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What do you want to get out of this

1. What makes you different from the
other girls competing today?
16. Where do you see yourself in the
2. Why do you think that you are the next 5 years?
best candidate for this title?

3. What makes you stand out from the 17. Where do you see yourself in 10
other contestants? years?

4. What makes you unique?

18. What goal do you want to have
achieved when you are?
5. Why should you win this pageant?

6. Why would you make a good MISS

19. Tell me about yourself

7. Why should we choose you from the

20. Who is your role model?
other contestants?

8. Why should we select you as the next

21. If you could meet (have lunch with)
Miss (Teen, Ms, Mrs) ______ ?
any person in history who would it
9. Why do you deserve to win this title?

10. What do you like most about

22. Who is the person you look up to the
11. Why do you want to win this
23. What celebrity do you idolize?

12. What will you do if we crown you the

next Miss (Teen, Ms, Mrs) _____? 24. If you could be anyone else besides
yourself, who would you be?

13. Why did you decide to compete in

25. Do celebrities have a responsibility to
this pageant?
be positive role models?

14. Why did you start competing in 26. Would you say that you are a good
pageantry? role model?
27. What will you do if you win this title? 40. What do you think is the biggest
problem facing young people
28. What will be the first thing you do today?
should we crown you Miss _____ ?
41. If you could give your younger self
one piece of advice what would
29. What will be the first thing you eat that be?
after the pageant?

30. What’s the first thing you will do after 42. What do you think is the biggest
the pageant is over? problem facing teens today?

43. Why do you think that people have

31. What is your dream job? a negative image of pageantry?

32. What do you want to do for a living?

44. With the current negative media
attention about pageantry, what
33. Are you working your dream job? advice would you give someone on
the fence about competing?
34. Where do you want to go to
college? 45. Do you think that pageantry
objectifies women?

35. What do you want to study in

college? 46. Have you experienced criticism for
competing in pageantry? If so, how
36. What has been your biggest failure? did you handle it?

37. Tell us about a challenge that you 47. What would you say to someone
experienced and how you that says pageantry degrades
overcame it. women?

38. Tell us about your biggest 48. Have you ever been bullied? If so,
disappointment and how you how did you handle it?
bounced back from it.
49. How do you handle peer pressure?
39. What is the most important issue your
generation is facing?
50. Tell us about a time when you had to 62. Is social media bringing people
overcome peer pressure to do the together or causing separation?
right thing
63. Is texting hurting our communication
51. How did you prepare for this skills?

64. If you woke up tomorrow and

52. Variations of this question: gained any one ability or quality,
what would you want it to be?
53. What kind of obstacles did you have
to overcome to compete in this 65. If you could have any superhuman
pageant? power what would it be?

54. Did you hire a pageant coach to 66. If you could have the powers of any
help you prepare? super hero what would it be?

55. Who helped you prepare for this 67. If you could only have one wish,
pageant? what would you wish for?

56. What was the hardest sacrifice you 68. If I were a genie in a bottle and
had to make when preparing for this could grant you any one wish what
title? would that be? (Note: You better
wish to win the crown!)
57. Why did you select your pageant
platform? 69. What is your biggest fear?

58. Why is your platform important to 70. Tell us about your biggest weakness.

59. Why do you think your platform is 71. What is your biggest flaw?
72. What is your guilty pleasure?

60. Do you think technology is hurting

personal relationships? 73. What is your favorite food?

61. Is technology hurting our 74. What is your favorite dessert?

communication skills?
75. What is your favorite movie?
88. What is your pet peeve and why?
76. What is your favorite television show
that you have to watch weekly? 89. Do you believe in love?

