MEOR Jatibarang

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Forty-Third Annual Convention & Exhibition, September 2019



Ariadji. T*, Rachmadi. H**, Adam. T.B**, Sasongko. S.Y***, Nugroho. R***

ABSTRACT (cumulative gain of 8773 bbls) and decreasing

water cut by injecting 15500 bbls with additional
One of the formations in Field M is volcanic cost of 15.58 USD per barrel oil gain for a year.
formation that contains oil with API of 25 – 33° and
a high pour point of 45°C with a recovery factor INTRODUCTION
(RF) of about 20% in 2017. This RF value signify
that there is still potential for additional oil Field M is one of the mainstay fields for oil
recovery. To increase the oil production, one of the production of PT Pertamina EP. One formation in
alternative methods is injection of bio-surfactant Field M is a volcanic formation (V) consisting of
into the reservoir. This paper describes result of the fracture rocks and matrix rocks. Volcanic formation
alternative method of bio-surfactant injection produces oil of HPPO (High Pour Point Oil) type.
targeting the Field M volcanic formation. This bio- This HPPO oil has an API value of 25-33° and pour
surfactant is generated at the surface in a bioreactor, point temperature of 45°C. The estimated recovery
and intended to be naturally continued in the factor for volcanic formation in 2017 was 19.96%.
reservoir by in-situ microorganism. The objectives The cumulative oil production in 2017 was
are to increase oil production and decrease water cut estimated 83,128 MSTB. Production of volcanic
by injecting the bio-surfactant into several wells, formation is very different at the beginning of
namely M-X1, M-X2 and M-X3, which produce production compared to present. When initial
with a water cut of 85% - 98% and oil production of production in 1973, volcanic formation production
3 - 17 BOPD. M-X1 well is selected for Huff & reached 40,000 BOPD, while in 2001 production
Puff injection, while M-X2 and M-X3 well are was only around 1,500 BOPD (Saing.M.P, 2001).
selected for both huff & puff and well High oil production between 1973 and 1982 is
interconnectivity observation. likely from oil in fractures, while low production in
the last 20 years is likely to be the contribution of
This project has been progressed in several stages, oil from the matrix.
i.e. laboratory activities; preparation;
implementation; and monitoring. Monitoring was One effort to increase oil production in volcanic
being conducted to both injection and surrounding formation, especially from the matrix part is by
wells. The results of this project can be summarized injecting bio-surfactants. The purpose of bio-
as follows: surfactant injection is to increase oil production by
reducing water cut (WC). The bio-surfactant used is
At M-X1 Huff & Puff Injection Well, the water cut produced from the secretion of microbes at the
decreased (from 85% to 70%) thus oil production surface in the bioreactor, which naturally continues
increased (from 3 BOPD to 7 BOPD). There are in the reservoirs. This concept is similar to injection
indications of well-to-well connectivity (M-X4) as of microbes in Melibur Field (Subiantoro, 2012)
indicated by observations of microbe population. At and Mangunjaya Field (Ariadji et al., 2017).
M-X2 Injection Well, water cut did not decrease but Implementation of MEOR also applied worldwide,
surrounding wells were affected as indicated by for instance in Dupont, Canada (Jackson et al.,
microbe population observations. At M-X3 Huff & 2015) and Daqing Oil Field, China (X. Wu et al,
Puff Injection Well, wells water cut decreased thus 2012). Zahner et al (2011) has reviewed more than
oil increased (from 17 BOPD to 22 BOPD). one hundred MEOR application with general
Surrounding Well M-X4 was affected by bio- remarks of successfully increasing oil production.
surfactant injection at M-X1 and M-X2 wells, They found that the success rate of MEOR is 89%
resulting a decrease in water cut. Therefore, the average and can increase oil production up to 127%
total work results into increasing the oil production average. McInerney et al (2001) - states that bio-
* Bandung Institute of Techonology
** Pertamina EP
*** Aimtopindo
surfactant is one of the important substances eliminate contaminant that will potentially inhibit
produced by microbes in MEOR’s success. microbial growth.

