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Gizca Prameswari
2. M. Farhan Akbar


1. Indicate what kind of cases have been accused toward Julian Assange?


Julian Assange, an Australian citizen, assumes the roles of founder, editor, and
spokesperson for Wikileaks, a media platform that disseminates classified documents
and information from various nations, with the objective of fostering governmental
transparency. In August 2010, Julian Assange engaged in sexual activity with two
women concurrently during his stay in Sweden. The next day, the two women
reported him to the police, but because their reports were consultative, Julian Assange
was not detained by the Swedish authorities. Consequently, he managed to depart
from Sweden and relocate to London, England. However, subsequent to spending a
few days in London, he was alleged to have committed sexual assault against the two
Swedish women.

On June 19, 2012, Julian Assange requested diplomatic asylum at the

Embassy of Equador in London to avoid possible extradition to Sweden. Julian
Assange sought refuge in Equador for fear that the Swedish Government would hand
him over to the United States. On August 16, 2012, Equador granted Julian Assange
asylum, citing concerns that his human rights might be violated if he were extradited,
as well as the Equadorian Government's tradition of remaining faithful to protecting
those who seek refuge in diplomatic missions, and the granting of Diplomatic Asylum
to Julian Assange because the United Kingdom, Sweden and the United States refused
to guarantee that Assange would not be extradited to the United States to stand trial
for leaking classified US documents to the public.
2. Indicate and explain the position/stand point of every state involved in the case!


Sweden: As the country where the case occurred, where its citizens were victims,
Sweden has the right to try and punish Julian Assange. as a good country, Sweden
will certainly follow up on reports made by its citizens, especially since the case
occurred to two Swedish citizens. so Sweden is obliged to follow up on the report and
prosecute Julian Assange.

UK: As the country where Julian Assange was found/stopped, the UK has a role and
choice to help Sweden to extradite Julian to Sweden so that Julian can serve his
sentence. because as a good country, by helping to extradite Julian, the UK also plays
a role in assisting law enforcement and implementation.

Ecuador: As the country chosen by Julian Assange to seek asylum. Ecuador became
a country that accepted Julian Assange's request on the grounds of protecting Assange
from political persecution and possible extradition to the United States. By granting
Assange asylum, the Ecuadorian government is trying to prove they care about
freedom of speech and freedom of the press, especially when Ecuador has been
heavily criticised nationally and internationally for the way the government
understands democracy.

USA: As the country that has been harmed by the actions and deeds of julian assange
and his company. The US wants to take advantage of the opportunity where Julian
Assange will be tried for his actions in Sweden. The US wants to take advantage of
the momentum where Julian will be responsible for his case by extraditing Julian to
the US and opening other cases from Julian so that he can also be tried for his actions
against the USA.

Australia: As the country of origin of Julian Assange, Australia has the right to
protect Julian from being extradited to the United States by continuing to encourage
Julian to take responsibility for his actions in Sweden with the guarantee that Julian
will not be extradited to the United States.
3. What is the possible outcome for resolving the divergence of interest of the cases!


One way to do this is to submit the case to an international organization. Many

countries are involved in this case because they have different interests, but they can
cooperate. The UK could help extradite Julian to Sweden. However, the Swedish
arrest warrant for Julian and the UK's extradition assistance could be considered
arbitrary. In addition, the charges against Julian Assange are unsubstantiated, and
possibly manipulated. The relationship between the United States, the United
Kingdom and Sweden allows for the assumption that the United States asked these
two countries for help so that the United States could extradite Julian Assange. Thus
using the sexual harassment case as a scapegoat.

Therefore, this case should be directly handled by an international

organization or international court to avoid biases from the countries involved.
Julian's home country, Australia, is also expected to help and protect its citizens so
that other countries do not treat Julian arbitrarily.

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