90. Love or money?

77. What is your favorite book?
91. Mountainview or seaview?
78. Do you have a hidden talent?
92. What is your favorite color?
79. What is one thing that we would not
know about you just by looking at 93. What do you do on your free time?
94. Who would you want to be stuck
with in a deserted island?
80. With everything that you have going
on how will you handle the 95. Why this you choose your course?
responsibilities of the crown if you are
96. What is the greatest advice you can
81. How will you handle the
97. Day or night?
responsibilities of the crown on top of
your job, family?
98. Black or white?

99. Mom or dad?

82. How do you plan on juggling the
responsibilities of the crown with the
100. Love or career?
demands of your current life?

83. If you could visit any place in the

world where would you go?

84. Describe to us your dream vacation.

85. What has been your favorite place

you have visited?

86. Tell us about your favorite family


87. What advice did you not take and

CONTROVERSIAL PAGEANT QUESTIONS K. What problems do you see in your
current city or state? How would you
A. What are your thoughts on LGBT and
solve them?
anti-LGBT legislation?
L. Where do you see areas of
B. Do you think men and women
improvement in our country as a
have/are given the same
opportunities in life?

M. Do you think the government should

C. What are your thought on abortion
do more to help slow down climate
and a woman’s right to choose?
D. How do you think the government
N. If you could teach a new class in
should handle immigration and
school, what would it be?
illegal immigration?
O. What is something illegal that you
wanted to make legal?
E. What are your thoughts on the
separation of church and state?
P. What will you tell the cynic how
beautiful the world is?
F. What are your thoughts on the
legalization of Marijuana?
Q. Are you ready not to win the crown?
(I never consider failure.)
G. Should the government be
responsible for providing citizens with R. What subject would you teach the
access to healthcare? schools if given a chance?

H. What are your thoughts on the

growing number of corporations that S. What is your opinion on the Filipino
are based in the Philippines but subject removed from the
outsource work to other countries? curriculum? (If you were to take that
out, who else would pioneer our
language for the next generation.)
I. If you became president what would
T. Given the current economic state,
be the first thing you would do in how would you convince the
office? Filipinos that it is still more fun in the
J. What are your thoughts on poverty in
the Philippines and what would be
your solution for fixing this? U. What is you opinion on fast fashion
and how can you make it more
SAMPLE QUESTIONS WITH ANSWERS V. Do you think that the youth of today
faces more pressure of performance
I. If women were to rule the world by
than the previous generation?
2050, how different would the world
Yes. Definitely the youth today faces
much more pressure than the
Women have always been the
previous generation. They have to
leader in various aspects of life. Be it
adapt to several circumstances at
at home or in the conventional
once. This kind of pressure has made
man’s world, a woman has always
the world much more dynamic and
performed tasks and taken up
challenges equal to her
VI. Which role of a man compliments a
counterparts. By 2050, as the world
woman better – father, son, or a
would acknowledge it, there will be
peace and sensitivity, as women are
As William Shakespeare once said,
a personification of love and
“the world’s a stage and we are all
actors playing our roles.” Thus, a man
in his every role is fulfilling his duties in
II. Which quality of women gives them
life. He becomes a father, son, or a
an edge over men?
partner only with a woman, who
The quality to create and nurture the
makes him complete, and he, in
creation with tolerance, love, and
return, makes her complete.
patience gives women an edge
over men.
VII. Do you prefer a love marriage or an
arranged marriage?
III. What is the essence of being a
I strongly believe in the institution of
marriage. Marriages are made on
Winning answer by Sushmita Sen,
Earth and not in heaven. So, whether
Miss Universe 1994: “Just being a
love or arranged, a marriage is an
woman is God’s gift. The origin of a
equation solved by measuring
child is a mother, a woman. She
compatibility for life
shows a man what sharing, caring,
and loving is all about. That is the
VIII. Tell me something about yourself.
essence of a woman.”
I am an embodiment of a new
meaning of life. My purpose here, is
IV. How would you change the world if
to find the true calling of life and
you were to play God for a day?
fulfill it. This platform is one of my
Actions speak louder than words. I
steps towards reaching my goal for
would act to uplift thoughts and
this destiny, which I will decide.
sentiments of mankind, and the
change will follow automatically.
IX. Do you consider yourself to be a
giver or taker? Why?
By the virtue of being a woman, I
consider myself to be a giver as well
as taker. As a woman, I am
bestowed with the power to create
a part of nature by taking a part of My definition of success is when my
it. This is the beauty of femininity. conscience agrees with the time,
effort, money, and emotions spent
X. What would you say is the biggest on achieving the goal till the end of
problem facing our educational it and allows to me sleep peacefully
system today? Why? at night.
The biggest problem faced by our
educational system is that it believes XIV. If you could be on the cover of any
it’s a system. A system is a set magazine, which would you choose
arrangement of things. However, and why?
education means to impart I would choose Vogue, as it has
knowledge by giving and taking in been for me, a celebration of
order to empower the uneducated. womanhood, a trendsetter, a style
This has been forgotten in the guru, an example of top-notch
process of being a system, which reporting and personification of high
needs to be re-evaluated and standards of living, and above all,
learned once again. perfection.

