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Bio Co STP

With the help of a carefully chosen combination of naturally existing microorganisms, Bio
Co STP treats sewage very well by degrading organic molecules. The specialized non-
genetically modified microbe strains in Bio Co STP are specially designed to clean
wastewater without harming the environment. These bacteria turn wastewater into energy
that supports their growth and reproduction by decomposing contaminants like BOD, COD,
proteins, and carbohydrates. Additionally, Bio CO STP's specialized bacterial strains enable
it to efficiently handle a variety of contaminants found in sewage, including ammonia from
excess urine, kitchen grease, bathroom detergents, and detergent oils. As a highly effective
sewage treatment method, Bio Co microorganisms are excellent at dissolving complex
organic chemicals into simpler ones.

Bioinnovation India
A03, Katraj, Pune -411046
Ph:- +91 8918729328
Manage the odor caused by Hydrogen Sulphide (H2S): -
Wastewater treatment systems often suffer from unpleasant odors caused by hydrogen
sulfide (H2S), a highly toxic gas that can corrode the materials used in sewer and treatment
plant construction. This gas is created during the anaerobic breakdown of Sulphur- and
nitrogen-containing organic material, which happens frequently in sludge and domestic
wastewater. Ammonia, carbon dioxide, and methane are some other inorganic gases
produced during decomposition. H2S is the most pervasive and pungent of these gases. Iron,
zinc, copper, lead, and cadmium are just a few of the metals that it can corrode. It also gives
off a distinctive rotten egg odour. Since the circumstances that contribute to H2S generation
often encourage the production of other offensive chemical compounds, addressing H2S
odour problems can frequently aid in the resolution of other odour problems as well.
Desulfovibrio desulfuricans, a bacterium frequently found in both human and animal
digestive tracts, is the main producer of H2S. These bacteria may consume many types of
organic materials, such as amino acids, polysaccharides, and organic acids when in an
oxygen-limited environment. They are obligate anaerobes that only use ammonia as their
only supply of nitrogen and sulphate as their source of oxygen. These reactions typically take
place in lagoon sludge and the slime layer that forms on collecting pipes.
Since the facultative anaerobic strains in Bio Co STP formulations utilize nitrate as a
hydrogen acceptor and grow more rapidly than the Sulphur-reducing pure anaerobes, these
bacteria cannot effectively compete with them.

Eliminate the yellow coloration and excess ammonia resulting from urine in
the treated water: -
Bio Co uses a carefully chosen mixture of naturally occurring bacterial strains, such as
Nitrobacter and Nitrosomonas, to effectively break down organic waste-derived nutrients
including ammonia, nitrogen, and phosphorus. The production of nitrite and nitrate is
likewise hindered by the removal of these nutrients. This is crucial because the interaction
of these substances with ammonia may result in a lack of dissolved oxygen in the biological
system. Following the removal of these nutrients, the mixed liquor suspended solids (MLSS)
can expand quickly, improving the clarity and lowering the yellowness of the treated water.
With Bio Co STP, the removal of nutrients is carried out in a very effective manner, producing
cleaner, clearer, and environmentally safe water.

Bioinnovation India
A03, Katraj, Pune -411046
Ph:- +91 8918729328
Advantages offered by Bio Co STP: -

 Reduce foaming in biological tank.

 Suppresses harmful bacterial growth.
 Degrade high COD & BOD.
 Rapidly increase in MLSS & MLVSS.
 Reduce plant commissioning time.
 Reduce oil, detergent and ammonia.
 Stabilize shock load.
 Improve overall efficiency of the plant.
 Effective under most environment condition.
 Reduce foul odour from plant.
 Excess sludge generation is reduce.

Area of application
 Activated sludge Process
 Membrane Bio reactor
 Sequencing batch reactor
 Moving bed bio reactor
 Water Bodies
 Extended Aeration system

Application Matrix
 Mix 1 kg of Bio Co bioculture powder in 20 Liter water in normal water.
 Stir well and remain in bucket for 30 minutes (for bacteria activation)
 After 30 minutes, directly dose at inlet of tank.

Dosage schedule
 Dosing depends upon the organic load, contaminants and volume of waste water.
 Our team will provide the complete dosing schedule according to the plant details.

Bioinnovation India
A03, Katraj, Pune -411046
Ph:- +91 8918729328

Appearance Off White Colour

Physical State Powdered Form

Odour Odourless

Moisture Content 6-7 %

Mesh Size 0.6 mm

Packaging 1 kg Aluminium zip lock


pH 6.5-7.5

Temperature 5 – 55-degree Celsius

Reactivation rate 99 % after addition to water

Concentration Highly Concentrated

Shelf Life 2 years

Bioinnovation India
A03, Katraj, Pune -411046
Ph:- +91 8918729328

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