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suPpremcnrNo 202D0616-APR
(ExCdt.No. 20SC0l5l-A PR )

) . This Rccord shall bc pemde.lly aitached to the IAPI Cenifi.ate fu IAPP Ceflificat sh.ll b€ available on boud the ship a1

2, The be 3t lest h Englisl t'mch o. Spanish. Ifm oflicial lmguage oflhe issuing amry is also used. i[is shall
Res.d sIaU
Drcvail in 6c
ofa disDule or disoepancy.
3. Edri€s in boxes Bbajl be nade by itrsrtins eithq a ms (x) for the msw6 yes" ed applicdble" or 3 dash C) for thc
dsw€B no" md notapplieble 6 apprcpriale.
4, Unless othnisestaled, regulalions me.rioned in this Re@rd rcf.r 10 Eeulations ol Annex vl ol the Conventio. dd
rcsolulio.s or cncuhs rcfer to rho$ adopied by the Mdiihe Org&izalion.

t. Pa iculan ofship


IMO 9J00491

t 3 Date on $[icn keel was laid or ship Ms at a sinrilrslage of@ns!ruclion

l4 Lengd(L) I setes

2 Contol of e"tissions lrom ships

2t Ozooc-depletingsubslanes(EEulalion l2)

2 L I TlE ldlowing ficexlirguishing systms, olher sysrms ed equipnent conI,iniry ozonc-depleli.g,
oth{ ila. hydochlorofluorocdbons (HcFCr, instdled bclorc 19 May 2005 nay @ntinue in s.rvie:


r Cmpleted only in rcspecl olship @nsauded on or ans I Jdudy 20 t6|l81ee sD€cially.lesigned,

od used solcly aor @isdondpuQoses ud
&ctrdm& wi6 eBularion lt.5 2.1 oi ftgutdlioD Il5.2l, $e NOa enj$ion tidn 6 given by Egularion t3 S I I wil nor;ppiy
to which, in

https //*rrifrels.dasrnk orjpreM@tion .spx?ioo=9300491&ti d=21216-25a454351+77428

2.l.2 l h. lollo\viig sr-nenB orkiring HCrG inslall.db.fore lJanLury 2020 ma_vcontiN'c in seNic.:

Prctaged Air Condiliotr TICFC.22

Pi.lrged Air Condilidn for Golley ICt.( -22

2.2 Nirros€n oxids (rrox) (rcsuration 13)

2.2.1 Tn6 following nari.e di6el ogines inslalled on rhn sbip e in ac@rdu@ with tte Equimmls ofreaulalion 13,


R .dpo$n(tw)(Nrcr r r 1!)

Rderrsts.d0rP\r)1Nrc1 r r D)

Ide.lcal trgii. db[!d : 1/1]2M

tr tr tr .-l tr tr

tr tr t-il tr tr tr
tr F tr tr tr
tr F tr trl
E tl E F
tr tr FI
tr tr tr tr tr
tr tr E tr
tr tr tr E tr t_l
tr tr tr F tr E
tr tr tr tr
tr tr tr
! NIC a@s "NOx TehniMt Code 20a8"

https/€€nifefe.clasnk€M6uon aspx?imo=9300491&ud:21216-25a45-83514-1742a

Paee 3ol4

Amr,ohL! rcgulnuorMARPor. Ann* Vl Enginefs [osine 116

tr tr I-t I
tr tr tr F tr
tr TI E]
f-'t tr ft rl
tr tr tr E tr tr
tr tr tr tr tr tr
tr tr tr tr il
2.3 Su,pnur oxidos (SO*) md p3rticulsr€ matter (rcsulatim 14)

2.3,1 When the ship operaB outside of & emision ontrol ma sp€cined in rcgulalion 14.3, lhe ship Bes

.l fiEl oil wilh a sulpir @nror s docmenled by bu.*er delivery nores lhal does no1 ex@d the lin
Elue of 0.J0% m/m, edor
2 @ oquivalcnt alfugeh€nt apprcv.d in amrdme wirh r.gulalion 4. I s listed in psmg.arh 2.6 tlEt is ar

lest 6 effodve in tems of SOx enision reductions 6 ompmd to usinS a tuel oil with d sulphur

@ntent lmn ralue of 0.50% n/m

2.3.2 Wten thc ship opd.tes inside e dhsion 6nrol ea srEcitied id regntalion I4.3, the shjp uses:

.l tuel oil wih a sulptu. @dent !s doo$ented by bunker delivery notes ihat do* not ex@d ihe
value of0.l0% m/m n.V6r
.2 m equivalent d&gtue.l aDprcved in !@dee with regul.tio. 4. I s tisled in pm8nph 2.6 rh.i is at
leasl a effective in lems of SOx eftission Educdons * @nparcd ro usi.g a tuet oit wi,h a sulphur
@nlenl limil value of 0. l0%

2.3.3 For a stip withoul m equivalent apprcved in ac@rde@ wilh Egulstion 4.1 s listed i!
pangreph 2.6, ti'e suiphur onr€nr of tucl oil cmied for use on bo&d the ship shal not erc€ed 0.50y0 n/n
s d@unenlcd by bunker delivery nores

24 volatile orsanio (VOc, (Esutalior t5)

2,4.1 TIe tanlrs hs a vspou oll€ction system instalted d apprcv€d in accode@ siIh MSC/Circ.585.
2 4 2 I lor ! Lnkd c.rryine mde oil, thsE is d approved VOC€Denr ptan
tr V(r nmagmenl pl& upprcval Efqene:

' Refe. ro rhe 2014 cuidelinB on thc approved eclfiod pIlB (reetdion MEPC 243(66)).

hnps //@dific.t€ ctask.or.jplveD,fi@tion.aspx?imo=9300491&li d=21216 25a48-A3544-7742A

2.5 s[ipbMrdincinentiotrGesulaliq 16)

The ship h6 & ircineralor:

. I insalled on c afld I Jenary 2000 that coinplies wilh:

.l rcsoluli@ ME!C.76(40) s ane.ded 1

2 res,rurion Mrtc 24-1(66)

2 nslall.dhclirc I*ilh

I rosolulion ME|C.59(33) as amended

.2 resolurion MEPC.76(40) s ah€ndcd

2.6 Equivdlenrs(regulalio.4)

The ship hds b€en allowed 10 usc the following fining, mat€rid, arpliec. o. appamlus to be itied i. a ship or olher
proedurcs, allemative tuel oils, or @mpliu@ meihods used 6 e rlt€mative to rbal requircd by this Ann€xl


'I-HlSlS TO CERTIIY tbal this Re@rd is @red nr allr.splcrs.

(L.i Li), Sureyor

am.nden by elution MEPC.93(45)

i'As m{ded by Esolulion MEPC 92(ar.

hirpsr//l*rrificats aspx?imo=9300491&ti d=21216-25A45-AXS44_t7420

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