Maritime Labour Certificate

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2 1 360/NC L/2403/1 9001 76


(Note: This Ceftificate shall hava a Declantion of Maitifie Labooconpliance attached)
lssued under the provisions of Article V and Title 5 of the l\ilaritime Labour Convention, 2006 (referred to
below as "the Convention") underthe authority ofthe Government ofthe United Kingdom of Great Britain and
Northern lreland by the Maritime and Coastguard Agency, an Executive Agency of the Department for
Narne of Ship AQUITANIA

Distinctive Number or Letters I\iIADG Port of Registry LONDON

Date of registry 12 December 2006 31238

ll\,4O Number 9300491 Type of Ship BULK CARRIER

RB Briiish Marine (UK) Limited

Name and Address of the 4lh Floor, [4illbank

Shipowner' London


This is to certify:
1. That this ship has been inspected and verified to be in compliance wilh the requirements of the Convention, and the
provisions ofthe attached Declaration of Maritime Labour Compliance.
2. That tho seafarers' working aod living conditions specified in Appendix A5-l of tho Convention were found to
corespond to the abovomentioned country's national requirements implementing the Convention. These national
requkements are summarized in th6 Decfaration of ft4aritime Labour Compliance, Part l.
This Certificete is valid uniil 05 November 2021 subject lo inspections in accordance with Standards
A5.1.3 and A5.1.4 of the Convention.

This Certificate is v€lid only when the Declaration of Madtime Labour Comptiance issued at

HULL 29 September 2019 is attached.

Completion date ofthe inspection on which this Certificate is based was 25 October 2016

lssued at HULL 29 September 2019

Signatlrre otlhe duly auihorizod official jssuing the Certifioate


Signed L OilicialSiamp J

' For shps covered by rhe tonnage m\allremenr intedm scheme adopted by ih6lMO, the g.oss tonnage is ihar which is included in rhe REMARKS
column of lhe lntomal,onal r onnaoe ceilfiicale r(1969).
age cerrllicare l 969, see
See anicre
Adicre llr l n c, of lhe convemion
'Shrpowrermeans ihe own€. ot the ship or another organizalion or person, such as the manager, agenl or bareboal 6sderer, who has assumed lhe

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