yes, Why want us to experience what their parents did.
did they choose it? If not, -R35. “Nisha” STEM-11
What do they want you to


1. Do you think that your Yes, because what a parent shows to a child
parents' has a great impact when it comes to
authoritarian parenting style developing their spiritual behavior, because
had a parents are first people who help a child in
significant impact on how shaping their spiritual behavior, that's why
your values, parenting style has a big impact. -R36.
religious beliefs, and social “Cuazon” ABM-11
developed? Why or why

2. Did your parents have strict Yes it's strict but there are no expectations,
rules and and if there is an expectation, I can say that it
high expectations for you? will be very heavy and I will feel that it can
How did degrade my confidence because expectations
you feel about these rules can start or lead into comparison. -R36.
and how do “Cuazon” ABM-11
you overcome the pressure?

Our Lady of Fatima University - Quezon City 54

3. Is having an authoritarian In my case, yes it helps me achieve my goals
parent because they weren't too strict with me and
helpful in achieving your they still allow me to be happy but also still
goals, or have limitations. -R36. “Cuazon” ABM-11
Does it cause mental health

4. Do you think your None. -R36. “Cuazon” ABM-11

status has anything to do
with your
parents' or guardians'
parenting style?

5. Who made the decision of I was the only one who decided to take this
your strand and they supported it. - R36. “Cuazon”
course/strand—your parents ABM-11
or you? If
Yes, Why did they choose
it? If not,
What do they want you to

Our Lady of Fatima University - Quezon City 55


4.0 Summary

The major goal of this study is to find out the Impact of Authoritarian Parenting on
Students’ Mental Health at Our Lady of Fatima University on their socialization skills, academic
performance, and their conducts. The researchers identified the cause and effects of authoritarian
parenting on children, based on the obtained and interpreted data from the respondents.

The factors that made an authoritarian parent become an authoritarian parent is their
environment when they were a child. They may have experienced strict discipline or
authoritarian parenting from their own parents, leading them to replicate these patterns with their
own children. Authoritarian Parenting has positive and negative effects on a child's socialization
skills, academic performance and values.

Many parents think that strict discipline is necessary to protect their children from harm or
to ensure their success in life. Fear of losing control or not being respected as a parent can also
influence their approach. Disciplining your child is a good thing, but over-disciplining them can
have a number of negative psychological effects that may interfere with their performance in
school, socialization skills, and values. Strict discipline can instill self-discipline in students,
teaching them important life skills such as time management, organization, and self-control. It
can also help them develop a strong work ethic, resilience, and perseverance, which can be
valuable in various aspects of life. On the other hand, it can greatly affect their emotional being
especially if the discipline is excessively harsh or punitive, and can have negative emotional
effects on individuals. It may lead to feelings of fear, anxiety, and resentment, which can impact
overall well-being and motivation. Over time, it can create a hostile or oppressive atmosphere.
Therefore, Balancing discipline with flexibility and empathy is often important in order to create
a healthy and productive environment between the children and their parents.

Every parent has different rules and expectations for their children, some of which can be
strict rules and others can be simple rules, some of whom have high expectations for their
children while others simply expect their children to do their best and keep up. We discovered
how other students manage with the rules and expectations placed on them by their parents
throughout the interview process. All of the respondents' opinions were split in half; some
students stated that their parents had no high standards for them and strict rules, while others
claimed that doing the things they loved the most—their hobbies—helped them escape their
parents' pressure. It can also be very helpful to sometimes just ignore the negative things that
their parents say to them in order to safeguard their inner peace.

Our Lady of Fatima University - Quezon City 56

Lower socioeconomic status can result in limited access to resources and support systems
that promote positive parenting practices. Parents may face challenges such as inadequate
childcare, limited time for nurturing interactions, and limited access to parenting education or
support programs. These factors can contribute to the reliance on strict control and discipline as a
means of managing behavior. Only a minority of respondents admitted that socioeconomic status
may in fact influence a parent's or guardian's parenting style. Depending on their socioeconomic
situation, parents may be able to raise their children differently depending on their ability to
provide their kids with more resources and opportunities. Parenting styles may change as a result
of the resources that parents in lower socioeconomic positions have access to being more limited.