XI. In terms of being a woman in India, XV. Who is your role model?
what is your opinion on the treatment My role model is me, because for
of women in business and otherwise? me, every day is an endeavor to do
Winning answer by Aishwarya Rai, better than yesterday.
Miss World 1994: “Society has been
defined in a certain way from time XVI. What do you expect to gain by
immemorial for all of us. We all know participating in pageants? Why?
the kind of eases and the trials that By being a part of these beauty
we could all be faced with – in any pageants, I expect to gain an
strata, in any profession. So, I think opportunity to discover my strengths
rather than feeling persecuted that and perfect them, realize my
you’re meeting up with a challenge weaknesses and transform them into
simply because of the gender you strengths, and take home the crown
belong to, I think it’s important to tonight.
face the challenge for what it is and
have your convictions together.” XVII. What has been the biggest
disappointment in your life to date?
XII. Tell me about a recent goal you My biggest disappointment would
accomplished. be the day I name one. I chose to
As I stand here in front of you, while wear my scars as my medals,
the whole wide world is watching appreciate the learning, be grateful,
over me, I am proud to say that this is and get on with life.
my recently achieved goal, with
many more in store.

XVIII. Why should we select you as our

XIII. What is your definition of success? titleholder?
You should select me to be the My greatest obstacle would be my
titleholder because, I promise to fulfill own myopic view. I would overcome
my responsibility to perfection. While it with a change of perspective.
doing so, I will strive to be a mirror to
all the aspirants and those around
me. XXV. What is the importance of beauty
pageants in today’s world?
Beauty pageants have given
XIX. Why should you win the Miss World women a platform to acknowledge
Title? their beauty, knowledge, and skills in
Winning answer by Yu Wenxia, Miss front of the world. It is an opportunity
World 2012: “When I was young, I felt to seek the better in you. Beauty
very lucky because so many people contests have also given nations to
helped me, and I hope in the future I pride themselves with a new
can help more children to feel accolade.
If God granted you one wish, what
XX. If you had one message to the would you wish for?
world, what would it be? XXVI. If God granted me one wish, I would
Live your dreams! wish for the ability to be happy. I
would wish for the strength to find my
happiness in every situation that I
XXI. What made you decide to enter this may have to face in my life.
pageant? XXVII. What is the greatest invention of all
I always knew this was my calling. time?
Every day, we are surrounded by
XXII. How important is it to look your good one of the greatest innovations of all
at all times? time, ELECTRICITY. Before it all
It is very important for me to be well began, people were living even
turned out at all times. I sincerely without it. Imagine how dark the
believe that beauty lies in the eyes world was especially at night. With
of the beholder. And I am the these being invented, it has
beholder of my beauty in my eyes. contributed so much to the
So, if I am not turned out well on the humanity. From the radiating lights in
outside, no one will make an effort to our houses to the convenient way
see what lies within me cooking using electric stoves. It has
also helped many industries in the
XXIII. If you could go anywhere in the development and growth of their
world, where would you go and businesses, especially the
why? technology industry. Little did we
Home. Because that is the place know, that ELECTRICITY is the soul of
where I’ve been the happiest. the universe and it brought the world
to light
XXIV. What is your greatest obstacle?
Why? How will you overcome that?
1.) WOMEN, MEN, GENDER 20. Do you think transgender women
are allowed to join beauty pageants
1. How different would the world be if for the naturally born women?
women were to rule the world? 21. How can you help the LGBT in
2. What does it mean to be a modern fighting for equality?
woman? 22. What project can you offer in order
3. Is life easier for women or men? to exemplify men, and women and
4. Does a woman sacrifice more than a the LGBT?
man? 23. If the winner tonight will be pregnant
5. Is gender equality a concern for during her reign, will she still be the
men? Miss _____?
6. Why is gender equality important? 24. Do you think women are better as
7. What is the difference between home makers or as corporate
gender equity, gender equality and leaders?
women’s empowerment? 25. Do you agree that before marriage
