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Lowelyn B.

; President BSA-1
GE 106- Ethics
Fr. Paul Bocboc

Family Matters: A Reflection Paper

As a student, I believe that ethics plays a crucial role in our daily lives.
Ethics pertains to moral principles and values that guide our behavior and decision-
making. The concept of ethics is particularly relevant in the movie "Family Matters," a
Filipino film that centers around the challenges faced by a family dealing with a serious
illness. In this reflection paper, I aim to explore the ethical issues presented in the movie
and how they relate to our lives.
One of the most significant ethical issues in the movie is the tension
between individual freedom and family obligations. The main character, Francisco, is
diagnosed with a life-threatening illness, and his family members struggle to come to
terms with the implications of his illness. Francisco, on the other hand, wants to make
decisions about his treatment and care independently, which conflicts with his family's
traditional values of interdependence and collective decision-making. This conflict
highlights the importance of balancing individual freedoms with the obligations we have
towards our families. While individual freedoms are necessary for personal growth and
development, we cannot disregard the impact of our choices on those around us.
In the context of the movie, Francisco’s family members were concerned
about her health and well-being, and they wanted to ensure that he received the best
possible treatment. However, they also respected him and allowed him to make decisions
about his care, even if those decisions went against their beliefs. Another ethical issue in
the movie is the importance of honesty and transparency in our relationships with others
Throughout the film, every character struggles with communicating their feelings and
concerns with each other, leading to misunderstandings and conflicts. This movie also
reflects the importance of being honest with us and others about our feelings and
intentions. Honesty allows us to build trust and respect in our relationships, which is
crucial for maintaining healthy and meaningful connections with others. And lastly,
because of the good bonding they did with their parent the siblings eventually learn to be
honest with each other and communicate their needs and concerns, to their parents and
each other, leading to a better understanding of each other's perspectives.
In conclusion, the movie "Family Matters" raises several ethical issues that are
relevant to our lives. It emphasizes the need of balancing our freedoms with our
responsibilities to our families and the people around us, as well as the value of honesty
and transparency in the way we interact with others. As we navigate the complexities of
our lives, we must strive to make ethical decisions that align with our values and
principles, while also considering the impact of our choices on those around us.

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