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Optimal shape design of a floating body for

minimal water wave forces
D Lee* and I Son
Department of Mechanical Engineering, Dongeui University, Busanjin-gu, Busan, Korea

The manuscript was received on 17 April 2011 and was accepted after revision for publication on 7 June 2011.

DOI: 10.1177/0954406211415200

Abstract: Water waves are the most significant excitation source for floating vessels. The motion
of floating vessels needs to be stable against a random water wave environment. In this study, the
authors try to find an optimal shape for a floating body that gives minimal water wave excitation
forces for a given water wave over a predefined frequency band. First, we propose a shape opti-
mization formulation with a displacement constraint of which the objective function is to min-
imize water–structure interaction forces. For the calculation of water wave forces, high-order
boundary-element analysis software is developed under an assumption of linear hydrodynamic
potential theory. The analysis software is plugged into an optimization toolbox in MATLAB soft-
ware in order to find the optimum under-water shape of the floating body. Two numerical exam-
ples are introduced to show the validity of the proposed optimization formulation: hemisphere
and pontoon problems. Various shapes that give minimal heave and/or surge water-excitation
forces are sought.

Keywords: optimal shape design, water wave, boundary-element method, hydrodynamic force

1 INTRODUCTION Therefore, the floating body itself should be designed

to be as stable as possible. This research study aims to
Water–structure interaction is very important for find the optimal shape of a floating body under excit-
floating structures on the ocean surface. Floating ing water wave loads. The major external force on a
structures undergo harmonic motion due to water floating body comes from water waves. So, the min-
wave forces under relatively small incident wave imization of external forces due to water waves will
amplitudes. Recently, the mobile harbour concept, result in the minimal motion of the floating structure.
which can be considered as a floating body under However, the water wave forces are dependent
operational conditions has been proposed. Since upon the shape of structure, which makes the opti-
the main role of the mobile harbour is to load and mal-shape-finding problem very difficult; we need a
unload containers on the ocean surface, the stability mathematical programming technique to solve the
of the structure is extremely important. To maintain various problems in this situation.
the stability of a floating body on stochastic waves of Linear potential theory gives an efficient method to
ocean surface, several devices, such as anti-roll tanks calculate hydrodynamic loadings that solves the
and active control systems, have been considered as wave diffraction and radiation problems [3]. To cal-
prototypes [1, 2]. However, these devices can stand culate hydrodynamic loadings of a floating body
firmer on an intrinsically stable floating body. due to water waves, the boundary-element method
(BEM) is widely used because of the unbounded
*Corresponding author. Department of Mechanical Engineering, domain of the problem [4]. First Hess and Smith [5]
Dongeui University, 995 Eomgwangno, Busanjin-gu, Busan, 614- introduced the constant panel method to solve the
714, Korea. incompressible potential flow for arbitrary three-
email: dimensional floating bodies. The higher order BEM

