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Health Promotion Model

Born on August 16,1941 in Lansing, Michigan,
Attended Michigan State University to earn
her bachelor and master’s degrees in 1964
and 1965
Earned her Ph.D. from Northwestern
University in 1969.
Received a Lifetime Achievement Award
from the Midwest Nursing Research Society
in 2005
She was awarded an honorary doctorate of
science degree in 1992 from Widener
Background Of the theory
The Health Promotion Model (HPM) proposed by Nola J
Pender (1982; revised, 1996) was designed to be a
“complementary counterpart to models of health

It defines health as “ a positive dynamic state not merely

the absence of disease

Health promotion is directed at increasing a client’s level of

well being.

The model describes the multi dimensional nature of

persons as they interact within their environment to pursue
health Promotion MOdel
The Health Promotion Model notes that each person has
unique personal characteristics and experiences that affect
subsequent actions. The set of variables for behavioral
specific knowledge and effect have important motivational
significance. These variables can be modified through
nursing actions. Health-promoting behavior is the desired
behavioral outcome and is the endpoint in the Health
Promotion Model.
Assumption of the Model
1. Individuals seek to actively regulate their own behavior.
2. Individuals in all their biopsychosocial complexity interact with
the environment, progressively transforming the environment
and being transformed over time
3. Health professionals constitute a part of the interpersonal
environment, which exerts influence on persons throughout
their life span.
4. Self-initiated reconfiguration of person-environment interactive
patterns is essential to behavior change.
Proposition of the Health Promotion
Behavior and characteristics influence beliefs, affect, and enactment of health-
promoting behavior.
People commit to engaging in behaviors from which they anticipate deriving
personally valued benefits
Barriers can constrain commitment to action
Competence to execute a given behavior increases the likelihood of commitment to
action and actual performance of the behavior.
Greater perceived self-efficacy results in fewer barriers to a specific health behavior.
Positive affect toward a behavior results in greater perceived self-efficacy.
When positive emotions are associated with a behavior, the probability of
commitment and action is increased.
Five key concepts
in the Health Promotion Mode

The relationship between person and environment is reciprocal. Individual

characteristics as well as life experiences shape behaviors including health

The environment can be manipulated by the individual to create a positive
context of cues and facilitators for healthenhancing behaviors.
Collaboration with individuals, families, and communities to create the
most favorable conditions for the expression of optimal health and high-
level well-being.

Health is an evolving life experience.

Discrete events throughout the life span of either short (acute) or long
(chronic) duration that can hinder or facilitate one’s continuing quest for
Major concepts of Health
Promotion Model
Individual Characteristics and
Behavior-Specific Cognitions and Affect
Behavioral Outcome- Health Promoting
Individual Factors and Experiences

Biological Socialcultural Psychological

Behavior- Specific
cognitions and affect
Perceived Benefits of Action
Perceived Barriers to Action
Perceived Self-Efficacy
Activity-Related Affect
Interpersonal Influences
Situational Influences
Commitment to Plan of Action

Immediate Competing Demands

and Preferences

Health-Promoting Behavior
Health Promotion Model

The Health Promotion Model is simple to understand, yet diving
deeper shows its complexity in its structure.
Nola Pender’s nursing theory focused on health promotion and
disease prevention, making it stand out from other nursing
It is highly applicable in the community health setting.
It promotes the nursing profession’s independent practice, being
the primary source of health-promoting interventions and

The Health Promotion Model of Pender could not define the nursing
metapradigm or the concepts that a nursing theory should have,
man, nursing, environment, and health.
The conceptual framework contains multiple concepts, which may
invite confusion to the reader.
Its applicability to an individual currently experiencing a disease
state was not given emphasis.

Thank you
For listening!
Prepared by:
Hamemah F. Macasindil
Princess May Nagera

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