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Current Status of Biomedical Book Reviewing:

Part IV. Major American and British Biomedical Book Publishers

BY CHING-CHIH CHEN, Assistant Professor
School of LibrarY Science, Simmons College
Boston, Massachusetts

ABSTRACT tions in book reviews. Librarians learn to know

these books through experience and make their
This is the fourth part of a comprehensive, selection decisions intuitively after having
quantitative study of biomedical book reviews. The
data base of the total project was built from statistics learned of their existence through publishers'
of 3,347 reviews of 2,067 biomedical books taken announcements or through other informational
from all 1970 issues of fifty-four reviewing journals. channels.
This part of the study identifies the major American Although it is hazardous to assume that
and British biomedical book publishers in terms of
their quantitative production of book titles reviewed, major publishers in specified subject fields
and determines the relationships among these pub- invariably publish only books of high quality,
lishers. It is found that Williams & Wilkins, Charles C an identification of major publishers in subject
Thomas, Academic Press, and Springer Verlag are the disciplines is nonetheless useful for librarians
most productive biomedical book publishers in terms
of books reviewed in 1970. These four publishers and researchers, particularly to those who are
accounted for 32% of the 1,674 books available in the relatively new and inexperienced in their jobs.
United States and reviewed in the reviewing media in This paper is the fourth part of a compre-
1970. Williams & Wilkins is especially significant by hensive study of biomedical book reviewing. Its
virtue of reprint activity. The present study also primary objective is to identify the American
explores the price trend of biomedical books. It is
found that the mean price for 1,077 books studied and British biomedical book publishers whose
was $16.20 per volume, withl a standard deviation of books are most often reviewed, and to deter-
$9.42. mine the relationships among these publishers.
The study also examines current price trends of
biomedical books available in the United States.
INTRODUCTION The data base used for this part of the
composite study is identical with that of earlier
I N order to keep researchers and librarians ones (1-3), i.e., a data file of 3,347 reviews of
up-to-date with what is new in their fields and 2,067 biomedical titles. These records were
what should be added to their collections, book taken from all 1970 issues of fifty-four general
reviews, publishers' advertisements, and publi- biomedical journals with bona fide book
cation announcements are essential. Generally, reviews.
reviews written by subject specialists carry Reviews of these 2,067 books were arranged
much more weight than publishers' advertise- alphabetically by main entry. All books origi-
ments, because reviews are more objective, nally published either in Great Britain or other
evaluative, and critical. Publishers' promotional foreign countries were checked against both the
material seldom includes unfavorable or critical 1970 and the 1971 Books In Prin1t (BIP) for
statements, so except as a means of keeping up either American publishers or distributors. It
with current publications in the various disci- was found that 1,674 of the 2,067 biomedical
plines, they are of little value for book selection books were either published or reprinted and
and evaluation. In almost every subject field, distributed by American publishers and/or
there are a few publishers whose publications distributors. The publisher information for the
are more highly regarded than those of others. 1,674 titles was recorded and tabulated on
Publications from these publishers generally are separate data sheets under publishers' names. In
acquired by librarians without regard to evalua- the case of British books which were reprinted
302 Bull. Aled. Libr. Assoc. 62(3) Jului 1974
by American publishers, specific records were Appleton.-Century-Crofts of New York; F. A.
included to show the relationships between the Davis of Philadelphia; W. B. Saunders of
British publishers and their American associ- Philadelphia; Grune & Stratton of New York;
ates. John Wiley of New York; and C. V. Mosby of
Furthermore, 1,077 of the 1,674 titles St. Louis. Each of these publishers produced
available in the United States (i.e., every two forty-eight or more biomedical books which
out of three titles) were checked against the were reviewed in 1970.
1970 and/or 1971 BIP, and if not found there, It should be noted that although other
against individual publishers' catalogs and other publishers also reprint foreign biomedical
bibliographic sources for price information. books, Williams & Wilkins seems to be most
Since most of the books reviewed were single active in this respect. As shown in Appendix I
volume monographs, it was decided that, in and Table 2, 88 of the 177 Williams & Wilkins
order to derive more accurate and compatible books listed were reprints of titles originally
average cost figures for every publisher, price published outside the United States. F. A. Davis
per volume rather than price per title would be is second in line as a reprinter (thirty-three of
used as the cost unit. For example, a three- fifty-eight books). Therefore, Williams &
volume title costing $90.00 is recorded as Wilkins would be ranked fourth after Charles C
$30.00 per volume on the data card. The Thomas, Academic Press, and Springer Verlag if
obtained cost information for the 1,077 books only books originally published in the United
was further recorded on a master data sheet States were considered.
under publishers' names first and then under It is also interesting to see from Appendix I
detailed price groupings (two-dollar incre- that the top three university presses publishing
ments). biomedical titles are Oxford University Press,2
Harvard University Press, and Cambridge Uni-
RESULTS AND CONCLUSIONS versity Press.2 However, none of them approxi-
mates the productivity in biomedical titles of
1. Major American Biomedical Book Publishers the top ten trade publishers.