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Optimal shape design 753

was investigated by Liu et al. [6], Taylor and Chau [7], 2 BOUNDARY-ELEMENT ANALYSIS FOR
and Teng and Taylor [8], and was found to have HYDRODYNAMIC FORCES
superior performance in terms of accuracy and effi-
ciency compared to the constant panel method. First, we need to calculate the hydrodynamic forces
Maniar [9] used a B-spline basis function to represent acting on the floating body; the BEM is a popular
both the geometry and the potentials, and Kim and method for this hydrodynamic force calculation. In
Shin [10] introduced the NURBS panel in their this section, a high-order BEM (HOBEM) to calculate
formulation. hydrodynamic forces is explained.
Optimization problems for a floating body on
water have been only rarely found because of the 2.1. Hydrodynamics of a floating body
complicated hydrodynamic analysis and large com-
putation effort. Kagemoto [11] identified a cylinder Consider a floating body on a water surface as shown
array that gives minimal drift force in head seas. in Fig. 1. The floating body has zero forward speed
Clauss and Birk [12] proposed a general optimiza- and an incident wave comes from the negative x-
tion formulation for offshore structures and applied direction to the positive x-direction. We assume that
it to various offshore structures such as a tension- the fluid is inviscid, incompressible, and irrotational.
leg platform. They used WAMIT software [13] for Then, there exists a velocity potential such that
hydrodynamic analysis; this software is based on
potential theory and the panel method. They and ðx, y, z, t Þ ¼ ðx, y, zÞei!t ð1Þ
their colleagues also extended their results to where t is time, ! is angular frequency, and  is the
design automation and multiobjectives to global harmonic component of the velocity potential.
optimization problems [12, 14–17]. Percival et al. The movement of the floating body radiates water
[18] optimized ship hull forms for minimal calm- waves. We assume that the floating body undergoes
water drag with a simple computational fluid harmonic motion for each direction as follows
dynamics (CFD) tool. Tahara et al. [19] integrated
computer-aided design (CAD), CFD, and a multiob- Xj ¼ j ei!t , j ¼ 1,    , 6, ð2Þ
jective optimizer to obtain the stern form of a
tanker. Damaren [20] investigated an optimization where j is the amplitude of the harmonic motion in
problem of a thin floating plate to maximize the the jth-direction. Considering the radiation of the
damping coefficient using variational formulation floating body and the diffraction of the incident
and analytic sensitivity expressions. Elchahal et al. wave, the velocity potential can be expressed as [3]
[21] proposed a shape design formulation of float- " #
ing breakwaters to reduce the structural weight of ðx,y,zÞ ¼ Re _
j j ðx,y,zÞ þ AA ðx,y,zÞ
a breakwater under hydrodynamic and structural j¼1
constraints. Recently, Grigoropoulos and Chalkias " #
[22] presented a multiobjective evolutionary opti- ¼ Re i!j j ðx,y,zÞ þ Að0 ðx,y,zÞ þ 7 ðx,y,zÞÞ
mization methodology for the hull form in calm j¼1
and rough water using the Rankin source panel ð3Þ
method. Zalek et al. [23] also treated a trade-off
where Re denotes the real part of the argument,
problem between calm-water resistance and
seakeeping using the numerically approximated A ¼ 0 þ 7 , A is the amplitude of the incident
Pareto front. Campana et al. [24] discussed the
design sensitivity analysis methods in the ship
hydrodynamic design.
In spite of many researches for over the last few
decades, the shape optimization problem for a float-
ing body on water waves such as, for example, a
mobile harbour, a pontoon, and an offshore platform,
remains a challenging area. In this paper, an optimi-
zation problem for minimizing water wave forces of a
floating body is newly formulated. The optimization
formulation is applied to a simple hemisphere and
a pontoon-like structure. The optimum shapes for
minimum water–structure interaction force are
sought for various cases. Fig. 1 A floating body on the water surface

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f f
wave, and ’0 and ’7 are the velocity potentials for the Mjk and Cjk are defined as the added mass and damp-
incident and diffracted waves, respectively. ing coefficient, respectively. Similarly, the diffraction
With the symbols of the boundary as shown in force can be obtained as follows
Fig. 2, the velocity potentials should satisfy the Z
Laplace equation such that Fj ¼ i! ð0 þ 7 Þ d
r2 j ¼ 0 2 , j ¼ 0, 1,    , 7 ð4Þ Z ð8Þ
@j @0
¼ i! ð0 þ j Þd
We assume an infinite depth of water. Then, line- @n @n
arized boundary conditions for the velocity potentials
can be written as follows where Fj is the resulting force due to the incident
wave in the jth-direction. Finally, one can obtain
 kj ¼ 0, on F , j ¼ 0, 1,    , 7 the system equations of motion for the floating
pffiffiffiffi @Re½j  body as
lim R þ kIm½j  ¼ 0 on
R!1 @R 6 
X h i h i h i
f f f
1 , j ¼ 1,    , 7 ð5Þ !2 Mjks þ Mjk  i! Cjks þ Cjk  Kjks þ Kjk
¼ nj , on B , j ¼ 1,    , 6  uk ¼ Fj , j ¼ 1,    , 6, ð9Þ
@7 @0 where Mjks , Cjks , Kjks , and Kjk are the mass matrix of the
¼ , on B
@n @n structure, the damping matrix of the structure, the
where k is the wavenumber (¼!2/g), g is the gravita- stiffness matrix of the structure, and the restoring
tional acceleration, and n (¼n1, n2, n3) is the unit force coefficient due to the fluid, respectively. In
normal vector defined towards the structure. Here,
ffi this study, the incident wave is represented as follows
ðn4 , n5 , n6 Þ ¼ ðx, y, zÞ  ðn1 , n2 , n3 Þ and R ¼ x 2 þ y 2
igA kz ikx cos iky sin 
Once the velocity potentials are known, the hydro- 0 ¼ e e ð10Þ
dynamic forces can be calculated from the Bernoulli
equation such that where  is the angle between the incident wave and
the x-axis.
pj ¼ i!j , j ¼ 1,    , 6, ð6Þ

