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Configuration Management, CMMI and the Rational Toolset

John Evans 01748 821824

CMMI is a service mark of the SEI Requisite pro, RUP, ClearQuest, Clearcase are trademarks of IBM

you make the change | we make the difference

What is CMMI CMMI view of Configuration Management

Rational Tool & Process support for CM from a CMMI view point Pittfalls In Summary

Lamri 2005

you make the change | we make the difference

The CMMI was developed by the SEI to help resolve the problem of failing software projects and massive cost overruns that the US DoD where experiencing. They categorised the behaviours of mature organisations which would dramatically reduce the likelihood of a project running into problems

Lamri 2005

you make the change | we make the difference

What is CMMI?
Appraisal Method The Model

Character Class A Full Fat Rated Half Fat Un-rated Quick Look

Usage Rate and Organisation Full Baseline Rapid Baseline Continuous Review



Class B

Process Areas

Class C

Over 11,000 projects have been officially assessed in over 2000 organisations
Lamri 2005 you make the change | we make the difference

Whats in CMMI - a staged view

Organisational Innovation & Deployment Organisational Process Performance Causal Analysis & Resolution Quantitative Project Management



Organisational Process Focus

Organisation Process Definition

Organisational Training

Organisational Environment For Integration Validation

Integrated Teaming

Decision Analysis & Resolution

Integrated Supplier Management


Technical Solution

Requirements Development

Product Integration


Risk Management

Integrated Project Management

Lamri 2005

Requirements Management

Project Planning

Project Monitoring & Control

Supplier Agreement Management

Measurement & Analysis

you make the change | we make the difference

Process & Product Quality Assurance

Configuration Management

What does each level feel like?

5 Optimizing 4 Quantitatively Managed 3 Defined 2 Managed 1 Initial
Optimising the Organisation Able to respond to and plan significant change Organisation looks to future, technology Running by the numbers numbers enhancements etc. Planning and management informed by real data Organisation deals with events in advance of Processes are managed organisationally problems emerging Standard Set of Processes Tailored to Project (within constraints) Resourse pool becomes a reality Organisation deals with events as they occur Basic controls are in place Can include: Projects are managed Financial success between projects Processes will vary Organisation Hero Culture, reacts to events Fire Fighting, Bright Shiny Object Culture Object Organisation at mercy of past events

Lamri 2005

you make the change | we make the difference

Benefits of CMMI

Getting Started with Process Improvement Using the CMMI. Carol Marsh, Patrick Vigier. ESEPG 2003.

Lamri 2005

you make the change | we make the difference

The CMMI view of CM in a nutshell

Goal 1 Establish a Baseline Goal 2 Control Change to the baseline Goal 3 Ensure integrity of the baseline

Lamri 2005

you make the change | we make the difference

CMMI Goal 1 - Establish Baselines

There are three specific practices
Identify all items to be placed under configuration control Establish a Repository to place the items into Create and use baselines

Element 1 1 Timeline

Element 2

Element 3

1 2 Baseline1


Lamri 2005

you make the change | we make the difference

CMMI Goal 2 - Track and Control Changes

Track Change Requests
What is the status of my change request? Are they being dealt with?

Control Configuration Items

Configuration items can only be changed via the approved Change Requests.

Lamri 2005

you make the change | we make the difference

CMMI Goal 3 - Establish Integrity

Establish Configuration Records
Things like revision history of Configuration Items Change logs Copies of change request

Perform Configuration Audits

This answers the basic question Can I reproduce my product.

Lamri 2005

you make the change | we make the difference

The big picture how do the tools and RUP help?

RUP The how to

Requisite Pro Requirements Baselines

Clearquest Provides change control

Clearcase with UCM Provides the repository and version management

Lamri 2005

you make the change | we make the difference

CMMI Goal 1 - Establish Baselines

Identify all items to be placed under configuration control Establish a Repository to place the items into Create and use baselines

RUP The how to

Requisite Pro Does ALL for requirements ONLY

Clearquest Supports baselining

Clearcase with UCM Provides the repository and supports baselines

Lamri 2005

you make the change | we make the difference

CMMI Goal 2 - Track and Control Changes

Track Change Requests What is the status of my change request? Are they being dealt with? Control Configuration Items Configuration items can only be changed via the approved Change Requests.

RUP The how to

Requisite Pro Controls requirements

Clearquest Tracks change requests

Clearcase with UCM Control Configuration Items

Clearquest control over Requisite Pro is limited

Lamri 2005 you make the change | we make the difference

CMMI Goal 3 - Establish Integrity

Establish Configuration Records Revision history of Configuration Items Change logs Copies of change request Perform Configuration Audits Make sure I can I reproduce my product

RUP The how to

Requisite Pro Change history for requirements

Clearquest Change Logs Change Requests

Clearcase with UCM Change History

Lamri 2005

you make the change | we make the difference

CM in a RUP context

Note : Picture from RUP copyright IBM

Lamri 2005

you make the change | we make the difference

Dont just implement the tools implement the process along side
RUP is a very good starter.

Dont assume because its in clearcase its safe

Treat the repository as a 1st class operational system. Conduct Configuration audits

Remember to keep the requirements baseline consistent too. Dont break your baselines for an emergency fix
Exercise appropriate control at all times.

Lamri 2005

you make the change | we make the difference

In Summary
CMMI is just asking for you to do what you should do to protect the companies assets. The application of the Rational tools and RUP can make a material impact on this capability quickly.

Lamri 2005

you make the change | we make the difference

Any questions?
Lamri 2005 you make the change | we make the difference

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