Bio-surfactants are enzymes produced by microbes, METHODOLOGY

which can be from the hydrocarbonoclastic group
that consume hydrocarbon as food in specific In implementing this bio-surfactant injection,
conditions for producing bio-surfactant (S. Mnif et several stages of activities are carried out, including
al, 2011). The presence of bio-surfactants in a the Laboratory Test Phase, the Preparation Phase,
mixture of water and oil is expected to change the and the Field Implementation Phase, which includes
mix fluid characteristics, such as swelling index, on-site production, injection & soaking, and
that will result in increased oil production. production & monitoring.

P. Hosseininoosheri et al. (2016) has investigated Laboratory Work Phase

mathematical model of bio-surfactant flooding and
The laboratory work consists of properties analysis,
observe the effect of several parameter, i.e,
microbe isolation, and laboratory simulation as
temperature, salinity, pH, and nutrient
briefly explained below.
concentration. They concluded that temperature,
salinity, and nutrient concentration have significant
Properties analysis
influence in oil recovery. Based on their simulation
results, it is shown that in-situ bio-surfactant can This activity aims to determine the character of oil
increase 10-15% oil recovery compared to water and produced water. Observations were made on
flooding. parameters including pH, TDS, microbial
population (Total Plate Count, TPC), viscosity, pour
In this activity, we focused on the effect of in-situ point, interfacial tension (IFT).
producing bio-surfactant by microbes to increase oil
production. We present the results and lessons Microbe isolation
learned from the injection of bio-surfactants in the This activity aims to obtain bio-surfactant-
volcanic formation at Field M, which can be used as producing microbes that are compatible with
an eco-friendly treatment to increase oil production. reservoir conditions. Isolation was carried out using
a special medium to obtain a suitable microbial
PROJECT DESCRIPTION consortium for operation purposes.
The bio-surfactant injection project is divided into
Nutrient composition
two main activities, namely, huff & puff, and huff
& puff for observing well interconnection. Huff & This laboratory work determines the concentration
puff is carried out in well M-X1 and M-X3. In this and composition of nutrient for field
activity, monitoring was also carried out to the implementation. To obtain the most suitable
surrounding wells. Meanwhile, the huff & puff for composition, several combinations of components
observing well interconnection was carried out in were applied for a particular field that has different
well M-X2 as an injector, with well M-X4 as a characteristic (such as fluid, formation, rock
monitoring production well. The monitoring well properties, etc). The major components are Nitrogen
M-X4 was selected based on the results of the (N), Phosphorus (P), and Pottasium (K), and the
observation of the M-X1 huff & puff well, which minor components are Natrium (Na), Magnesium
indicates good connectivity to the M-X4 well. (Mg), Manganese (Mn), Calcium (Cl), and Chlor
The position between the wells is shown in Figure
1. Production rate for M-X1 well (MD 2060 m) was Laboratory simulation
20 BFPD/3 BOPD/ 85%, M-X2 well (MD 2170 m) This activity aims to determine the effect of adding
was 183 BFPD/13 BOPD/92.7%, and M-X3 well a bio-surfactant solution to the fluid characteristics
(MD 1916 m) was 850 BFPD/17 BOPD/98%. The and flow of a mixed fluid. Tests conducted in the
lifting mechanism all these wells is gas lift. Log form of bottle test, swelling test, and changes in
analyses for each candidate well are presented in viscosity, IFT and microbe population (Total Plate
Figure 2. The source of water used is a produced Count, TPC).
water from water pond (in this field, salinity 28000
ppm) near the collecting station, with 15,500 bbl. of Preparation Phase
water. Before used, the water was filtered to
The first stage of implementation was the The amount of injected fluids was determined by
preparation stage, including preparation of considering well data such as production history
equipment, consumables, electricity, and other and reservoir condition. For this work, the injected
technical matters. Consumables materials include fluid is the following:
nutrient and produced water. In this work, it took 1. Total fluid, including pre-flush and post-flush,
about 15,500 bbl produced water for flushing and which is injected into the M-X1 well around
microbial production. Produced water (salinity 1,000 bbls consists of 200 bbls pre-flush, 600
28000 ppm) was collected into a tank and filtered bls bio-surfactant injection and 200 bbl. post-
using a filtration unit. In addition, the preparation flush.
stage also included measuring production 2. The total fluid, including pre-flush and post-
parameters before bio-surfactant injection. flush, is injected into the M-X2 well around
Production parameters measured included water cut 7,600 bbl. consists of 200 bbl pre-flush, bio-
and gross fluid. surfactant injection 7,200 bbl. and post-flush
200 bbl.
Field Implementation 3. Total fluid, including pre-flush and post-flush,
is injected into the M-X3 well around 6,900
The field implementation is carried out in several
bbl. consists of 200 bbl. pre-flush, bio-
stages as explained in the following.
surfactant injection 6,500 bbl. and post-flush
200 bbl.
On-site Microbial Bio-Surfactant Production
During this period, microbial isolates were mixed Production and Monitoring Period
with produced water, several types of nutrients and
After the soaking period ends (8th day), well
crude oil.
production is carried out at a gradual rate. During
For this field implementation, the nutrient
the production period, production parameters were
concentration used was 1%. Range of optimal
monitored such as gross fluid, oil net, and water cut
nutrients concentration is between 0.5 - 3% of the
in injection wells and observation wells. In addition,
total fluid injection. Based on our experience,
laboratory analysis is also routinely carried out on
microbes are sensitive to their surrounding
fluid (produced water and oil) which includes
environment, i.e., salinity, water contaminants, and
microbial population (TPC), pH, and TDS.
type of oil (specific gravity).
Viscosity and IFT parameters are also measured at
Microbial growth lasted for approximately 5 days in
certain times.
conditions close to reservoir temperature and took
place in the atmospheric tank. The purpose of
microbial production is to make available large
quantities of bio-surfactant-producing microbes.
Produced Water & Oil Properties Analysis
This approach is intended for microbes to grow and
live close to well condition before being injected.
This stage is crucial because if there is no good The results of the water analysis are presented in
adaptation, microbes population cannot be Table 1. As can be seen, the microbial population of
maintained at high level while injected; some of all wells increase very much up to 109 cfu (colony
microbes can be dead. forming units) after the injection. The number of
microbe is the critical key to success, and thus,
Injection and Soaking Period these numbers indicate, the treatments work well.
After on-site production period, the microbial
Oil samples from each well were taken and
solution along with the resulting bio-surfactant was
analyzed to see how the effect of bio-surfactant on
injected into the formation through tubing and
oil properties. The results of oil analysis are
soaked for 7 days. The result of laboratory (bottle)
presented in Table 2. All wells do not show
test determined the duration of microbial growth
significant changes.
and soaking period. Pre-flush injection with
produced water was conducted before the main
Production Monitoring after Execution
injection to move fluid in the casing. After soaking
for 7 days, post-flush injection was carried out to After soaking for 7 days, each injection well was
push the injection fluid away from the wellbore. produced. Then production monitoring was carried
out on injection wells and observation wells.
Well M-X1 Well M-X4

