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Nome: _______________________________________________________ nº __________

Professor(a): ______________________________ Série: 2ª Turma: __________

Data: _____/_____/2014 Desconto Ortográfico: _________

“Sem limite para crescer” EXERCÍCIOS DE LINGUA INGLESA 1º Trimestre

Dan, Sarah, Ted, and Rebecca have been playing a friendly game of poker for almost an hour. So far, Ted has
the biggest pile of winnings, with a total of $5.45. Sarah has won a small sum, and Rebecca has lost more than

1) At this stage of the game, who has lost the most money?
A. Ted
B. Sarah
C. Dan
D. Rebecca

2) How much money might each player have started with, if each player started with the same amount?
A. $4
B. $6
C. $8
D. Not enough information is provided

3) If the game started at 7:00, what time might it be at this stage of the game?
A. 7:30
B. 7:50
C. 8:00
D. 8:45

4) At this stage of the game, who has/have won money?

I. Ted
II. Sarah
III. Dan

A. I only
B. I and II only
C. II and III only
D. I, II, and III


What do you do with your orange peels and corn cobs after you are done eating? Most people throw
them in the trash can. But food leftovers do not have to go into the trash. They are biodegradable, which means
that they can be broken down by bacteria into natural materials. People who like to garden often put their fruit
and vegetable scraps in a special place known as a compost pile.
A compost pile is a spot outdoors where food waste can break down into compost, which gardeners use.
This process takes several months. Once the compost is created, people spread this mixture in their gardens to
add nutrients to the soil. The compost in the soil helps new plants grow in the garden.
How do you take care of a compost pile? It needs air, water, and heat. Bacteria and other microorganisms break
down the food waste into more basic elements like water and carbon dioxide. This process requires oxygen, so
people use a shovel to turn compost regularly and help air reach all parts of the pile. The pile cannot dry out, so
it should be covered to keep moisture in. Finally, heat speeds up the process. This means a compost pile should
be in the sun for at least part of the day.
Food leftovers are not the only things that turn into compost. You can also add yard waste like grass
clippings, dried leaves, and straw. In fact, you should add these things to create a healthy balance in your
compost. But do not add any weeds to your compost pile unless you want to grow weeds in your garden!
Sometimes seeds are left behind in the compost. This can be a welcome surprise if you find a tomato plant
sprouting where you had not planted one. The tomato seed was hiding in the compost, waiting to begin a new
life in the garden.

5) Gardeners use compost to

A. reduce the amount of trash on the planet
B. break down food waste
C. add nutrients to the soil
D. take care of bacteria and other microorganisms

6) To take care of a compost pile you have to

I. turn it regularly
II. cover it
III. make sure it is in the sun for at least part of the day

A. I only
B. I and II only
C. II and III only
D. I, II, and III

7) People should start a compost pile if they

A. need compost right away
B. do not like to garden
C. want to put their food waste to good use
D. eat oranges and corn

8) You should not put weeds in a compost pile because

A. they do not create a healthy balance
B. food leftovers are the only things that turn into compost
C. you do not want surprise plants growing in your garden
D. the seeds can create new weeds in your garden

9) As used in the final paragraph, sprouting most nearly means

A. blooming
B. growing
C. appearing
D. hiding

10) The author apparently believes that a tomato plant

A. is not a weed
B. should not go in a compost pile
C. is the best thing a gardener can grow
D. requires compost to grow


The first idea of having an observatory in space was proposed in 1940 by Lyman Spitzer who was an
American astrophysicist. In the 1970’s the European Space Agency and NASA began working together to
design and build the Hubble Space Telescope. On April 25 th, 1990, a team of five astronauts who were aboard
the space shuttle Discovery put the Hubble in an orbit 380 miles above the Earth’s surface. NASA named the
telescope after American astronomer Edwin P. Hubble (1889 – 1953). Dr. Hubble’s studies confirmed that the
universe is expanding, which provided the foundation for the Big Bang theory.
Hubble’s mission:
- Explore the solar system
- Measure the age and size of the universe
- Discover the mysteries of galaxies, stars and planets