8. What is that a woman can learn women should fully disclose to their
from men? husband all surgical jobs that they
9. If women were to rule the world by have undergone?
2050, how different would the world 26. Do you think a lady president can do
be? their job better than a male
10. Which quality of women gives them president?
an edge over men? 27. Who is more beautiful or good
11. What is the essence of being a looking, a man or a woman?
woman? 28.
12. What is your role in society?
13. Why will you empower women?
14. What makes a woman empowered?
15. Have you drawn professional
inspiration from other women? Tell us
about someone who has inspired
16. What is one thing you know now
about women and work you wish
you had known earlier in your
17. What would you tell young women
who are just starting to work? What
would you like them to know?
18. What are the qualities of an
empowered woman? And how can
women be empowered while
maintaining their femininity?
19. Is chivalry dead?
2.) BEAUTY, BODY POSITIVITY, 17. Have you ever been bullied? If so,
CONFIDENCE, PAGEANTS, DREAMS how did you overcome it?
18. What would you say to someone
1. Body positivity has taken huge strides that says pageantry degrades
in today’s society, and people have
started recognizing beauty in all
19. Intelligence or looks?
forms, shapes, sizes, and even color.
20. What is the biggest challenge in
Do you think beauty pageants have
adapted and kept up with the joining beauty pageant?
diverse beauty standards that we 21. When are you most likely feel
have in the world right now? beautiful, in the salon or when you’re
2. What is your opinion on “My body in love?
my choice”? 22. How should a beauty queen
3. What does being beautiful do in this respond to ruthless criticism?
pandemic and war? 23. Do you wear the crown? Or does the
4. Do you think that winning is a crown wear you?
product of mindset, fate or hard 24. How will you describe the world to a
work? blind man?
5. What do you think is the biggest
misconception about pageants?
6. In what ways do beauty pageants
help women?
7. Why did you join this pageant?
8. How will you explain to a 5-year-old
the new concept of beautiful?
9. What is your message to your 10-
year-old self?
10. Do you consider yourself beautiful?
11. If you will win tonight, what is the first
thing you will do?
12. What is a role of a beauty queen?
13. What will you tell the cynic how
beautiful the world is?
14. Do you believe that beauty queens
are born and not made? Why or why
15. Do you agree that physical beauty
should be the main consideration in
choosing frontliners in tourism
16. Do you think being beautiful can
also be a disadvantage? Why or
why not?
3.) ENVIRONMENT, MOTHER EARTH, 19. What are some forms of renewable
GARBAGE, FAST FASHION, PLASTICS, energy? Do you use any?
20. What are the most important
1. Considering the current state of the environmental issues in the world
Earth, do you think that we will be today?
facing a big environmental problem 21. Should governments be solely
in the next 20 years? responsible for protecting the
2. Who is the greatest enemy of the environment?
earth? 22. What environmental issues might
3. What is your opinion on fast fashion exist on other planets in the
and how can you make it more universe?
23. What events in history have done
4. How would you promote tourism in
our country? most harm to the environment?
5. What do you think is the main obstacle 24. Are there any environmental issues in
that our country faces when it comes to your country?
tourism, and how do you think can you
help solve the problem?
25. Do you think recycling is important?
6. What environmental issues do you 26. Are older people as concerned
care the most about? about the environment as younger
7. What environmental issues are people?
evident in your local area? 27. Which celebrities are involved with
8. How can people improve the environmental issues?
environment that we live in? 28. What changes in the weather might
9. What can you do personally to we see in the future?
reduce your carbon footprint? 29. What strategies are helping to
10. Which countries have the worst improve the environment that we
pollution? live in?
11. Describe the effects that pollution 30. How does meat consumption
can have upon people’s health? contribute to global warming?
12. Do you think that global warming is a
13. Can you describe how global
warming is affecting our planet?
14. If global warming continues, what
will happen in the future?
15. What might humans be able to do in
the future to deal with environmental
16. Are you concerned about climate
17. What things do you do to protect
the world that we live in?
18. Has pollution always been an issue?

