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MODULE 4: TO KILL A MOCKINGBIRD saving the children and stabbing Ewell fatally during the

struggle. Boo carries the wounded Jem back to Atticus’s

Black is beautiful... Barrack Obama, Michael Jordan, Denzel house, where the sheriff, in order to protect Boo, insists that
Washington, Oprah Winfrey, Naomi Campbell. They are just Ewell tripped over a tree root and fell on his own knife. After
some of the African-American icons of our times. While these sitting with Scout for a while, Boo disappears once more into
personalities have gained power and recognition for who they the Radley house.
are and what they have become, the history of America - Later, Scout feels as though she can finally imagine what life
documents bitter tales of slavery in the southern states where is like for Boo. He has become a human being to her at last.
these Africans who were forcibly uprooted from their homeland With this realization, Scout embraces her father’s advice to
were treated as mere merchandise. The abhorrent practice of practice sympathy and understanding and demonstrates that
slavery is predicated on the oppressive ideology of "white her experiences with hatred and prejudice will not sully her
supremacy" and the novel To Kill a Mockingbird takes us to faith in human goodness.
heart of this problem.
- The narrator and protagonist of the story. She
- Scout Finch lives with her brother, Jem, and their widowed lives with her father, Atticus, her brother, Jem,
father, Atticus, in the sleepy Alabama town of Maycomb. and their black cook, Calpurnia, in Maycomb.
Maycomb is suffering through the Great Depression, but - She is intelligent and, by the standards of her
Atticus is a prominent lawyer and the Finch family is time and place, a tomboy. Scout has a combative
reasonably well off in comparison to the rest of society. One streak and a basic faith in the goodness of the
summer, Jem and Scout befriend a boy named Dill, who has people in her community. As the novel
come to live in their neighborhood for the summer, and the trio progresses, this faith is tested by the hatred and
acts out stories together. Eventually, Dill becomes fascinated prejudice that emerge during Tom Robinson’s
with the spooky house on their street called the Radley Place. trial. Scout eventually develops a more grown-up
The house is owned by Mr. Nathan Radley, whose brother, perspective that enables her to appreciate human
Arthur (nicknamed Boo), has lived there for years without goodness without ignoring human evil.
venturing outside. o ATTICUS FINCH
- Scout goes to school for the first time that fall and detests it. - Scout and Jem’s father, a lawyer in Maycomb
She and Jem find gifts apparently left for them in a knothole of descended from an old local family. A widower
a tree on the Radley property. Dill returns the following with a dry sense of humor, Atticus has instilled in
summer, and he, Scout, and Jem begin to act out the story of his children his strong sense of morality and
Boo Radley. Atticus puts a stop to their antics, urging the justice.
children to try to see life from another person’s perspective - He is one of the few residents of Maycomb
before making judgments. But, on Dill’s last night in Maycomb committed to racial equality. When he agrees to
for the summer, the three sneak onto the Radley property, defend Tom Robinson, a black man charged with
where Nathan Radley shoots at them. Jem loses his pants in raping a white woman, he exposes himself and
the ensuing escape. When he returns for them, he finds them his family to the anger of the white community.
mended and hung over the fence. The next winter, Jem and With his strongly held convictions, wisdom, and
Scout find more presents in the tree, presumably left by the empathy, Atticus functions as the novel’s moral
mysterious Boo. Nathan Radley eventually plugs the knothole backbone.
with cement. Shortly thereafter, a fire breaks out in another o JEM FINCH
neighbor’s house, and during the fire someone slips a blanket - Scout’s brother and constant playmate at the
on Scout’s shoulders as she watches the blaze. Convinced that beginning of the story. Jeremy Atticus “Jem”
Boo did it, Jem tells Atticus about the mended pants and the Finch is something of a typical American boy,
presents. refusing to back down from dares and fantasizing
- To the consternation of Maycomb’s racist white community, about playing football. Four years older than
Atticus agrees to defend a black man named Tom Robinson, Scout, he gradually separates himself from her
who has been accused of raping a white woman. Because of games, but he remains her close companion and
Atticus’s decision, Jem and Scout are subjected to abuse from protector throughout the novel.
other children, even when they celebrate Christmas at the - Jem moves into adolescence during the story,
family compound on Finch’s Landing. Calpurnia, the Finches’ and his ideals are shaken badly by the evil and
black cook, takes them to the local black church, where the injustice that he perceives during the trial of Tom
warm and close-knit community largely embraces the children. Robinson.
- Atticus’s sister, Alexandra, comes to live with the Finches the o AUNT ALEXANDRA
next summer. Dill, who is supposed to live with his “new father” - Atticus’s sister, a strong-willed woman with a
in another town, runs away and comes to Maycomb. Tom fierce devotion to her family. Alexandra is the
Robinson’s trial begins, and when the accused man is placed perfect Southern lady, and her commitment to
in the local jail, a mob gathers to lynch him. Atticus faces the propriety and tradition often leads her to clash
mob down the night before the trial. Jem and Scout, who have with Scout.
sneaked out of the house, soon join him. Scout recognizes one o ARTHUR “BOO” RADLEY
of the men, and her polite questioning about his son shames
- A recluse who never sets foot outside his
him into dispersing the mob. Goo
house, Boo dominates the imaginations of Jem,
- At the trial itself, the children sit in the “colored balcony” with Scout, and Dill.
the town’s black citizens. Atticus provides clear evidence that - He is a powerful symbol of goodness swathed in
the accusers, Mayella Ewell and her father, Bob, are lying: in an initial shroud of creepiness, leaving little
fact, Mayella propositioned Tom Robinson, was caught by her presents for Scout and Jem and emerging at an
father, and then accused Tom of rape to cover her shame and opportune moment to save the children. An
guilt. Atticus provides impressive evidence that the marks on intelligent child emotionally damaged by his cruel
Mayella’s face are from wounds that her father inflicted; upon father, Boo provides an example of the threat that
discovering her with Tom, he called her a whore and beat her. evil poses to innocence and goodness. He is one
Yet, despite the significant evidence pointing to Tom’s of the novel’s “mockingbirds,” a good person
innocence, the all-white jury convicts him. The innocent Tom injured by the evil of mankind.
later tries to escape from prison and is shot to death. In the
aftermath of the trial, Jem’s faith in justice is badly shaken, and
he lapses into despondency and doubt. - The Finches’ black cook. Calpurnia is a stern
disciplinarian and the children’s bridge between
- Despite the verdict, Bob Ewell feels that Atticus and the judge the white world and her own black community.
have made a fool out of him, and he vows revenge. He
menaces Tom Robinson’s widow, tries to break into the judge’s o CHARLES BAKER “DILL” HARRIS
house, and finally attacks Jem and Scout as they walk home - Jem and Scout’s summer neighbor and friend.
from a Halloween party. Boo Radley intervenes, however, Dill is a diminutive, confident boy with an active
imagination. He becomes fascinated with Boo million copies. Two years after the book’s publication, an
Radley and represents the perspective of Academy Award–winning film version of the novel, starring
childhood innocence throughout the novel. Gregory Peck as Atticus Finch, was produced. Meanwhile, the
o TOM ROBINSON author herself had retreated from the public eye: she avoided
- The black field hand accused of rape. Tom is interviews, declined to write the screenplay for the film version,
one of the novel’s “mockingbirds,” an important and published only a few short pieces after 1961.
symbol of innocence destroyed by evil. - After To Kill a Mockingbird, Lee didn’t publish any other
o HELEN ROBINSON novels, didn’t work on the screenplay for the film, and retreated
- Wife of Tom Robinson from the public eye, eventually returning to Monroeville.
Because Lee had been so reclusive, and because her literary
output was incredibly celebrated but extremely limited, the
- Father of Tom Robinson discovery of Go Set a Watchman, and its publication in 2015,
o MISS MAUDIE ATKINSON was an enormous literary event.
- The Finches’ neighbor, a sharp-tongued widow, - But controversy plagued nearly every step of the publication
and an old friend of the family. Miss Maudie is of Go Set a Watchman. In November 2014, Harper Lee’s sister
almost the same age as Atticus’s younger and longtime caretaker passed away. A few months later,
brother, Jack. She shares Atticus’s passion for Harper Lee’s publishers announced that they was planning to
justice and is the children’s best friend among release a novel that Lee had completed in the mid-1950s,
Maycomb’s adults. before she wrote To Kill a Mockingbird. Although Lee’s lawyer
o BOB EWELL (Robert Lee E. Ewell) claimed that she found the manuscript shortly after Lee’s sister
- A drunken, mostly unemployed member of died, the manuscript had actually been discovered in 2011. Lee
Maycomb’s poorest family. In his knowingly died in Monroeville in 2016.
wrongful accusation that Tom Robinson raped his
daughter, Ewell represents the dark side of the
South: ignorance, poverty, squalor, and hate-
filled racial prejudice.
- Bob Ewell’s abused, lonely, unhappy daughter.
Though one can pity Mayella because of her
overbearing father, one cannot pardon her for her
shameful indictment of Tom Robinson.
- Attorney of Ewells
- The sheriff of Maycomb and a major witness at
Tom Robinson’s trial. Heck is a decent man who
tries to protect the innocent from danger.
- A poor farmer and part of the mob that seeks to
lynch Tom Robinson at the jail. Mr. Cunningham
displays his human goodness when Scout’s
politeness compels him to disperse the men at
the jail.
- Son of Mr. Walter Cunningham and classmate
of Scout. Walter cannot afford lunch one day at
school and accidentally gets Scout in trouble.
- An elderly, ill-tempered, racist woman who lives
near the Finches. Although Jem believes that
Mrs. Dubose is a thoroughly bad woman, Atticus
admires her for the courage with which she
battles her morphine addiction.

