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Your Task:

Develop an operational plan using a suitable template which needs to include the following details:

1. A description of the operation.

Ans. The Hotel Futura management want to utilize a sunny indoor section of a lobby for a
service point to serve the morning/afternoon teas.

After performing a cost-benefit analysis, it was observed that the hotel is potentially able to
create a profitable and productive new revenue stream directly form the non-profitable
floor space. The previously generated revenue was neutral and therefore the hotel has
generated the idea of serving the tea and coffee to their employees utilizing the lobby
Hotel Futura is a large group of hotels having its franchisees at various locations and
generate their revenues in a high amount every year. so, after executing the cost benefit
analysis it is perceived that the idea of using the internal section of the sunny indoor lobby
space as a service point will serve as a better option for the hotel and thus can be used for
providing the morning and afternoon teas to the customers of the hotel or the employees as

2. The aim of the operational plan – What are you trying to achieve?

Ans. Aim - To use the sunny indoor section of lobby as s service point

That will serve the purpose and intension of providing morning and afternoon teas to the customers
of hotel. So, the further objectives of the operational plan are to analyses the functioning and
financial profitability of the two different operations.

 The first option is to install a full espresso coffee service station in the open sunny lobby area
that is designated for the service to be provided to the customers.
 Another option is to utilize the existing coffee facilities that the hotel is already incorporating
into its services. The utilization of existing coffee facility will be derived from 24h busy coffee
shop present as an outlet and situated at a distance of 30 meters away from the lobby area
diagonally across the foyer.

3. A SWOT analysis of the business environment – This could include similar scenarios relevant to
your area and must include legal requirements for this type of operation.


The space of the Hotel Futura: A vast area is offered by the hotel premises Highly performative
The managerial system of the hotel
Quality of food offered by the hotel
Customer satisfaction while serving the tea and coffee as the services by hotel Hotel




Number of employees will get increased and used by the Hotel Futura Operating
costs and overall service expenses will be raised. A large stock
should have to be maintained: Holding of too much stock Poor record keeping
Extra efforts for keeping the records thus extra employees to be paid Problem
in cash flow Rental costs
will be raised and the Hotel can hold upon the enhanced operating and running costs.
Increment in total revenue of the Hotel Futura
Advancement in technology will offer a large return
Less employee progression and expansion
Increment of the technological based services
Can afford new services once when become trained in the small business operations
Problems while assessing the taste and preferences form the customers
Changed preferences towards the food items and mood of services
Changing legal rules and regulations
While operating the services, obligations towards the standards that are legislated regarding the
customer satisfaction Highly
competitive environment
Legal requirements:
Food safety issues and legal standards
The food standards in the country Australia are one used for providing the Australian food
businesses and companies to aim for the safety and standards regarding the food and eatable
products to be produced with safe, and suitable methods. Where the food businesses are opted by
food companies and deals with activities involved in sale, purchase, manufacturing, and handling of
the food products in Australia. The standards deal with the handling of obligations such as
maintenance of hygiene and health of the food and food holders and aims to lower down the illness
caused due the cause of unhygienic conditions for food.

** Standard 3.2.3 in the lists of standards sets out the requirements to be fulfilled by the food
companies regarding the space, design and construction of food premises, fittings, equipment used,
fixtures, and transport facility for the food.
Design standards
The standard deals with the requirements to be fulfilled by the business setters in regard to
common rooms, entry foyers, lobbies, and the overall circulation space to be used for the service.

** The area should have the doors with dimensions as 1350mm * 1350mm, ceiling\floor and walls
should be impact resistant, easily cleanable and resistant to minor marks and scratches.

4. A detailed overview of resource requirements and options:

 Technology,



Ans. The installation of the full expresso coffee service station that will be installed in the lobby
when the hotel prefers first option.

 Human Resources needs,

Ans. The human resource will be used for serving the food items.
There will be two timings for the service as from 10 am to 12 pm for the morning and from 2:30 pm
to 4:30 pm in the afternoon break, and thus will require food services attendants. Also, two
permanent resident operators will be hired for scrutinizing the regularity of the service for 7 days a
week and two for collecting the orders of breakfast for this outlet.

