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Nghe TA5

How does the student feel at the beginning of the conversation?

What has the girl lost?

The renovated cinema will open again from ______.

What does the woman mean? 

Where are the man and his grandma?

What does the woman mean? 

What does the man mean?

What is broken?

What ages of visitors was the competition open to?

According to the talk what is the news about?

Where is the bicycle?

What does the man mean? 

Which group will receive free tickets during the first week of opening?

What does the professor imply about both theories?

How does the resident advisor feel about the student’s roommate?

Where is the girl’s purse?

How many per cent has the number of attendances been up since the summer show opened?

What damage was done to the car?

How does the man want his son to help him?

What did the woman leave in the restaurant?

What can be inferred about managers who have a classical view of their authority?

What does the man mean? 

Which present has the girl bought her mother?

What will the girl take with her on holiday?

 What does the woman suggest? 

What does the woman want to buy?

What did Sally buy?

What does the woman say about Paul? 

Which kind of T-shirt did the boy choose?

What does professor Martin say about the student?

What has the woman just bought?

What will the man buy?

What does the man mean?

What will Paul get at the shop?

What can be inferred about eating at the university?

What time is the woman’s hair appointment?

Zahra’s talk is on electronic gadgets that people ______.

What is the discussion mainly about?

What is advised to learn when you are at a higher level?

Who should a language learner make friends make?

According to Malcolm Gladwell, how many hours does a person

need to practise to become an expert at a language?
What does the man mean?
What does the man say about Peggy?

According to the speaker, what should be learnt first?

What does the man mean? 

What does the woman mean? 

What does the speaker advise us to do to learn English better?

Which is true of preparing to use a microphone?

What is a language learner advised to keep?

 What does the man mean?

What can be inferred about students who do not know the terminology used in scripts?

Which is true of readers who are reading to gain academic knowledge?

What is the talk mainly about?

Đáp án đúng là: Annoyed
Vì: The woman says, ”I’ve been having some problems with my
roommate Susan this semester. ...she has parties just about every
night. She’s always having people over, and she plays loud music
late at night. I can’t get any studying done, and I barely get any
Đáp án đúng là: Her purse
Vì: The girl says, ”my purse fell out. I can’t find it now. Do you
know if anyone has handed it in?”
Đáp án đúng là: 14th July
Vì: The speaker says, ”the newly refurnished cinema which is the
week beginning the 14th of July”
The corrrect answer is: It is impossible to cash a check without
two pieces of identification
because: The man asked: What do I need to cash a check?
The man said: I have to see a driver's license and a credit card.
Đáp án đúng là: At a station
Vì: The woman says, ”I’ll be glad to get away from this noisy
The corrrect answer is: The boisterious students made the teacher
The man said: Ms. Jones did not look too happy as she left her
The woman said: She was angered by her rowdy students.
The corrrect answer is: The class meets three hours per week
because:The woman asked: Can you tell me how often the
philosophy class meets?The man said: It meets twice a week, for
an hour and a half each time.
Đáp án đúng là: A plate
Vì: The boy says, ”I got up too quickly from the table ... and
knocked one of your plates on the floor.”

Đáp án đúng là: 15-19

Vì: The speaker says, ”the competition was open to groups of
young people ... who were aged between 15 and 19 years of age.”

Đáp án đúng là: Local cultures

Vì: The speaker says, ”I’m here with you for the next hour to
bring you some local cultural news.”
Đáp án đúng là: By a street light
Vì: The girl says, ”it’s on the other side of the road, by that street
The corrrect answer is: He was directed to stay late and finish
some work
because: The woman asked: Why were you so late in getting home
from work?
The man said: My boss had me finish all the month-end reports.
Đáp án đúng là: Children who arrive for a matinee performance
Vì: The speaker says, ”for the matinee performance each day the
cinema is offering free tickets to the first 100 children up to and
including 16 years of age.”
Đáp án đúng là: They do not apply to illegal forms of authority.
Vì: The speaker says, ”both are concerned with legitimate
authority, authority that’s legal, which means it follows laws and
Đáp án đúng là: He believes that she is unaware of her actions.
Vì: The man says, ”you should try talking to her first. ... she
doesn’t even know that she’s bugging you.”
Đáp án đúng là: In her bag
Vì: The woman says, ”I put it back in your bag... let me
check. Look, it is in here after all.”

Đáp án đúng là: 45

Vì: The speaker says, ”the prize-winning exhibits are having
a big impact on Penwood Museum attendances, which have
been up 45 per cent since the summer show opened.”
Đáp án đúng là: Someone has put paint over its side.
Vì: The woman says, ”Someone’s put paint all over the
Đáp án đúng là: Carrying the ladder back
Vì: The dad says, ”I lend the ladder to John. Could you
come next door with me and help me carry it back?”