The production performance of injection huff & The performance of the production of
puff in well M-X1 is presented in Figure 3 and interconnecting injection of the affected well, M-
Figure 4. X4, is presented in Figure 7 and Figure 8. There are
two injection wells that affect the oil production of
Oil production began to increase after 10 days of well M-X4, which are well M-X1 well and well M-
production, reaching a 700% increase from the X2. The injection duration of well M-X1 is short
baseline. For 5 months, oil production is still above with a low total injection volume (600 bbls). This
the baseline, which is around 7 BOPD. In July, injection had impact the oil production of M-X4
there was a well service job, causing well shut wells, which were seen in January - April.
down. In August, production rose to 200% from the
baseline. At the end of August, the well was shut The injection of well M-X2 lasted for 20 days with
down and in early September, when it was re- a total injection volume of around 7,200 bbls. This
produced, oil production rose again to around 700% semi-continuous injection resulted in a significant
above the baseline. After that, production begins to increase in well M-X4 when viewed in the same
fall to around the baseline. time span between April and June. In June, well
production is average of 61 bopd or cumulative
Overall, in the observation period from January production of 2246 bbls for 36 days of production.
2017 to December 2017, the production rate When compared to April (average production of 48
increased from 20 BFPD to 25 BFPD. The oil rate bopd), there was a production increase of 13 bopd
also increased from 3 BOPD to 7 BOPD and the average.
water cut level dropped from 85% to 70%.
The effect of injection first felt in the production
From this injection, it was also observed that there well after 45 days from the initial injection of well
was one well that might have interconnection with M-X2 with a distance between wells of around 500
well M-X1, namely, well M-X4. This m. This indicates that the velocity of fluid
interconnection is indicated from the microbe movement is very slow (at 0.0004 ft / sec) so that
population at well M-X4, which also increased after fluid is suspected to flow in the rock matrix media
injection in well M-X1. as opposed to in the fracture reservoir. This is a
passing condition for a low oil recovery factor and
Well M-X2 passing fractured reservoir production period. More
importantly, during the significant training period,
The production performance of well M-X2 is the amount of gas lift injection remains constant,
presented in Figure 5 and Figure 6. gross production increases and water decreases. In
the period September - December, well production
Injection at well M-X2 aims at interconnecting decreased to the initial figure. This shows that the
wells with production still observed after injection. injection effect has run out. Overall, the production
The volume injected was large, which is 7200 bbls. rate for 1 year increased from an average of 35
The injection rate per day is around 400 bfpd. As BFPD to 70 BFPD. In addition, the oil level rose
shown in Figure 5, there were no significant from an average of 19 BOPD to 39 BOPD and the
changes of oil production before and after rate of decline in water dropped from 45% to 40%.
production. It is estimated that a large injection
volume in a short time and a pressure loss is the To the extent of our experience about relating the
cause of no oil gain in well M-X2. In addition, gross injection volume and nutrient concentrations, it is
production could not be attempted to return to initial suspected that concentrations be reduced for
production due to the existence of structural damage continuous injection.
due to sand. Overall, from January 2017 to
December 2017, the production rate decreased from Well M-X3
average 183 BFPD to 57 BFPD. So that the oil rate
drops from average 13 BOPD to 4 BOPD and the The production performance of injection huff &
water cut level is relatively constant at 92.7% puff at Well M-X3 is presented in Figure 9 and
average. Figure 10 below.
The response to the increase in production due to (location and previous production history) and