where p is pressure and  is density. The resulting 2.2. The HOBEM

forces due to the radiation can be obtained by inte-
To calculate the velocity potentials that satisfy the
grating the pressure over the water–structure contact
governing equation, equation (4), and the boundary
boundary as follows
conditions, equation (5), a BEM is used because of its
2 @j f f simplicity in preprocessing and ease in treating the
Fjk ¼ ! uk j d  !2 uk Mjk  i!uk Cjk
@n infinite domain. The boundary integral equation for
the hydrodynamic problem can be written from
ð7Þ Green’s third identity as
where Fjk is the hydrodynamic force in the jth-direc- Z
1 ~þ @G ~
tion due to the motion of the floating body, uk, and j ðÞ j ð x~ Þ ð x~ , Þdð x~ Þ
2 @n
Z ð11Þ
@j ~
¼ ð x~ ÞGð x~ , Þdð x~ Þ, x~ 2 B , j ¼ 1, ..., 7,

where x~ ¼ ðx1 , x2 , x3 Þ and ~ ¼ ð1 , 2 , 3 Þ are source and

field points, respectively. The symbol G refers to
Green’s solution for infinite depth and is defined as
" Z1 ðx3 þ3 Þ 
~ 1 1 1 e
Gð x~ , Þ ¼ þ þ 2k J0 ðRÞd
4 r r1 k
þ i2keðx3 þ3 Þ J0 ðRÞ ð12Þ
Fig. 2 Schematic diagram of boundaries

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qffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi qffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi
where R ¼ ðx1 1 Þ2 þðx2 2 Þ2 , r ¼ R 2 þðx3 3 Þ2 , solution of the exterior problem at the resonant fre-
quency of the corresponding interior problem [3].
and r1 ¼ R 2 þðx3 þ3 Þ2 . J0 is the first-kind Bessel
The Burton–Miller approach [29] can overcome the
irregular frequency problem, but it was not imple-
To solve the boundary integral equation, the
mented in this study.
boundary of the structure body surface is discretized
by boundary elements, and the equations are com-
puted element by element by approximating the 3 OPTIMAL UNDER-WATER SHAPE FOR
domain and variables with shape functions. Then, MINIMUM FORCES
the assembling of the equations results in a set of
algebraic equations that can be solved using a con- Water waves are the most significant excitation
ventional matrix solver. For hydrodynamic forces, a source for floating vessels. The motion of a floating
constant-element method known as the constant- body needs to be stable against a random water wave
panel method is usually used because the singular environment. The design objective of this study is to
integral of the boundary integral equation becomes minimize the motion of the floating body by mini-
a simple expression when a constant element is used. mizing the external forces due to water waves. For
Recently, in spite of its complexity in the singular example, a mobile harbour, which has been recently
integration, a high-order element that approximates introduced as a new concept of maritime logistics, is a
the boundary and variables as quadratic functions floating body on the water. The mobile harbour must
has become popular because the higher order ele- keep on-ship crane motion as minimal as possible
ments can reduce the total degrees of freedom and against random water waves so that the crane can
give more accurate results [6]. safely load and unload containers. In this section,
For the analysis of hydrodynamic forces, a bound- an optimization problem for minimization of water
ary-element analysis code that uses a high-order wave forces is proposed for the floating body. The
boundary element has been developed. Figure 3 optimization formulation is applied to find under-
shows the eight-node quadrilateral boundary ele- water shapes of the floating body that give minimum
ment developed in this study. To calculate Green’s water–structure interaction forces.
function, Telste and Noblesse’s FORTRAN subrou-
tine [25] is plugged into the code. In addition, we 3.1. Minimum force optimization formulation
introduce a polar transformation in order to
remove the Oð1=rÞ singularity in equation (11). The Considering a floating body with zero speed on the
details of the singularity integration can be found in water surface, the motion of the floating body is gov-
[26, 27]. To verify the developed code, the hemi- erned by equation (9), which consists of external
sphere problem shown in Fig. 1 is solved, and the forces and dynamic structural properties of the
results are compared with those of the analytic solu- floating body. The external forces come from the
tion [28]. Figure 4 shows the boundary-element water waves and the dynamic properties determine
mesh for the hemisphere problem. In Fig. 5, the anal- the transfer functions as an amplification factor.
ysis results with a fine mesh density (432 elements) Therefore, minimal water wave forces will result in
are compared with those of the analytic solution. In only slight motion of the floating body, except
Fig. 5, one can see that the two results are in good around the resonant region. In the resonant region,
agreement, except at a few frequencies. The irregular damping properties due to radiation and viscosity
frequencies come from the non-uniqueness of the effects of the water are a major influence on the