Appendix I gives a rank list of American

biomedical book publishers by the number of 2. Seventy-five percent of the 1,674 Books
books reviewed in 1970. In this list, publishers Were Supplied by Only Twenty-teo Pub-
are grouped under four categories: Trade lishers
publishers, university presses, learned or re-
search societies and institutions, and govern- Table 1 lists, in descending order, the
ment publishing offices. It is apparent that publishers who issued twenty or more books
trade publishers are the chief suppliers of reviewed in 1970. It is most interesting to find
biomedical books, accounting for 1,479 (or that although 161 different American pub-
88.35%) of the total 1,674 books available in lishers and/or distributors were involved in
the United States. University presses are the publishing, reprinting and/or distributing the
distant second group accounting for 147 (or 1,674 books reviewed, three-quarters of these
8.78%) of the total. titles were supplied by only twenty-two
Among the trade publishers, as demonstrated (13.66%) publishers. The top ten publishers
clearly in Appendix I, the major American produced 51.58% of the 1,674 books. Except
biomedical book publishers can be identified for Oxford University and Harvard University
readily. The top ten, in descending order, are: Presses, twenty of these twenty-two publishers
Williams & Wilkins of Baltimore; Charles C listed in Table 1 are trade publishers.
Thomas of Springfield, Illinois; Academic Press
of New York; Springer Verlag of New York';
considered as "American" for the convenience of data
Springer Verlag is actually a German publisher. 2Oxford University and Cambridge University
Since all ninty-three books indicated in Appendix I are Presses are British publishers. Their books were treated
in the English language and available from the as "American" as books in the English language from
publisher's New York office, these books were Springer Verlag.
Bull. Med. Libr. Assoc. 62(3) July 1974 303

Cumulative % No. of Books % of Total Books Cumulative %

Rank and Publisher of Publishers Reviewed Available in U.S. of Total Books

1. Williams & Wilkins 177 10.57 10.57

2. Charles C Thomas 159 9.50 20.07
3. Academic Press 107 6.39 26.46
4. Springer Verlag* 93t 5.56 32.02
5. Appleton-Century-Crofts 60 3.58 35.60
6. F. A. Davis 58 3.46 39.06
7. W. B. Saunders 57 3.41 42.47
8. Grune & Stratton 52 3.11 45.58
8. John Wiley 52 3.11 48.69
9. C. V. Mosby 6.21 48 2.89 51.58
10. Little, Brown 47 2.81 54.39
10. American Elsevier 47 2.81 57.20
11. J. B. Lippincott 46 2.75 59.95
11. Pergamon Press* 46 2.75 62.70
12. Harper & Row (and Hoeber) 35 2.09 64.79
13. A. J. Phiebig 34 2.03 66.82
14. Oxford University Press* 33 1.97 68.79
15. Macmillan 26 1.55 70.34
16. McGraw-Hill 25 1.49 71.83
17. Harvard University Press 22 1.31 73.14
17. Yearbook Medical 22 1.31 74.45
18. Lea & Febiger 13.66 21 1.25 75.70
Total No. of publishers: 161
* For the convenience of data collection, these three publishers are considered as American since they all have
American offices.
t Only books in English language.

