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1 MAX 2X + 5Y
st x + 2y ≤ 16 x + 2y = 16 (16, 8) 40
5x + 3y ≤ 45 (9, 15) A ( 0, 0) = 0
x, y ≥ 0 B ( 0, 8) = 40 30
C (6,5) = 12 +25 = 37
Identify the feasible region. D (9, 0) = 18 20


2 RMC, Inc., is a small firm that produces a variety of chemical products. In a particular production
process, three raw materials are blended (mixed together) to produce two products:
a fuel additive and a solvent base. Each ton of fuel additive is a mixture of 2/5 ton of material
1 and 3/5 of material 3. A ton of solvent base is a mixture of 1/2 ton of material 1, 1/5 ton of
material 2, and 3/10 ton of material 3. After deducting relevant costs, the profit contribution is
$40 for every ton of fuel additive produced and $30 for every ton of solvent base produced.
RMC’s production is constrained by a limited availability of the three raw materials. For the
current production period, RMC has available the following quantities of each raw material:
x = fuel additive
Raw Material Amount Available for Production Objective function:
Material 1 20 tons Max $40x + $30y
Material 2 5 tons st 2/5x + 1/2y ≤ 20
Material 3 21 tons 1/5y ≤ 5
3/5x + 3/10y ≤ 21
x, y ≥ 0

Assuming that RMC is interested in maximizing the total profit contribution, answer the
a. What is the linear programming model for this problem?
b. Find the optimal solution using the graphical solution procedure. How many tons of
each product should be produced, and what is the projected total profit contribution?

3 Which of the following mathematical relationships could be found in a linear programming

model, and which could not? For the relationships that are unacceptable for linear
programs, state why.
a. -1A + 2B ≤ 70
b. 2A - 2B = 50
c. 1A - 2B^2 ≤ 10
d. 3√A 1 2B ≥ 15
e. 1A + 1B = 6
f. 2A + 5B + 1AB ≤ 25

A municipality has two incinerators for burning trash. Incinerator A costs $3 .80 per ton
of trash to operate, and has a capacity of 28 tons per day . Incinerator B costs $4 .25 per
ton to operate, and has a capacity of 30 tons per day . The municipality produces over
100 tons of trash per day, and all trash not burned in the incinerators must be buried in a
land fill at a cost of $5 .00 per ton . The city manager wants to minimize costs by burning
as much trash as possible . However, the city must conform to environmental
regulations limiting production of pollutants from burning in the incinerators to 180
pounds of hydrocarbons and 640 pounds of particulates a day . Incinerator A produces 3
pounds of hydrocarbons and 20 pounds of particulates for every ton of trash burned,
and incinerator B produces 5 pounds of hydrocarbons and 10 pounds of particulates for
every ton of trash .

Determine the optimum amount of trash to burn in each incinerator .

4 M&D Chemicals produces two products that are sold as raw materials to companies manufacturing
bath soaps and laundry detergents. Based on an analysis of current inventory
levels and potential demand for the coming month, M&D’s management specified that
the combined production for products A and B must total at least 350 gallons. Separately,
a major customer’s order for 125 gallons of product A must also be satisfied. Product A
requires 2 hours of processing time per gallon and product B requires 1 hour of processing
time per gallon. For the coming month, 600 hours of processing time are available. M&D’s
objective is to satisfy these requirements at a minimum total production cost. Production
costs are $2 per gallon for product A and $3 per gallon for product B.
[x + 2y ≤ 16] -5
-5x -10y = -80 80
5x + 3y ≤ 45 (x + 2y = 16) -3
-7y=-35 (5x + 3y = 45) 2

ticular production

on of material
l 1, 1/5 ton of
t contribution is
ase produced.
erials. For the 1/5y ≤ 5
aw material: 2/5x + 1/2y ≤ 20
y = solvent base x ,y

c 3/5x + 3/10y ≤ 21
(35 , 70 2/5x + 1/2y ≤ 20
x ,y
10 20 30 40 50
A (0, 25)
d (35, 0)

anies manufacturing


f processing
ble. M&D’s

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