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Written test

Unit Code:- SITXHRM004

Unit Name:- Recruit, select and induct staff

Assessment Tasks and Instructions

Assessment for this Unit of Details

Assessment 1 Written Test

Assessment 2

Assessment conducted in this instance: Assessment 1 2

Assessment Tasks and Instructions

Assessment Guidelines
What will be assessed

Nitika Pumma

The purpose of this assessment is to assess you underpinning knowledge to complete the
tasks outlined in the elements and performance criteria for this unit of competency and
relating to the following aspects:

∙ specific industry sector:

o recruitment and selection practices
o formats for and inclusions of selection criteria and job advertisements
o effective advertising media
o features of an effective recruitment advertisement
o roles of recruitment agencies
o relationships of job descriptions to selection criteria and ways to develop clear and concise selection criteria o
methods of linking interview questions to selection criteria
o key elements of applicable awards
o nature and role of induction programs and typical content
∙ specific organisation:
o roles and responsibilities of different personnel in the recruitment and induction process o
required make-up of interview panels
o procedures for employment checks
o full content of recruitment and human resource policies and in particular:
▪ approval processes for advertised salaries and recruitment of new personnel
▪ nature and content of job advertisements and communications with applicants
▪ participants in interview panels
▪ required skills profile of potential employees for particular jobs
▪ role of different personnel in the recruitment and induction process
▪ timing and nature of induction programs
▪ use of different media in the recruitment process
▪ use of government-subsidised traineeships and apprenticeships
∙ key elements of equal employment opportunity (EEO) employment laws and how they must be implemented in
recruitment and selection processes
∙ records required of recruitment and selection process:
o administrative documents
o interview schedules
o interviewer details
o selection panel comments, score sheets and recommendations
o records of interview
∙ selection process:
o checks:
▪ police
▪ reference
▪ working with children
▪ qualifications
o evaluation of portfolios
o exchange of written information
o interviews:

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Nitika Pumma

▪ by human resource specialists, department managers or selection committees ▪ face-

▪ teleconference
▪ telephone
▪ videoconference
o presentation to a selection committee
o skills tests
∙ special arrangements required in the organisation of selection procedures: o
▪ parking
▪ security clearance
o using:
▪ assistive technology
▪ electronic presentation media
▪ interpreters
▪ special interview techniques for those with disabilities
▪ teleconference
▪ videoconference
▪ visual information and diagrams instead of written material
∙ information for inclusion in induction programs:
o conditions of employment
o contact details for various departments or colleagues
o current organisational focus or initiatives
o employee:
▪ benefits
▪ responsibilities
▪ rights
o enterprise:
▪ culture
▪ goals
▪ objectives
▪ responsibilities
▪ vision
o key organisational policies and procedures
o industrial arrangements for the organisation
o orientation of:
▪ departmental locations and equipment
▪ staff amenities
▪ off-site operations
▪ whole of business premises
o organisational charts
o payroll information:
▪ awards and applicable pay rates
▪ superannuation
▪ wage payments
o policies and procedures specific to the job role
o work health and safety information.
Nitika Pumma

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Place/Location where assessment will be conducted

DUKE COLLEGE Training Kitchen and DUKE COLLEGE Classroom

Resource Requirements

Pen, Paper or computer.

Instructions for assessment including WHS requirements

You are required to address all questions to achieve competence. Your trainer will provide you
with instructions for time frames and dates to complete this assessment.
Once completed, carefully read the responses you have provided and check for completeness.
Your trainer will provide you with feedback and the result you have achieved.

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Assessment 1
Your task: Answer the following questions. Each question must be completed.
Question 1
List 5 business events that would require you to recruit new staff:

1. Expansion of business

2. Staff turnover is less

3. Business operation is changing

4. Well train experience staff

5.Acquire particular skills

Question 2
What is the primary factor in determining staffing needs?

The primary factor to determining staff needs; would be current workload and expecting workloads on the
existing staff members.

