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assignment no 3

1.explain discion making statement in python with example?

2.explain control statements with exammple?
3.differnce bet. entry controlled and exit controlled loop?
4. define range function. explain various methods for declaring a range function.

assignment no. 4
1.explain the following statements with example:
2. define sequence? explain the type of sequence used in python?
3.define list and explain various functions used in list?

assignment no. 5 unit 5

1.difference bet. oop and procedural oriented programming.

2. Explain any five features of OOP.
3. Define polymorphism and its type.
4. How to declare a class , explain with syntax and example.
5. define constructor.
6. define self-keyword.
7. illustrate the feature of constructor.
8. explain inheritance with its type.
9. Explain the following methods.
10. explain encapsulation and abstraction.

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