3. A High Percentage of Biomedical Books were 265 British medical books imported into
Originally Published in Great Britain Were the United States in 1969 and 264 in 1970.
Reprinted by American Publishers Since the study .deals with biomedical book
reviews, the subject areas covered are broader
Of the 2,067 biomedical books reviewed in than medicine only. Therefore, if one allows an
1970, it was found that 1,370 titles were additional 125 titles for areas other than
published originally in the United States; 354 medicine, it would bring the 1970 import of
were books published in Great Britain, of which British biomedical books to the United States
274 were either reprinted or distributed by to 389 titles. Then it is fair to say that of these
American publishers and/or distributors; and 389 titles, approximately 70% were reviewed in
343 were books originally published in coun- biomedical journals.
tries other than the United States and Great
Britain, of which only thirty (all in the English 4. Major British Biomedical Book Publishers
language) were reprinted in the United States.
In other words, a very high percentage (77.4%) Table 2 gives a rank list of British biomedical
of British books reviewed were reprinted by book publishers. It is obvious that the top five
American publishers, while few other foreign from a quantitative standpoint are: J. & A.
language books were. Churchill, E. & S. Livingstone, Blackwell,
According to the 1971 Bowker Annual of Butterworths, and William Heinemann. Of the
Library and Book Trade Information (4), there 274 British biomedical books reviewed in 1970
304 Bull. Med. Libr. Assoc. 62(3) July 1974

and reprinted by American publishers, these Davis (33), Lippincott (27), Appleton (24),
five publishers accounted for 168 titles (or Little, Brown (14), Grune & Stratton (10),
61.3%), while the other thirty-four British Mosby (10), and Barnes & Noble (7). Williams
publishers accounted for 106 titles (or 3 8.69%). & Wilkins alone accounted for 32.12% of the

5. American Publishers Engaged in Reprinting 6. Average Price of Hardcover Biomedical

British Biomedical Titles Books Available in the United States

From Table 2 one can easily observe that As mentioned earlier, two of every three
although the 274 British biomedical books were books of the 1,674 titles available from
reprinted and/or distributed by thirty-eight American sources were checked for prices in
American publishers and distributors, most of BIP, individual publishers' catalogs, and other
this activity was carried out by fewer than a sources. Price per volume was taken as the cost
dozen publishers. These, in descending order of unit and therefore, prices were prorated for
productivity, are: Williams & Wilkins (88 titles), multivolume sets. As a result of the compre-

No. of Books Reprinted by American Publishers
Rank and British Publishert Reviewed (No. of Books)

1. J. & A. Churchill 41 Grune & Stratton (5), Little, Brown (14),

Williams & Wilkins (22)
2. E. & S. Livingstone 37 Williams & Wilkins (37)
3. Blackwell 34 Davis (27), Lippincott (6), Wiley (1)
4. Butterworths 30 Appleton-Century-Crofts (19), Lippincott (10),
University of Nebraska Press (1)
5. William Heinemann 26 Appleton-Century-Crofts (5), Davis (5), Grune &
Stratton (5), Lippincott (1), Mosby (1),
Springer Verlag (3), Thomas (4),
Warren H. Green (2)
6. Henry Kimpton 14 Mosby (9), Lea & Febiger (5)
7. Edward Arnold 13 St. Martin (1), Williams & Wilkins (12)
8. Bailliere, Tindall & Cassell 8 Williams & Wilkins (8)
8. Routledge & Kegan Paul 8 Aldine (1), Humanities (6), Sage (1)
9. Pitman Medical & Scientific Publishing 7 Lippincott (6), Raven (1)
10. Lloyd-Luke 5 E. Licht Pub. (1), Yearbook Medical (1),
Williams & Wilkins (3)
Other 28 Publishers 51 Academic (1), American Elsevier (2),
Archon (1), Atlantic Monthly (2),
Barnes & Noble (7), Basic (4), Beacon (1),
Cowles (1), Davis (1), Doubleday (3),
Dufour (1), Hafner (1), Lippincott (4),
McGraw-Hill (3), Macmillan (1), Oxford
University Press (4), Saunders (1),
Scribner (1), Springer Verlag (2),
Transatlantic (1), Univ. California Press
(1), Wiley (2), Williams & Wilkins (6)
* The following publishers have both U.S. and British addresses; therefore, for the convenience of data
collection, their publications were recorded and considered as "American" in Appendix I only: (1) Academic
Press; (2) Cambridge University Press; (3) Oxford University Press; and (4) Pergamon Press.
t Not including Cambridge University Press, Oxford University Press, and Pergamon Press.
Bull. Med. Libr. Assoc. 62(3) July 1974 305

