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1. What does the title mean in the relation to the film as a whole?

- The relation of the title of the film as a whole is like a question mark inside
my mind. But when I watched the movie, myself understand the connection
of the title to the whole film.
Dr. Jose Rizal is our National Hero, our “Bayani”, a hero that he even
sacrifices his life to our country. But our country make a progress? Even
though Rizal sacrifices his life? Our country didn’t have any progress till
now, that’s why Philippines consider as a third world country. Before Rizal
died, our country is not yet progressive and even after the death of Rizal
nothing happen, nothing new.

2. Are there any motifs (scenes, images) of dialogue which were repeated?
What purpose do they serve?
- They were scenes and images that were repeated in the movie, and the
purpose of it is to put some emphasis on what the movie want to portray or
to show. It serves as a rising action for us viewers to know more, to watch
more, and to search more on what is really going on inside that movie.

3. How was it different to other movies about Rizal?

- It is actually different because this not just a documentary movie, this a sort
of controversial movie, a combination of comedy, horror at first, and a very
serious movie that tackles about some issues. An issues we can consider true
or may be a lie, we don’t know. In short, this is a conspiracy movie. Some
movies about Rizal is telling or showing what is always or usual about the
life of Rizal, a movies that what history said. But this “Bayaning Third
Wold” is different and might change that history.

4. Does the film leave any disunities (loose ends, conflicting ideas) at the end?
What does it suggest?
- Yes, it leaves disunities, a filmmakers who want to create a film that will
going to change everything. But in the end, they give the authority to the
viewers if they want to believe it or not. I don’t know. Me, myself and I,
don’t really know the truth and it is a sort of mystery that only a time
machine can answer. A conspiracy, a theory based on truth but a lie. But the
movie itself want to show that, it can really change the history if we can
prove something about retraction, or any related issues about Rizal.

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