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Choose the correct crossing a,b.cor d Everyone knows that “smoking is bad for you”. You know that if you start smoking ‘that 3 of you wil dic from it. And for the most part, that’s about all you know, Is this ‘enough reason to not smoke? No, it's not, and here's. why, ‘Teenagers are immortal. Teenagers live forever. At least that's the way it seemed when | was a teenager. People’s perception of time is logarithmic and when your 18 a “half lifetimes” is 9 years. Your parents are 2 ~ 3 half lifetimes older than you and you grandparents are 4 — 6 half lifetimes older than you and in your mind that is like eternity and beyond the scope of your imagination. Thus, in your mind, the health effect from smoking is so far off in the future that it's beyond the limits of you're imagination. Besides, Surely by then they will cure cancer, right? aswer by eventually bad for us? 2.How many percent that smokers are going to die? a.hundred befifty cthirty dawenty five 3.What disease is mentioned in the text because of smoking? a.Caneer cc, heart b.Mind —— d. mental 4.*And for the most part, that’s about all you know. The words “you” refers 0... a.the smoker b.the reader cathe writer duteenagers S.What is the main idea of the paragraph? a x3 of you will die if you start smoking », teenagers are immortal c. everyone knows smoking 4.smoking is bad for you Dear Eva Pye got a family problem. My mom doesn’t seem to trust my brother at all My brother was a drug addict but [think no stays clear now. Sometimes I'm afraid that my brother will go back to drugs. Pye tried to tell my mom to give a little trust to my brother but he usually gets angry and says that he is a useless boy. My mom seem to always be against us us, me and my siblings. This situation sometimes makes me feel inferior and therefore 1 can hardly trust my friend, What should I do? Yours Mack Mark Junior 6.Who writes the letter? a.Eva b.Mark T. Junior Mark's brother d.Mark’s mom 7.Who doesn’t trust Mark’s brother? a.Mark’s mother b.Mark’s father ‘c.Mark’s family d.Mark’s friend 8.Why does Mark’s mom doesn’t seem {0 trust Mark’s brother? a.Mark’s brother is always against someone else b.Mark’s brother is an addict in the past «c.Mark’s brother is useless <.Mark’s brother does wrong things 9.What is the synonym of the word “addict”? It is .. a.problem b.dependency edrug, ‘ against 10. Does Mark try to tell her mom to trust his brother? a.Yes, but itis useless b-Yes, but he is afraid e.Yes he does, but his brother goes back to drugs 4.Yes he does, but he gets nothing, because her mother get angry 11. ...he is @ useless boy. ‘The “boy” here refers to.. a. Mark b-Mark’s friend Mark's brother Eva in 12. An old man: It’s too heavy A boy: Yes, with pleasure. a. May I help you? b. Can J help you? c. Need any help. 4d. Can you help me? 13, Yana: You look very busy,Diana wd Diana: Thanks, but [ can do it myself, "NEXT a.Do you need any help? b.Can you help me ¢.Are you busy d.Are you okay 14, Ana is calling Heni. ‘Ana: HenizYes, it’s me, Her |. Who is speaking? ‘Ana: Itis me, Ana. ‘a.May I speak to Heni? b.Can you tell Heni c.Are Heri at home Hay, Heni 15. Anis: Do you ... that boy, Isna? Isna : I don’t know who 1s he. avunderstand bhelp c.recognize 16. Doni: Do you agree if teenagers try to taste smoke? ‘Angga: ... smoking is harmful and dangerous to our health. a.] agree but bil disagree e.1 think so 4.Yes, I know exactly you mean ‘The Borobudur Temple Have you seen Borobudur temple? It is the biggest Buddist temple in the world, It's considered as one of the Seven Wonders of the World. Borobudur temple is situated at South of Magelang, Central Java. at is about 14 kilometers from the city of Yogiakarta. Borobudur lies on the top of smail hill. Borobudurr is made of dark gray volcanic stones. Its height is 15 meters and 15.129 square meters in large. It has ten floors. In the top, there is biggest stupa, People believe ones who can touch the statue inside the stupa, their wishes will be accepted. 17. What is considered as one of the seven wonder of the world according to the text? a. Yogyakarta b Ruddhist temple ¢.Borobudur temple d.Magelang 18. Where is borobudur temple situated? Yogyakarta b.Magelang, ¢.Central Java 4.4 kilometres Yogyakarta 19. What is Borobudur temples made from? a.cement bastone c.iton dwoleanic stones. 20. How height is Borobudur temple? a.35 metres 12.129 meters ¢.14 kilometres d.Ten meters 21, What is in the top of the temple? a.sinall statues bastupa c.statue inside stupa d.biggest stupa 22. What is the main idea of the first paragraph? a.Borobudur is the biggest Buddhist temple in the world b.Borobudur is located at South of Magelang ¢.Borobudur is made of volcanic stones The stupa in Borobudur 23. ...their wishes will be accepted. ‘The word “their refers to ... a.Buddhist b.Ones c.People d isitor Places of interest Ragunan Zoo Jakarta’s 185 hectares (462.5 acres) ragunan Zoo is the best landscaped 200 in Indonesia, provoding a close to native habitat for more than 3,600 animal and bird species, among which ‘many are protected species ‘Taman Mini Indonesia Indah Opened in 1975, the 20 hectares (280 acre) Taman Mini, presents the culture and ethnic diversity of the Indonesian archipelago in permanent exhibits of traditional architecture representing the provinces of the country. Performances of traditional art and folk theater are held regularly, usually on Sundays. Taman Mini also has its own aviary with about 600 bird species native to Indonesia, and an orchid garden with representative of about 3,000 species. 