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Tutorial Problem 2 (Tutorial Assessment)

Design of a flat slab floor

The general layout of a flat slab floor of a retail store is shown in Figure 2.
The live load is 5 kPa. Determine the depth of the slab based on deemed-to-
comply span-to-depth ratio in AS3600. Calculate Moments in the short- and
long-span directions (consider the depth of the slab= 250 mm and drop panel
= 75 mm). Take f’c= 32 MPa and a clear cover to the reinforcement of 25
mm. Limit the incremental deflection to /Lef= 1/500 and use Class N
Other data: Ec= 30100 KPa, rc=25 kN/m3 and *cs= 700x106

1) Select slab depth

(i) Select a suitable trial depth

Ds= Lny/22 [FKW (2010); Appendix C; Table C4]
Lny= 6100 mm [Column dimensions 400x400 mm]
Ds=6100/22=277 mm≈ 280 mm

(ii) Calculate dead load and live load

FG= 7.0 KPa
FQ= 5.0 KPa (given)

(iii) Check the slab depth for deemed to comply requirement of AS 3600
[AS 3600-2009, Section 8.5.4; FKW (2010), Section 4.4.2]

  / Lef 1000 E c 
1/ 3
 k3k 4  
d  Fd .ef 
Lef= 6380 mm
K3= 1.05 for flat slab
K4= 1.75 for end span of a continuous slab
Ec= 30100x103 kPa
Fd.ef= Kcs.FG+(s+Kcs l)FQ= 21.5 kPa
[Kcs= 2.0 for slab; s=0.7 and l=0.4]

6380/d ≤ 1.05x1.75x [{(1/500)x30100x103}/21.5](1/3) ≤ 25.89

d 246 mm
Ds = 246+ (16/2)+ 25 = 279 mm [assuming N16 bar]
Hence a slab depth of 280 mm would be satisfactory. The drop panel should
be 30% thicker.
Over all depth= 280x1.3= 364 mm
As indicated in the design of two way edge supported slab, a thinner slab
than that given by the deemed-to-comply requirement can be obtained by
first approximating the slab for strength and then checking deflection.

After several trial a depth of 250 mm is obtained

Thickness together with drop pane = 250 x1.3= 325 mm

As for the flat slab/flat plate, the longer Y-direction is the most critical

The deflection of the column strip spanning the long Y-direction will be
calculated and compared with limiting deflection
Design bending moment and reinforcement in the long span direction:
Edge Design Strip- End Span
Fd=1.2FG+1.5FQ= = 15 kPa; Lt= 3.2 m; L= 6.5 m; Lo= 6.115 m; Mo= 224 kN.m
Mo= 224 kN.m

Ext. Neg, (0.25) Pos. (0.5) Int. Neg. (0.75)

=56 kN.m = 112 kN.m =168 kN.m

Col. St. Mid. St. Col. St. Mid. St. Col. St. Mid. St.
(1.0) (0.0) (0.7) (0.3) (1.0) (0.0)
= 56 kN.m = 0 kN-m = 79 kN.m = 34 kN.m =168 kN.m = 0 kN.m

Edge Design Strip- Interior Span

Fd=15 kPa; Lt= 3.2 m; Lo= 6.115 m; Mo= 224 kN.m
Mo= 224 kN-m

End. Neg, (0.65) Pos. (0.35) End Neg. (0.65)

=146 kN.m = 78 kN.m =146 kN.m

Col. St. Mid. St. Col. St. Mid. St. Col. St. Mid. St.
(1.0) (0.0) (0.7) (0.3) (1.0) (0.0)
=146 kN.m = 0 kN-m = 55 kN.m =23 kN.m = 146 kN.m = 0 kN.m

Interior Design Strip- End Span

Fd=15 kPa; Lt= 6.0 m; L= 6.5 m; Lo= 6.115 m ; Mo= 421 kN.m
Mo= 421 kN-m

Ext. Neg, (0.25) Pos. (0.5) Int. Neg. (0.75)

=105 kN.m = 211 kN.m =316 kN.m

Col. St. Mid. St. Col. St. Mid. St. Col. St. Mid. St.
(0.75) (0.25) (0.5) (0.5) (0.75) (0.25)
= 79 kN.m = 26 kN-m = 106 kN.m = 106 kN.m = 237 kN.m = 79 kN-m