1. What steps or measures need to be 1. Is religion a way to peace?

taken in order to eradicate Poverty? 2. What does being beautiful do in this
2. How can you help people in poverty pandemic and war?
situations? 3. When do you believe that your faith
3. What are your thoughts on poverty in in God is at its strongest?
the Philippines and what would be
your solution for fixing this?
4. Do you think the government should
do more to help slow down climate
5. Should the government be
responsible for providing citizens with
access to healthcare?
6. Isn’t poverty a choice?
7. Why does poverty still exist?
8. Do you believe that the rich are
growing richer and the poor are
growing poorer?
9. What do you think is the leading
cause of poverty?
10. How does unemployment affect the
11. How will you encourage the youth to
have a healthy living?
6.) Mental health, Depression, 7.)Pandemic, Future, Hope
Pressure 1. What is your biggest realization after
1. Why is mental health as important as experiencing the Pandemic? How
physical health? will this help you with your life moving
2. How do you handle stress? forward?
3. How do you handle 2. How will you help _______ rise again,
disappointment? after this pandemic?
4. What is your advocacy and why? 3. What is your dream for ______ that
5. If you can sense that your friend is you hoped to be achieved in the
depressed, what will you tell them to next 10 years?
open up? 4. What does being beautiful do in this
pandemic and war?
5. What is the first thing that you will do
after this pandemic?
6. How did you adapt to the new
normal of life?
7. In this time of uncertainty, how can
you inspire others to remain hopeful?
8. What is the relevance of beauty
pageant in this pandemic?
8.)Country, Nation, Unity, Law, History 9.) Life, Wish, Self, Experiences,
1. What do you think is the greatest rule
Success, Failure, Love
of law ever known? 1. If you could only have one wish,
2. If ignorance is bliss, why do you seek what would it be? And why?
knowledge? 2. If you wake up tomorrow and gain
3. What time in history will you go any one quality or ability, what
back? would it be?
4. What is the difference between a 3. If you have to live your life all over
historian and a Marites? again, what part of your life will you
5. Given the current economic state, change?
how will you convince the Filipino 4. What is the best teacher, success or
that it’s still more fun in the failure?
Philippines? 5. What is the most powerful tool for
6. If you could change one law in the success?
Philippines, what would it be? 6. What is the biggest mistake that
7. Philippines has been through a you’ve ever done?
number of challenges recently, 7. When you look at the mirror what do
calamities, terrorism, etc. Do you you see?
believe that these challenges 8. How would you write the final
strengthen the unity of the people? chapter of your life?
8. Who do you think is the best person 9. Which significant moment in your life
that best portrays the strength of a influence you the most?
Filipino? 10. Who is the best person to marry? Best
friend or the person you love?
11. Who are you most likely to fall in love
with, handsome rich old man? Or
handsome poor young man?
10.)Youth, Generation, Drugs 11.)Social Media, Technology,
1. What is the most important issue your
generation facing?
2. If you see your brother using illegal 1. What do you think is man’s
drugs, what would you do to prevent greatest contribution to the
him from addiction? world?
3. What is the biggest problem the girls 2. What are the advantages and
your age is facing today? disadvantages of social media?
3. What is the biggest influence of
social media to the youth?
4. Can you survive without access to
the internet in one whole year?
5. If you were to scientifically and
technologically invent something,
what would it be and why?
6. What can you do to fight fake
7. What is the best invention in
ENDING and BASE STATEMENTS God, Faith, Hopeful