Quick facts:
- Length: 13.3 m
- Weight: 11,110 kg
- Maximum diameter: 4.2 m (Hubble is nearly the size of a bus)
- Cost: $ 2.2 billion dollars
- Time to complete one orbit: 97 minutes
- Speed: 28,000 kph


11. Quem foi Lyman Spitzer? Ele foi o pioneiro em quê? ______________________________________

12. O que aconteceu em 1970? ___________________________________________________________


13. Como o satélite Hubble entrou em órbita? _______________________________________________


14. Por que o satélite recebeu este nome? ___________________________________________________


15. Quais as missões do Hubble? __________________________________________________________


16. Relacione as colunas:

(A) Dr. Hubble ( ) o primeiro homem a viajar pelo espaço

(B) Dr. Spitzer ( ) o primeiro satélite construído pelo homem
(C)Yuri Gagarin ( ) astrofísico americano
(D) Neil Armstrong ( ) astrônomo americano
(E) Sputnik ( ) o primeiro homem a andar sobre a lua

17. Qual o custo da construção do telescópio? _______________________________________________

18. Qual o peso e o tamanho do telescópio? _________________________________________________

19. Os pronomes relativos abaixo estão relacionados a quais termos no texto?

a. who (4th line) - ______________________________________________________________________

b. which (7th line) - _____________________________________________________________________

20. We know many athletes who dedicate their lives not only to sports but also to social improvement. Read the
text and fill in the blanks using the simple past or the present perfect.

Rafa Nadal _____________ (be) born in Manacor in 1986. He ___________________ (begin) playing
tennis when he was five. Although he is right-handed, Rafael Nadal _________ always ________________
(play) with his left hand.
Rafael Nadal _____________________ (win) his first ATP match at Majorca at the age of 15, in 2002.
He ___________________ (conquer) four French Open titles and a Olympic gold medal. In 2008, Nadal
_________________ (become) the second Spanish to win Wimbledon.
Since 2004, Nadal ____________________ (be) a strong competitor to Roger Federer. They
_____________________ (play) against each other in seven Grand Slam finals. Nadal
________________________ (rank) World n# 2 behind Federer for a record 160 weeks.
In 2007, Rafael Nadal ______________________ (create) the Fundación Rafa Nadal, which promotes
sport as an integration tool for those who need it the most, such as handicapped, immigrant and socially
excluded people.


21. Who is Rafael Nadal? _______________________________________________________________


22. Write down an interesting fact – a curiosity - about this player, according to the text. _____________

23. Which were the contributions of Rafael Nadal to social improvement? _________________________

24. Give a sentence from the text with a relative pronoun. ______________________________________

25. Fill in the song using the present perfect form of the verbs in parentheses.

I_______________________ (climb) the highest mountains

I_______________________ (run) through the fields
Only to be with you
I've run I ________________________ (crawl)
I ________________________ (scale)
These city walls
Only to be with you

But I still _____________________________________ (not / find)

what I'm looking for

I ______________________ (kiss) honey lips

Felt the healing in her fingertips
It burned like fire
This burning desire
I _____________________ (speak) with the tongue of angels
I ______________________ (hold) the hand of the devil
It was warm in the night
I was cold as a stone
26. O que a charge acima está tentando criticar?
(A) A redução de verbas destinadas à ciência e à pesquisa.
(B) A falta de interesse dos médicos em atender pacientes em hospitais públicos.
(C) O descaso com as novas tecnologias de pesquisa que auxiliariam na descoberta de curas.
(D) A fofoca no ambiente de trabalho.