Question 3
Why should you regularly discuss workload considerations with your staff?

We should regularly discuss workload consideration with our staff to discuss if we need more staff or not.

Nitika Pumma

Question 4
List 3 pieces of information you may need to supply to management when making a written submission
for approval of a new position.

The information to give to the management that we are asking for new staff are:
1. Reasons for the additional staffing requirement
2. Essential criteria for the required position
3. It is going to be internal or external recruitment.
4. By when you need them and what is the budget requirement

Question 5
List 6 pieces of information a job description should contain.

The following information need to be included in a job description:

1. Job position criteria
2. Essential criteria for the job
3. Desired skills requirements
4. Salary details
5. Hours and working times
6. Where the role is

Question 6
Why is customer service attitude and experience an important part of the selection criteria for
TH&E Positions?

Customer service is important part because bring to customers in and create a relationship between customer
and business. If the customer service good the business can do better than before.

Question 7
How do well written selection criteria help the selection process?

Nitika Pumma

Well written selection criteria also help to provide a clear framework for the selection process so that both the
interviewer and interviewee understand expectations when interviews are conducted. They also helps selection
panels or selection committees to maintain consistency when reviewing applicants.

Question 8
When advertising for staff, there are several legal matters that you must be aware of. List at least 5:

There are several legal matters that you must be aware such as:
1. Age Discrimination Act 2004
2. Disability Discrimination Act 1992
3. Racial Discrimination Act 1975
4. Sex Discrimination Act 1984
5. Australian Human Rights Commission Act 1986

Question 9
How can an application form help you process applications more quickly?

The application form helps our process of application runs faster by summarising the cover letter and the
resume this allows the reviewers to access the important information quickly.

Question 10
Describe the process of ‘shortlisting’ or ‘culling’.

Shortlisting or culling: is when there are job applicants that are not fit for the job, and are eliminated of the
process, this reduce the size of the list of potential candidates. Using the selection criteria based on the
requirements of the staff would allow you to abort applicants that do not suit the job position. Through
carefully examining each application against the pre-determined selection criteria, you will create a shortlist
of the candidates most suitable for the job.

Question 11
List 2 pieces of information you should include in a rejection letter:

Nitika Pumma

I should include in the letter the following pieces of information:

1. The letters should include a clarification of why you have not chosen them.
2. For the submission a sign of appreciation.

Question 12
List 3 examples of ‘special arrangements’ you may need to make when preparing for interviews:

Special arrangements that may need to make when preparing for interviewers are:
1. Disable parking
2. Security service parking
3. Interpreters for those who are not fluent in English

Question 13
How can you comply with privacy laws when storing applications?

All applicants are strictly confidential and need to be handled considering privacy laws. The applicants must
be kept electronic and hard copies would be stored appropriately, with access limited to the department
and the people involved in the recruitment campaign. The electronic copies you would save then in hard
drive or cloud with password protection. The hard copies must be kept in a lockable filing cabinet and
treated as confidential.

Question 14

During interview, how does keeping a written record of the candidate’s suitability according to
the selection criteria assist you in complying with EEO legislation?

Equal Employment Opportunity (EEO) legislation by keeping a written record of the candidate’s suitability
according to the selection criteria assist us to measure each candidate equally against selection criteria and
it helps to ensure same set of question for each candidate.

Question 15
List 3 checks you may do as part of the selection process.

Nitika Pumma

The followings checks are part of the selection process:

1. References check
2. Police background check
3. Visa check

Question 16
List 3 testing methods you may use to determine if the applicant has the right attitude and aptitude for
the position.

The testing methods that I may use to determine if the applicant has the right attitude and aptitude for the
position are the following:
1. Attitude test
2. Psychological test
3. Skills test

Question 17
List 3 departments you may need to contact to help get everything set up for the new position.

1. Administration Department: they will set up superannuation and payroll

2. I.T Departments: they will create your email addresses, computer logins and passwords
3. Security Departments: they will create the security username and password card

Question 18
What is the purpose of a ‘letter of appointment’? What is it often accompanied with?