13 kN.m 13 kN.m 53 kN.m 53 kN.m 40 kN.m 40 kN.m

Interior Design strip- Interior Span
Fd=15 kPa; Lt= 6.0 m; Lo= 6.115 m; Mo= 421 kN.m
Mo= 421 kN.m

End. Neg, (0.65) Pos. (0.35) End Neg. (0.65)

=274 kN.m = 147 kN.m =274 kN.m

Col. St. Mid. St. Col. St. Mid. St. Col. St. Mid. St.
(0.75) (0.25) (0.5) (0.5) (0.75) (0.25)
= 206kN.m = 68 kN.m = 74 kN.m =74 kN.m = 206 kN.m = 68 kN.m

34 kN.m 34 kN.m 37 kN.m 37 kN.m 34 kN.m 34 kN.m

Design bending moment and reinforcement in the short span direction:

Edge Design Strip- End Span
Fd=15 kPa; Lt= 3.45 m; Lo= 5.615 m; Mo= 204 kN.m
Mo= 204 kN.m

Ext. Neg, (0.25) Pos. (0.5) Int. Neg. (0.75)

=51 kN.m = 102 kN.m =153 kN.m

Col. St. Mid. St. Col. St. Mid. St. Col. St. Mid. St.
(1.0) (0.0) (0.7) (0.3) (1.0) (0.0)
= 51 kN.m = 0 kN-m = 71 kN.m = 31 kN.m =153 kN.m = 0 kN.m

Edge Design Strip- Interior Span

Fd=15 kPa; Lt= 3.45 m; Lo= 5.615 m; Mo= 204 kN.m
Mo= 204 kN-m

End. Neg, (0.65) Pos. (0.35) End Neg. (0.65)

=132 kN.m = 72 kN.m =132 kN.m

Col. St. Mid. St. Col. St. Mid. St. Col. St. Mid. St.
(1.0) (0.0) (0.7) (0.3) (1.0) (0.0)
=132 kN.m = 0 kN-m = 50 kN.m =22 kN.m = 132 kN.m = 0 kN.m
Interior Design Strip- End Span
Fd=15 kPa; Lt= 6.5 m ;Lo= 5.615 m ; Mo= 384 kN.m

Mo= 384 kN-m

Ext. Neg, (0.25) Pos. (0.5) Int. Neg. (0.75)

=96 kN.m = 192 kN.m =288 kN.m

Col. St. Mid. St. Col. St. Mid. St. Col. St. Mid. St.
(0.75) (0.25) (0.5) (0.5) (0.75) (0.25)
= 72 kN.m = 24 kN-m = 96 kN.m = 96 kN.m = 216 kN.m = 72 kN-m

12 kN.m 12 kN.m 48 kN.m 48 kN.m 36 kN.m 36 kN.m

Interior Design strip- Interior Span
Fd=15 kPa ; Lt= 6.5 m; Lo= 5.615 m; Mo= 384 kN.m

Mo= 384 kN.m

End. Neg, (0.65) Pos. (0.35) End Neg. (0.65)

=250 kN.m = 134 kN.m =250 kN.m

Col. St. Mid. St. Col. St. Mid. St. Col. St. Mid. St.
(0.75) (0.25) (0.5) (0.5) (0.75) (0.25)
=188 kN.m = 62 kN.m = 67 kN.m =67 kN.m =188 kN.m = 62 kN.m

31 kN.m 31 kN.m 33 kN.m 33 kN.m 31 kN.m 31 kN.m

56 0 13 79 13

6500 mm
79 34 53 106 53

168 0 40 237 40

146 0 34 206 34

6500 mm
55 23 37 74 37

146 0 34 206 34

6500 mm

All columns are 400 mm x 400 mm

6000 mm 6000 mm 6000 mm

Design bending moments in the long-span direction (Y-direction)

51 0 12 72 12
6000 mm

71 31 48 96 48

153 0 36 216 36
132 0 31 188 31
6000 mm

50 22 33 67 33

132 0 31 188 31
6000 mm

All columns are 400 mm x 400 mm

6500 mm 6500 mm 6500 mm

Design bending moments in the short-span direction (X-direction)

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