injection is quite slow, which is reflected in the reservoir characteristics.
microbial population (Figure 9b). 4. The Huff&Puff results for one injection well
and observation well project produce promising
In the observation period from January 2017 to oil gain. This shows the interconnection
December 2017, the production rate decreased from between wells indicated by the increase in the
an average of 850 BFPD to 75 BFPD. However, the number of microbes, such as in the M-X4
oil rate increased from an average of 17 BOPD to affected well due to injection in the M-X2 well.
22 BOPD and the water cut level dropped from 5. Injection of bio-surfactant huff & puff in
98% to 70%. injection wells of M-X1 and M-X2 has an
impact on increasing production at distant well
The following figure (Figure 11) of cummulative oil M-X4 (approximately 600 meters) of 7,443
production with respect to gross (liquid) production barrels of oil against the baseline (56%) in
of Well M-X1 (upper) clearly shows the during the observation period.
incremental of oil production after the MEOR 6. Bio-surfactant huff & puff injection in the M-
treatment (blue color) as indicated by the X3 well has an impact on increasing oil
continuously significant increasing difference production itself by1330 bbls (72%) during the
between the sources, in other word, increasing oil observation period.
cut, after one month (1000 bbls of gross). The plot 7. The total increase in oil production in the
also indicates the trend of increasing oil cut or volcanic formation due to injection of bio-
reducing water cut by a slope of 0.3. surfactant in three wells is 8,773 bbl. of oil
against the baseline or equivalent to an increase
However, for Well M-X3, the performance does not in average production of 24 BOPD for 1 year.
show any incremental oil production until at about
cummulative liquid production of 20,000 bbls, or, at RECOMMENDATIONS AND SUGGESTIONS
about 4 months. After that, the oil cummulative
production takes off very steep, but, unfortunately 1. Preferably, continuous injection compared to
the monitoring period was stopped. huff & puff. It is recommended for more
continuous injection.
Implementation Cost 2. For conditions such as the M-X2 well, it is
recommended that the injection be carried out at
The cost of rigless bio-surfactants implementation
a low rate and then gradually increase.
consists of equipment rent, personnel costs, and
3. It is recommended to utilize existing facilities
consumable (nutrient). Cost calculation for injection
for continuous injection.
huff & puff bio-surfactant interconnection work in
4. For continuous injection, it is recommended to
injection wells M-X1 and M-X2, and M-X4
add the microbe consortium and nutrient to
observation well was 15.58 USD per barrel oil gain
produced water stream that will be injected into
for 1 year.
the well.
5. In our opinion, there is a possibility that nutrient
concentrations can be reduced for continuous
The conclusions from the implementation of bio-
6. Parameters that should be monitored daily at the
surfactant injection in the Field M volcanic
injection wells and the surrounding wells are
formation are as follows:
microbes population, salinity, water cut, IFT,
1. The nutrient concentration is the most
oil viscosity, and oil density.
influencing parameter for microbial growth, and
for this field, it is 1% of the total injected fluid.
2. The optimum nutrient composition consists of
major components, i.e., Nitrogen, Phosphorous,
We are thankful for all stakeholder for supporting
and Pottasium, and the minor components, i.e.,
our activity to obtain this field implementation
Na, Mg, Mn, Ca, and Cl.
result. In addition, we thank to our team and people
3. Indications of increasing oil production and
who worked together for the field implementation.
reducing the water cut of the investigated wells
are clear providing a technically appropriate
design implementation with the responses
varying depending upon well condition
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Well pH TDS Microbe Population
(ppm) TPC (cfu)
M-X1 7 28200 7 x 102
M-X2 7 28200 1 x 103
M-X3 7 28200 1 x 103
M-X4 7 28200 13 x 107
M-X1 7 26500 2 x 109
M-X2 7 28100 1 x 109
M-X3 7 28100 1 x 109
M-X4 6 21600 6 x 109

