Bible Lessons For June and July 2022

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Bible Lessons for June and July 2022

June 18 – T. Raniel
I Thessalonians 2:13-16 Accepting and Imitating
Paul appreciated the Thessalonians whom he found to be very teachable
and open to the teachings of God’s Word. They accepted God’s word
and lived our God’s Word, they imitated Christ. Imitators like we are in
Kids L.I.F.E . We love God and Imitate Christ and are faithful to His
word and share God’s word to others who do not know Him.
Unlike the others mentioned who were against the Gospel, they did not
accept the teachings of God’s Word, they lived for themselves not the
Lord’s. They did not love God and did not Imitate or follow His
So see kids we see such a contrast here right of two people groups.
People who loved God and His Word and people who did not.
Call to Action
1. How about us to what group do we belong to? People who love
God and His Word or the people who don’t?
2. Follow up question if we say we belong to the group of people
who Love God and His word, how do we reflect that or carry that
out in our lives. Can the people on the other side see Jesus in us?
3. List ways on how we can show Jesus living in us.

June 25 T. Bryan
1 Thessalonians 2:17-19 Endeavored Eagerly
When Paul was separated physically for awhile from the Thessalonians
due to the hindrances set about by the enemy as Paul later explains in
verse 18.
Paul shares his heart that he has been thinking of the Thessalonians and
was longing to be with them but there were obstacles keeping him from
continuing to meet with the Thessalonians.
In Verse 19 Paul affirms the Thessalonians of the joy they bring him
because of their eagerness to learn God’s Word and live by it and his
inability to visit them at the moment is not because he did not care for
them, but due to the many roadblocks set by the enemy to keep him
away from doing his ministry to the Thessalonians.
Why do you think Paul shared his concern to the Thessalonians? Could
it be, so that the Thessalonians could pray for him?
Have you found yourself in a situation like Paul? You have not been
able to go to worship and fellowship with your other kid lifer’s friends at
church or online during our huddle time. Its been a long time you have
been absent and you miss the fellowship. God made us to have
fellowship with one another in the body of Christ and to learn from
God’s Word together.
Call to Action
1. What keeps you away from worship? What are those distractions?
2. Have you been so attached to your kids Life community in church?
that you miss them( teachers, other kid lifers)
3. What is it that you miss about, ( their heart, their faith in God, that
family kind of set up)
4. How or what do you do to keep that relationship/fellowship with
kid lifers growing?
5. Do you talk about your concerns /problems with them ( kids life
community) easily so they too can see the situation you are in and
pray with you and for you. So you are not alone.
July 9 & July 10 T. Leah
1 Thessalonians 3;1-2 Entrusted Exhortations
We learned last week that Paul and his team ( Silas and Timothy) had to
leave Thessalonica for awhile and live in another place due to the unrest
or problems arising with those who did not believe in God who were
hostile and wanted to get Paul into trouble on preaching the Word of
Today we see that Paul could not stand any longer the separation as he
wanted to continue to help the Thessalonians grow in God’s Word and
be encouraged in the Word, he wanted to journey with them but since he
could not go due to the tense situation. He sent instead Timothy his
trusted disciple and student to go in his place and strengthen and
encourage the Thessalonians.
Now what do we see here? We see family right? Paul was like a father to
his students the Thessalonians and he cared so much about them, that he
could not stop thinking about the Thessalonians and wanted to send help
to them through Timothy to keep building and encouraging each
Wow! Do you know of some leaders in the Kid’s Life community in
church who is like Paul? Or maybe you know of church leaders in our
GCF who are like that? Very caring and very helpful.
Do you thank the Lord for people like them who are like Paul very
caring and nurturing. SO you see beside having a family that is your
biological family. You have your church family in your situation you
have your kids life family then when you move on to youth you have
your youth family then from you you grow and move on to your young
adults family. Aren’t we so happy to have GCF as our church family?
Call to Action
1. Think of the church families God has blessed you with who are
journeying with you now, and thank God for their love and care
and for walking with you as you grow in your faith in the Lord.
2. Pray for your GCF Family ( kids Life family and other church
leaders you know)

