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Calamansi (Citrofurtunella Microcarpa) and ground eggshells as fertilizer

Lim, Jhebriel Adone Ceazar M.

Galagala, Reyco Bryan N.
Diyal, Daron James R.
Alili, Sheronne Jo O.

Calamansi is a citrus fruit that is frequently used to enhance dish flavors. They are frequently used

as ingredients in Thai, Vietnamese, and Mexican dishes. They are typically smaller and less acidic

than lemons and are grown all year round in tropical settings. (Olsen, Ware, 2022)

High dietary fiber (DF) powders produced from Persian and Mexican lime peels were examined

for their dietary fiber content and anti-oxidant qualities. Total dietary fiber (TDF) is present in both

kinds in large amounts, with 70.4% and 66.7%, respectively. Both varieties of lime peel had the ideal

ratio of soluble and insoluble components. DF concentrates have excellent water-holding capacities

(WHC; 6.96–12.8 g/g). Soluble dietary fiber (SDF), which was more abundant in Mexican lime DF

concentrate, was linked to the WHC. In this work, three techniques-azino-bis (3-ethylbenzothiazoline-

6-sulfonic acid) ABTS radical-scavenging activity-diphenyl-picrylhydrazyl (DPPH), and -carotene-

linoleic acid antioxidant assay—were used to study the antioxidant activity (AA) of total extractable

polyphenols (TEP). Persian lime peel DF concentrates showed higher polyphenol concentrations than

Mexican lime peel DF concentrates. (Rivera, Ocana, Valdivia, 2005)

Citrofortunella microcarpa, also referred to as calamansi in the Philippines, is an intergeneric

cross between Fortunella japonica and Citrus reticulata. This fruit is extensively grown in the

Philippines as a source of vitamin C-rich fruit juice and as a garnish for a variety of regional dishes.

Sadly, only the pulp is required for squeezing, and the peels are discarded after the juice is extracted.

According to earlier research, citrus peels, which are members of the Rutaceae family, can produce

coumarins and furanocoumarins, and their derivatives are employed as oral anticoagulants to prevent

the synthesis of the vitamin K-dependent coagulation factors II, VII, IX, and X. (Rocha, Roque,

Tanyag, Reyes, 2020)

The avian egg is the oviparous vertebrate with the most complicated amniotic egg (Hincke et al,

2012). The eggshell (ES) has developed to provide defense against pathogenic and physical harm

while meeting the metabolic and nutritional requirements of the developing embryo (Rose and Hincke

2009 Hicke at al., 2012: Stapane et al., 2019). In addition to providing calcium for the developing
Embryonic chick skeletal system's calcium-phosphate mineralization and facilitating the chick

hatching/pipping at the end of incubation provides ES. (Athanasiadou et al., 2018)

Although calamansi and eggs are common in the Philippines, the peels and shells of it are not

acknowledged as a great organic fertilizer. This study aims to take advantage of the wasted potential

sources of phosphorus that is beneficial to plants and to be more often used as a fertilizer, to lessen the

usage of inorganic fertilizers.

Research Questions

1. What is the level of effectiveness of Calamansi (Citrofurtunella Microcarpa) and ground eggshells

as fertilizer in terms of:

1.1 Height of the plant

1.2 Number of leaves?

2. Is there a significant difference of plants with organic fertilizer and plants with Calamansi

(Citrofurtunella Microcarpa) as fertilizer in terms of:

2.1 Height of the Plant

2.2 Number of leaves?

Research Objectives

General Objective:

This study aims to test the potential of Calamansi (Citrofurtunella Microcarpa) and ground eggshells

as fertilizer.

Specific Objectives:

1. This study will determine the level of effectiveness of the Calamansi and ground eggshells

fertilizer in terms of:

1.1 Height of the plant

1.2 Number of leaves

2. This study will determine the significant difference of plants with inorganic fertilizer and

plants with Calamansi and ground eggshells as fertilizer in terms of:

2.1 Height of the plant overtime

2.2 Number of leaves


Citrofurtunella microcarpa and eggshells can be used as an organic fertilizer.