 An overview of financial requirements related to all resource requirements and options

including financial requirements (given the first 3 months are used to establish the operation
and are budgeted for). Using current trade equipment prices, analyse the most financially
viable option for the hotel, either by purchasing or leasing and installing a full espresso coffee
station or utilising the existing coffee facilities from the coffee shop outlet,

Ans. The installation of the service station and machine will be finalized from finance by the
business. The machine used are KitchenAid Expresso Coffee Machine, that costs for about $2000 and
is found more suitable according to the customers and number of visitors of the hotel.
Additional finance will be required only for hiring the services employees and service attendants that
are needed to be hired to run the service efficiently.

On the other end in option 2, the only finance will be required for paying the salaries for the food
service attendants.

 Requirements for intellectual property rights and responsibilities in recruitment and

acquisition of resources and services.

Ans. No intellectual rights and responsibilities will be required to install the full expresso coffee

Also, no intellectual rights and responsibilities will be needed for human resource as well.
Same goes for the option 2. No legal requirements and regulations will be needed for tis as well.

5. A contingency plan with alternative options for each key aspect of the operational planning


Risk 1: Breaking down of the Expresso Service Station

In order to combat with the negative impact of breaking down of the Expresso Service Station, it is
important for the hotel is ready with repair and maintenance team in the hotel. In order to avoid
customer dissatisfaction, it is important that the hotel should not stop the coffee service facility
inside the hotel and start serving coffee from the nearby coffee shop outlet till the time coffee
machine gets repaired.
Risk 2: The coffee shop existing in the hotel shuts down for a reason
The hotel has to find suppliers nearby the area of hotel for immediate supply of coffee in case of



6. The timeframes required to implement this project


Plan A: Expresso coffee machine

Tasks Time Period
Market Research 7 days
Installing new expresso coffee machine 3 days
Hiring 15 days
Renovation lobby area 20 days
Total time required by the hotel 30 days

Plan B: Nearby coffee service outlet

Tasks Time Period
Discuss the plan with coffee shop 1 days
Check the supply of milk and sugar to the 5 days
coffee shop from the existing supplier
Hiring 15 days
Renovation lobby area 20 days
Total time required by the hotel 26 days

7. The consultation requirements and provisions including timelines.

List of consultation from the CEO and finance and operation departments

- Selection of the option

- Brand and Type of Service Station
- Finance available for the New Full Espresso Service Station - Time Period in which service shall be
The consultation is required to be done regarding the selection of the option from both the options
The CEO and further departments will be consulted regarding the choosing of the espresso service
station and finance available to do so.
Timeline will also be thoroughly discussed with the CEO and departments to make sure, the time
period in which he services shall be running.

8. The evaluation methods you will use to measure the performance of each aspect of this project.


Customer preference
The hotel will be conducting guest marketing survey in order to know the preference of the
customers. On the basis of survey, the hotel should implement the option in the hotel. After
implementing the option, it is important for the hotel to know the customer satisfaction from the
implemented choice of option in the organization.



It is important to evaluate the taste of the coffee offered by the coffee facility in the hotel itself and
the coffee offered by espresso coffee machine.
The Hotel will be undertaking costs of offering coffee from the coffee facility in the hotel itself or will
be undertaking investment of coffee machine if decides to offer coffee though machine to the
customers. Thus, it becomes important for the organization to do cost benefit analysis before
adopting any option in the this analysis profit earned cam be an important parameter for
evaluating the performance of both the options.



Part B Planning Resource Acquisition

In this part of the assessment, you are required to outline the processes and procedures you use
for planning and managing the required physical and human resources. You are required to
address the following aspects:

1. Discuss your findings for the different options for the coffee machine you have researched in
Part A with the Executive chef and F&B manager in your workplace, or as a role play with
fellow students and/or your trainer. Provide a script of the details that were discussed and the
findings of discussions with the Executive Chef and the Food and Beverage Manager regarding
the pros and cons of operating a high-quality food and beverage service in each situation.
Depending on your training situation this may be completed in form of observation of your
discussion with the 2 staff.


Paul(me): Bonjour sir. Thanks for coming to this meeting. The reason why I have held this meeting is
that I need to consult regarding the advent of new coffee station to our customers. As you may know
that the hotel is planning to use the indoor section of the lobby for service coffee and tea facility to
the hotel customers.

