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First, let's calculate the mass of the snowball. The density of snow is given as 0.8 g/cm³.

Since the
snowball is a sphere, we can use the formula for the volume of a sphere:

V = (4/3)πr³,
=3.052 m³

density = 0.8 g/cm³ = 0.8 kg/L = 800 kg/m³

mass = density * volume

= 800 kg/m³ * 3.052 m³
≈ 2441.6 kg

1. Gravita�onal force (weight): force_gravity = mass * gravity

orce_gravity = 2441.6 kg * 9.8 m/s²

≈ 23,938.08 N

2. Fric�onal force: In this case, the force of fric�on is neglected

3. Normal force: The normal force acts perpendicular to the surface and balances the weight of the
snowball. Since the snowball is rolling purely (without slipping), the normal force will be equal to
the gravita�onal force.
Given the forces involved, if a snowball rolls smoothly downhill without experiencing fric�onal
force or collision with anything on its path down the hillside, then no student need jump away to
prevent its path - normal force should suffice in suppor�ng its weight and no collision should
take place.

Let's now use the principle of conserva�on of energy to determine how fast a snowball would
reach a student if she were si�ng 25 metres uphill from us, using our snowball.

poten�al_energy_ini�al = mass * gravity * height

poten�al_energy_ini�al = 2441.6 kg * 9.8 m/s² * 25 m
≈ 6,012,400 J

kine�c_energy_final = poten�al_energy_ini�al
kine�c_energy = (1/2) * mass * velocity²
(1/2) * 2441.6 kg * v² = 6,012,400 J

v² = (6,012,400 J) / (0.5 * 2441.6 kg)

v ≈ 65.94 m/s

Therefore, the snowball would reach the student at approximately 65.94 m/s.
Colliding with a snowball could have serious repercussions due to its large mass and fast
velocity; its effect would depend on mul�ple variables including factors like student mass,
posi�oning and outcome of collision.

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