The purpose of a letter of appointment it’s the formal way to offered the position to the best applicant it is
often accompanied with contracts and agreements to sign.

Question 19
What should be created for a new employee to record the employment process? List 4 things it
should contain.

Nitika Pumma

Employee folder should be created for a new employee where we will be keeping:
1. Employer letter, resume
2. Qualification
3. Test results
4. References and contact details

Question 20
List the essential key aspects your induction program should cover.

The induction program should have:

1. Job information
2. Tour of the establishment or the office
3. Staff facilities
4. Roles and responsibilities
5. Business information
6. Standard operating procedure and policies
7. Company code of practices

Question 21
Businesses are required to record proof that workplace health and safety information was
communicated clearly. What are some ways to achieve this?

To proof you have been going through the workplace health and safety program. The ways are:
1. E-learning quiz
2. Specialised program
3. Induction programs

Question 22
How does designating a colleague to assist a new employee during the induction process help them?

Designating a colleague who can go for assistance whenever a new employee required. Specifying who they
should ask, the new employee is more likely to speak up when they don’t understand something. It is
important to make sure that you include a follow up time to check if the employee requires any additional
information or training.

Question 23

Nitika Pumma

Face-to-face interviews are one type of interview. Name 2 others.

1. Video conference

2.Tele conference interviews

Question 24
Under what circumstances would it be necessary to readvertise the position and start the process again?

If the company could not find any suitable candidate for the position which meet the company essential
criteria, selection criteria, skills and expertise then the company go for readvertisement.

Question 25
What do some employers (who require a close team environment) do to ensure the candidate will fit
into the team?

Some employers go for second phase interview to let them select the final candidate, ensuring that they fit.

Question 26
How could you adjust your interview technique to accommodate a candidate who speaks little English
or has speech difficulties?

Candidates who speak little English or having speech difficulties may require the assistance of interpreters
or may need to use other forms of communication, such videos, visual information, and diagrams instead of
written material.
People with hearing difficulty mat require technological assistance. Also, if the candidate lip reads it is
necessary to face the person while speaking to them and impolite to discuss the person in their presence by
facing away from the=m and talking.

Question 27
What are your obligations under Anti-discrimination law in treatment of a candidate with special needs?

Nitika Pumma

My obligation under anti-discrimination law in treatment of a candidate with special needs applies for a job,
all of the selection processes must be designed so that there is no disadvantage to that particular job
candidate. For example a wheelchair- bound person will need special parking and access to the building or
other arrangements may be necessary if this is not possible.

Question 28
For your industry sector and/or department, list 3 effective ways of advertising positions.

1. Internet

2. Television and Radio

3. In-Store advertising

Question 29
What is the advantage of using a recruitment agency instead of managing the recruitment
process yourself?

A recruitment agency will handle all aspects of the recruitment process following the determination of job
description and personnel specification up to final interviews. This means that the employer simply needs
to identify what position needs to be filled and then recruitment agency will find 2-3 suitable qualified
individuals. Some benefits of using a recruitment agency are:
 It safe a business a lot of money
 It is much quicker process

Question 30
Describe the conditions of the award the staff in your department area paid under for the
following terms of engagement:

Full-time: a full time employee usually works:

 On average, 38 hours each week
 Can be permanent employee or on a fixed term contract
 Is entitled to paid leave including annual leave and sick & carer’s leave
 Superannuation

Part-time: they will be working:

 Works on average less than 38 hours per week

 Usually works regular hours each week
 Can be permanent employee or on a fixed term contract

Nitika Pumma


 Has no guaranteed hours of work

 Usually works irregular hours
 Doesn’t get paid sick or annual leave
 Can end employment without notice, unless notice is required by a registered agreement, award or
employment contract.

Question 31
Name 3 advantages of a panel interview over a one-on-one interview.

1. Impartial because of group decision

2. applicant more closely observed

3. panel members may think of different points or views


Nitika Pumma

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