a I~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
m P = MEAN PRICE = $16.20
Cl) I~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
l ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~I
l ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~I

,.- i,

4 8 12 16 20 24 28 32 36 40 44 -*8o

FIG. 1.-Price distribution of books available in the United States and reviewed in 1970.

hensive checking, prices of 1,077 books were It is most interesting to find that the average
recorded and tabulated, and are presented in price of books available in the United States
Figure 1. Despite the wide range of prices, and reviewed in 1970 is remarkably close to
which vary from less than $2.00 per volume to that of all medical books included in the
$80.00 per volume as shown in Figure 1, the publishing records. According to the 1972
mean price per volume was calculated and was Bowker Annual of Library and Book Trade
found to be P= $16.20. Since Pis known, it is Information, the 1970 average price of U.S.
easy to derive the standard deviation a (a = hardcover trade medical books is listed as
$9.42). The distribution curve suggests, then, $18.05 per title (5) and the 1971 figure is
that most probably (68% confidence) United $17.58 per volume (5, 6). The $18.05 figure is
States biomedical books reviewed fall within higher than the $16.65 of this study; neverthe-
the price range between $6.78 to $25.62 per less, per title cost is expected to be higher than
volume as indicated in Figure 1. per volume cost. Even at $16.65 per volume,
It is worth noting that the mean price was the biomedical books are generally much more
based on price data for 1,077 hardcover books expensive than most of the hardcover books in
excluding government publications which gen- other subject areas, because an overall average
erally are considerably less expensive (about price of $11.66 per volume was shown for all
$3.50 per volume as shown in Appendix I). It hardcover books (7).
should also be pointed out that United States Of the eighty-eight biomedical books origi-
hardcover trade biomedical books are generally nally published in Great Britain but reprinted
more expensive than university press publica- by Williams & Wilkins, the average price was
tions. Appendix I shows that the average price $14.83, while $14.82 was the average price per
per volume is $16.65 for trade biomedical volume for the thirty-three books reprinted by
books while it is only $10.84 for university Davis. These are considerably higher than the
press publications. Appendix I also indicates average price indicated for British medical
average price for each individual publisher. books in 1969/1970 (3f 50 p) and in
Those figures for publishers producing fewer 1970/1971 (3£ 77 p) (8). Therefore, we may
than twenty book titles should be used cau- assume that American biomedical reprints cost
tiously because of small statistical samplings. considerably more than the British originals.