Beauty • With God, nothing is impossible.

para-Dios nada es impossible
• Beauty captures the eyes; good
• When the time is right, God will make
character captures the heart.
it happen.
La belleza puede captar los ojos, el
buen carácter captura el corazón.
• Beauty pageants should be holistic, Dreams
beauty on the inside and outside. • We all are forces to be reckoned
• True representation should with and nothing can get in the way
completely shy away from the of our hopes and our dreams.
conventional standards of beauty • When the time is right, God will make
that we are trying to achieve. it happen.
• • My true mission is to show to the
General world that magic happens when we
refuse to give up because the
• Today is better than yesterday and
universe always listens to a stubborn
the best is yet to come.
hodie quam here, et optima, Est
• We are today's people; we are full of
tamen Melius venire
dreams and ambition and so we
• We are today's people; we are full of
need to have a solid foundation.
dreams and ambition and so we
• The accumulation of the different
need to have a solid foundation.
experiences that i have been
• We must be optimistic enough to
through both good and bad has
believe that today is better than
molded me into becoming the
yesterday and the best is yet to
distinct individual that i am today.
• Remember to always believe in
• We should do everything for the
everything that you are because
betterment of ________ because this
there is something inside you that is
is our CITY, our HOME.
so much greater than any obstacle.
• I alone cannot change the world but
i can cast a stone across the waters Youth
to create many ripples • We are today's people; we are full of
• Individually, we are a drop but dreams and ambition and so we
together we are an ocean. need to have a solid foundation.

Law/ Rules

• Ignorance to the law excuses no one

Women impact to social development would
create an educated, extra-cautious
• As what Dayana Mendoza said, Men
and well-informed society.
thought that the best way to go to a
point is to go straight, but women Discrimination, Bullying
know, that the best way to go to a
• As society we need to release
point is to follow every curve and fix
ourselves from the authority that we
every curls.
tend to exercise other people's lives.
• Women can do what she set her
• Your value does not decrease base
mind and heart into.
on someone's inability to see your
Help others, Love worth.
• Remember to always believe in
• It's not about how much you do, it's
everything that you are because
how much love you put into what
there is something inside you that is
you do that counts.
so much greater than any obstacle.
• Its only in giving that we will survive
• Culture, Places

Leaders • Phil has been a melting pot of

economic, cultural, social and
• Leadership is to transform vision into
spiritual diversities that lead us to a
rich history and it became our
• As one country we can prevail.
emblem of pride to the rest of the
• We have just to acknowledge our
strengths as a community and
• If you really think that the promote it so that the world can see
environment is less important than its beauty and the hospitability of the
the economy then try holding your people.
breath while counting your money.
• If we nurture our nature, we'll
definitely have a better future. • We are the building blocks of the
government’s economic
• Education is the passport to the
future and tomorrow belongs for
those who prepare for it.
• Awareness and education are two
key solutions to mitigate the spread
of this problem in our society.
Engaging into volunteerism and
social works that primarily deals with
information dissemination on its

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