Fig. 3 A high-order boundary element

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Fig. 4 A BE mesh for a hemisphere problem

motion of the floating body. In this study, only exter- used in this study. The boundary-element code
nal water wave forces will be considered in finding described in the previous section is used to calculate
optimum shapes in order to reduce the motion of the hydrodynamic forces on the floating body.
the floating body.
Water wave forces on the floating body are depen- 3.2. A hemisphere problem
dent on the under-water shape of the floating body.
So, we selected an under-water shape of the floating As a first example, the hemisphere problem in Fig. 1 is
body as a design variable. In addition, the displace- introduced. It is assumed that a unit-amplitude wave
ment of the floating body should be kept as a constant comes from the x-direction and the radius of the
because the displacement is a major function of the hemisphere is 1 m. The shape of the under-water sec-
floating body and is proportional to the volume of the tion is assumed to be axisymmetric and parameter-
floating body below the water line. Therefore, an opti- ized by cubic splines with five control points as
mization problem can be defined as follows. shown in Fig. 6. So, the design variables of the hemi-
sphere problem are the z-coordinates at the equally
~ such that
Find ðbÞ spaced control points. The initial volume is kept as a
Z !b constant for the displacement constraint.
minimize  ¼ ~ !Þd!
ðb; Two different objective functions are examined
!a ð13Þ
here for the hemisphere problem: the first objective
~ ¼ V0
subject to V ððbÞÞ function is the water wave force in the vertical direc-
b~ l  b~  b~ u tion (case I), and the second objective is the force in
the pitch-moment direction (case II), which cause
where  is the under-water shape of the floating heave and pitch motions, respectively. The frequency
body,  is the objective function, V is the under- ranges are set to wavenumbers of 0–2.0 for both cases.
water volume of the floating body, and b~ is the Figures 7 and 8 show the optimized shape and the
design variable vector. b~ l and b~ u are the lower and vertical forces, respectively, for case I. Figures 9
upper bounds of the design variables, respectively. and 10 show the optimized shape and the moment,
The design formulation is defined over the consid- respectively, for case II. For case I, the objective func-
ered frequency range. The optimization problem is tion has been reduced by 9.8 per cent from the initial
solved by using a gradient-based optimizer, the hemisphere shape to the optimum shape over the
‘fmincon’ function in MATLAB [30]. For gradient considered frequency range, as shown in Fig. 8,
information, a forward finite-difference method is which validates the optimization formulation of

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(a) Added mass


0.9 Analytic Sol.(surge)

Analytic Sol.(heave)
0.7 HOBEM(heave)







0 1 2 3 4 5
ω L/g
Fig. 7 Optimized shape for a hemisphere problem:
(b) Damping coefficient
case I
Analytic Sol.(Surge)
Analytic Sol.(Heave)
0.4 HOBEM(Surge)
HOBEM(Heave) 2

1.8 Initial

1.6 X-direction
Normalized Wave Forces

0.2 1.4 Optimized


0 2 4 0.6
ω L/g

Fig. 5 Comparison of the analysis results with those of 0.2

the analytic solution for a hemisphere problem.
(a) Added mass and (b) damping coefficient 0 0.5 1 1.5 2