Review of Related Literature


Calamondin is one of the most useful fruit trees for the north Florida home garden. Calamomdin

(also known as calamansi) is a small citrus fruit with a sweet, tender skin. The fruits are one to Two

inches in diameter and taste like a sour tangerine Trees produce abundant fruit all year, with fragrant

blooms and fruit in various stages of ripeness on the tree at the same time A calamondin tree is not

only useful, but also beautiful. Mature height ranges between 12 and 14 feet, with an 8 to 10 foot

spread The leaves are a dark, glossy green, and the flowers and fruit are a bright orange Originally

native to Southeast Asia, the calamondin is a natural cross between the mandarin orange and the

kumquat. Because trees are self-fertile, you only need one to bear fruit. Trees are not typically grafted

and grow on their own roots. (Harrison, 2019)

Calamansi, is also known as calmondin, is abundant. One of Philippine's main sources of fruit

parce is because it is well-known for its fruit juice, it is primarily grown for that purpose. As a good

source of vitamin C. but the peels are discarded after the juice has been extracted. The peel's

medicinal value was steal unknown to many Filipinos so this research focuses on the ability of

calamansi peels to lower body sugar levels in Albino rats were induced by streptozotocin. Calamansi

peels were used. (Morte, Arceo 2017)


The eggshell is the hard, outer covering of an egg. It consists mostly of calcium carbonate, a

common form of calcium. Protein and other minerals make up the rest. Dairy products may also

contain calcium, an essential element that is found in a wide diversity of foods. Lower amounts are

also found in many leafy vegetables. Eggshell powder made from ben eggs has been used as a astoral

calcium supplement for many years eggshells contain about 40% calcium, and each gramm has 381-
401 mg (Antarson, 2017) Eggshells lower soil acidity. For the purpose of absorbing motrients and

feading off hafal substances like aluminum, many different plant species demand low soil acidity

Eggshell calorum carbonate decreases the plt of the soil, turning it more alkaline than acidic and it

also control pests. While the rough edges of dry, smashed shells are dangerous for the soft bodies of

snails and shops, the smell of eggs inside the shell deters other pests. (Egg Shell Fertilizer: 4 Benefits

of Eggshell Fertilizer 2021) good quality eggshells from commercial layers contain approximately 22

grams of calcium in the form of calcium carbonate. Calcium carbonate, weighing 5.5 grams makes up

around 95% of the day eggshell. The average eggshell has traces of sodium, potassium, zino,

manganese, iron, and copper an well as 3% phosphorns, 3% magnesium, and 3% manganese. The

organic matrix material is left over if the calcium from the shell is taken off (Butcher, Miles 2021)

Theoretical framework

This study is anchored on Justus von Liebig’s theory of mineral nutrients, cited by William H. Brock

(1997). It is shown that nutrients Nitrogen, Phosphorus, and Potassium are vital nutrients to plant nutri

tion and plant growth. It also shows that plants obtain Carbon and Hydrogen from the atmosphere and


This theory is relevant to our study since it is stated that minerals Nitrogen, Phosphorus, and Potassiu

m are essential towards plant growth and nutrition, which are abundant in Citrofurtunella microcarpa

and eggshells. We will also Compare our organic fertilizer to inorganic fertilizers.

In addition, a study on eggshellls can be used as fertilizer by Khairnair, Nair(2019). In the study it was

shown that the eggshells has the nutrients Carbon © and Nitrogen (N) which are critical for plant gro

wth and for photosynthesis.

According to a study by Brabazon(2018) vitamin C and Potassium is present in Citrus peels, which ar

e also vital elements in plant growth and photosynthesis.

Conceptual Framework

Control Variable


Dependent Variable
Independent Variable
Plant Growth

Citrofurtunella microcarpa
And eggshells fertilizer applied

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