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I have read the English and the Chinese version of the book.

Here are some deep understanding

of me and the things that i have saw on tic-talk that are really good.

People would say that the four character in this book would represent the different period of
people’s life. When we are young, we would be like monkey king, mischievous, making trouble
every where. When we are growing up, we will be like Zhu Ba Jie, too lazy to do anything. By the
middle age, we would be like the Monk Sha, carry a lot of thing for the team or the family. When
we get old, we would be like Tang Seng: full of knowledge and very emotional.

Also, this four could seen as a team. Tang Seng is the leader, who give a lot of options and direct
the team. Monkey king is the one who have the most ability and have been control by the leader
to do good things. Pig Ba Jie is the one who just being lazy and drag the team back. Monk Sha
would be the one who carries the most and try to stop in-team fight.

In "Journey to the West", the five masters and disciples of Monkey King, Tang Seng, Zhu Bajie,
Sha Monk, and Bai Longma are just one person! Monkey King is the heart of man, Monk Tang is
the body of man, Zhu Bajie is the passion of man, Monk Sha is the nature of man, and the white
dragon horse is the willpower of man.

Monkey king is the student of “斜月三星洞”, which in Chinese it is exactly how the word heart
write. Also there is an old book from china called “leng yan jing”( 楞严经). in there it says hart
have 72 different feelings, so does monkey have 72 different things to change into.

Monkey king can do a flip that goes eighteen kilometers, that is exactly how far the final destiny is
from the where they started. So this show that as the heart wants to be good, then it is very easy
and it cost less. The five masters and apprentices fighting monsters on the Xitian Road actually
refers to a person's elimination of the demons on the road of life, and learning the scriptures is a
process of cultivating the mind.

There is one chapter that monkey king draw a circle on the ground to help his master. This is the
limit set by the mind, but the human body (Tang Seng) will always be led by desire (Pig Bajie)! as
the result of walking out the circle. they encounter various heart demons and monsters right
after that.

Monkey King killed six robbers on the road. In the original work, the names of the six robbers
were "seeing happiness, hearing anger, smelling love, tasting tongue, worrying about body, and
desire for opinion". These are the six. Monkey King killed the six roots, indicating that the
cleanness of the six roots is the foundation of learning from the scriptures. The white dragon
horse is willpower, and the human will is like a wild horse at first. Only when the goal of
advancement is determined can one concentrate on obtaining the truth. To reconcile the little
white dragon and reach the agreement, as long as the agreement is consistent and the ambition
is firm, there is no west heaven that cannot be reached.

The three images of the bone spirit represent a person's affection, love, and desire. The heart
kills them all, indicating that we must control our own affection, love, and desire on the way of
life, and don't let them become obstacles to our progress. Purple gold gourd, dangling gold rope
(king of golden horn, king of silver horn) and Jin Chong (yellow eyebrow monster) are money, and
the heart (monkey king) is easy to be trapped by money! And that is why he was caught.

The True and False Monkey King, a Wukong who has a true heart to the Buddha defeats a
Wukong who is not sincere to the Buddha. In fact, his two wills are fighting against each other,
and they are two hearts of one person. The book clearly stated that this difficulty was born by the
demons of the four masters and apprentices, Monkey King’s "heart of madness", and Tang Seng's
"heart of ignorance" that does not distinguish between true and false, but Zhu Bajie Drifters
refused to say The "heart of jealousy" of affection, the "heart of jealousy" between the master
and apprentice brothers. After giving birth to "two hearts", you must get rid of the second heart.
Only when you get rid of the two hearts and one mind can you succeed! So the fake Monkey King
was killed, and the masters and apprentices were able to continue on the road.

The mind (Monkey King) was named the fighting sacred Buddha, and the body (Tang Seng) was
named the Tantan Kungfu Buddha. To be a man, he must fit his mind and body in order to obtain
the truth. Erotic desire (Zhu Bajie) was named a messenger of the pure altar, and the desire
cannot be abstained, so it was finally named a messenger only. The nature (sand monk) was
named the golden arhat because nature is as precious as gold. Willpower (White Dragon Horse)
was named as the Eight Heavenly Dragon Dharma protectors, we have to defend our ideas at all
times, so we are sealed as Dharma protectors.

In the end, the reason why the Buddha gave the teacher and apprentice the wordless sutra is
because the wordless sutra is the true sutra. The "sutra" of the wordless sutra means
"experience", and the "experience" on this road is the more important "sutra"(experience). , Far
better than those words. A person, after experiencing all the things in the world, can still
maintain a true heart, even if he has not reached the west, he has already become a Buddha in
his heart. Perseverance, it is a diamond, since the heart has become a crystal, then the hoop on
the heart (Wukong's head) does not need to exist.

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