Rubrics For Teamwork Evaluation and Debate

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Estefanía Cabrera- 2023


Aspects to evaluate:

​ Introduction (10 points)

● Were the topics and objectives of the debate clearly presented?

● Did the introduction capture the interest of the audience and establish a solid

foundation for the debate?

​ Argumentation (20 points)

● Were strong and convincing arguments presented?

● Were examples, data, and evidence used to support the arguments?

● Were the opponent's arguments adequately addressed?

● Were the arguments well-organized and presented coherently?

​ Structure and Fluency (15 points)

● Did the debate have a clear structure with an introduction, development, and


● Was the presentation fluent and easy to follow?

● Were effective transitions used between the main ideas?

​ Communication Skills (15 points)

● Did the speakers express themselves clearly and articulately?

● Was an appropriate tone of voice used, maintaining respectful language?

● Was there good posture, eye contact, and appropriate gestures?

​ Responses to Questions and Rebuttals (20 points)

● Were the questions posed by the opposing team or the audience adequately


● Were the rebuttals relevant and demonstrated a solid understanding of the


● Were the opponent's arguments effectively refuted?

Prof. Estefanía Cabrera- 2023

​ Conclusion (10 points)

● Were the key points of the debate concisely summarized?

● Was a strong conclusion presented, reinforcing the main ideas of the team?

​ Teamwork (10 points)

● Did the team work together effectively?

● Were collaboration and mutual support demonstrated among team members?

Total: 100 points

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