Essay Writing-How Does Voting Matter During The Elction

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Name : Ida Nursanti

Student Number : F1021171031

Subject : Essay Writing

Our Voices Influence The Future of The Country

The politics of Indonesia take place in the framework of a presidential representative
democratic republic, whereby the president of Indonesia is both head of state and head of
government of a multi-party system. In Indonesian system, the president is chosen by the people.
The society have full control to decide who will be the leader of the country in the future.
Considering this situation, it is really important to consider how our voice does matter during
the election.

Election provides the opportunity to make our voices heard and make sure that the issues
that affect us and the issues that we care about are the part of conversation. It allows us to choose
the best candidates to sit in the government, and make sure that we pick the right person as well.
By the election we are given the opportunity, and we suppose to use that wisely.

I strongly believe that every single person should use their right to vote during the
election. Perhaps, some people do not use their right to vote because they do not like both of the
candidates. But this is the biggest mistake they could ever make. The decision is not only
affecting them, but it is affecting the entire country as well. It is better to take the decision and
make sure we have tried our best to set better situation.

Obviously, every single candidate stands with their strengths and weaknesses. However,
we are not looking for the perfect president. What we need to make sure is that we choose
someone who really care about the people and the country itself`. It is important to make sure
that we choose someone that actually best matches with our ideology.

The person who becomes the next president is going to make dramatic changes that will
shape the future for the country. Now, since we have opportunity to pick out who will be the next
leader, why don’t we use it? .We have a say in who runs it and how they do it . It is our country,
our government, our choice . We have responsibility to bring the better future for the country by
using our right to vote on the election days.

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