Table 1 – Produced Water Analysis Results.

Well Viscosity Pour Point IFT
cP C mN/m
M-X1 269 40 1.2
M-X2 220 44 1.1
M-X4 257 45 1.2
M-X1 245 39 0.98
M-X2 200 43 1.05
M-X4 250 40 1

Table 2 – Oil Properties Analysis Results.

Figure 1 - The position of the Well.

Figure 2 – Log Analysis & Injection Interval.
Figure 3 – Production Performance at Well M-X1; Nett Oil, Water Cut, and Gross Fluid vs Time.

Figure 4 – Production Performance at Well M-X1; Water Cut, Microbe Population (TPC), Gas Lift
Injection, and Gas Out vs Time.
Figure 5 – Production Performance at Well M-X2; Nett Oil, Water Cut, and Gross Fluid vs Time.

Figure 6 – Production Performance at Well M-X2; Water Cut, Microbe Population (TPC), Gas Lift
Injection, and Gas Out vs Time.
Figure 7 – Production Performance at Well M-X4; Net Oil, Water Cut, and Gross Fluid vs Time.

Figure 8 – Production Performance at Well M-X4; Water Cut, Microbe Population (TPC), Gas Lift
Injection, and Gas Out vs Time.
Figure 9 – Production Performance at Well M-X3; Net Oil, Water Cut, and Gross Fluid vs Time.

Figure 10 – Production Performance at Well M-X3; Water Cut, Microbe Population (TPC), Gas Lift
Injection, and Gas Out vs Time.
Figure 11 – Cumulative Gross vs Cumulative Oil Production at M-X1.

Figure 12 - Cumulative Gross vs Cumulative Oil Production at M-X3 well.

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