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A: I’m a consultant of the study abroad support center in Britain.

B: A guest wants to your child to study abroad.
A: Today I have an appointment with a guest who wants to send his
child to study abroad at 9a.m
Welcome to our center. How are you?
B: I’m good. Thanks
A: Do you want your child to study abroad, right?
B: Yes, I want.
A: Can you tell me how old is your child?
B:Next year will be 7
A: okay, you can take the boy to Britain to start to study primary
B: Okay, but really i don’t know anything about education system in
Britain. Can you tell me?
A: My pleasure.
The education system is divided into the following 4 important key
KS 1: 5 to 7 years old
KS 2: 7 to 11 years old
KS 3: 11 to 14 years old
KS 4: 14 to 16 years old
In addition, there are nursery education from 3 to 5 years old.
But your son will be 7, he will start with key stage 1. It’s primary
Nursery education, primary school, secondary school have two types :
public and private schools.
In the Britain, primary school education begins at the age of 5 and
lasts until the age of 11, comprising key stages one and two under the
UK educational system. And when they are 6 to 7 years old.They
have SATs testing take place for Key Stage 1. Age 10-11.It’s year
when SATs testing take place for Key Stage 2.
In the Britain school system, all students study English, Maths
Sciences, a Humanity and a Modern Language.Besides these subjects,
each school has a list With optional subjects
(art,music,drama,latin,sport science, design technology,computer
science), and students may choose a few subjects that interest them.
Some international students who start at 7 are usually boarding school
and then move on to middle school in the private system at 11 or 13
years old. I think your son should do that. It’s good.
In the last two years of secondary education, which are called Year 10
and Year 11, starting at age 14, students prepare for GCSE exams that
are taken after two years (General Certificate of Secondary
GCSE programme, students study between 9 and 12 subjects.Some of
them are compulsory, some are chosen by each student according to
their abilities.
And then they receve their GCSE Certificates.
At Year 12 is Advanced subsidiary level or school set end of year
tests from 16 to 17 years old.
And at Year 13 is A levels from 17 to 18 years old.
Year 12 and Year 13 are College.
You can study for masters and doctorate after university degree.
And if you child is attending a booarding school you will need to
nominate a Britain guardian. Our center can help you with this
In addition to studying, there are also sports activities to learn and
play. I think this is a good place for your children to study.
B: Thanks for your advice. After listening, I think the conditions here
are good for development, so I’ll let him go. Please help me with the
A: Okay, we will support you. See you next week to pick it up.
B: Thanks, see you next time, bye.

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