July 16- Expected Afflictions – 1 Thess 3:3-5 T. Raniel

We learned last week that Paul sent Timothy back to Thessalonica so he
could help them continue to grow in the Lord and His Word and be
strong when trials and problems come their way.
So as in for every believer or child of God we will encounter problems
in life and sufferings, it is all prat of the process to help us grow and be
strong in our faith.
We see in verse 3 the intention or reason for Timothy going back is to
help, comfort, pray, teach and guide the Thessalonians Christians or
believers who are experiencing problems already so that they would be
strong and see and realize that these trials and sufferings are part of
God’s plan.
Paul reminded the Thessalonians that they had been told before that
sufferings-problems will come and we will experience them in varying
degrees and forms, and so as any parent he was worried as to how the
Thessalonians were doing given the tough or difficult situation he would
know through Timothy if the Thessalonians were able to stand strong in
their faith in the midst of the problems or trials.
Communication was difficult in those days, one had to carry a letter and
personally deliver it, travel maybe even days and nights and weeks to get
there just to deliver a letter. So it was wise to have someone take the trip
back and be with the people Paul was doing ministry with.
Thessalonians were new to the faith and needed to be guided,
encouraged, and cheered on.
So what about you dear children are you young or new in the Lord. Do
you still remember the day you asked Jesus to come into your heart as
Lord and Savior upon realizing your need for a savior and recognizing
that He is the way , the truth and the Life and that He is the only one
who can forgive us of our sins and give us eternal life.
If you have we celebrate our spiritual birthdays each time that special
day comes, just like our physical birthdays. Have you observed yourself
to be growing in the Lord and see God at work in your life. Have you
been encountering some problems along the way. Again remember that
this all part of our Christian faith Its like saying when we travel on the
road the road is not going to be like a smooth travel, but there will be
bumps, ravines, hills and rocks to go over that route we are taking and
that is for every child of God to help us be strong in our faith, to cause
growth and change and strength in our faith and trust in God.
Do you know of someone who is new in the faith? And the Lord has
placed it in your heart to be of help.

July 23 Comforted 1 Thess 3:6-7 T. Mia

Timothy returns back to Paul and shares the exciting news about the
continuous strong faith of the Thessalonians in God and their love for
God that despite the trials or problems they have been facing they
continue to strand strong in their faith. And this kind of news had made
Paul and Silas so happy and blessed and encouraged because that is what
family is for, right? We are sad when we know our loved ones are not
ok, we get affected right? We are also happy when we get to see how
our loved ones are doing like when someone in the family gets sick with
Covid and then recovers, because of God’s healing. We are happy and
learn also later on how that person kept the faith and trusted God while
suffering from COVID continued to love God and trust God to see them
Paul was also happy to hear too that the Thessalonians always thought of
them and longed to be with them too and was reassured that the
Thessalonian believers stood strong in their faith. They never wavered or
gave up or fell.
Paul was really a good teacher too. And just like any wonderful teacher,
it would be music to his ears to know that his students are doing so well
in what was taught to them. In this case the students- Thessalonians were
doing so well and continued to go on in their faith despite of the
sufferings that come their way, they know also that it is part of life- the
Christian life.
What about you? Do you ever wonder what do your parents and Kids
life leaders-teachers feel when they get to learn and know how strong
you have been in the Lord? How you have been growing in the Lord?
Have you tried asking them what do they feel when they see their kids –
kid lifers growing in their faith and standing strong in their faith? Try
talking to them.
Have you noticed also when you are down and your Kid life leaders get
to know about it what is their reaction or response also to you
encountering or going through a problem?

July 30 Thanksgiving 1 Thess 3: 8-10 T. Janelle

Paul as a father as a teacher as a discipler shares from his heart in verse
8 the joy they feel, the breath of freshness and encouragement seeing
their students – the Thessalonians stand strong in their faith in God.
Verse 9 Paul expresses his thanks to God. Paul is so thankful to the Lord
for the Thessalonians and their strong faith. You see Paul’s work is not
done alone, yes he has a team, but most of all Paul relies on the Lord to
move in the lives of the Thessalonians and help them grow in their faith,
Paul talks to God about the Thessalonians. He prays for them. We
always depend on God for everything.
Ask your teachers when they teach do they ask help from God to know
how to deliver God’s Word to each one of you. And they also pray for
you when you undergo a problem. God is our everything. We depend on
him for every little thing. We can’t do this on our own.
In verse 10 we see Paul and his team as being prayerful, they have been
praying for the Thessalonians and continue to pray for them night and
day. Paul prays that they may be reunited with them again and that the
Thessalonians will continue to grow in their faith.
What about us are we prayerful too? What do we pray for? Do we
depend on the Lord like Paul and his mean did and even the
Do you remember praying that we can be together again onsite at GCF
soon and that the Pandemic will be over. We are on site now right at
Do we pray that we will not lack in faith but that we will grow in faith
August 14, August 21, August 28

Sept 11, Sept 18, Sept 25

October 9, 16, 23, 30
November 13, 20, 27

December 11, 18

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