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Class Rules

1. Respect Everyone: Treat your classmates, teachers, and guests with

kindness and respect. Listen when others are speaking, and avoid

interrupting or making hurtful comments.

2. Be Punctual: Arrive to class on time and be prepared with your

materials. Punctuality shows responsibility and helps everyone make

the most of our learning time.

3. Stay Engaged: Participate actively in class discussions, activities, and

assignments. Your engagement contributes to a dynamic and

productive learning environment.

4. Raise Your Hand: Raise your hand if you have a question or want to

contribute to the discussion. This helps maintain an organized and

respectful class atmosphere.

5. Use Technology Wisely: When using devices for educational

purposes, stay focused on the task at hand. Avoid distractions like

social media during class time.

6. Respect Personal Space: Give each other personal space and avoid

disruptive behaviors. Keep your area tidy and be mindful of the

classroom environment.
7. Follow Instructions: Listen carefully to instructions from the teacher

and follow them. Following directions helps keep the class running


8. Complete Homework: Complete assignments and homework on time

to reinforce your learning and participate effectively in class


9. No Bullying or Harassment: Bullying, teasing, and harassment will not

be tolerated. Everyone deserves to feel safe and valued in our


10. Be Responsible: Take responsibility for your actions, your learning, and

your belongings. Be accountable for your behavior and decisions.

11. Ask for Help: If you're struggling with a concept or need assistance,

don't hesitate to ask for help from the teacher or your peers.

12. Use Quiet Voices: Use appropriate indoor voices during class

discussions and activities to maintain a peaceful and focused


13. Respect Materials: Treat classroom materials, textbooks, and

technology with care. Return borrowed items in the same condition you

received them.
14. Stay Seated: Remain seated during lessons, unless instructed

otherwise. This helps minimize distractions and keeps the class


15. Be Open-Minded: Embrace new ideas, perspectives, and differences.

Learning from one another enhances our classroom experience.

16. Sleeping and using electronic products are not allowed:Sleeping

and electronic devices are not allowed without the teacher's permission

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