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Doanne Kristett Manhilot 12/20/22


1. Explain the difference between: Underqualified, Qualified, Overqualified and Disqualified.
Qualified – fits the requirements and has gotten a job.
Over-Qualified – satisfies the qualifications and qualifications needed.
Disqualified – passes the basic requirements, but the interview was failed.
Underqualified – does not immediately meet the basic criteria.
2. Enumerate the decision makers in the recruitment process and explain their involvement.
Human Resource Professionals – They play a significant role in the supervision and creation of
the preference system.
Managers – They provide a significant role in the administration and development of the
selection method.
Employees – They are not usually thought about when making decisions. This practice is
gradually changing. They are the techniques that can be applied to team reviews.
3. In employment contracts, enumerate three basic elements required for a contract to be legally
binding and enforceable.
Offer – Some of the parties has agreed to carry out or prevent from carrying out a particular
activity in the future.
Consideration – the certainty of getting something valuable in payment for the stated activity or
Acceptance – Undeniably, the deal was accepted.
4. Distinguish Single Predictor from Multiple Predictor. Explain their respective advantages and
Single Predictor – use a single selection method, making the scoring computation easy. One
indicator is presented by the results of the overall analysis.
Multiple Predictors – There seem to be choices for how to merge the final outcome.
Disadvantage: Benefit improves as more Disadvantage: There is no way to
reliable predictors are employed in the compensate again for number of competences
selection procedure. Employers rarely have for some talents and additional skills, such as
credibility in choosing applicants based on an A firefighter, for instance, need a
only one attribute. the certain degree of power that wisdom
cannot compete for.
Advantage: It aids the processing easier Advantage: It understands that individuals
have a broad range of talents.
and that a range of skills can lead to a
successful career.

5. Who are the parties of the employment contract?

The parties involved to an employment contract are just the employer and the employee.
6. Identify the 2 forms of contract. Identify which among them is encouraged by law and which
is discouraged by law.
Written Contracts vs. Oral Contracts: A written contract guarantees that all of the terms of your
arrangement are spelled out in paper. In the event of a disagreement, the individuals have a
written agreement they may refer to in order to fix their relationship.
7. Name the 4 sources of employment contract.
Labor Code, Constitution, Special Laws, Employee Handbook
8. Define Job Offer.
Include information about the employment arrangement, including the reporting owner's name
and position description, together with compensation, benefits, and job responsibilities. The offer
letter may also contain information about the intended start date, the desired work schedule, and
other details that are essential for the prospective employee to be aware of.
9. Explain the strategic approach to Job Offers.
There is lot of discretion involved in the offers which the organization "puts together" to give
candidates. rather than the hastily drafted job proposals that are routinely presented in the hurry
to recruit and the need to fulfill the vacancy immediately.
10. Identify at least 5 contents of job offer. Explain each of its significance.
Starting Date – permits the offer recipient a least with one month to notify their current
employer of their intention to resign
Compensation – The most notable advantage the company may provide as component of its
hiring approach
Starting pay – is the pay you get during the first few months or year of job. These details might
have been stated in the initial job role, during an employer interview, or in the employment
Variable pay – It's frequently funded by incentives, commission, or incentives. The two primary
determinants are the worker's efficiency and the general success of the company.
Hiring bonuses – A guaranteed money is a cash benefit offered by a company to a candidate for

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