Notes For Philippine History

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NOTES FOR PHILIPPINE HISTORY pour their blood into a cup filled with liquid,

such as wine, and drink the mixture.

SEPT. 20, 1519: Ferdinand Magellan, with five
ships and a crew of 270 men, set sail from SPANISH: Pacto de sangre
Sanlucar de Barrameda in southern Spain, on TAGALOG: Sanduguan
what would become the first circumnavigation
FIVE SHIPS: The Trinidad (commanded by
Magellan), the San Antonio, the Victoria, the the 1565 El Pacto de Sangre or Sandugo
Conception, and the Santiago.  between Spanish explorer Miguel López de
Legazpi and rajah Sikatuna, the chieftain of
THE MAGELLAN EXPEDITION, also known as the
Bohol. An earlier blood compact, the first
Magellan–Elcano expedition, was the first
between natives and Europeans took place in
voyage around the world. It was a 16th century
1521 between navigator Ferdinand Magellan
Spanish expedition initially led by Portuguese
explorer Ferdinand Magellan to the Moluccas, and Rajah Humabon of Cebu.
which departed from Spain in 1519, and When Magellan and his crews landed on Cebu
completed in 1522 by Spanish navigator Juan island, a native chief, Rajah Humabon, met and
Sebastián Elcano, after crossing the Atlantic,
befriended him. Rajah Humabon, his wife and
Pacific and Indian oceans, culminating in the
hundreds of his native warriors agreed to accept
first circumnavigation of the world.
Christianity and were consequently baptized.
The expedition faced numerous hardships
Magellan planted a cross to signify this
including Portuguese sabotage attempts,
mutinies, starvation, scurvy, storms, and hostile important event about the propagation of the
encounters with indigenous people. Roman Catholic faith in what is now Cebu, in
central Philippines. 
 Only 30 men and one ship (the Victoria)
completed the return trip to Spain. Magellan THE DEATH OF MAGELLAN
himself died in battle in the Philippines, and was
APRIL 26, 1521: Rajah Zula (Chief of Mactan) ,
succeeded as captain-general by a series of
sent to Magellan one of his sons with two goats
officers, with Elcano eventually leading the
as present. Zula who had promised his service to
Victoria's return trip.
the King of Spain was opposed by another Chief
MARCH 29, 1521 :or two days before the iconic (Lapu-lapu. Rajah CiLapu-lapu declared that
scene of the Easter Sunday Mass, the “Kasi-Kasi” Mactan would never submit to the Spanish King.
was conducted between the traveler Magellan
and Rajah Kolambu, king of Limasawa THE BATTLE OF MACTAN

KASI-KASI -blood compact signifying APRIL 27, 1521: explorer Ferdinand Magellan
brotherhood was killed in a skirmish among rival tribes in the
BLOOD COMPACT - ancient ritual in the
Philippines intended to seal a friendship or As reported in Magellan's voyage journal
treaty, or to validate an agreement. The written by Pigafetta (chronicler), Magellan died
contracting parties would cut their hands and after receiving a poisoned arrow in his right leg.
Lapulapu (the leader of Mactan), resisted resembles a scimitar, only being larger. That
conversion. In order to gain the trust of Rajah caused the captain to fall face downward, when
Humabon, Magellan sailed to Mactan with a immediately they rushed upon him with iron
small force on the morning of 27 April 1521. and bamboo spears and with their cutlasses,
During the resulting battle against Lapulapu's until they killed our mirror, our light, our
troops, Magellan was struck by a "bamboo" comfort, and our true guide. -Antonio Pigafetta
spear (bangkaw)

BANGKAW- which are actually metal-tipped

fire-hardened rattan), and later surrounded and
finished off with other weapons

Antonio Pigafetta provided written documents

of the events culminating in Magellan's death:

When morning came forty-nine of us leaped

into the water up to our thighs, and walked
through water for more than two crossbow
flights before we could reach the shore. The
boats could not approach nearer because of
certain rocks in the water. The other eleven men
remained behind to guard the boats. When we
reached land, those men had formed in three
divisions to the number of more than one
thousand five hundred persons. When they saw
us, they charged down upon us with exceeding
loud cries....

The musketeers (Soldier armed with a musket)

and crossbowmen shot from a distance for
about a half-hour, but uselessly; for the shots
only passed through the shields.... Recognizing
the captain, so many turned upon him that they
knocked his helmet off his head twice.... An
Indian hurled a bamboo spear into the captain's
face, but the latter immediately killed him with
his lance, which he left in the Indian's body.

 Then, trying to lay hand on sword, he could

draw it out but halfway, because he had been
wounded in the arm with a bamboo spear.
When the natives saw that, they all hurled
themselves upon him. One of them wounded
him on the left leg with a large cutlass, which

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