Beggang Attachment Answers

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Question 4: Impacts of the project to its stakeholders.

One of the objectives of the project was to aid during the COVID-19 pandemic crisis, and
conducting the project brought success to this goal. Additionally, the project, as discussed, became a
stepping stone for the implementation of other activities that aimed to improve the environment.
Therefore, the scope of stakeholders for the project increased from just a campus-based project to a
surrounding community-based project.
Accordingly, the project was able to attain its objectives within the time of its implementation
and was able to have a positive impact on the students, teachers, and parents. Since the project
produced a supply of facemasks for the students, equivalent to the funds raised through the recyclables,
the burden on students and parents to buy their own supply was reduced. Moreover, the project left a
strong impact with regards to solving the difficulty of module printing during the time of blended and
online-based learning systems. The teachers and parents were able to breathe from the difficulty of
producing their own funds in order to solve the shortage of printed modules. Since the project helped in
providing extra funds that are to be used for the printing of modules, the teachers were able to
distribute the right number of modules, and the stress of worrying about the said problem is therefore
resolved. Furthermore, the students and parents didn’t have to worry anymore about the shortage of
printed modules. As a result, the project positively impacted the learning situation of the students and
improved the efficiency of the work of the teachers that participated in the project, providing the
students, parents, and teachers with a stress-free educational environment.
Initially, it only served as an internal solution for the face mask shortage and the lack of funds for
the printing of modules. However, over the time span of implementation, the project became a big
avenue for new projects and activities that support environmental advocacy. It brought about the
importance of simple clean-up drives and volunteerism among young adults. Both the teachers and
students, including the Supreme Student Government (SSG) of Baguio City National High School
(BCNHS), were shocked by how much the project impacted the array of activities currently planned by
the BCNHS SSG. Since the project further involved substantial activities, like clean-up drives that support
its advocacy, the effect and efficiency of its results became even more beneficial to the attainment of a
good environment for the students. Hence, the surrounding community also benefited from the project.
It helped in clearing the effects of littering and improper segregation, and even served as a model for
other organizations and groups to conduct activities that help the community’s environment.
Ultimately, the project brought a great change to the current environmental and garbage management
situation of both the school and its surrounding community.
Question 2: How does the project address the problem of the school/community?
Financial hardship among the students is an issue that is difficult to resolve due to the limited
source of government funds during the pandemic. Since the community had bigger problems filling the
needs for financial assistance of the indigent, the government focused on resolving the necessity for a
monetary budget for medicine and situations that had more extensive needs than superficial ones. In
light of this, many indigent students do not have the luxury of enjoying basic educational and
entertainment resources. On the other hand, countless students, children, and parents are ready to
nurture their innate generosity to serve and help the public as much as they can. Therefore, conducting
these activities addressed the lack of free resources available to those who were in need of them. The
activities served as a bridge in resolving the issue of supply and demand for educational, food, and
hygiene supplies. Fortunate students and other sponsors are now able to find a more convenient way to
help others through partnerships with the aforementioned projects and activities. In short, the projects
and activities provided a range of free and available personal care and basic educational resources for
those who needed them. Furthermore, the members of the community and the school have lost most of
their chances to help and show altruism due to the protocols implemented during the surge of the
COVID-19 pandemic. This is a situation that, when left alone, may lead to the loss of communal unity
and cooperation, or the "Bayanihan" spirit, within the community. The aforementioned projects and
activities have responded to this threat by reviving and encouraging children and young adults to lend a
hand and assist in resolving resource difficulty in the school and their community.

Republic of the
Department of Education

J.P.Rizal Street, Brgy. Bagong Silangan

Quezon City, Metro Manila



S.Y. 2021-2022

Bagong Silangan High School Mathematics Department are active
members of the community that exercises and teaches the core values:
<Makadiyos, Makatao, Makabansa, at Makakalikasan= by setting
examples. As a teacher, we play our part during these extraordinary
times to immediately help the poor and vulnerable groups by offering gift
options that give back to people most affected by the pandemic. Being
able to help is a privilege. It helps us to understand the spirit of
compassion and to share what we have.
We gathered the needed resources for the project, and we
coordinated with the barangay officials who would be much willing to
help us. Teachers’ and sponsors’ pledges were utilized to purchase food
packs. The beneficiaries were the students of Bagong Silangan High
School residing at Sitio Bakal, Bagong Silangan, Quezon C

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