Fig. 8 Water wave forces for case I

the hemisphere shape has an overall minimum pitch

moment, a conical shape is selected as the initial
shape for case II. The objective function for case II
has been reduced by 68.5 per cent at the optimum
shape. In Fig. 10, one can see that the pitch
moment has also decreased over the considered fre-
quency range. However, the optimum shape did not
converge to the hemisphere shape where the objec-
tive function is the global minimum, which also
Fig. 6 Design variables in a hemisphere problem shows the limitation of the gradient-based local
approach, although at the local minimum the perfor-
mance has drastically improved during the iterations.
equation (13). However, one can see that the x-direc-
tion force that is not considered in case I is sacrificed 3.3. A pontoon problem
to increase the objective function. Case II is used to
minimize the pitch moment (F5) in order to reduce A pontoon is a floating body that supports offshore
the pitch motion of the hemisphere. Since, in case II, structures on the water surface. The objective of the

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second example is to design an under-water shape for diagram for the pontoon problem. To control the
the pontoon that gives minimum forces against an under-water shape of the pontoon, 10 design vari-
incident water wave. Figure 11 shows a schematic ables that represent the depths from the water
surface are selected as shown in Fig. 11. The under-
water body shape is then generated by bi-cubic



3000 Initial




0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0
ω R/g
Fig. 9 Optimized shape for a hemisphere problem:
case II Fig. 10 Water wave forces for case II

Fig. 11 A pontoon problem

Fig. 12 Boundary-element mesh at the initial design for a pontoon problem

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Fig. 13 Optimized shape for a pontoon problem: case I

Fig. 14 Optimized shape for a pontoon problem: case II

Fig. 15 Optimized shape for a pontoon problem: case III

splines aligned symmetrically along the centre-line. 2.0 rad/s. The second case (case II) minimizes both
The displacement of the pontoon is set to 7000 tons. the vertical (z-direction) and front–back(x-direction)
Figure 12 shows the boundary-element mesh, which forces at a single frequency, 1.05 rad/s. The selected
has 416 eight-node quadrilateral elements and 1309 frequency is the peak frequency of a typical water
nodes at the initial shape. The incident wave comes wave loading in the ocean. Case III is the same as
from the x-direction, just as in the previous example. case II, except for the front–back symmetry condi-
In this example, three cases are considered for tion. The front–back symmetry condition is applied
optimization. In the first case (case I), the objective in case III with respect to the y-axis. Figures 13 and 16
function is the vertical water wave force due to the show the results of case I. Only 5.3 per cent of the
incident wave with a frequency range of 0.001– objective function, compared to the initial value,

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3.0x10 F1
(a) 7
2.0x10 Optimized


0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 0.0
ω(rad/sec) 0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0
Fig. 16 Water wave force for case I: F3
(b) F3

F1 Optimized
(a) 6 6
2.0x10 1.5x10


6 6
1.5x10 1.0x10

6 5
1.0x10 5.0x10

5.0x10 0.0
0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0

0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0
Fig. 18 Water wave forces for a pontoon problem: case
III. (a) F1 and (b) F3

(b) F3
on the resulting force. Figures 14 and 17 show the
Initial optimization results for case II. As can be seen in
Fig. 17, the formulation of case II resulted in a
major reduction of the x-direction force in spite of
considering both x-direction and vertical forces.

Figures 15 and 18 show the optimization results for

case III. This case is a subset of case II so that the
amount of force reduction is less than that of case
II, as can be seen in Fig. 18. In addition, it is noticeable
that the optimum shape in Fig. 15 is very similar to
0.0 that of a ship.
0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0

Fig. 17 Water wave forces for a pontoon problem: 4 CONCLUSIONS

case II. (a) F1 and (b) F3
An optimization formulation to design an under-
water shape for a floating body on water is proposed
has been reduced in case I. In Fig. 16, we can see that from the viewpoint of minimal water–structure inter-
the water wave force was reduced slightly in the low- action forces. To analyse the hydrodynamic forces
frequency range and a little beyond 1 rad/s. This is exerted on the structure of a floating body, the
because in the low-frequency band, the wavelengths HOBEM is used with eight-node quadrilateral ele-
are very large compared to the length of the pontoon, ments. The design objective is to minimize water
so that the shape of the pontoon has little influence wave forces under the displacement constraint. The

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Optimal shape design 761

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Mjk added mass
30 Mathworks. Optimization toolbox user’s guide: p pressure
for use with MATLAB, 2000 Mathworks Inc.,
t time
Natick, MA.
j amplitude of harmonic motion
APPENDIX  density
 objective function
Notation  velocity potential
! angular velocity
A amplitude of incident wave
b~ design variable vector

Proc. IMechE Vol. 226 Part C: J. Mechanical Engineering Science

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