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Direction to solve
This type of reasoning questions consists of a definition followed by four choices. You have to
choose one option that is a perfect example of the given definition.


1.) It is called Restitution when you compensate someone for damaging his or
her property in some way. Which of the following situations is the best example
of Restitution?

A. Tom borrows his friend's car and returns the car with an empty petrol tank.
He apologizes and tells his friend that he will fill the tank tomorrow.

B. Tom borrows his friend's camera. Tom fails to zipper the case, and the
camera falls on the ground, and the lens shatters. When Tom returns the
camera, he tells his friend that he will pay for the damage.

C. Peter asks Tom to stay in his apartment when he is out of the town. One day
Tom arrives to stay and finds that pipe has burst and the apartment is filled
with water. He calls the plumber to repair the pipe and pays for the repair.

D. A pothole in the parking of Peter's company caused damage to his car.

2.) A Guarantee is a promise or formal assurance that attests to the quality of a

product. It is generally given in writing by the company or verbally by a person
selling the product. It says that a product will be repaired, replaced or money
will be refunded if it is not of a specified quality. Which of the following
situations is the best example of the Guarantee?

A. Tom bought a cell phone with the highest consumer ratings in its category.

B. The salesperson says Peter that he is buying a camera with a good quality.

C. Peter buys a used camera from John. John assures that it is a quality
product and he will refund the money if the camera does not work properly.
D. The auto body shop is specialized in refurbishing and selling used cars.

3.) An informal gathering occurs when a group of people meets in a casual and
relaxed manner. Which of the following situations is the best example of
informal gathering?

A. The workers meet on the first Monday of every month to discuss important

B. On hearing about his promotion, Peter and his colleagues decided to go out
for a quick drink in the evening.

Mary has sent invitations to all her friends to gather in a hotel to celebrate her

Tom and Mary decided to organize a family gathering to celebrate their

marriage anniversary.

4.) It is called Posthumous Publication when a book is published after the

death of its author. Which of the following situations is the best example of
Posthumous Publication?

A. Daniel died before he could enjoy the early reviews of his book.

B. Peter's publisher canceled his book contract after he failed to provide the manuscript on

C. Mellissa never thought that she would live to see her novel in her trilogy published.

D. Mary is honored with an award for her writing career, and her daughter accepted the
reward on behalf of her deceased mother.

5.) In the Green Valley school, a four-day suspension occurs where a student is not permitted to
attend school for four days for (i) physically assaulting another student, a teacher, or a school
employee or (ii) intentionally damaging school's property. Which of the given situations is the best
example of a four-day suspension?

A. Mike gets caught cheating on a math test for the third time and is suspended from school.

B. Tom is asked to leave the classroom due to his constant interruptions.

C. Ms. Julie told her class that the students who fail the exam are required to stay after
school for extra class.

D. Jacky uses spray paint to write offensive comments on the classroom walls, so he is

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