HARPER LEE (Biography)

- Nelle Harper Lee was born in 1926 in Monroeville,
Alabama, a small Southern town very similar to Maycomb,
Alabama, where her two novels, To Kill a Mockingbird and
Go Set a Watchman, are set. Like Atticus Finch, the father of
Jean Louise “Scout” Finch, the narrator and protagonist of both
novels, Lee’s father was a lawyer. Among Lee’s childhood
friends was the future novelist and essayist Truman Capote,
from whom she drew inspiration for the character Dill in To Kill
a Mockingbird.
- In 1949, Lee moved to New York City to become a writer,
and in 1957, she sent the manuscript for Go Set a
Watchman to publishers. J.B. Lippincott, a now-defunct
publishing company, bought the novel. After Lee’s editor read
the manuscript of Go Set a Watchman, she suggested that Lee
she write a new book from the heroine’s perspective that
focused on her childhood. So Lee took the setting and
characters of Go Set a Watchman and revised them into the
manuscript that became To Kill a Mockingbird.
- Critical response to To Kill a Mockingbird was mixed: a
number of critics found the narrative voice of a nine-year-old
girl unconvincing and called the novel overly moralistic.
Nevertheless, in the racially charged atmosphere of the early
1960s, the book became an enormous popular success,
winning the Pulitzer Prize in 1961 and selling over fifteen

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