Đáp án đúng là: Her keys

Vì: The woman says, ”that’s when I took my keys out. When
I got back to the car, I realised they weren’t in my bag.”
Đáp án đúng là: They will demand obedience from their
Vì: The man says, ”the classical view of management see
authority from the top down. ... Management has the right to
give lawful orders. And workers have the obligation to obey
those orders.”
The corrrect answer is: He wishes the hard work had had a
better result
because: The woman said: The lawyer spent hours and
hours working on that case.
The man said: It's true that he prepared hard for the case,
but his work was for nothing.
Đáp án đúng là: A pen
Vì: The girl says, ”a gold-coloured one. She’s always writing
Đáp án đúng là: A sports bag
Vì: The girl says, ”I’ll get one of those big sports bags. ...
They don’t cost much, so it doesn’t matter if it gets torn.”
The corrrect answer is: The man should complete the paper
without help
because: The man said: I can't find a typist to finish my term
paper by tomorrow morning.
The woman asked: Why not do it yourself?
Đáp án đúng là: Flat shoes
Vì: The woman says, ”I’ve bought this skirt. ... it would look
better with flat shoes.”
Đáp án đúng là: A T-shirt and jeans
Vì: Sally says, ”I’ve come back with a T-shirt and a pair of
The corrrect answer is: His homework was incomplete
because the library wasn’t openbecause: The man asked:
Did Paul get his work done?
The woman said: He couldn't finish the assignment because
the library was closed.
Đáp án đúng là: One with shapes on
Vì: The girl says, ”they’ve got three types – a picture ..., with
words, and this type has shapes on it.” The boy says, ”I
don’t like writing... And those pictures are awful.”
The corrrect answer is: His writing must certainly be
because: The man asked: Professor Martin, what do you
think of the composition that I turned in last week?
The woman said: Without question, you need to improve
the quality of your writing.
Đáp án đúng là: A hat
Vì: The woman says, ”it’ll keep the sun off my face.”
Đáp án đúng là: A plant
Vì: The man says, ”she’d prefer a nice plant. I’ll get that.”
The corrrect answer is: He’s not really happy
because: The woman asked: Are you happy with the work
that the contractor did on your house?
The man said: I'm rather dissatisfied with it.
Đáp án đúng là: One pepper and two carrots
Vì: The woman says, ”what do we need for this sauce...two
carrots ... red pepper ... no, I’ll need one of those ... no

Đáp án đúng là: There are many different foods to eat.

Vì: The man says ”we try to meat the needs of the different
groups of students on our campus. We even have special
meal days that feature foods from different countries.”
Đáp án đúng là: 9.30
Vì: The second woman says, ”on Saturday there’s 9.30 or
12 o’clock,” and the first one says, ”I’ll take the earlier on
Saturday please.”
Đáp án đúng là: feel they have to carry with them
Vì: The speaker says, ”’must-carry gadget’ ... gadgets that
people cannot leave the house without.”
Đáp án đúng là: The complex language of prairie dogs
Vì: The first man says, ”there are different dialects, that is,
varieties of this language”
Đáp án đúng là: Grammar
Vì: The speaker says, ” when you get to more advanced
levels, things like grammar, spelling and word choice do

Đáp án đúng là: Native English-speakers

Vì: The speaker says, ” Find ways to meet native English-
speakers: going to foreign bars and restaurants, joining
sport and social clubs, or arranging language exchanges.”
Đáp án đúng là: 10 000
Vì: The speaker says, ” Author that, in order to become an
expert at something, you need to practice it for10,000
Betty worked exactly as instructed.
She said really wonderful things.
Đáp án đúng là: Listening and speaking
Vì: The speaker says, ”there’s a period of time when you do
a lot of listening and some reading. That period usually
comes before you start speaking and writing”
He needs to rearrange the closet.
The corrrect answer is: The car is going to need a lot of
because: The man asked: Has the auto mechanic told you
how much work the car needs?
The woman said: He indicated that the repairs would be
quite extensive.
Đáp án đúng là: Practise more
Vì: The speaker says, ” you’ll have to work at it a lot. ...
practice when you have free time.”
Đáp án đúng là: It is necessary tp test the microphone
system first.
Vì: The speaker says, ”the first tip every presenter should
remember is to arrive early to the conference room. It is
necessary to test the system before actually standing in
front of the audience.”
Đáp án đúng là: A language log
Vì: The speaker says, ” The benefit of a log like this is that
you get to practice a bit of writing, of course, but it’s also
good to reinforce new vocabulary.”
The corrrect answer is: He’s glad that she was not any later
because: The woman asked: Did you enjoy taking care of
the children all afternoon?
The man said: If you had gotten here any later, I'd have
been a wreck.
Đáp án đúng là: They will have difficulty understanding the
different parts of a play.
Vì: The speaker says, ”when studying a play, it is helpful to
understand the basic structure of the script. In particular,
you should understand the terminology regarding the
organization of a script.”
Đáp án đúng là: Their goal is to learn and understand the
reading materials.
Vì: The speaker says, ”the most important reason students
read is to gain academic knowledge. Their goal is to learn
and comprehend what they read.”
Đáp án đúng là: Finding motivation
Vì: The speaker says, ”learning a language is always easier
and more fun if you have a reason to do so.”

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