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Year 4 English Grammar and Punctuation Test 5 aimee 1. Read the sentence below, What type of word is ‘above’? Tick one. mare The biscuits are in the cupboard above the sink. om adjective CJ reposuon [] 2. Underline the noun phrase in the sentence below, mar The last remaining contestant in the game was the winner. 3. Tick the sentence which uses a possessive pronoun. ‘ark ‘That’s my bag,’ said Megan. CJ ‘T don't like him much,’ complained Kacie. CJ 4. Use the words in the box. Complete the sentence using an apestraphe to show possession. 1 marc total for «ms page ‘Year 4 English Grammar and Punctuation Test § 5. Punctuate the direct speech in the sentence below. Tae Look out shouted the lifeboat captain You are about to capsize 6. Rewrite the sentence below so that it uses a fronted adverbial. Tae We were sleeping peacefully when the earthquake struck 7. Complete the table below. Tick one box for each sentence. = Sentence Standard English Non-standard English Twere hungry. They were really busy You wasn't happy about it I done that myself. seater ene twin coat cond ‘Year 4 English Grammar and Punctuation Test § 8. Choose the appropriate pair of pronouns to complete the passage. Tick one pair. 1 mar The postman picked up the heavy bag and put it on shoulder was full of Christmas post today were his | They C] we 4. Does the underlined word in the sentence below show plural or possession? Tick one. mack The witch's cauldron boiled and bubbled. rt 10. Which medal verb completes the sign below? Circle one. mack Mobile Phones be switched off. can might must ‘+ +END OF TEST+* vealter Sep Year 4 English Grammar and Punctuation Test 5 Answers. 1 noun [ imax] fo mark J When the earthquake struck, we were oiective UO seeping peaceful preposition [x] 2. The last remaining contestant in the Lmark 7 Femaw entaa gin ER mark game was the winner. Tochanyy — Es . ene ne me . 2. ‘Thats my bag sald Megon =] ria | |e bert O 1 mark “T dont lke him much; 7 conganedkece CJ hel Thy O his Ie (x) 4 mark 9 Plural Oo 1 mark (sendwich! Possesion G] 5 “Look out” shouted the lfeboat mark wr wig 1 mark captain, “You ate about to capste!” twink cou cond

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