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Write a COMPOSITION comparing 2 people or things: Choose one option A,B,or C.
 Compare 2 people or things.
 A. My family
 or
 B. My friend(s). Tell me about your friend(s) or family. Include comparative ideas (some
ideas: old, tall, thin, heavy, friendly, reliable (confiable) lively ( lleno de vida), pretty,
handsome, outgoing (sociable), good student, serious, responsible
 or
 C. Opinion: What is better to rent a house or an apartment? ( ideas: big/ small, safe, cheap
/ expensive, spacious, comfortable, private, easy to clean, appropriate for pets, well
illuminated, well ventilated). well = bien . The comparative for well is better

 You can write sentences, but include an opening and conclusion. INCLUDE :

 1 syllable: _er than - ending in “y” ___ier
 2 or more syllables more ___ than,
 less = negative verb as ____as
equality : as __ as

I have a sister who is younger than me, she is 12 and I am 18, I live
with my parents and my maternal grandmother, and she is older than
all of us, she is usually calmer than my mother and my father is
more serious than my mother, but we all love each other very much.
My whole family knows my best friend Pedro who went to live in
Brazil 5 months ago, and he was more sociable with people that I
liked doing business, but I was more athletic than him, his sister
Giulia cooked better than Pedro and he had very rich desserts

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