Eric (Executive Chef): I think, this is an amazing way to utilize the existing hotel resources for
increasing facilities to the customers. So, what is the plan now?

Paul: we have two options. The first one is that investing on buying and installation of coffee
espresso machine.
On the other hand, we can supply coffee from the existing coffee outlet in the indoors of the hotel. I
am here to hear from you about which will be better for us.

Blake (F&B Manager): From my perspective, we need to do customer preference survey. Existing
customers prefer the coffee from outlet. In addition, analysis need to be performed regarding
financial and human requirements in both the options for the organization.

Paul: Yes, that’s right. We already performed the analysis. According to the analysis conducted, the
initial financial requirement in buying the espresso machine is greater than the supplying coffee
from the existing coffee outlet. However, it will be one time investment to purchase coffee machine
in the hotel.

The time frame required to initiate the plan is also greater in the case if espresso machine as
compared to supplying coffee from the existing coffee outlet. However, according to the results of
the survey, 80% of the respondents prefer to rely on beverages from coffee machine than the coffee
outlet situated un the hotel itself. However, the hotel has to undergo hiring process for food
attendant in both the options.



Overall, I think that investing on espresso coffee machine is better in a long term. What do you

Eric: I think we both will agree to your recommendation and give your approval to the CEO and the
directors for the timely initialization of the plan in the hotel.

Blake: According to me, cost should not be a problem for the directors as taste and ‘Heartiest’
(customer satisfaction) will be more important parameters for judging the options for us.

2. Provide an overview of the Standard Operating Procedures which would be required to

implement this operation with staff to ensure all operational and legal aspects are covered.


 The method and the way adopted by the attendant to pour, mix, garnish and serve the beverage
to the customers should be same every time to each customer.
 The beverages should be placed on tray while delivering to the customers. The tray should be
held with the left hand proportionately and if the attendant is carrying a large tray it has to be
handled with both the hands.
 The attendant should ensure that his back is straight while he is attending the customers.
 While serving the beverage to the customers, it has to be made sure that the logo on the
napkins is visible to the guests. The napkins should be placed in a manner that the logo faces the
 The glass of beverage should be placed on the centre of the tray and the beverage napkin.
 It is considered as a good practice of the attendant to repeat the name of the drink every time it
is served to the customer.
 The attendant must hold the stemmed glasses by its base or the stem. As holding cold beverages
from outside the glass can warm the drink.
 The attendant should make sure that he does not puts his fingers inside the glass.
 Before leaving the table, the attendant must make sure that all the drinks that were ordered are
on the table.
 It will the duty of the attendant to double check the drinks from the document where order was
recorded initially. Use the Captain order or printed order.

3. Provide a job description for the role of a food service attendant for this particular operation.
Which duties would this need to include and how will you ensure these are performed by the
staff member? Provide an overview of the documentation, communication requirements and
any other strategies you will use to ensure performance initially and monitor ongoing


Duties of the food service attendant pre-service

It will be the duty of the attendant to check the cleanliness of the table linen and the setting on the
table after every shift of the customers (Chand & Slath, 2018).
The attendant will have to replace the cutlery and glasses on tables.



Before attending the customers, the attendant will be ready with order pad to jot down the orders
of respective customers along with their allocated food tables.
Duties of the Food service Attendant during Service
While attending the customers, it will be the duty of the food attendant to gracefully welcome the
customers and assist them with the seating, open napkins for them and ask for their food order. The
attendant will have to present the menus to the customers and tell the specification of the food
items if asked by the customers. The attendant can also make recommendations to the customers
regarding food items and solve the guest queries.

The food attend ant will have to service the food to the customers on their food stations.
After the customers will be done with their food, the attendant will assist the customers while
vacating the table. The attendant will also have to bid farewell and thank the guests while they are
Duties of the Food service Attendant Post Service
After the customers will leave, it will be the duty of the food attendant to clear the tables and
replace the cutlery.
The food attendant will relay the settings of the table according to the requirements of the
customers who booked the table or will do it according to the hotel’s requirements.

The food attendant will empty the rubbish bins on the table and will replace with the new disposal
The food attendant will check of all the area around the table to provide clean and fresh space to
eat to the next customers on the table.



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