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Question 1:

Unlike spermatogenesis, oogenesis in humans:

1- Begins prenatally.
2- Occurs at a rapid rate
3- Produces four haploid gametes
4- Is continuous over the life of the woman.

Question 2:
This hormone triggers ovulation.

1- FSH
2- LH
3- Estrogen
4- GnRH

Question 3:
The diffusion of potassium ions out of a neuron causes it to have:

1- A repolarization
2- A depolarization
3- A nerve impulse
4- An action potential.

Question 4:

Question 7:

A human female has the largest number of primary oocytes in her ovaries:

1- Midway through her fertile years.

2- Early in her fertile years.
3- At birth.
4- Just prior to puberty.

Question 8:

When an action potential arrives at the axon terminal, the voltage-gated calcium channels:

1- Cause vesicles to release a neurotransmitter into the synaptic cleft.

2- Actively transport neurotransmitter into the synaptic cleft.
3- Depolarize the membrane at the axon terminal.
4- Release calcium into the synaptic cleft.

Question 9:

The term chiasma refers to:

1- The process of crossing over.

2- The life cycle of a fungus.
3- A structure that holds together homologous chromosomes during crossing over.
4- The process of fertilization.
Question 10:

Neurons generally receive information through their:

1- Cell bodies.
2- Nerves.
3- Axons.
4- Dendrites.

Question 11:

Which of the following is not considered an organ of the immune system?

1- Red bone marrow

2- Pancreas.
3- Thymus
4- Lymph node.

Question 12:
Twins that results from the splitting of one zygote are called:

1- Monozygotic.
2- Mitochondrial.
3- Dizygotic
4- Universal.

Question 13:

This hormone stimulates Leydig cells to secrete testosterone:

1- FSH
2- DHT
3- GnRH
4- LH

Question 14:

Following ovulation, what happens to the follicle cells if the egg is not fertilized?

1- They stop secreting hormones.

2- They grow into a corpus luteum.
3- They degenerate.
4- They move with the egg into the oviduct.

Question 15:

What is the effect of inhibiting acetylcholinesterase?

1- Stimulation of the postsynaptic membrane is inhibited.

2- Release of the neurotransmitter from the presynaptic membrane is inhibited.
3- Synthesis of neurotransmitter in cells is inhibited
4- Breakdown of neurotransmitter in the synapse is inhibited.
Question 16:

What happens if Na+ channels open and sodium ions diffuse into the cell?

1- Other sodium ions will move out of the cell.

2- The charge across the nearby membrane will change.
3- Voltage-gated channels will remain closed.
4- The cell will become hyperpolarized.

Question 17:

The gap between two communicating neurons is termed:

1- Effector.
2- Cell body
3- Synaptic cleft.
4- Schwann cell.

Question 18:

During which stage of meiosis are the homologous chromosomes arranged along the equator?

1- Prophase I
2- Metaphase I
3- Anaphase II
4- Metaphase II

Question 19:

Efferent nerves leave the spinal cord through the :

1- Interneurons.
2- Ventral roots
3- Dorsal roots
4- Gray matter.

Question 20:

Human gametes normally have ……………. Chromosomes.

1- 23
2- 46
3- A diploid number
4- None of the above is correct.

Question 21:

Which of the following is NOT a difference between anaphase I and anaphase II?

1- Sister chromatids separate during anaphase II while homologous chromosomes separate during
anaphase I.
2- There is no differences between anaphase I and II.
3- Anaphase I occurs in a haploid cell while anaphase II occurs in a diploid cell.
4- Each chromosome is composed of two chromatids in anaphase I and only one chromatid in
anaphase II.
Question 22:
the myelin sheath that surrounds some axons in the peripheral nervous system is formed by:

1- Neurons
2- Synapses
3- Bacteria that have invaded the nervous system
4- Schwann cells.

Question 23:

Components of semen are produced in all the following except the:

1- Seminal vesicles
2- Bulbourethral gland
3- Seminiferous tubules
4- Urethra

Question 24:

In Mendel’s experiments, if the allele for tall (T) plants was incompletely dominant over short (S) what
offspring would have resulted from crossing two TS plants.

1- ½ tall, ¼ intermediate height, ¼ short.

2- ¼ tall, ¼ intermediate height, ½ short.
3- All the offspring would have been tall.
4- ¼ tall, ½ intermediate height, ¼ short.

Question 25:

When an action potential arrives at an axon terminal, it causes the opening of ………….. channels, and
neurotransmitter vesicles fuse with the cell membrane:

1- Chloride
2- Potassium
3- Sodium
4- Calcium

Question 26:

During which stage of meiosis does homologous chromosomes separation occur?

1- Prophase II.
2- Telophase I
3- Anaphase I
4- Prophase I

Question 27:

This question refers to the birth of a child to a father with blood type A and a mother with blood type B. the
child has with of the following genotypes?

1- Either AB or B
2- AB only
3- Either AB or O
4- Wither AB or A
Question 28:

If a sperm cell contains 8 chromosomes, it comes from an animal that has …………. Chromosomes.

1- 16
2- 8
3- 12
4- 4

Question 29:

Which of the following anterior pituitary hormones stimulates milk production?

1- Leutinizing hormone.
2- Melanocyte stimulating hormone.
3- Prolactin
4- Thyrotropin.

Question 30

………………..hormone secreted by the ……………..controls the ovarian and uterine cycles.

1- FSH, anterior pituitary.

2- LH, anterior pituitary
3- GnRH, hypothalamus
4- HGH, hypothalamus

Question 31:

Oocytes are:

1- Ova that have not yet completed the oogenesis process

2- The locations on chromosomes where ova are produced
3- The male equivalent of spermatocytes.
4- None of the above is correct.

Question 32:

Somatic cells reproduce by ……………, while sex cells reproduce by ………….

1- Meiosis, mitosis
2- Mitosis, meiosis
3- Mitosis, mitosis
4- Meiosis, meiosis

Question 33:


1- Have multiple types of receptors.

2- May be excitatory or inhibitory.
3- May have different effects in different tissues.
4- All of the above.
Question 34:

The two chromosomes that are members of the same pair are referred to as:

1- Tetrad
2- Homologous
3- Haploid
4- Diploid

Question 35:

Which hormone that decreases blood glucose level, is produced by the pancreatic islet of Langerhans:

1- Plasma proteins
2- Insulin
3- Thyroid hormone
4- Blood clotting factors.

Question 36:

This structure protects and regulated the temperature of the testes:

1- Tunica albuginea
2- Cremaster muscle
3- Smooth muscle
4- Scrotum

Question 37:

Which term is NOT related to the others?

1- Spermatogenesis
2- Gametogenesis
3- Oogenesis
4- Mitosis

Question 38:

In the early half of the menstrual cycle, before ovulation, which hormone is at the highest level?

1- Estrogen
2- Follicle-stimulating hormone
3- Luteinizing hormone
4- Progesterone

Question 39:

What is produced by the ovaries?

1- Tertiary oocytes, insulin and estrogen

2- Secondary oocytes, estrogen and progesterone
3- Secondary oocytes, progesterone and cortisol
4- Primary oocytes, insulin and estrogen
Question 40:

Which does NOT occur in meiosis?

1- Formation of homologous chromosomes

2- Two daughter cells are formed at the end of the division
3- Four daughter cells are formed at the end of the division
4- Two nuclear divisions occur

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