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 Module 2: Prenatal Development
 Module 3: The Stages of Development and Developmental Task

A. Introduction - Saludar
B. Ice Breaker - Decoreña
C. Lesson Outline - San Gabriel

Module 2: Prenatal Development

 Introduction to Module 2
 The Beginning of Life
 San Gabriel

 The Stages of Development

 Saludar, Balane, Baguio

 Factors Affecting Prenatal Development

 Gilleran, Doble

Module 3: The Stages of Development and Developmental Task

 Introduction to Module 3
 Bajar

 Stages of Development (Havighurst and Santrock)

 Bajar, Macdon

 Developmental Task (Havighurst and Santrock)

 Torculas, Decoreña

D. Assessment - All Group 1

E. Closing - Torculas

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