EXIT INTERVIEW PDF - Edited 08 Feb 17

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Name : Employee No :
Designation : Department :
Date Joined : Last working Day:

Please select the appropriate respond with your sincerity to assist us in maintaining a better
working environment.

All comments will be viewed with private and confidential and will not affect your future
employment opportunities.

1 Very Poor
2 Poor
3 Good
4 Excellent

Please rate the following aspects of the job you are vacating. Use the 1 – 4 scale as stated above:

1 2 3 4
1. Satisfaction of Work Very Poor Good Excellent

a Type of Work Performed

b Fairness of Workload

c Salary

d Working Conditions

e Tools & Equipment Provided

f Training Received

g Co-workers

h Supervision Received

i Level of input in decision that affected you

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1 2 3 4
2. Company’s Performance Very Poor Good Excellent

a Recruitment process

b New employee orientation

c Training opportunities

d Career development opportunities

e Employee morale

f Fair treatment for employees

g Recognition for a job well done

h Support of work-life balance

i Cooperation within the department

j Communication between Management and


k Performance and development planning and


l Interest and investment in employees

m Commitment to customer service

n Concern with quality and excellence

o Administrative policies/procedures

1 2 3 4
3. Supervisor’s Aspect Very Poor Good Excellent

a Gave usable performance feedback

b Recognized accomplishments

c Clearly communicated expectations

d Treated you fairly and respectfully

e Coached, trained, & developed you

f Provided leadership

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g Encouraged teamwork & cooperation

h Resolved concerns promptly

i Listened to suggestions & feedback

j Kept employees informed

k Supported work-life balance

l Provided appropriate & challenging



1) What is your reason for leaving?


2) What led you to accept your current position in our organization?


3) Were your expectation of this job and this organizations met? If not, why?


4) What would you suggest to Management to make our organizations a better place to work?


5) Did you witness any violation of laws and policies during your employment with us?


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Employee’s comments:


Employee’s Signature

Staff ID:

Recorded by:

Staff ID:

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