Due to the strict standards and expectations imposed by authoritarian parents, children
may develop a fear of judgment and rejection from others and may struggle with forming and
maintaining positive peer relationships. They may constantly seek approval and validation,
which can impact their ability to form authentic connections and express their true selves in
social settings. The strict control and lack of autonomy in their upbringing can make it
challenging for them to engage in cooperative and egalitarian interactions with peers. They may
have difficulty sharing power, compromising, or respecting the perspectives of others.

When the researchers analyzed all of the collected data, they found that these are the
long-term effects of having an authoritarian parent on a child and that it can have both a positive
and a negative impact on students' mental health at Our Lady of Fatima University or on one's
own self in general. Although some people feel that having an authoritarian parent has helped
them in their chosen fields of study, the majority of people do not recommend this parenting
style because it makes it harder for children to succeed academically, create new beliefs, interact
with others without feeling judged, and maintain healthy relationships with one another.

4.1 Conclusion

Since authoritarian parenting has extremely strict regulations, high expectations, and
always metes out harsh punishments, it really demonstrates how it influences one's own will.
This has a negative impact on the child's mental health and causes them to act in such
inappropriate ways. Being raised by authoritarian parents puts a lot of pressure on the child since
they want them to live up to certain standards. Failure is their greatest fear, hence they are unable
to fail. This type of situation is more difficult to live in and manage, but since you must obey
them, there is little you can do but make adjustments and learn to deal with it. Having
authoritarian parents makes their child more reliant on them since they control and limit their
child's actions.

Our Lady of Fatima University - Quezon City 57

The impacts vary depending on the respondent's answers, which are based on their own
experiences. While some respondents believe that having strict parents benefits them and doesn't
harm them, others claim that it actually has an adverse impact on their own lives.

In the future, researchers will be able to use the findings of this research to understand how
a certain method of parenting influences children's habits, behaviors, and mental health. This
study also aims to identify the variables that influence how authoritarian parents discipline their

4.2 Recommendation

The Mental Health of the Students' can be significantly impacted by authoritarian

parenting, which is characterized by strict rules, high expectations, and little emotional support.
The following recommendations are made in relation to how authoritarian parenting affects
children's well-being:

● Foster open communication: Encourage parents to build open lines of communication

with their children that are free from judgment. This will promote greater mental health
by allowing students to more freely communicate their ideas, feelings, and worries.
● Encourage freedom and autonomy: Authoritarian parenting frequently hinders a child's
sense of independence and capacity for making decisions. Encourage parents to let their
children make age-appropriate decisions and gain knowledge from their mistakes. As a
result, people become more independent, self-assured, and confident in themselves.
● Encourage emotional expression: Authoritarian parents may inhibit emotional expression
or reject emotions as unimportant. Parents should be urged to acknowledge their
children's emotions and provide them with effective coping mechanisms. This may entail
imparting mindfulness practices, encouraging writing, or engaging in creative pursuits
like music or art.
● Offer emotional support: Authoritarian parenting lacks emotional warmth and support,
which can harm children's mental health and academic achievement. Encourage parents
to provide a safe space for emotional expression, show love and care, and offer praise and
● Promote a balanced approach: Encourage parents to adopt a more balanced parenting
style that incorporates setting reasonable boundaries and standards with warmth,
understanding, and empathy. This strong approach promotes emotional wellbeing while
offering structure and direction.
● Educate parents on alternative parenting styles: Provide parents with information and
educational materials concerning various parenting concepts, such as permissive
parenting style. Help them comprehend the advantages of a more balanced approach and
how it can have a good impact on the psychological well-being of their children.

Our Lady of Fatima University - Quezon City 58

● Work together with higher-education institutions and professionals: Institutions that
promote students' mental health include educational institutions. Work together with
teachers, therapists, and other experts to inform parents on the effects of parenting
approaches and to offer them support and resources.

Every child and family is different, thus it may not be suitable to use a one-size-fits-all
approach. Helping parents address the effects of authoritarian parenting on their children's
Mental Health can be provided by encouraging them to seek professional assistance from
therapists, counselors, or psychologists.

Our Lady of Fatima University - Quezon City 59


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