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The Support and Challenge Matrix

Definition of Support

What are the characteristics of People that portray Support

How do u like being supported?

The upsides and downsides of Support

Definition of Challenge

Characteristics of a challenger

How do u like being challenged?

Advantages and disadvantages


Support is the heart of CF and it means focusing on people by having an environment where

individuals are heard, feel encouraged, valued, and safe.

Characteristics of Supporter

 They value people/ People oriented persons

 They offer resources directly or indirectly- for instance making sure people have what

they need to perform job well e.g Systems and processes, e.g doing homework for other,

coaching and teaching new skills.

 They make time for others- create time to be present during interactions, they give people

their undivided attention to show that they truly care and value

 They are great communicators- they are wonderful active listeners, show empathy and

communicate understanding.

 They create space for people to be treasured, affirmed, encouraged and made safe- For

instance, giving words of encouragement to others which would linger with them for
along time. Like a certain person said, People do not remember what you said or did, but

treasure and remember what u made them feel. For some they feel supported when given

freedom that is no constant check in.

How do you like being supported?

Everything in excess can be negative.

Downsides of Support

 The Supporter may have feelings of burnout and resentment- This could occur because

they are not appreciated. For instance, Supporters making time to doing all chores.

 The Supportee/ Supported may have feelings of being micromanaged, i.e Having a

boss always checking up on u.

 The Supported may have feelings mistrusted- Because the support/supporter is always

offering ideas.

Upsides of Support

 They are people focused

 They create space for people to share their opinions

 They offer praise, encouragement, and affirmation.

 They are good communicators- Active listeners, empathy, and understanding

 They reinforce positive behaviour

 They give valuable resources.


Challenge is stepping out of comfort zone in order to grow exponentially. Accountability and

Responsibility for behaviour and performance.


 They are direct

 They are not afraid of confrontations

 They set deadlines

 They are logical beings

 They ensure full responsibility and accountability for their actions.

How do u like being challenged?

Challenge can lead to growth but too much of it is detrimental.


 For the Challenged- Feelings of Manipulation and fear- Parents getting u to study a

course you do not feel and you do not want to disappoint them

 For the Challenged-Feelings of frustration and discouragement- having doubts on

doing a challenging project/position because of lack of experience.

 For the Challenged- Feelings of being criticized hard- a volunteer.

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