24, What does Ragunan Zoo offer us? a.beautifil park b.landscape zoo c.culture village d.protected species 25. How many species are protected in the 200? a,462,5 species b.Many species €.185 animal 43.600 animal 26. What does Taman Mini Indonesia Indah (TMI) present for us? 8.300 species of orchid b.Beautiful kid fun eThe cultural and ethnic diversity of Indonesia 4.600 bird species 27. When the traditional art and folk are usually held? aeveryday b.on Sunday c.every other week da half day 28. Does TMIT have 6000 bird species? a.yes, it does b.Yes, itis No, it doesn’t No, it isn’t Dear Dea, My friends, I have a problem finding friend. I hope that you can help me. | am considered as a smart student in class, My classmates often depend on me for help. They talk to me or phone me only when they need help with their assignment, or when they don’t understand something. Other than that, they don’t care about me at all. 1 don’t know why and what’s wrong with me. Sometimes I feel that I'm being used. How can I find true friend? I'm waiting ‘your replay soon. Best wishes Annis 29. Who write the leter? a.Dea does b.Annis does c. The witer The reader 30. What problem does Annis have? ashe has a problem about her family bshe has a problem finding a help e.she has a problem about finding friend dishe has a problem about her study 31. Who depend on Annis according to her letter? 32. 33. 34. 35, her classmates b.Dea Her family der friend ‘To whom is the letter for? a.Annis is biThe writer classmates are e.Dea is The reader is ‘The word “I” refers to... aAnnis b.The reader e.Dea d.The classmates Tina: Do you agree if parents give ‘much pocket money to their children? Sisca: ... {think children must learn how to save their money. a.Yes, Ido bil disagree cl agree dT think so ‘Your mother cooks very delicious food. How do you express it? 2,you look so fantastic, Mom b.your food is nice, Mom cathat’s a good food what a delicious food is this, Mom 36, 37. wan: Dad, you look so busy, Father: Thank you, can you take me a pliers, Son? a.are you okay bare you all right can Thelp you 4.Can you help me, Dad? It was the first time for me traveled to Jakarta. My uncle invited me to go aroud in Jakarta. 1 never though that crowded. The traffic gam happened everywhere. T and my uncle first went t0 ‘Ancol. We arrived there at 10.00 am. we played in the beach while having grilled fish. It wsa very delicious. Then we saw Pasar Seni to watch art souvenir. My uncle buys ulos ans Asmat sculpture. ‘About 12 o'clock, we launched to the National Monument. 1 was very impressed, We went up to the top to see the eternal goes and a whole Jakarta from the height. We used a telescope to see the city. And at about 3.00 pam, we left home. How many people were in the trip? bgwo c.three d.four 38. What did the writer and his uncle do in Ancol? They ... a.saw Pasar Seni bbuhad breakfast ‘c.swam in the beach played in the beach, had grilled fish saw Pasar Seni 39. The writer's uncle bought these following things in Pasar Seni, except ... alos b.Asmat soulpture ¢.Ulos and Asmat sculpture 4.Grilled fish 40. . What time did the writer arrive in ‘National monument? a. 10 o°elock ba] o’clock c.12 o'clock 4.07.00 o'clock 41. What could people see from the top of the National Monument? athe sea and mountains b.the whole city of Jakarta c.Ancol d.Pasar Seni 42, Bunaken is a famous place for its a. Lake d. strait b.beach c.mountain 43, Mother: Toni, ... I'm afraid you'll get influenza. Toni: Yes, Mom. a.don’t play in the rain b.don't play in the street cedon't smoke here d.bring your clothes 44, Having long journey for recreation is called... a.pienic barip evoyage travel Kata Famed fot its spectacular sunset, this one sleepy fishing village has ‘become a busthing tourist resort in recent years. The surf is excellent for board and body surfing. 45, What is Kuta famous for? It’s famous for its a.village boity c.island d.beach 46, What activities do the tourists can enjoy in Kuta? asleep in the village swimming .surving and seeing spectacular sunset d.busthing the tourist 47. Lola: Look, Mr. Hamdan brings .-books. Let’s help him Dian: That’s a good idea, aa lotof b.many e.much dany 48. Mother: Sin, can you add ...sugar in my tea? Sinta : Okay, Mom a.few bilitle eamuch da lotof Read the dialog! Dina: Hello ...2 (49) Mr. Juned: Yes, it’s Mr. Juned, who is speaking, please? Dina :1'm dina, Sir your student Mr.Juned : Why you call me so early, Dina? Dina: 'm sorry, Sir, Tam absent today. My mother is ill. She is in the hospital. Mr.Juned : ...(50) I hope she will get well soon. Dina: Thank you,Sir 49. a, Do you Mr.Juned? b.May I speak to Mr. Juned . Are you Mr. Juned? djJs there Mr. Juned? 50. a. I's all right b.l'm okay . I'm sorry to hear that d. Yes, you may * Good Luck“

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