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THE STAR, TUESDAY 1 OCTOBER 2019 Bright Kids 5


When passion and

career come together
Dr Wong Siew Chin
SBIS Principal

ASKING your child what they want to be

Between their many choices,
when they grow up can draw blank stares. our children may opt for the
They might have many career options they more convenient option,
are excited to explore, or they have yet to
decide on the path they wish to take. which is to go with the
Between their many choices, our children flow and not put too
may opt for the more convenient option,
which is to go with the flow and not put too much thought into it.
much thought into it. Some undeniably will
gravitate towards the expectations set by
their loved ones instead of finding what they cofounders built a sustainable business for
are passionate about. a good cause.
A unique feature of Sri Bestari Bestarians have the opportunity to listen
International School (SBIS) is its Tag Talks, to great stories and understand that they
which seeks to help students answer this are the co-author of their own stories. To
crucial question: “Who am I?” put it strongly, when the effort to embrace
Tag Talks aim to inspire students by inconveniences supports the intention,
exposing them to successful stories shared success follows. – By Dr Wong Siew Chin
by young men and women who have
intentionally embraced all the Dr Wong believes that children should
inconveniences in life, dared to be different be reminded to remain true to themselves
and faced challenges with grit. Learning from passionate individuals from various fields, such as Fave cofounder Yeoh Chen and be intentional in building their own
Bestarians have been very privileged to Chao, will help SBIS students find their own passions. identity – to know their calling in life,
hear from various speakers from all walks of learn how to do it well and create value in
life, such as fellow Bestarian and The Next how much insight they have gained through should begin exploring and thinking about the world. A mother of two and still a
Academy founder Josh Teng, Picha Project these Tag Talks. They get to learn about what they want to do with their lives now. teacher at heart, she considers it a
cofounder Suzanne Ling, astrophysicist Dr various industries, the nature and meaning Tag Talks help Bestarians know that they privilege that her students and children
Nur Adlyka, physicist and author Viola Ho, of work, the speakers’ motivations and can be successful and make a difference in define her identity.
concept art designer Johnson Ting and our lessons from real-life failures. whatever they have set their sights upon. An
recent speaker, Fave cofounder Yeoh Chen It is doubly gratifying as some of the excellent example is Picha Project cofounder n For more information, call 011-5139
Chao. invited speakers were also my students. Suzanne Ling, who believed so much in 7866 or 03-6273 1072, or email info_sbis@
It is always great to hear from Bestarians I want young Bestarians to know that they helping refugees that she and her other

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