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John Christ C. Reyes.

Science and Technology

BScrim – 1B Mr. Gunos

The evolution of science is like a boon to the world, as human beings come to know a lot
about the world they are living in including the activities they indulge into. Furthermore,
the development of technology along with the advancement in Science helps to bring in
a revolution in various fields such as medicine, agriculture, education, information and
technology, and many more. In the present world, if we think of any sort of development,
then the presence of science and technology cannot be ignored. encompasses the
systematic study of the structure and behaviour of the physical and natural world through
observation and experiment, and technology is the application of scientific knowledge for
practical purposes. Oxford Reference provides more than 210,000 concise definitions and
in-depth, specialist encyclopedic entries on the wide range of subjects within these broad
Our coverage comprises authoritative, highly accessible information on the very latest
terminology, concepts, theories, techniques, people, and organizations relating to all
areas of science and technology—from astronomy, engineering, physics, computer
science, and mathematics, to life and earth sciences, chemistry, environmental science,
biology, and psychology. Written by trusted experts for researchers at every level, entries
are complemented by illustrative line drawings, equations, and charts wherever useful.
Science & Technology Studies is an international peer-reviewed journal dedicated to the
advancement of scholarly studies of science and technology as socio-material
phenomena, including their historical and contemporary production and their associated
forms of knowledge, expertise, social organization and controversy. This includes interest
in developing Science and Technology Studies' own knowledge production techniques,
methodology and interventions. The journal welcomes high quality contributions that are
based on substantial theoretical or empirical engagement with the multidisciplinary field
of science and technology studies, including contributions from anthropology, sociology,
history, philosophy, political science, educational science and communication studies.
Science and Technology have always been an integral part of Indian culture. Natural
philosophy, as it was termed in those ancient times, was pursued vigorously at institutions
of higher learning. The Indian Renaissance, which coincided with our independence
struggle, at the dawn of 1900s witnessed great strides made by Indian scientists. This
innate ability to perform creatively in science came to be backed with an institutional setup
and strong state support after the country’s independence in 1947. Since then, the
Government of India has spared no effort to establish a modern S&T infrastructure in the
country. The Department of Science and Technology plays a pivotal role in promotion of
science and technology in the country.
This section offers detailed information pertaining to scientific education and scientific
research & development. Details of policies, schemes, documents and programmes for
scientists, researchers, scholars, students, etc. are also available.

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