Vaccine-induced CD8+ T cells control AIDS virus replication
Published online 30 September 2012
Complete text available at:

Developing a vaccine for human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) may be aided by a complete
understanding of those rare cases in which some HIV-infected individuals control replication of the virus . Most
of these elite controllers express the histocompatibility alleles HLA-B*57 or HLA-B*27. These alleles remain by
far the most robust associations with low concentrations of plasma virus, yet the mechanism of control in these
individuals is not entirely clear. Here we vaccinate Indian rhesus macaques that express Mamu-B*08, an
animal model for HLA-B*27-mediated elite control, with three Mamu-B*08-restricted CD8+ T-cell epitopes, and
demonstrate that these vaccinated animals control replication of the highly pathogenic clonal simian
immunodeficiency virus (SIV) mac239 virus. High frequencies of CD8 + T cells against these Vif and Nef
epitopes in the blood, lymph nodes and colon were associated with viral control. Our findings indicate that
narrowly targeted vaccine-induced virus-specific CD8+ T-cell responses can control replication of the AIDS

27. What kind of text is this?

(A) Scientific article.
(B) Drug description leaflet.
(C) Science fiction movie summary
(D) Novel passage.

28. What is this text about?

(A) It describes how the human immunodeficiency virus acts inside the body.
(B) It explains a research in which a new vaccine to control the HIV development was found.
(C) It analyses a research carried with people infected with HIV, and how the virus is developed in their
(D) It states that macaques can host many kinds of diseases, including the SIV, which is a variation of the
human immunodeficiency virus.

29. Which fact led to the beginning of this research?

(A) Most people with HIV have alleles that accelerate the process of replication of the virus.
(B) A few people HIV infected were able to fight off this virus and eliminate it completely from the body
(C) Macaques infected with SIV had small injuries in their body conditions.
(D) People infected with HIV controls the development of the virus because of a rare body system condition.

30. Which of the words below is WRONG according to its meaning?

(A) replication  reprodução
(B) understanding  análise
(C) response  reação
(D) pathogenic  patogênico


31. Observe a charge acima e marque a opção adequada: qual é o principal motivo da crítica deste texto com
relação aos Estados Unidos?
(A) A desqualificação profissional dos médicos.
(B) O baixo salário dos profissionais da saúde pública.
(C) A reforma desorganizada no sistema de saúde americano.
(D) O crescente índice de doenças causadas pelo estresse.


Wonder-drug it may be, but aspirin is not suitable for children under the age of 12. Doctors have warned
for years that if children take aspirin they risk developing a serious, sometimes fatal condition called Reye’s
syndrome. But despite their warnings, a recent research project showed that when children under 12 are given
painkillers, one in six has an aspirin. Parents beware!

32. A aspirina não é recomendada para crianças com menos de 12 anos de idade porque:
(A) já está provado que a aspirina detém o desenvolvimento intelectual das crianças.
(B) elas podem correr o risco de ter seu desenvolvimento mental interrompido.
(C) elas se arriscam a contrair uma doença séria, às vezes fatal.
(D) elas correm o risco de se tornarem dependentes dos compostos químicos da aspirina.
33. A pesquisa mencionada no texto demonstrou que:
(A) uma em cada seis crianças toma aspirina, mas muito raramente.
(B) a aspirina é o analgésico mais consumido por crianças.
(C) uma em cada seis crianças toma aspirina.
(D) 60% das crianças com menos de 12 anos tomam aspirina regularmente.

34. A alternativa que completa corretamente a frase “This child _______ aspirins since he was 7, has developed
Reye’s syndrome and ________ it yet” é a:
(A) has took / hasn’t overcame
(B) took / didn’t overcome
(C) have taken / haven’t overcome
(D) has taken / hasn’t overcome

35. Observe a frase: “My aunt _________ well for years. She ________ many different kinds of painkillers”. A
alternativa que completa corretamente a frase apresentada é a:
(A) hasn’t felt / has already tried
(B) hasn’t feeling / has already tried
(C) hasn’t felt / have already tried
(D) hasn’t felt / has already tried

36. (UFRRJ) Assinale a tradução correta para a frase “What have you been doing lately?”.
(A) O que você fez tardiamente?
(B) O que você tem feito ultimamente?
(C) O que você vai fazer mais tarde?
(D) O que é que você faz todas as tardes?

37. Which is the correct alternative?

(A) My wife and I have been married for one year.
(B) My wife and I has been married for one year.
(C) My wife and I have be married for one year.
(D) My wife and I was married for one year.

