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José Treviño A01721774

As I embarked on my college journey, I found myself stepping into an entirely new world
filled with endless possibilities and uncharted territories. The known world I left behind was a
comfortable realm of familiarity, where my actions were guided by the structured
expectations of high school. However, the call to adventure beckoned me, urging me to
leave my comfort zone and embrace the challenges that awaited me in higher education.
This transition was not without its difficulties, but with the assistance of the supernatural help
that came my way, I was able to cross the first threshold into the realm of college life.

Known world and call to adventure:

In my known world, success was measured by grades, extracurricular activities, and
conforming to societal expectations. It was a world where I knew the rules and could
navigate them with ease. But as I approached the end of high school, the call to adventure
whispered in my ear, challenging me to step outside the confines of what I knew and venture
into the unknown world of college.

The call to adventure was born out of a desire for personal growth, a hunger to explore new
ideas, and a thirst for knowledge. I yearned for intellectual stimulation, to be surrounded by
like-minded individuals who shared my passion for learning. The call pulled at my
heartstrings, urging me to leave behind the familiar and embrace the challenges that awaited

Supernatural help:
The supernatural help I received in college took various forms. Professors were more than
just instructors; they helped me embark on this new life and with little steps, become
successful.They challenged me to think critically and pushed me to surpass my own
limitations. Their knowledge in their respective fields was a new form of inspiration, and their
guidance helped me navigate the complexities of academia.

Additionally, my fellow students became important sources of support. They came from
different backgrounds, bringing with them different perspectives and ideas. Collaborating
with them exposed me to new ways of thinking and increased my opportunities. We formed
study groups, encouraged one another during challenging times, and celebrated each
other's accomplishments.

First Threshold:
The first threshold was characterized by the unknown of everything around me. The campus
was immersive, with buildings I had never stepped foot in and a labyrinth of hallways that
seemed to hold infinite possibilities. The courses I enrolled in were more challenging,
demanding a higher level of critical thinking and independent study. Time management
became a crucial skill to master as I juggled multiple assignments, exams, and
extracurricular activities.

It was during this threshold that I truly understood the concept of time as something more
important than ever. I had to learn to prioritize my tasks, make sacrifices, and develop a
sense of discipline. The theory of time management, which I had read about in books,
suddenly became a tangible reality that I had to implement in my own life.

My first challenge in my college life was definitely choosing my concentration in business

school. I truly feared about choosing incorrectly and failing to embark on a new chapter in
the right way. Secondly, having to pass through difficult teams and fearing they’ll bring me
down by giving me bad grades, because of lack of good communication and hard work.
Finally, but not least important, overcoming laziness, doing my chores and homeworks,
struggled a lot and feared failing my classes.

For my mythological creature I chose El Coco, a creature from Spain. His key attributes, like
terrorizing little kids to do their chores and homeworks, make a perfect resemblance to my
hero’s journey. This creature waits for the right moment to strike, and like my bad habits and
teammates made me realize I was failing just in the right moment.

My mentors were a lot of different people, like my friends, parents and my professors. In
which each of them helped me in their respective way. My friends helped me find peace in
difficult times, making me forget about my deepest fears and resolving them. My parents
found a way to make me feel safe and embark on this journey easily, coming to hard
grounds and unknown lands was something that seemed impossible, but with them
alongside was much easier. Finally, my professors teaching me how to survive in this new
land, giving me the right tools to pass more and more levels of college life.

Some of my temptations, like alcohol and getting drunk were difficult to fight, but I managed
to get out of there quickly by getting into sports. These temptations were making me lazier
and not helping my teammates. Also, keeping me apart from my parents and friends that
only want me to succeed.
Armed with courage (main enemy of El coco) and supported by my supernatural allies, I
faced the mythological creature of El Coco and emerged victorious, transformed into a hero
ready to conquer the challenges of college life.

My superpower as a hero was my ability to adapt and persevere. I wielded the sword of
resilience, the shield of discipline. These virtues empowered me to face my fears, overcome
obstacles, and stay focused and the mace of self-belief on my goals. With these tools, I was
well-equipped to defeat the creature of laziness, poor communication, and indecision.

As these 4 semesters have passed, I completed them successfully by embracing change

and adopting new strategies. I learned the importance of time management, proving my
ability to prioritize tasks. I found help when needed, understanding that seeking help was not
a sign of falling but a step towards growth.

The final gift given to me was self-discovery. Each semester brought me closer to
understanding my strengths and weaknesses, allowing me to harness my potential more
effectively. I discovered my passion for entrepreneurship and leadership, realizing that my
journey as a hero extended outside the boundaries of the classroom. I learned to take
opportunities for personal and professional growth. This transformation shaped me into a
well-rounded individual, ready to contribute to society, my family, and my own heroic journey.

As a master of two worlds, I embraced the transition from a high school student to a mid
college student. I acquired knowledge, not just from textbooks, but through my friends,
professors and parents. I understood the importance of collaboration and teamwork, learning
to appreciate the diverse perspectives and talents of others. I embraced continuous learning,
understanding that growth is a lifelong process, and that as a hero, I must adapt to the
evolving world.


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