306 Bull. Med. Libr. Assoc. 62(3) July 1974


7. Biomedical Paperbacks Reviewed guide medical library administrators and acqui-

sitions librarians in planning reasonable and
Of the 1,674 biomedical books available in adequate book budgets for their libraries to
the United States, only thirty-nine were found keep up with worthwhile current biomedical
to be paperbacks, a very small percentage publications.
indeed. In fact, only fifty-one paperbacks in
medicine were printed in 1970 (9). The REFERENCES
thirty-nine paperbacks reviewed in 1970 were 1. CHEN, CHING-CHIH, and WRIGHT, ARTHUREE
published by thirty-one of the 161 American M. Current status of biomedical book reviewing:
publishers. Part I. Key biomedical reviewing journals with
The price range of these thirty-nine paper- quantitative significance. Bull. Med. Libr. Assoc.
backs is quite reasonable, ranging from $1.00 62: 105-112, Apr. 1974.
2. CHEN, CHING-CHIH. Current status of biomedical
per volume to $10.00 per volume. The average book reviewing: Part II. Time lag in biomedical
price of these thirty-nine titles is $3.82 per book reviewing. Bull. Med. Libr. Assoc. 62:
volume. This is much lower than the average 113-119, Apr. 1974.
price of trade paperbacks in 1970 ($6.91) (7), 3. CHEN, CHING-CHIH. Current status of biomedical
book reviewing: Part III. Duplication patterns in
but higher than the average price of mass biomedical book reviewing. Bull. Med. Libr.
market paperbacks in 1969 ($1.46) (7). Assoc. 62: 296-307, July 1974.
4. The Bowker Annual of Library and Book Trade
Information 1971. New York, Bowker, 1971. p.
5. The Bowker Annual of Library and Book Trade
Information 1972. New York, Bowker, 1972. p.
All the quantified findings mentioned above 185.
obviously have significant implications for 6. Statistics 70-71: Index of Prices. Publishers
biomedical librarians. They provide much Weekly 201: 62-63, Feb. 7, 1972.
needed information for biomedical selection 7. Price Trends. Publishers Weekly 199: 51-52, Feb.
8, 1971.
and acquisition processes. 8. Bowker 1972. Op cit., p. 184.
The cost figures of biomedical books can also 9. Bowker 1971. Op cit., p. 91.

Bull. Med. Libr. Assoc. 62(3) July 1974 307

No. of Books Average
Rank and Publisher Reviewed Cost/Vol.*
Trade Publishers
1. Williams & Wilkins
Own Publications 90 1 178 $15.50
Reprints 88
2. Charles C Thomas 159 17.77
3. Academic Press 107 16.85
4. Springer Verlag 93 20.72
5. Appleton-Century-Crofts 60 13.80
6. F. A. Davis
Own publications 25 58 13.83
Reprints 33
7. W. B. Saunders 57 20.59
8. Grune & Stratton 52 17.02
8. John Wiley 52 18.15
9. C. V. Mosby 48 21.06
10. American Elsevier 47 20.85
10. Little, Brown 47 14.66
11. J. B. Lippincott 46 17.33
11. Pergamon Press 46 17.95
12. Harper & Row (and Hoeber) 35 14.22
13. A. J. Phiebig 34 17.00
14. Macmillan 26 10.42
15. McGraw-Hill 25 18.18
16. Yearbook Medical 22 15.77
17. Lea & Febiger 21 16.65
18. W. H. Freeman 14 7.33
19. Prentice Hall 12 8.83
20. Warren H. Green 11 18.25
21. Barnes & Noble (distributor) 10 14.44
22. Aldine 8 12.05
22. Basic Books 8 6.68
22. Doubleday 8 7.46
22. Plenum 8 22.83
Other 81 publishers 188
Total: 109 publishersf 1,479t 16.65 (mean)
University Presses
1. Oxford University Press 33 13.10
2. Harvard University Press 22 8.10
3. Cambridge University Press 12 12.12
4. Johns Hopkins University Press 11 9.50
5. Columbia University Press 9 9.17
5. University of California Press 9 14.00
Other 26 presses 51
Total: 32 presses 147: 10.84 (mean)
Learned & Research Societies & Institutions
1. New York Academy of Science 7 22.80
2. Wistar Institute Press 3
Other 9 organizations 10
Total: 11 organizations 20 §
Government Agencies 28¶ 3.50
* Average price per volume was based on price information of 1,077 of the 1,674 titles available in the United
States (every two out of three titles). Excluding government publications, the overall mean price of 1,646 books
is $16.20 per volume.
t This is 88.35% of total (1,674).
4 This is 8.78% of total.
§ This is 1.199% of total.
¶ This is 1.67% of total.

308 Bull. Med. Libr. Assoc. 62(3) July 1974

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