38. What is the wrong sentence?

(A) Mario’s always loved Juliana.
(B) I’ve never been to any German city.
(C) Where have she been all my life?
(D) Tina’s just told me you were here.

39. Dadas as sentences

I. Did Alice ever plan any of her trips abroad?
II. Has Alice ever planned any of her trips abroad?
III. They studied at the Liverpool Arts Institute.
IV. They’ve studied at the Liverpool Arts Institute.
constatamos que está(ão) correta(s):
(A) apenas a I e a III.
(B) apenas a II e a IV.
(C)apenas a II e a III.
(D) todas as sentenças.


The moon has attracted man’s attention since the beginning of civilization.
Ancient Greeks discovered the influence of the moon upon the tides. Poets have looked at
the moon with romantic eyes. Space scientists have not only studied it with their
telescopes, but have also sent astronauts there. However, they have not found out all the
answers to the mysteries of the moon. The origin of the moon craters, for example, is still
According to one theory, thousands of meteors have crashed against the surface of the moon. The
impact of these crashes has formed the craters. They are pits and depressions on the lunar surface. Other
scientists disagree about this theory. For them, the craters have appeared because of eruptions either of gas or
(From Scientific Matters, Nov. 1996)

40. According to the text, what is the importance of the moon to:
a) the Ancient Greeks? __________________________________________________________________

b) the poets? __________________________________________________________________________

41. After studying the moon with telescopes and sending astronauts there, what scientists COULD NOT find

42. There are certain theories about the origin of the moon craters. According to the meteors theory, how were
craters formed? ___________________________________________________________________

43. Certain scientists disagree about this meteors theory. To them, what has formed the craters? ________

44. We have learnt that pronouns can replace nouns. The pronouns below substitute which words from the text?
a. it (4ª linha) -________________________________________________________________________
a. they (5ª linha) -______________________________________________________________________
b. they (9ª linha) -______________________________________________________________________

45. The main verb tense in this text is the present perfect. Look at these clauses taken from the text and change
them the way it is being asked.

a. The moon has attracted man’s attention.

Negative: ____________________________________________________________________________

b. Poets have looked to the moon with romantic eyes.

Interrogative: _________________________________________________________________________

c. Space scientists have not only studied it.

Affirmative: __________________________________________________________________________

d. They have not found out all the answers.

Short form: ___________________________________________________________________________

46. Link the sentences below using the relative pronouns who, which or whose.

a) Space scientists have studied the moon. They have also sent astronauts there.

b) Thousands of meteors have crashed against the surface of the moon. The impact of these meteors has formed
the craters.

c) The Ancient Greeks gave great contribution to Science. They discovered the influence of the moon upon the

d) The moon has been admired by lovers. It has attracted man’s attention since the beginning of civilization.

47. Supply the correct relative pronoun (who / which / whose).

a) Can I talk to the girl _____________ is sitting on the bench?

b) I talked to the woman _______________ car had broken in front of the shop.

c) Bill Clinton, ____________ was the president of the U.S.A., has only one daughter.

d) Thank you for your email ________________ was very interesting.

e) We often visit our cousins in Nice, _________________ is in France.

f) Einstein, _________________ theory is very famous, was not American.

48. Assinale a alternativa que corresponde à seqüência que completa as lacunas a seguir:

__________indian the ecologist saw, started__________ horrible fire because of___________ ordinary yellow
bird ___________flew over his head.

a) a; the; a; who
b) an; the; a; whose
c) the; a; an; which
d) the; an; a; whom
e) a; an; a; which

49. Assinale a alternativa que preenche corretamente as lacunas da frase a seguir:

It was......honor for us to see......Queen of......England.

a) a - the - the
b) ........- a -........
c) an - a - the
d) the -........- an
e) an - the -........

50. Fill in the blanks with the definite article:

______ Brazil is ______ most industrial country in ______ South America, while ______ United States holds
______ same position in North America.
Choose the correct alternative:

a) the; the; the; the; the; the

b) X; the; the; X; the; X
c) X; the; X; the; the; X
d) X; the; the; the; the; X
e) the; X; X; X; the; the

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